Beispiel #1
        $count_dispname = mb_strlen($arr[name], "UTF-8");
        $max_length_of_offer_name = 70;
        if ($count_dispname > $max_length_of_offer_name) {
            $dispname = mb_substr($dispname, 0, $max_length_of_offer_name - 2, "UTF-8") . "..";
        print "<tr><td class=\"rowfollow\" style=\"padding: 0px\"><a href=\"?category=" . $arr['cat_id'] . "\">" . return_category_image($arr['cat_id'], "") . "</a></td><td style='text-align: left'><a href=\"?id=" . $arr[id] . "&amp;off_details=1\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($arr[name]) . "\"><b>" . htmlspecialchars($dispname) . "</b></a>" . ($CURUSER['appendnew'] != 'no' && strtotime($arr["added"]) >= $last_offer ? "<b> (<font class='new'>" . $lang_offers['text_new'] . "</font>)</b>" : "") . $allowed . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\" style='padding: 5px' align=\"center\">" . $v_res . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\" " . (get_user_class() < $againstoffer_class ? " colspan=\"2\" " : "") . " style='padding: 5px'><a href=\"?id=" . $arr[id] . "&amp;vote=yeah\" title=\"" . $lang_offers['title_i_want_this'] . "\"><font color=\"green\"><b>" . $lang_offers['text_yep'] . "</b></font></a></td>" . (get_user_class() >= $againstoffer_class ? "<td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"?id=" . $arr[id] . "&amp;vote=against\" title=\"" . $lang_offers['title_do_not_want_it'] . "\"><font color=\"red\"><b>" . $lang_offers['text_nah'] . "</b></font></a></td>" : "");
        print "<td class=\"rowfollow\">" . $comment . "</td><td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\">" . $addtime . "</td>";
        if ($offervotetimeout_main > 0 && $offeruptimeout_main > 0) {
            if ($arr["allowed"] == 'allowed') {
                $futuretime = strtotime($arr['allowedtime']) + $offeruptimeout_main;
                $timeout = gettime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $futuretime), false, true, true, false, true);
            } elseif ($arr["allowed"] == 'pending') {
                $futuretime = strtotime($arr['added']) + $offervotetimeout_main;
                $timeout = gettime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $futuretime), false, true, true, false, true);
            if (!$timeout) {
                $timeout = "N/A";
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\">" . $timeout . "</td>";
        print "<td class=\"rowfollow\">" . $addedby . "</td>" . (get_user_class() >= $offermanage_class ? "<td class=\"rowfollow\"><a href=\"?id=" . $arr[id] . "&amp;del_offer=1\"><img class=\"staff_delete\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"D\" title=\"" . $lang_offers['title_delete'] . "\" /></a><br /><a href=\"?id=" . $arr[id] . "&amp;edit_offer=1\"><img class=\"staff_edit\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"E\" title=\"" . $lang_offers['title_edit'] . "\" /></a></td>" : "") . "</tr>";
    print "</table>\n";
    echo $pagerbottom;
    if (!isset($CURUSER) || $CURUSER['showlastcom'] == 'yes') {
        create_tooltip_container($lastcom_tooltip, 400);
$USERUPDATESET[] = "last_offer = " . sqlesc(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
Beispiel #2
<li><a href="?action=viewforum&amp;forumid=<?php 
        echo $forumid . $addparam;
        echo $lang_forums['text_post_asc'];
        print "</tr></table>";
        print $pagerbottom;
        if ($enabletooltip_tweak == 'yes' && $CURUSER['showlastpost'] != 'no') {
            create_tooltip_container($lastpost_tooltip, 400);
    } else {
        print "<p>" . $lang_forums['text_no_topics_found'] . "</p>";
//-------- Action: View unread posts
if ($action == "viewunread") {
    $userid = $CURUSER['id'];
    $beforepostid = 0 + $_GET['beforepostid'];
    $maxresults = 25;
    $res = sql_query("SELECT id, forumid, subject, lastpost, hlcolor FROM topics WHERE lastpost > " . $CURUSER['last_catchup'] . ($beforepostid ? " AND lastpost < " . sqlesc($beforepostid) : "") . " ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 100") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    print "<h1 align=\"center\"><a class=\"faqlink\" href=\"forums.php\">" . $SITENAME . "&nbsp;" . $lang_forums['text_forums'] . "</a>-->" . $lang_forums['text_topics_with_unread_posts'] . "</h1>";
Beispiel #3
function torrenttable($res, $variant = "torrent")
    global $Cache;
    global $lang_functions;
    global $CURUSER, $waitsystem;
    global $showextinfo;
    global $torrentmanage_class, $smalldescription_main, $enabletooltip_tweak;
    global $CURLANGDIR;
    if ($variant == "torrent") {
        $last_browse = $CURUSER['last_browse'];
        $sectiontype = $browsecatmode;
    } elseif ($variant == "music") {
        $last_browse = $CURUSER['last_music'];
        $sectiontype = $specialcatmode;
    } else {
        $last_browse = $CURUSER['last_browse'];
        $sectiontype = "";
    $time_now = TIMENOW;
    if ($last_browse > $time_now) {
        $last_browse = $time_now;
    if (get_user_class() < UC_VIP && $waitsystem == "yes") {
        $ratio = get_ratio($CURUSER["id"], false);
        $gigs = $CURUSER["uploaded"] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
        if ($gigs > 10) {
            if ($ratio < 0.4) {
                $wait = 24;
            } elseif ($ratio < 0.5) {
                $wait = 12;
            } elseif ($ratio < 0.6) {
                $wait = 6;
            } elseif ($ratio < 0.8) {
                $wait = 3;
            } else {
                $wait = 0;
        } else {
            $wait = 0;
<table class="torrents" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
    $count_get = 0;
    $oldlink = "";
    foreach ($_GET as $get_name => $get_value) {
        $get_name = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("", ""), $get_name)));
        $get_value = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(str_replace(array("\"", "'"), array("", ""), $get_value)));
        if ($get_name != "sort" && $get_name != "type") {
            if ($count_get > 0) {
                $oldlink .= "&amp;" . $get_name . "=" . $get_value;
            } else {
                $oldlink .= $get_name . "=" . $get_value;
    if ($count_get > 0) {
        $oldlink = $oldlink . "&amp;";
    $sort = $_GET['sort'];
    $link = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) {
        if ($sort == $i) {
            $link[$i] = $_GET['type'] == "desc" ? "asc" : "desc";
        } else {
            $link[$i] = $i == 1 ? "asc" : "desc";
<td class="colhead" style="padding: 0px"><?php 
    echo $lang_functions['col_type'];
<td class="colhead"><a href="?<?php 
    echo $oldlink;
    echo $link[1];
    echo $lang_functions['col_name'];
    if ($wait) {
        print "<td class=\"colhead\">" . $lang_functions['col_wait'] . "</td>\n";
    if ($CURUSER['showcomnum'] != 'no') {
<td class="colhead"><a href="?<?php 
        echo $oldlink;
        echo $link[3];
"><img class="comments" src="pic/trans.gif" alt="comments" title="<?php 
        echo $lang_functions['title_number_of_comments'];
" /></a></td>

<td class="colhead"><a href="?<?php 
    echo $oldlink;
    echo $link[4];
"><img class="time" src="pic/trans.gif" alt="time" title="<?php 
    echo $CURUSER['timetype'] != 'timealive' ? $lang_functions['title_time_added'] : $lang_functions['title_time_alive'];
" /></a></td>
<td class="colhead"><a href="?<?php 
    echo $oldlink;
    echo $link[5];
"><img class="size" src="pic/trans.gif" alt="size" title="<?php 
    echo $lang_functions['title_size'];
" /></a></td>
<td class="colhead"><a href="?<?php 
    echo $oldlink;
    echo $link[7];
"><img class="seeders" src="pic/trans.gif" alt="seeders" title="<?php 
    echo $lang_functions['title_number_of_seeders'];
" /></a></td>
<td class="colhead"><a href="?<?php 
    echo $oldlink;
    echo $link[8];
"><img class="leechers" src="pic/trans.gif" alt="leechers" title="<?php 
    echo $lang_functions['title_number_of_leechers'];
" /></a></td>
<td class="colhead"><a href="?<?php 
    echo $oldlink;
    echo $link[6];
"><img class="snatched" src="pic/trans.gif" alt="snatched" title="<?php 
    echo $lang_functions['title_number_of_snatched'];
" /></a></td>
<td class="colhead"><a href="?<?php 
    echo $oldlink;
    echo $link[9];
    echo $lang_functions['col_uploader'];
    if (get_user_class() >= $torrentmanage_class) {
	<td class="colhead"><?php 
        echo $lang_functions['col_action'];
    $caticonrow = get_category_icon_row($CURUSER['caticon']);
    if ($caticonrow['secondicon'] == 'yes') {
        $has_secondicon = true;
    } else {
        $has_secondicon = false;
    $counter = 0;
    if ($smalldescription_main == 'no' || $CURUSER['showsmalldescr'] == 'no') {
        $displaysmalldescr = false;
    } else {
        $displaysmalldescr = true;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        $id = $row["id"];
        $sphighlight = get_torrent_bg_color($row['sp_state']);
        print "<tr" . $sphighlight . ">\n";
        print "<td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\" valign=\"middle\" style='padding: 0px'>";
        if (isset($row["category"])) {
            print return_category_image($row["category"], "?");
            if ($has_secondicon) {
                print get_second_icon($row, "pic/" . $catimgurl . "additional/");
        } else {
            print "-";
        print "</td>\n";
        //torrent name
        $dispname = trim($row["name"]);
        $short_torrent_name_alt = "";
        $mouseovertorrent = "";
        $tooltipblock = "";
        $has_tooltip = false;
        if ($enabletooltip_tweak == 'yes') {
            $tooltiptype = $CURUSER['tooltip'];
        } else {
            $tooltiptype = 'off';
        switch ($tooltiptype) {
            case 'minorimdb':
                if ($showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes' && $row["url"]) {
                    $url = $row['url'];
                    $cache = $row['cache_stamp'];
                    $type = 'minor';
                    $has_tooltip = true;
            case 'medianimdb':
                if ($showextinfo['imdb'] == 'yes' && $row["url"]) {
                    $url = $row['url'];
                    $cache = $row['cache_stamp'];
                    $type = 'median';
                    $has_tooltip = true;
            case 'off':
        if (!$has_tooltip) {
            $short_torrent_name_alt = "title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($dispname) . "\"";
        } else {
            $torrent_tooltip[$counter]['id'] = "torrent_" . $counter;
            $torrent_tooltip[$counter]['content'] = "";
            $mouseovertorrent = "onmouseover=\"get_ext_info_ajax('" . $torrent_tooltip[$counter]['id'] . "','" . $url . "','" . $cache . "','" . $type . "'); domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', document.getElementById('" . $torrent_tooltip[$counter]['id'] . "'), 'trail', false, 'delay',600,'lifetime',6000,'fade','both','styleClass','niceTitle', 'fadeMax',87, 'maxWidth', 500);\"";
        $count_dispname = mb_strlen($dispname, "UTF-8");
        if (!$displaysmalldescr || $row["small_descr"] == "") {
            // maximum length of torrent name
            $max_length_of_torrent_name = 120;
        } elseif ($CURUSER['fontsize'] == 'large') {
            $max_length_of_torrent_name = 60;
        } elseif ($CURUSER['fontsize'] == 'small') {
            $max_length_of_torrent_name = 80;
        } else {
            $max_length_of_torrent_name = 70;
        if ($count_dispname > $max_length_of_torrent_name) {
            $dispname = mb_substr($dispname, 0, $max_length_of_torrent_name - 2, "UTF-8") . "..";
        if ($row['pos_state'] == 'sticky' && $CURUSER['appendsticky'] == 'yes') {
            $stickyicon = "<img class=\"sticky\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"Sticky\" title=\"" . $lang_functions['title_sticky'] . "\" />&nbsp;";
        } else {
            $stickyicon = "";
        print "<td class=\"rowfollow\" width=\"100%\" align=\"left\"><table class=\"torrentname\" width=\"100%\"><tr" . $sphighlight . "><td class=\"embedded\">" . $stickyicon . "<a {$short_torrent_name_alt} {$mouseovertorrent} href=\"details.php?id=" . $id . "&amp;hit=1\"><b>" . htmlspecialchars($dispname) . "</b></a>";
        $sp_torrent = get_torrent_promotion_append($row['sp_state'], "", true, $row["added"], $row['promotion_time_type'], $row['promotion_until']);
        $picked_torrent = "";
        if ($CURUSER['appendpicked'] != 'no') {
            if ($row['picktype'] == "hot") {
                $picked_torrent = " <b>[<font class='hot'>" . $lang_functions['text_hot'] . "</font>]</b>";
            } elseif ($row['picktype'] == "classic") {
                $picked_torrent = " <b>[<font class='classic'>" . $lang_functions['text_classic'] . "</font>]</b>";
            } elseif ($row['picktype'] == "recommended") {
                $picked_torrent = " <b>[<font class='recommended'>" . $lang_functions['text_recommended'] . "</font>]</b>";
        if ($CURUSER['appendnew'] != 'no' && strtotime($row["added"]) >= $last_browse) {
            print "<b> (<font class='new'>" . $lang_functions['text_new_uppercase'] . "</font>)</b>";
        $banned_torrent = $row["banned"] == 'yes' ? " <b>(<font class=\"striking\">" . $lang_functions['text_banned'] . "</font>)</b>" : "";
        print $banned_torrent . $picked_torrent . $sp_torrent;
        if ($displaysmalldescr) {
            //small descr
            $dissmall_descr = trim($row["small_descr"]);
            $count_dissmall_descr = mb_strlen($dissmall_descr, "UTF-8");
            $max_lenght_of_small_descr = $max_length_of_torrent_name;
            // maximum length
            if ($count_dissmall_descr > $max_lenght_of_small_descr) {
                $dissmall_descr = mb_substr($dissmall_descr, 0, $max_lenght_of_small_descr - 2, "UTF-8") . "..";
            print $dissmall_descr == "" ? "" : "<br />" . htmlspecialchars($dissmall_descr);
        print "</td>";
        $act = "";
        if ($CURUSER["dlicon"] != 'no' && $CURUSER["downloadpos"] != "no") {
            $act .= "<a href=\"download.php?id=" . $id . "\"><img class=\"download\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" style='padding-bottom: 2px;' alt=\"download\" title=\"" . $lang_functions['title_download_torrent'] . "\" /></a>";
        if ($CURUSER["bmicon"] == 'yes') {
            $bookmark = " href=\"javascript: bookmark(" . $id . "," . $counter . ");\"";
            $act .= ($act ? "<br />" : "") . "<a id=\"bookmark" . $counter . "\" " . $bookmark . " >" . get_torrent_bookmark_state($CURUSER['id'], $id) . "</a>";
        print "<td width=\"20\" class=\"embedded\" style=\"text-align: right; \" valign=\"middle\">" . $act . "</td>\n";
        print "</tr></table></td>";
        if ($wait) {
            $elapsed = floor((TIMENOW - strtotime($row["added"])) / 3600);
            if ($elapsed < $wait) {
                $color = dechex(floor(127 * ($wait - $elapsed) / 48 + 128) * 65536);
                print "<td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\"><a href=\"faq.php#id46\"><font color=\"" . $color . "\">" . number_format($wait - $elapsed) . $lang_functions['text_h'] . "</font></a></td>\n";
            } else {
                print "<td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\">" . $lang_functions['text_none'] . "</td>\n";
        if ($CURUSER['showcomnum'] != 'no') {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\">";
            $nl = "";
            $nl = "<br />";
            if (!$row["comments"]) {
                print "<a href=\"comment.php?action=add&amp;pid=" . $id . "&amp;type=torrent\" title=\"" . $lang_functions['title_add_comments'] . "\">" . $row["comments"] . "</a>";
            } else {
                if ($enabletooltip_tweak == 'yes' && $CURUSER['showlastcom'] != 'no') {
                    if (!($lastcom = $Cache->get_value('torrent_' . $id . '_last_comment_content'))) {
                        $res2 = sql_query("SELECT user, added, text FROM comments WHERE torrent = {$id} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
                        $lastcom = mysql_fetch_array($res2);
                        $Cache->cache_value('torrent_' . $id . '_last_comment_content', $lastcom, 1855);
                    $timestamp = strtotime($lastcom["added"]);
                    $hasnewcom = $lastcom['user'] != $CURUSER['id'] && $timestamp >= $last_browse;
                    if ($lastcom) {
                        if ($CURUSER['timetype'] != 'timealive') {
                            $lastcomtime = $lang_functions['text_at_time'] . $lastcom['added'];
                        } else {
                            $lastcomtime = $lang_functions['text_blank'] . gettime($lastcom["added"], true, false, true);
                        $lastcom_tooltip[$counter]['id'] = "lastcom_" . $counter;
