Beispiel #1
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
$startnum = inet_aton(DEFAULTROUTE);
$endnum = inet_aton(ALLNETS);
// if a specific network template exists, use that, else use generic template
$template = new IPplanIPTemplate("basetemplate", $cust);
$err = $template->is_error();
$result = $ds->GetBase($startnum, $endnum, '', $cust);
while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
    echo inet_ntoa($row["baseaddr"]) . FIELDS_TERMINATED_BY . $row["descrip"] . FIELDS_TERMINATED_BY . inet_ntoa(inet_aton(ALLNETS) + 1 - $row["subnetsize"]) . FIELDS_TERMINATED_BY;
    if (!$err) {
        $result_template =& $ds->ds->Execute("SELECT info, infobin\n                FROM baseadd\n                WHERE baseindex=" . $row["baseindex"]);
        if ($rowadd = $result_template->FetchRow()) {
            foreach ($template->userfld as $arr) {
                $tmpfield = csv_escape($arr["value"]);
                echo FIELDS_TERMINATED_BY . $arr["value"];
    echo "\n";
// wrap any multiline string with quotes
// this function only works with php 5 and above
function csv_escape($str)
    if (PHP_VERSION >= 5) {
        $str = str_replace(array('"', ',', "\n", "\r"), array('""', ',', "\n", "\r"), $str, $count);
        if ($count) {
            return '"' . $str . '"';
        } else {
if ($is_editor) {
    if (isset($_GET['enc']) and $_GET['enc'] == '1253') {
        $charset = 'Windows-1253';
    } else {
        $charset = 'UTF-8';
    $crlf = "\r\n";
    header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset={$charset}");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=groupuserduration.csv");
    if (isset($_REQUEST['u_date_start']) and isset($_REQUEST['u_date_end'])) {
        $u_date_start = $_REQUEST['u_date_start'];
        $u_date_end = $_REQUEST['u_date_end'];
    } else {
        $min_date = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MIN(day) AS minday FROM actions_daily WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->minday;
        $u_date_start = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($min_date));
        $u_date_end = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime('now'));
    if (isset($u_date_start) and isset($u_date_end)) {
        $first_line = "{$langFrom} {$u_date_start} {$langAs} {$u_date_end}";
    } else {
        $date_spec = '';
    echo csv_escape($first_line), $crlf, $crlf, join(';', array_map("csv_escape", array($langSurname, $langName, $langAm, $langGroup, $langDuration))), $crlf;
    $totalDuration = 0;
    $result = user_duration_query($course_id, $u_date_start, $u_date_end, $group_id);
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        echo csv_escape($row->surname) . ";" . csv_escape($row->givenname) . ";" . csv_escape($row->am) . ";" . csv_escape($group_name) . ";" . csv_escape(format_time_duration(0 + $row->duration)) . ";" . csv_escape(round($row->duration / 3600));
        echo $crlf;
            $answer_total = 0;
            foreach ($answers as $a) {
                $answer_counts[] = $a->count;
                $answer_total += $a->count;
                if ($a->aid < 0) {
                    $answer_text[] = $langPollUnknown;
                } else {
                    $answer_text[] = $a->answer;
            echo csv_escape($langAnswers), ';', csv_escape($langResults), ' (%)', $crlf;
            foreach ($answer_counts as $i => $count) {
                $percentage = round(100 * ($count / $answer_total));
                $label = $answer_text[$i];
                echo csv_escape($label), ';', csv_escape($count), ';', csv_escape($percentage), $crlf;
            echo $crlf;
        } else {
            // free text questions
            echo csv_escape($q->question_text), $crlf;
            $answers = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT answer_text, user_id FROM poll_answer_record\n                                                           WHERE qid = ?d", $q->pqid);
            $k = 0;
            foreach ($answers as $a) {
                $student_name = $anonymized ? "{$langStudent} {$k}" : uid_to_name($a->user_id);
                echo csv_escape($student_name), ';', csv_escape($a->answer_text), $crlf;
            echo $crlf;
Beispiel #4
    $pageName = $langUserDuration;
    $navigation[] = array('url' => 'index.php?course=' . $course_code, 'name' => $langUsage);
    statistics_tools($course_code, "userduration");
    // display number of users
    $tool_content .= "\n        <div class='alert alert-info'>\n           <b>{$langDumpUserDurationToFile}: </b>1. <a href='userduration.php?course={$course_code}&amp;format=csv'>{$langcsvenc2}</a>\n                2. <a href='userduration.php?course={$course_code}&amp;format=csv&amp;enc=1253'>{$langcsvenc1}</a>\n          </div>";
    $tool_content .= "\n        <table class='tbl_alt' width='99%'>\n        <tr>\n          <th class='left'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$langSurname} {$langName}</th>\n          <th>{$langAm}</th>\n          <th>{$langGroup}</th>\n          <th>{$langDuration}</th>\n        </tr>";
$result = user_duration_query($course_id);
if (count($result) > 0) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        $grp_name = user_groups($course_id, $row->id, $format);
        if ($format == 'html') {
            if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                $tool_content .= "<tr class='even'>";
            } else {
                $tool_content .= "<tr class='odd'>";
            $tool_content .= "<td class='bullet'>" . display_user($row->id) . "</td>\n                                <td class='center'>{$row->am}</td>\n                                <td class='center'>{$grp_name}</td>\n                                <td class='center'>" . format_time_duration(0 + $row->duration) . "</td>\n                                </tr>";
        } else {
            echo csv_escape($row->surname . ' ' . $row->givenname), ';', csv_escape($row->am), ';', csv_escape($grp_name), ';', csv_escape(format_time_duration(0 + $row->duration)), $crlf;
    if ($format == 'html') {
        $tool_content .= "</table>";
if ($format == 'html') {
    draw($tool_content, 2);
Beispiel #5
            } else {
                $answers = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT COUNT(arid) AS count, answer_text, user_id FROM poll_answer_record
                                                           WHERE qid = ?d GROUP BY answer_text", $q->pqid);                
            $answer_counts = array();
            $answer_text = array();
            $answer_total = 0;
            foreach ($answers as $a) {
                $answer_counts[] = $a->count;
                $answer_total += $a->count;
                if ($q->qtype == QTYPE_SINGLE or $q->qtype == QTYPE_MULTIPLE) {
                    if ($a->aid < 0) {
                        $answer_text[] = $langPollUnknown;
                    } else {
                        $answer_text[] = $a->answer;
                } else {
                    $answer_text[] = $a->answer_text;
            echo csv_escape($langAnswers), ';', csv_escape($langResults), ';', csv_escape($langResults), ' (%)', $crlf;
            foreach ($answer_counts as $i => $count) {
                $percentage = round(100 * ($count / $answer_total));
                $label = $answer_text[$i];
                echo csv_escape($label), ';', csv_escape($count), ';', csv_escape($percentage), $crlf;
            echo $crlf;

