$p_post = null;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['pre_def']) && $_REQUEST['pre_def'] != '') {
            $p_post = $op->compute_array();
$p_msg = isset($p_msg) ? $p_msg : "";
print '<p class="notice">' . $p_msg . '</p>';
echo '<form method="post"  class="print">';
echo dossier::hidden();
echo HtmlInput::request_to_hidden(array('ac'));
echo $ledger->input($p_post);
echo '<div style="position:absolute;width:40%;right:20px">';
echo '<table class="info_op">' . '<tr>' . td(_('Débit')) . '<td id="totalDeb"></td>' . td(_('Crédit')) . ' <td id="totalCred"></td>' . td(_('Difference')) . ' <td id="totalDiff"></td>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';
$iconcerned = new IConcerned('jrn_concerned');
$iconcerned->amount_id = "totalDeb";
echo "Opération rapprochée : " . $iconcerned->input();
echo '<p>';
echo HtmlInput::button('add', _('Ajout d\'une ligne'), 'onClick="quick_writing_add_row()"');
echo HtmlInput::submit('summary', _('Sauvez'));
echo '</p>';
echo '</form>';
echo "<script>checkTotalDirect();</script>";
echo create_script(" update_name()");
if ($g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
    echo create_script(" get_last_date()");
echo '</div>';
  *@brief you can add attribute to this in javascript
  * this function is a wrapper and create a script (in js) to modify
  * "this" (in javascript) with the value of obj->attribute from PHP
  *@return return string with the javascript code
 public function get_js_attr()
     require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/function_javascript.php';
     $attr = "";
     if (count($this->attribute) == 0) {
         return "";
     /* Add properties at the widget */
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->attribute); $i++) {
         list($name, $value) = $this->attribute[$i];
         $tmp1 = sprintf("\$('%s').%s='%s';", $this->name, $name, $value);
         $attr .= $tmp1;
     $attr = create_script($attr);
     return $attr;
Beispiel #3
 public function get_js_attr()
     $attr = "";
     /* Add properties at the widget */
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->attribute); $i++) {
         list($name, $value) = $this->attribute[$i];
         $tmp1 = sprintf("\$('%s_bt').%s='%s';", $this->id, $name, $value);
         $attr .= $tmp1;
     $attr = create_script($attr);
     return $attr;
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="myfieldset"  style="display:none" id="profile_menu_div">';
    //Menu / Module /plugin in this profile
    echo "<h1 class=\"legend\">" . _("Menu") . "</h2>";
    $profile_menu = new Profile_Menu($cn);
    $profile_menu->p_id = $p_id;
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="myfieldset"  style="display:none" id="profile_print_div">';
    echo "<h1 class=\"legend\">" . _("Impression") . "</h1>";
    echo $add_impression;
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="myfieldset"  style="display:none" id="profile_gestion_div">';
    echo "<h1 class=\"legend\">" . 'Groupe gestion' . "</h1>";
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="myfieldset"  style="display:none" id="profile_repo_div">';
    echo "<h1 class=\"legend\">" . _("Dépôt de stock accessible") . "</h1>";
    echo '</div>';
    if (isset($_POST['tab'])) {
        echo create_script("profile_show('" . $_POST['tab'] . "');");
} else {
    echo '</div>';

 function input($p_array = null, $notused = 0)
     global $g_parameter, $g_user;
     if ($p_array != null) {
     $pview_only = false;
     $min_article = $this->get_min_row();
     $f_add_button = new IButton('add_card');
     $f_add_button->label = _('Créer une nouvelle fiche');
     $f_add_button->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_newcard');
     $f_add_button->set_attribute('jrn', $this->id);
     $f_add_button->javascript = " this.jrn=\$('p_jrn').value;select_card_type(this);";
     $str_add_button = $g_user->check_action(FICADD) == 1 ? $f_add_button->input() : "";
     // The first day of the periode
     $pPeriode = new Periode($this->db);
     list($l_date_start, $l_date_end) = $pPeriode->get_date_limit($g_user->get_periode());
     if ($g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $op_date = !isset($e_date) ? $l_date_start : $e_date;
     } else {
         $op_date = !isset($e_date) ? '' : $e_date;
     $r = "";
     $r .= dossier::hidden();
     $f_legend = 'Banque, caisse';
     //  Date
     $Date = new IDate("e_date", $op_date);
     $f_date = $Date->input();
     $f_period = '';
     if ($this->check_periode() == true) {
         // Periode
         $l_user_per = isset($periode) ? $periode : $g_user->get_periode();
         $period = new IPeriod();
         $period->cn = $this->db;
         $period->type = OPEN;
         $period->value = $l_user_per;
         $period->user = $g_user;
         $period->name = 'periode';
         try {
             $l_form_per = $period->input();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($e->getCode() == 1) {
                 throw new Exception(_("Aucune période ouverte"));
         $label = HtmlInput::infobulle(3);
         $f_period = "Période comptable {$label}" . $l_form_per;
     // Ledger (p_jrn)
     $onchange = "update_bank();ajax_saldo('first_sold');update_name();update_row('fin_item');";
     if ($g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $onchange .= 'get_last_date();';
     if ($g_parameter->MY_PJ_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $onchange .= 'update_pj();';
     $add_js = 'onchange="' . $onchange . '"';
     $wLedger = $this->select_ledger('FIN', 2);
     if ($wLedger == null) {
         throw new Exception(_('Pas de journal disponible'));
     $wLedger->javascript = $add_js;
     $label = " Journal " . HtmlInput::infobulle(2);
     $f_jrn = $label . $wLedger->input();
     // retrieve bank name, code and account from the jrn_def.jrn_def_bank
     $f_bank = '<span id="bkname">' . $this->get_bank_name() . '</span>';
     if ($this->bank_id == "") {
         echo h2("Journal de banque non configuré " . $this->get_name(), ' class="error"');
         echo '<span class="error"> vous devez donner à ce journal un compte en banque (fiche), modifiez dans CFGLED</span>';
         alert("Journal de banque non configuré " . $this->get_name());
     $f_legend_detail = 'Opérations financières';
     // Saldo begin end
     // Extrait
     $default_pj = '';
     if ($g_parameter->MY_PJ_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $default_pj = $this->guess_pj();
     $wPJ = new IText('e_pj');
     $wPJ->readonly = false;
     $wPJ->size = 10;
     $wPJ->value = isset($e_pj) ? $e_pj : $default_pj;
     $f_extrait = $wPJ->input() . HtmlInput::hidden('e_pj_suggest', $default_pj);
     $label = HtmlInput::infobulle(7);
     $first_sold = isset($first_sold) ? $first_sold : "";
     $wFirst = new INum('first_sold', $first_sold);
     $last_sold = isset($last_sold) ? $last_sold : "";
     $wLast = new INum('last_sold', $last_sold);
     $max = isset($nb_item) ? $nb_item : $min_article;
     $r .= HtmlInput::hidden('nb_item', $max);
     // financial operation
     $array = array();
     // Parse each " tiers"
     for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
         $tiers = isset(${"e_other" . $i}) ? ${"e_other" . $i} : "";
         $tiers_amount = isset(${"e_other{$i}" . "_amount"}) ? round(${"e_other{$i}" . "_amount"}, 2) : 0;
         $tiers_comment = isset(${"e_other{$i}" . "_comment"}) ? ${"e_other{$i}" . "_comment"} : "";
         $operation_date = new IDate("dateop" . $i);
         $operation_date->value = isset(${'dateop' . $i}) ? ${'dateop' . $i} : "";
         $array[$i]['dateop'] = $operation_date->input();
         ${"e_other{$i}" . "_amount"} = isset(${"e_other{$i}" . "_amount"}) ? ${"e_other{$i}" . "_amount"} : 0;
         $W1 = new ICard();
         $W1->label = "";
         $W1->name = "e_other" . $i;
         $W1->id = "e_other" . $i;
         $W1->value = $tiers;
         $W1->extra = 'deb';
         // credits
         $W1->typecard = 'deb';
         $W1->style = ' style = "vertical-align:65%"';
         $W1->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard');
         // name of the field to update with the name of the card
         $W1->set_attribute('label', 'e_other_name' . $i);
         // name of the field to update with the name of the card
         $W1->set_attribute('typecard', 'filter');
         // Add the callback function to filter the card on the jrn
         $W1->javascript = sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(\'%s\');" ', $W1->name);
         $W1->readonly = $pview_only;
         $array[$i]['qcode'] = $W1->input();
         $array[$i]['search'] = $W1->search();
         // Card name
         $card_name = "";
         if ($tiers != "") {
             $fiche = new Fiche($this->db);
             $card_name = $this->db->get_value("Select ad_value from fiche_detail where ad_id=\$1 and f_id=\$2", array(ATTR_DEF_NAME, $fiche->id));
         $wcard_name = new IText("e_other_name" . $i, $card_name);
         $wcard_name->id = $wcard_name->name;
         $wcard_name->readOnly = true;
         $array[$i]['cname'] = $wcard_name->input();
         // Comment
         $wComment = new IText("e_other{$i}" . "_comment", $tiers_comment);
         $wComment->size = 35;
         $array[$i]['comment'] = $wComment->input();
         // amount
         $wAmount = new INum("e_other{$i}" . "_amount", $tiers_amount);
         $wAmount->size = 7;
         $array[$i]['amount'] = $wAmount->input();
         // concerned
         ${"e_concerned" . $i} = isset(${"e_concerned" . $i}) ? ${"e_concerned" . $i} : "";
         $wConcerned = new IConcerned("e_concerned" . $i, ${"e_concerned" . $i});
         $wConcerned->tiers = "e_other" . $i;
         $wConcerned->amount_id = "e_other" . $i . "_amount";
         $wConcerned->paid = 'paid';
         $array[$i]['concerned'] = $wConcerned->input();
     require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/template/form_ledger_fin.php';
     $r .= ob_get_contents();
     $r .= create_script("\$('" . $Date->id . "').focus()");
     return $r;
create_script('function exibir_ocultar()
    var type = ("' . $type . '" == "") ? "user" : "' . $type . '";
    var use_signature_digital_cripto = null;

    if (document.all)
        // is_ie
        use_signature_digital_cripto = document.getElementsByName(type+"[use_signature_digital_cripto]")[1];
        // not_ie
        use_signature_digital_cripto = document.getElementsByName(type+"[use_signature_digital_cripto]")[0];

    var default_signature_digital_cripto = "' . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['default']['preferences']['expressoMail']['use_signature_digital_cripto'] . '";

    if (use_signature_digital_cripto)
        var element_signature_digital = document.getElementById(type+"[use_signature_digital]");
        var element_signature_cripto = document.getElementById(type+"[use_signature_cripto]");

        switch (use_signature_digital_cripto[use_signature_digital_cripto.selectedIndex].value){

            case "1":
            case "0":
            case "":
                if (default_signature_digital_cripto){



function validateSignature()
    var sigs_len = parseInt( document.getElementById("counter").value );

    var signatures = {}, types = {}, noSig = true;

    var default_signature = "", errors = false;

    for( var i = 0; i < sigs_len; i++ )
	if( !document.getElementById( "_signature" + i ) ) continue;

	var key = encode64(document.getElementById( "title_signature" + i ).value);
	var edit = !!document.getElementById( "edit_signature" + i ).checked;

	var value =  edit ? CKEDITOR.instances["user_signature" + i ].getData() :
		            document.getElementById( "user_signature" + i ).value;
	if( !value )

	if( !key )
		alert( "Titulo da assinatura nao pode ser em branco." );
		return( false );

	var openTags = value.match(/<[a-z][^&>]*>/g);
	var closedTags = value.match(/<[/][^&>]*>/g);
	var oclosedTags = value.match(/[a-z]*[^&<>]* [/]>/g);

	if( ( openTags || [] ).length !== (( closedTags || [] ).length + ( oclosedTags || [] ).length ))
	    errors = errors || [];
	    errors.push( key );

	if( errors )

	if( document.getElementById( "default_signature" + i ).checked )
	    default_signature = key;

	signatures[key] = value;

	if( edit )
	    types[key] = edit;

	if( noSig )
	    noSig = false;

    if( errors ){

	alert( "Há erros de html na(s) assinatura(s) \'" + errors.join("\',\'") + "\'.\\nRevise a informação inserida (somente no modo Texto Simples ou visulização do Código-Fonte, no modo Texto Rico).\\nPossivelmente você copiou e colou sua assinatura de outro software. Para evitar erros, recomendamos utilizar apenas o editor Texto Rico do Expresso." );
	return( false );

    if( !default_signature ){
	if( !noSig )
	    alert( "Favor selecionar uma assinatura padrao." );
	    return( false );

	document.getElementById( "signature_default" ).value =  "";
	document.getElementById( "signature" ).value = "";
	document.getElementById( "signature_default" ).value =  default_signature;
	document.getElementById( "signature" ).value = types[key] ? signatures[default_signature] :
								    signatures[default_signature].replace( /\\n/g, "<br />" );
    if (document.getElementById( "signature" ).value != "")
    	document.getElementById( "signature" ).value = encode64(document.getElementById( "signature" ).value);
    document.getElementById( "signatures" ).value = toJSON( signatures );
    document.getElementById( "signature_types" ).value = toJSON( types );

    return( true );
function fromJSON( value )
    return (new Function( "return " + decode64( value )))();

function toJSON( value )
    var json = [];

    for( var key in value )
	json.push(  \'"\' + key + \'":"\' + escape( value[key] ) + \'"\' );

    return encode64( "{" + json.join( "," ) + "}" );

