//dirname(__FILE__) . "/edihist/ibr_io.php"); // // php may output line endings if include files are utf-8 ob_clean(); if (isset($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'])) { $ibr_upldir = csv_edih_basedir(); $ibr_tmp = csv_edih_tmpdir(); } else { die("EDI History: Did not get directory path information!"); } // if we are not set up, create directories and csv files //if (!is_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/edihist' . IBR_HISTORY_DIR) ) { if (!is_dir($ibr_upldir)) { // echo "setup with base directory: {$ibr_upldir} <br />" . PHP_EOL; $is_set = csv_setup($html_str); if (!$is_set) { print $html_str; csv_clear_tmpdir(); exit; } } /* ******* remove functions to separate file ******* */ /* * functions called in the if stanzas are now in ibr_io.php */ if (strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post') { // if (isset($_POST['NewFiles'])) { // process new files button clicked $html_str = ibr_disp_newfiles();
require_once "{$srcdir}/edihistory/codes/edih_997_codes.php"; // // php may output line endings with included files ob_clean(); if (isset($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'])) { $edih_base_dir = csv_edih_basedir(); $edih_tmp_dir = csv_edih_tmpdir(); } else { die("EDI History: Did not get directory path information!"); } // if we are not set up, create directories and csv files //if (!is_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/edihist' . IBR_HISTORY_DIR) ) { if (!is_dir($edih_tmp_dir)) { // //echo "setup with base directory: $edih_base_dir <br />" .PHP_EOL; if (csv_setup() == true) { $html_str = ''; if (is_dir($edih_tmp_dir)) { csv_clear_tmpdir(); } } else { print $html_str; exit; } } // avoid unitialized variable error $html_str = ''; // debug if (count($_GET)) { $dbg_str = "_GET request " . PHP_EOL; foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {