Beispiel #1
 * Unicode Reminder メモ
 * Processes the `notify_waiting` table and sends notification mails
 * on new caches and new OConly attributes.
// needs absolute rootpath because called as cronjob
$rootpath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../';
require_once $rootpath . 'lib/';
require_once $rootpath . 'lib2/translate.class.php';
require_once '';
require_once $rootpath . 'lib/';
require_once $rootpath . 'lib2/ProcessSync.class.php';
require_once $rootpath . 'lib/';
require_once $rootpath . 'lib2/logic/geomath.class.php';
if (!cronjobs_enabled()) {
// db connect
if ($dblink === false) {
    echo 'Unable to connect to database';
$process_sync = new ProcessSync('run_notify');
if ($process_sync->Enter()) {
    // send out everything that has to be sent
    $rsNotify = sql("SELECT\n            `notify_waiting`.`id`, `notify_waiting`.`cache_id`, `notify_waiting`.`type`,\n            `user`.`username`,\n            `user2`.`email`, `user2`.`username` AS `recpname`, `user2`.`latitude` AS `lat1`,\n            `user2`.`longitude` AS `lon1`, `user2`.`user_id` AS `recid`,\n            IFNULL(`user2`.`language`,'&1') AS `recp_lang`,\n            `user2`.`domain` AS `recp_domain`,\n            `caches`.`name` AS `cachename`, `caches`.`latitude`\n            AS `lat2`, `caches`.`longitude`\n            AS `lon2`, `caches`.`wp_oc`,\n            `caches`.`date_hidden`,\n            `caches`.`type` AS `cachetype`, `caches`.`size` AS `cachesize`,\n            `cache_status`.`allow_user_view`,\n            `ca`.`attrib_id` IS NOT NULL AS `oconly`\n        FROM `notify_waiting`\n        INNER JOIN `caches` ON `notify_waiting`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id`\n        INNER JOIN `user` ON `caches`.`user_id`=`user`.`user_id`\n        INNER JOIN `user` `user2` ON `notify_waiting`.`user_id`=`user2`.`user_id`\n        INNER JOIN `cache_type` ON `caches`.`type`=`cache_type`.`id`\n        INNER JOIN `cache_size` ON `caches`.`size`=`cache_size`.`id`\n        INNER JOIN `cache_status` ON `caches`.`status`=`cache_status`.`id`\n        LEFT JOIN `caches_attributes` `ca` ON `ca`.`cache_id`=`caches`.`cache_id` AND `ca`.`attrib_id`=6", $opt['template']['default']['locale']);
    while ($rNotify = sql_fetch_array($rsNotify)) {
        if ($rNotify['allow_user_view']) {
Beispiel #2
$process_sync = new ProcessSync('runcron');
if ($process_sync->Enter()) {
    // Run as system user, if possible.
    // This is relevant e.g. for publishing and for auto-archiving caches.
    if ($opt['logic']['systemuser']['user'] != '') {
        if (!$login->system_login($opt['logic']['systemuser']['user'])) {
            die("ERROR: runcron system user login failed");
    $modules_dir = $opt['rootpath'] . 'util2/cron/modules/';
    if (count($argv) == 2 && !strstr("/", $argv[1])) {
        // run one job manually for debugging purpose
        $ignore_interval = true;
        require $modules_dir . $argv[1] . ".class.php";
    } else {
        if (cronjobs_enabled()) {
            $ignore_interval = false;
            $hDir = opendir($modules_dir);
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($hDir))) {
                if (substr($file, -10) == '.class.php') {
                    require $modules_dir . $file;
function checkJob(&$job)
    global $ignore_interval;
    $max_last_run = strftime(DB_DATE_FORMAT, time() - ($ignore_interval ? 0 : $job->interval));