// This code was written by Tyler Akins and has been placed in the
// public domain.  It would be nice if you left this header intact.
// Base64 code from Tyler Akins -- http://rumkin.com

var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";

function encode64(input) {
	var output = new StringMaker();
	var chr1, chr2, chr3;
	var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
	var i = 0;

	while (i < input.length) {
		chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
		chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
		chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);

		enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
		enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
		enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
		enc4 = chr3 & 63;

		if (isNaN(chr2)) {
			enc3 = enc4 = 64;
		} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
			enc4 = 64;

		output.append(keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) + keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4));
   return output.toString();
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ua.indexOf(" chrome/") >= 0 || ua.indexOf(" firefox/") >= 0 || ua.indexOf(" gecko/") >= 0) {
    var StringMaker = function () {
        this.str = "";
        this.length = 0;
        this.append = function (s) {
            this.str += s;
            this.length += s.length;
        this.prepend = function (s) {
            this.str = s + this.str;
            this.length += s.length;
        this.toString = function () {
            return this.str;
} else {
    var StringMaker = function () {
        this.parts = [];
        this.length = 0;
        this.append = function (s) {
            this.length += s.length;
        this.prepend = function (s) {
            this.length += s.length;
        this.toString = function () {
            return this.parts.join("");
function decode64(input) {
	var output = new StringMaker();
	var chr1, chr2, chr3;
	var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
	var i = 0;

	// remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or =
	input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\\+\\/\\=]/g, "");

	while (i < input.length) {
		enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
		enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
		enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
		enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));

		chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
		chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
		chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;


		if (enc3 != 64) {
		if (enc4 != 64) {

	return output.toString();
function normalizerSignature(values){

    var value = {};

    for( key in values ){

        value[isEncoded64(key) ? decode64(key) : key] = values[key];


    return value;
/*Verifica se a string input esta em Base 64*/
function isEncoded64(input){
	var baseStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
	var encoded = true;
	if ( (input.length % 4) != 0)
		return false;
	for(var i=0; i<input.length; i++){
		if ( baseStr.indexOf(input[i]) < 0 ){
			encoded = false;
	return encoded;
function loadSignature()
    var types = fromJSON( document.getElementById( "signature_types" ).value );
    var signatures;
    if (document.getElementById( "signatures" ).value)
        signatures = fromJSON(document.getElementById("signatures").value);
    } else if (document.getElementById( "signature" ).value) // Caso a assinatura esteja no formato da versão 2.2.10:
        // TODO: Internazionalizar a string
        signatures = {};
        signatures["Assinatura padrão"] = document.getElementById( "signature" ).value;
        if (!document.getElementById("signature_default").value)
            document.getElementById("signature_default").value = "Assinatura padrão";

    signatures = normalizerSignature(signatures);
    types = normalizerSignature(types);

    var old_signature = document.getElementById( "signature" ).value;
    var def = document.getElementById( "signature_default" ).value;
	def = isEncoded64(def) ? decode64(def) : def;

    var counter = 0, ids = [], def_signature = "", noSig = true;

    for( key in signatures )
    	addSignature( !types || !types[key] );

	var value = unescape( signatures[key] );

	document.getElementById( "title_signature" + counter ).value = key;
	document.getElementById( "user_signature" + counter ).value = value;

	if( def === key )
	    def_signature = counter;

	if( noSig ) noSig = false;