// display a list of user and their respective progress
$sql = "SELECT U.`surname`, U.`givenname`, U.`id`
		FROM `user` AS U, `course_user` AS CU
		WHERE U.`id`= CU.`user_id`
		AND CU.`course_id` = $course_id
		ORDER BY U.`surname` ASC, U.`givenname` ASC";
$usersList = get_limited_list($sql, 500000);
foreach ($usersList as $user) {
    echo "$crlf";
    $learningPathList = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT learnPath_id FROM lp_learnPath WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);
    $iterator = 1;
    $globalprog = 0;

    foreach ($learningPathList as $learningPath) {
        // % progress
        $prog = get_learnPath_progress($learningPath->learnPath_id, $user->id);
        if ($prog >= 0) {
            $globalprog += $prog;
    $total = round($globalprog / ($iterator - 1));
    echo csv_escape(uid_to_name($user->id)) .
    ";" . csv_escape(uid_to_am($user->id)) .
    ";" . csv_escape(user_groups($course_id, $user->id, 'csv')) .
    ";" . $total . "%";
echo $crlf;
Beispiel #7
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        $grp_name = user_groups($course_id, $row->id, $format);
        if ($format == 'html') {
            if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                $tool_content .= "<tr class='even'>";
            } else {
                $tool_content .= "<tr class='odd'>";
            $tool_content .= "<td class='bullet'>" . display_user($row->id) . "</td>
                                <td class='center'>$row->am</td>
                                <td class='center'>$grp_name</td>
                                <td class='center'>" . format_time_duration(0 + $row->duration) . "</td>
        } else {
            echo csv_escape($row->surname . ' ' . $row->givenname), ';',
            csv_escape($row->am), ';',
            csv_escape($grp_name), ';',
            csv_escape(format_time_duration(0 + $row->duration)), $crlf;
    if ($format == 'html') {
        $tool_content .= "</table>";

if ($format == 'html') {
    draw($tool_content, 2);
Beispiel #8
        $sid = $row->uid;
        $surname = uid_to_name($sid,'surname');
        $name = uid_to_name($sid,'givenname');
        $am = uid_to_am($sid);