                        $lastcom_tooltip[$counter]['content'] = ($hasnewcom ? "<b>(<font class='new'>" . $lang_functions['text_new_uppercase'] . "</font>)</b> " : "") . $lang_functions['text_last_commented_by'] . get_username($lastcom['user']) . $lastcomtime . "<br />" . format_comment(mb_substr($lastcom['text'], 0, 100, "UTF-8") . (mb_strlen($lastcom['text'], "UTF-8") > 100 ? " ......" : ""), true, false, false, true, 600, false, false);
                        $onmouseover = "onmouseover=\"domTT_activate(this, event, 'content', document.getElementById('" . $lastcom_tooltip[$counter]['id'] . "'), 'trail', false, 'delay', 500,'lifetime',3000,'fade','both','styleClass','niceTitle','fadeMax', 87,'maxWidth', 400);\"";
                } else {
                    $hasnewcom = false;
                    $onmouseover = "";
                print "<b><a href=\"details.php?id=" . $id . "&amp;hit=1&amp;cmtpage=1#startcomments\" " . $onmouseover . ">" . ($hasnewcom ? "<font class='new'>" : "") . $row["comments"] . ($hasnewcom ? "</font>" : "") . "</a></b>";
            print "</td>";
        $time = $row["added"];
        $time = gettime($time, false, true);
        print "<td class=\"rowfollow nowrap\">" . $time . "</td>";
        print "<td class=\"rowfollow\">" . mksize_compact($row["size"]) . "</td>";
        if ($row["seeders"]) {
            $ratio = $row["leechers"] ? $row["seeders"] / $row["leechers"] : 1;
            $ratiocolor = get_slr_color($ratio);
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\"><b><a href=\"details.php?id=" . $id . "&amp;hit=1&amp;dllist=1#seeders\">" . ($ratiocolor ? "<font color=\"" . $ratiocolor . "\">" . number_format($row["seeders"]) . "</font>" : number_format($row["seeders"])) . "</a></b></td>\n";
        } else {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\"><span class=\"" . linkcolor($row["seeders"]) . "\">" . number_format($row["seeders"]) . "</span></td>\n";
        if ($row["leechers"]) {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\"><b><a href=\"details.php?id=" . $id . "&amp;hit=1&amp;dllist=1#leechers\">" . number_format($row["leechers"]) . "</a></b></td>\n";
        } else {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\">0</td>\n";
        if ($row["times_completed"] >= 1) {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\"><a href=\"viewsnatches.php?id=" . $row[id] . "\"><b>" . number_format($row["times_completed"]) . "</b></a></td>\n";
        } else {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\">" . number_format($row["times_completed"]) . "</td>\n";
        if ($row["anonymous"] == "yes" && get_user_class() >= $torrentmanage_class) {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"center\"><i>" . $lang_functions['text_anonymous'] . "</i><br />" . (isset($row["owner"]) ? "(" . get_username($row["owner"]) . ")" : "<i>" . $lang_functions['text_orphaned'] . "</i>") . "</td>\n";
        } elseif ($row["anonymous"] == "yes") {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\"><i>" . $lang_functions['text_anonymous'] . "</i></td>\n";
        } else {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\">" . (isset($row["owner"]) ? get_username($row["owner"]) : "<i>" . $lang_functions['text_orphaned'] . "</i>") . "</td>\n";
        if (get_user_class() >= $torrentmanage_class) {
            print "<td class=\"rowfollow\"><a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars("fastdelete.php?id=" . $row[id]) . "\"><img class=\"staff_delete\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"D\" title=\"" . $lang_functions['text_delete'] . "\" /></a>";
            print "<br /><a href=\"edit.php?returnto=" . rawurlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "&amp;id=" . $row["id"] . "\"><img class=\"staff_edit\" src=\"pic/trans.gif\" alt=\"E\" title=\"" . $lang_functions['text_edit'] . "\" /></a></td>\n";
        print "</tr>\n";
    print "</table>";
    if ($CURUSER['appendpromotion'] == 'highlight') {
        print "<p align=\"center\"> " . $lang_functions['text_promoted_torrents_note'] . "</p>\n";
    if ($enabletooltip_tweak == 'yes' && (!isset($CURUSER) || $CURUSER['showlastcom'] == 'yes')) {
        create_tooltip_container($lastcom_tooltip, 400);
    create_tooltip_container($torrent_tooltip, 500);