    if( def_signature !== "" )
    	document.getElementById( "default_signature" + def_signature ).checked = true;
    else if( noSig && old_signature )
        var type_signature = document.getElementById("type_signature");
        if (type_signature)
            addSignature( type_signature.value !== "html" );
            document.getElementById( "user_signature" + counter ).value = old_signature;
Beispiel #7
         $html .= $script;
         if (strlen(trim($_GET['nom_mod'])) != 0) {
             $array = array("FICHE_REF" => $cat, "nom_mod" => $_GET['nom_mod'], "class_base" => $_GET['class_base'], "fd_description" => $_GET['fd_description']);
             if (isset($_POST['create'])) {
                 $array['create'] = 1;
             $catcard = new Fiche_Def($cn);
             if ($catcard->Add($array) == -1) {
                 $script = "alert_box('" . _('Catégorie existe déjà') . "')";
             } else {
                 $script = "alert_box('" . _('Catégorie sauvée') . "')";
             $html .= create_script($script);
         } else {
             $script = "alert_box('" . _("Le nom ne peut pas être vide") . "')";
             $html .= create_script($script);
             $invalid = 1;
     } else {
         $html = alert(_('Action interdite'), true);
 case 'upc':
     $html = HtmlInput::title_box("Détail fiche", $ctl);
     if ($g_user->check_action(FICADD) == 0) {
         $html .= alert(_('Action interdite'), true);
     } else {
         if ($cn->get_value('select count(*) from fiche where f_id=$1', array($_GET['f_id'])) == '0') {
             $html .= alert(_('Fiche non valide'), true);
         } else {
             $html = HtmlInput::title_box(_('Détail fiche (sauvée)'), $ctl);
Beispiel #8
echo _('Recherche de fiche');
echo HtmlInput::infobulle(18);
echo $search_card->input();
echo HtmlInput::button_anchor(_("Chercher"), "javascript:void(0)", "", $search_card_js, 'smallbutton');
echo '</div>';
$str = "if (g('histo').value==3 || g('histo').value== -1 ) {\n     g('trstart').style.display='none';g('trend').style.display='none';g('allcard').style.display='none';}\n     else  {g('trstart').style.display='';g('trend').style.display='';g('allcard').style.display='';}\n\t if (  g('histo').value== -1 ) { g('allcard').style.display='';}\n\n\t";
echo create_script($str);
echo '<hr>';
if (!isset($_GET['cat_display'])) {
$fd_id = $_GET['cat'];
$array = Fiche::get_fiche_def($cn, $_GET['cat'], 'name_asc');
$h_add_card_b = new IButton('add_card');
$h_add_card_b->label = _('Créer une nouvelle fiche');
$h_add_card_b->javascript = "dis_blank_card({gDossier:{$gDossier},fd_id:{$fd_id},ref:2})";
$str_add_card = $g_user->check_action(FICADD) == 1 ? $h_add_card_b->input() : "";
 * You show now the result
if ($array == null) {
Beispiel #9
echo HtmlInput::title_box(_("Favoris"), "bookmark_div");
if (!isset($_GET['ac'])) {
     * find default module
    $_GET['ac'] = find_default_module();
// Add bookmark
if (isset($_GET['bookmark_add'])) {
    $count = $cn->get_value("select count(*) from bookmark" . " where b_action=\$1 and login=\$2", array($_GET['ac'], $g_user->login));
    // Add bookmark only if absent
    if ($count == 0) {
        $cn->exec_sql("insert into bookmark(b_action,login) values(\$1,\$2)", array($_GET['ac'], $g_user->login));
    } else {
        $js = "error_message('" . _("Ce favori a déjà été ajouté") . "');";
        echo create_script($js);
// remove bookmark
if (isset($_GET['bookmark_delete']) && isset($_GET['book'])) {
    $a_book = $_GET['book'];
    for ($e = 0; $e < count($a_book); $e++) {
        $cn->exec_sql("delete from bookmark where b_id=\$1 and login=\$2", array($a_book[$e], $g_user->login));
$bookmark_sql = "select distinct b_id,b_action,b_order,me_code,me_description, javascript" . " from bookmark " . "join v_menu_description_favori on (code=b_action or b_action=me_code)" . "where " . "login=\$1 order by me_code";
$a_bookmark = $cn->get_array($bookmark_sql, array($g_user->login));
$url = "do.php?gDossier=" . Dossier::id() . "&ac=";
<div class="content">
<form id="bookmark_del_frm" method="get" onsubmit="remove_bookmark();return false">
Beispiel #10
// Correct the operations
if (isset($_POST['correct'])) {
    $correct = 1;
// Blank form
echo '<div style="position:absolute" class="content">';
echo '<p class="notice">' . $p_msg . '</p>';
echo '<form class="print" name="form_detail" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="print" METHOD="POST">';