        $result2 = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(record_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d / %H:%i') AS record_start_date,
			record_end_date, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(record_end_date, record_start_date)) AS time_duration,
			total_score, total_weighting
			FROM `exercise_user_record` WHERE uid = ?d AND eid = ?d", $sid, $exerciseId);
        foreach ($result2 as $row2) {
            $output .= csv_escape($surname) . "\t";
            $output .= csv_escape($name) . "\t";
            $output .= csv_escape($am) . "\t";
            $recordStartDate = $row2->record_start_date;
            $output .= csv_escape($recordStartDate) . "\t";
            if ($row2->time_duration == '00:00:00' or empty($row2->time_duration)) { // for compatibility
                $output .= csv_escape($langNotRecorded) . "\t";
            } else {
                $output .= csv_escape(format_time_duration($row2->time_duration)) . "\t";
            $totalScore = $row2->total_score;
            $totalWeighting = $row2->total_weighting;
            $output .= csv_escape("( $totalScore/$totalWeighting )") . "\t";
            $output .= "$crlf";
    echo iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE', $output);
}  // end of initial if

    $charset = 'Windows-1253';
    $sendSep = true;
} else {
    $charset = 'UTF-8';
    $sendSep = false;
$crlf = "\r\n";

header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=$charset");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=listattendanceusers.csv");

if ($sendSep) {
    echo 'sep=;', $crlf;

$sql = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT id, title FROM attendance_activities WHERE attendance_id = ?d", $_GET['attendance_id']);
foreach ($sql as $act) {
    $title = !empty($act->title) ? $act->title : $langGradebookNoTitle;
    echo csv_escape($title). "$crlf";
    echo join(';', array_map("csv_escape", array($langSurname, $langName, $langAm, $langUsername, $langEmail, $langAttendanceAbsences)));
    echo $crlf;
    $sql2 = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT uid, attend FROM attendance_book WHERE attendance_activity_id = ?d", $act->id);
    foreach ($sql2 as $u) {
        $userdata = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT surname, givenname, username, am, email FROM user WHERE id = ?d", $u->uid);
        echo join(';', array_map("csv_escape", array($userdata->surname, $userdata->givenname, $userdata->am, $userdata->username, $userdata->email, $u->attend)));
        echo "$crlf";
    echo "$crlf";
    echo "$crlf";
Beispiel #10
    $crlf = "\r\n";
    $output = "{$bom}{$langSurname}\t{$langName}\t{$langAm}\t{$langExerciseStart}\t{$langExerciseDuration}\t{$langYourTotalScore2}{$crlf}";
    $output .= "{$crlf}";
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM `exercise_user_record` WHERE eid = ?d", $exerciseId);
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        $sid = $row->uid;
        $surname = uid_to_name($sid, 'surname');
        $name = uid_to_name($sid, 'givenname');
        $am = uid_to_am($sid);
        $result2 = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(record_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d / %H:%i') AS record_start_date,\n\t\t\trecord_end_date, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(record_end_date, record_start_date)) AS time_duration,\n\t\t\ttotal_score, total_weighting\n\t\t\tFROM `exercise_user_record` WHERE uid = ?d AND eid = ?d", $sid, $exerciseId);
        foreach ($result2 as $row2) {
            $output .= csv_escape($surname) . "\t";
            $output .= csv_escape($name) . "\t";
            $output .= csv_escape($am) . "\t";
            $recordStartDate = $row2->record_start_date;
            $output .= csv_escape($recordStartDate) . "\t";
            if ($row2->time_duration == '00:00:00' or empty($row2->time_duration)) {
                // for compatibility
                $output .= csv_escape($langNotRecorded) . "\t";
            } else {
                $output .= csv_escape(format_time_duration($row2->time_duration)) . "\t";
            $totalScore = $row2->total_score;
            $totalWeighting = $row2->total_weighting;
            $output .= csv_escape("( {$totalScore}/{$totalWeighting} )") . "\t";
            $output .= "{$crlf}";
    echo iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE', $output);
// end of initial if
Beispiel #11
    $u_date_start = $_REQUEST['u_date_start'];
    $u_date_end = $_REQUEST['u_date_end'];
} else {
    $min_date = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT MIN(day) AS minday FROM actions_daily WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->minday;        
    $u_date_start = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($min_date));
    $u_date_end = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime('now'));