echo HtmlInput::hidden('ledger_type', 'fin');
echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']);
$array = isset($correct) ? $_POST : null;
// show select ledger
try {
    echo $Ledger->input($array);
    echo HtmlInput::button('add_item', _('Ajout article'), ' onClick="ledger_fin_add_row()"');
    echo HtmlInput::submit('save', _('Sauve'));
    echo HtmlInput::reset(_('Effacer'));
    if (!isset($_POST['e_date']) && $g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
        echo create_script(" get_last_date();ajax_saldo('first_sold');");
    } else {
        echo create_script(" ajax_saldo('first_sold');");
    echo create_script(" update_name()");
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo $ex->getMessage();
Beispiel #11
 function display_form_periode()
     $str_dossier = dossier::get();
     if ($this->jrn_def_id == 0) {
         $Res = $this->cn->exec_sql("select p_id,to_char(p_start,'DD.MM.YYYY') as date_start,to_char(p_end,'DD.MM.YYYY') as date_end,p_central,p_closed,p_exercice,\n                                     (select count(jr_id) as count_op from jrn where jr_tech_per = p_id) as count_op\n                                     from parm_periode\n                                     order by p_start,p_end");
         $Max = Database::num_row($Res);
         echo '<form id="periode_frm" method="POST" onsubmit="return confirm_box(this,\'Confirmez-vous la fermeture des périodes choisies ?\')" >';
         echo HtmlInput::array_to_hidden(array('ac', 'gDossier', 'jrn_def_id', 'choose'), $_REQUEST);
         echo '<TABLE ALIGN="CENTER">';
         echo "</TR>";
         echo '<th>' . ICheckBox::toggle_checkbox("per_toggle", "periode_frm") . "</th>";
         echo '<TH> Date d&eacute;but </TH>';
         echo '<TH> Date fin </TH>';
         echo '<TH> Exercice </TH>';
         echo "</TR>";
         for ($i = 0; $i < $Max; $i++) {
             $l_line = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i);
             $class = "even";
             if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                 $class = "odd";
             $style = '';
             if ($l_line['p_closed'] == 't') {
                 $style = "color:red";
             echo '<TR class="' . $class . '" style="' . $style . '">';
             echo '<td>';
             if ($l_line['p_closed'] == 'f') {
                 $per_to_close = new ICheckBox('sel_per_close[]');
                 $per_to_close->value = $l_line['p_id'];
                 echo $per_to_close->input();
             echo '</td>';
             echo '<TD ALIGN="CENTER"> ' . $l_line['date_start'] . '</TD>';
             echo '<TD  ALIGN="CENTER"> ' . $l_line['date_end'] . '</TD>';
             echo '<TD  ALIGN="CENTER"> ' . $l_line['p_exercice'] . '</TD>';
             if ($l_line['p_closed'] == 't') {
                 $closed = $l_line['p_central'] == 't' ? '<TD>Centralis&eacute;e</TD>' : '<TD>Ferm&eacute;e</TD>';
                 $change = '<TD></TD>';
                 $remove = sprintf(_('Nombre opérations %d'), $l_line['count_op']);
                 $remove = td($remove, ' class="mtitle" ');
                 $change = td('<A class="mtitle" HREF="javascript:void(0)"' . ' onclick="return confirm_box(null,\'' . _('Confirmez Réouverture') . ' ?\',function() {window.location=\'do.php?ac=' . $_REQUEST['ac'] . '&action=reopen&p_per=' . $l_line['p_id'] . '&' . $str_dossier . '\';} )"> Réouverture</A>', ' class="mtitle"');
             } else {
                 if ($l_line['count_op'] == 0) {
                     $change = HtmlInput::display_periode($l_line['p_id']);
                 } else {
                     $change = "Non modifiable";
                 $change = td($change, ' class="mtitle" ');
                 $reopen = td("");
                 $remove = '<TD class="mtitle">';
                 if ($l_line['count_op'] == 0) {
                     $go = 'do.php?' . http_build_query(array('ac' => $_REQUEST['ac'], 'action' => 'delete_per', 'p_per' => $l_line['p_id'], 'gDossier' => Dossier::id()));
                     $remove .= '<A class="mtitle" HREF="javascript:void(0)" ' . 'onclick="return confirm_box (null,\'' . _('Confirmez effacement ?') . '\',function() { window.location=\'' . $go . '\'});" >' . ' Efface</A>';
                 } else {
                     $remove .= sprintf(_('Nombre opérations %d'), $l_line['count_op']);
                 $remove .= '</td>';
             echo $change;
             echo $remove;
             echo '</TR>';
         echo '</table>';
         echo '<p style="text-align:center">';
         echo HtmlInput::hidden("close_per", 1);
         echo HtmlInput::submit('close_per_bt', 'Fermeture des périodes sélectionnées');
         echo '</p>';
         echo '</form>';
         $but = new IButton('show_per_add', 'Ajout d\'une période');
         $but->javascript = "\$('periode_add_div').show();";
         echo $but->input();
         echo '<div class="inner_box" style="width:40%;" id="periode_add_div">';
         echo HtmlInput::title_box("Ajout d'une période", "periode_add_div", "hide");
         echo '<FORM  METHOD="POST">';
         echo dossier::hidden();
         $istart = new IDate('p_date_start');
         $iend = new IDate('p_date_end');
         $iexercice = new INum('p_exercice');
         $iexercice->size = 5;
         echo '<table>';
         echo '<TR> ';
         echo td('Date de début');
         echo td($istart->input());
         echo '</tr><tr>';
         echo td('Date de fin');
         echo td($iend->input());
         echo '</tr><tr>';
         echo td('Exercice');
         echo td($iexercice->input());
         echo '</TABLE>';
         echo HtmlInput::submit('add_per', 'Valider');
         echo '</FORM>';
         echo '</div>';
         echo create_script("\$('periode_add_div').hide();new Draggable('periode_add_div',{starteffect:function()\n                                  {\n                                     new Effect.Highlight(obj.id,{scroll:window,queue:'end'});\n                                  }}\n                         );");
     } else {
         $Res = $this->cn->exec_sql("select p_id,to_char(p_start,'DD.MM.YYYY') as date_start,to_char(p_end,'DD.MM.YYYY') as date_end,status,p_exercice\n                                     from parm_periode join jrn_periode using (p_id) where jrn_def_id=" . $this->jrn_def_id . "\n                                     order by p_start,p_end");
         $Max = Database::num_row($Res);
         $r = $this->cn->exec_sql('select jrn_Def_name from jrn_Def where jrn_Def_id=' . $this->jrn_def_id);
         $jrn_name = Database::fetch_result($r, 0, 0);
         echo '<h2> Journal ' . $jrn_name . '</h2>';
         echo '<form id="periode_frm" method="POST" onsubmit="return confirm_box(this,\'Confirmez-vous la fermeture des périodes choisies ?\')" >';
         echo HtmlInput::array_to_hidden(array('ac', 'gDossier', 'jrn_def_id', 'choose'), $_REQUEST);
         echo '<TABLE ALIGN="CENTER">';
         echo "</TR>";
         echo '<th>' . ICheckBox::toggle_checkbox("per_toggle", "periode_frm") . "</th>";
         echo '<TH> Date d&eacute;but </TH>';
         echo '<TH> Date fin </TH>';
         echo '<TH> Exercice </TH>';
         echo "</TR>";
         for ($i = 0; $i < $Max; $i++) {
             $l_line = Database::fetch_array($Res, $i);
             if ($l_line['status'] != 'OP') {
                 echo '<TR style="COLOR:RED">';
             } else {
                 echo '<TR>';
             echo '<td>';
             if ($l_line['status'] == 'OP') {
                 $per_to_close = new ICheckBox('sel_per_close[]');
                 $per_to_close->value = $l_line['p_id'];
                 echo $per_to_close->input();
             echo '</td>';
             echo '<TD ALIGN="CENTER"> ' . $l_line['date_start'] . '</TD>';
             echo '<TD  ALIGN="CENTER"> ' . $l_line['date_end'] . '</TD>';
             echo '<TD  ALIGN="CENTER"> ' . $l_line['p_exercice'] . '</TD>';
             $closed = "";
             if ($l_line['status'] != 'OP') {
                 $go = 'do.php?' . http_build_query(array('ac' => $_REQUEST['ac'], 'action' => 'reopen', 'p_per' => $l_line['p_id'], 'gDossier' => Dossier::id(), 'jrn_def_id' => $this->jrn_def_id));
                 $closed = td('<A class="mtitle" HREF="javascript:void(0)" ' . 'onclick="return confirm_box(null,\'' . _('Confirmez Réouverture') . ' ?\',function() {window.location=\'' . $go . '\';} );"> Réouverture</A>', ' class="mtitle"');
             echo "{$closed}";
             echo '</TR>';
         echo '</TABLE>';
         echo '<p style="text-align:center">';
         echo HtmlInput::submit('close_per', 'Fermeture des périodes sélectionnées');
         echo '</p>';
         echo '</form>';
Beispiel #12
 public function input($p_name = null, $p_value = null)
     if ($p_name == null && $this->name == "") {
         throw new Exception('Le nom d une icard doit être donne');