if (isset($u_date_start) and isset($u_date_end)) {
    $first_line = "$langFrom $u_date_start $langAs $u_date_end";
} else {
    $date_spec = '';
echo csv_escape($first_line), $crlf, $crlf,
join(';', array_map("csv_escape", array($langSurname, $langName, $langAm, $langGroup, $langDuration))),
$totalDuration = 0;

$result = user_duration_query($course_id, $u_date_start, $u_date_end, $group_id);

foreach ($result as $row) {
    echo csv_escape($row->surname) . ";" .
    csv_escape($row->givenname) . ";" .
    csv_escape($row->am) . ";" .
    csv_escape($group_name) . ";" .
    csv_escape(format_time_duration(0 + $row->duration)) . ";" .
    csv_escape(round($row->duration / 3600));
    echo $crlf;

Beispiel #12
            echo csv_escape($for);
            if (is_array($friend['meeting_sex'])) {
                $sex = implode(' ', $friend['meeting_sex']);
            } else {
                $sex = '';
            echo csv_escape($sex);
            if (is_array($friend['interests'])) {
                $interests = implode(' ', $friend['interests']);
            } else {
                $interests = '';
            echo csv_escape($interests);
            echo csv_escape($friend['uid']);
            echo csv_escape($friend['profile_url']);
            echo "\n";
        die('Invalid format');
function csv_escape($text)
    $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8');
    $text = str_replace("\r", ' ', $text);
    $text = str_replace("\n", ' ', $text);
    $text = str_replace('"', '""', $text);
    $text = '"' . $text . '",';
Beispiel #13
function export_csv($csv_file, &$results, &$percentile_times)
    if (empty($csv_file)) {
        return TRUE;
    if (($fp = fopen($csv_file, 'w')) === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    if (fputs($fp, csv_escape('Test') . CSV_SEP . csv_escape('Time') . CSV_SEP . csv_escape('Percentile') . CSV_NL) === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    foreach ($results as $test => $time) {
        if (fputs($fp, csv_escape($test) . CSV_SEP . csv_escape(sprintf('%.04f', $time)) . CSV_SEP . csv_escape(sprintf('%.03f', $percentile_times[$test])) . CSV_NL) === FALSE) {
            return FALSE;
    if (fclose($fp) === FALSE) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
require_once 'include/lib/';
require_once 'modules/group/group_functions.php';
if (isset($_GET['enc']) and $_GET['enc'] == '1253') {
    $charset = 'Windows-1253';
} else {
    $charset = 'UTF-8';
$crlf = "\r\n";
header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset={$charset}");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=userslearningpathstats.csv");
echo join(';', array_map("csv_escape", array($langStudent, $langAm, $langGroup, $langProgress))), $crlf;
// display a list of user and their respective progress
$sql = "SELECT U.`surname`, U.`givenname`, U.`id`\n\t\tFROM `user` AS U, `course_user` AS CU\n\t\tWHERE U.`id`= CU.`user_id`\n\t\tAND CU.`course_id` = {$course_id}\n\t\tORDER BY U.`surname` ASC, U.`givenname` ASC";
$usersList = get_limited_list($sql, 500000);
foreach ($usersList as $user) {
    echo "{$crlf}";
    $learningPathList = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT learnPath_id FROM lp_learnPath WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id);
    $iterator = 1;
    $globalprog = 0;
    foreach ($learningPathList as $learningPath) {
        // % progress
        $prog = get_learnPath_progress($learningPath->learnPath_id, $user->id);
        if ($prog >= 0) {
            $globalprog += $prog;
    $total = round($globalprog / ($iterator - 1));
    echo csv_escape(uid_to_name($user->id)) . ";" . csv_escape(uid_to_am($user->id)) . ";" . csv_escape(user_groups($course_id, $user->id, 'csv')) . ";" . $total . "%";
echo $crlf;