     $this->value = $p_value == null ? $this->value : $p_value;
     if ($this->readOnly == true) {
         return $this->display();
     $this->id = $this->id == "" ? $this->name : $this->id;
     $label = '';
     if ($this->dblclick != '') {
         $e = sprintf(' ondblclick="%s" ', $this->dblclick);
         $this->dblclick = $e;
     $input = sprintf('<INPUT TYPE="Text"  class="input_text"  ' . ' NAME="%s" ID="%s" VALUE="%s" SIZE="%d" %s %s>', $this->name, $this->name, $this->value, $this->size, $this->dblclick, $this->javascript);
     $div = sprintf('<div id="%s_choices"  class="autocomplete"></div>', $this->name);
     $query = "op=autoanc&" . dossier::get();
     // add parameter to search into a plan (pa_id) or get the value from
     // a HtmlObject
     if ($this->plan != 0) {
         $query .= "&pa_id=" . $this->plan;
     } elseif ($this->plan_ctl != '') {
         $this->set_attribute("plan_ctl", $this->plan_ctl);
     $attr = $this->get_js_attr();
     $javascript = sprintf('try { new Ajax.Autocompleter("%s","%s_choices","ajax_misc.php?%s",' . '{paramName:"anccard",minChars:1,indicator:null, ' . 'callback:%s, ' . ' afterUpdateElement:%s});} catch (e){alert(e.message);};', $this->name, $this->name, $query, $this->callback, $this->fct);
     $javascript = create_script($javascript . $this->dblclick);
     $r = $label . $input . $attr . $div . $javascript;
     if ($this->table == 1) {
         $r = td($r);
     return $r;
 function input($p_array = null, $p_readonly = 0)
     global $g_parameter, $g_user;
     if ($p_array != null) {
     $flag_tva = $g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE;
     /* Add button */
     $f_add_button = new IButton('add_card');
     $f_add_button->tabindex = -1;
     $f_add_button->label = _('Créer une nouvelle fiche');
     $f_add_button->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_newcard');
     $f_add_button->set_attribute('jrn', $this->id);
     $f_add_button->javascript = "this.jrn=\$('p_jrn').value; select_card_type(this);";
     $f_add_button2 = new IButton('add_card2');
     $f_add_button2->tabindex = -1;
     $f_add_button2->label = _('Créer une nouvelle fiche');
     $f_add_button2->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_newcard');
     $f_add_button2->set_attribute('filter', $this->get_all_fiche_def());
     //    $f_add_button2->set_attribute('jrn',$this->id);
     $f_add_button2->javascript = " this.jrn=\$('p_jrn').value;select_card_type(this);";
     $str_add_button = "";
     $str_add_button2 = "";
     if ($g_user->check_action(FICADD) == 1) {
         $str_add_button = $f_add_button->input();
         $str_add_button2 = $f_add_button2->input();
     // The first day of the periode
     $oPeriode = new Periode($this->db);
     list($l_date_start, $l_date_end) = $oPeriode->get_date_limit($g_user->get_periode());
     if ($g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $op_date = !isset($e_date) ? $l_date_start : $e_date;
     } else {
         $op_date = !isset($e_date) ? '' : $e_date;
     $e_ech = isset($e_ech) ? $e_ech : "";
     $e_comm = isset($e_comm) ? $e_comm : "";
     $r = '';
     $r .= dossier::hidden();
     $f_legend = _('Client');
     $Echeance = new IDate();
     $Echeance->tabindex = 2;
     $label = HtmlInput::infobulle(4);
     $f_echeance = $Echeance->input('e_ech', $e_ech, _('Echéance') . $label);
     $Date = new IDate();
     $f_date = $Date->input("e_date", $op_date);
     $f_periode = '';
     // Periode
     if ($this->check_periode() == true) {
         $l_user_per = $g_user->get_periode();
         $def = isset($periode) ? $periode : $l_user_per;
         $period = new IPeriod("period");
         $period->user = $g_user;
         $period->cn = $this->db;
         $period->value = $def;
         $period->type = OPEN;
         try {
             $l_form_per = $period->input();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($e->getCode() == 1) {
                 throw new Exception(_("Aucune période ouverte"));
         $label = HtmlInput::infobulle(3);
         $f_periode = '<td>' . _("Période comptable") . "</td> <td> {$label} " . $l_form_per . '</td>';
     /* if we suggest the next pj, then we need a javascript */
     $add_js = "";
     if ($g_parameter->MY_PJ_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $add_js = "update_pj();";
     if ($g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $add_js .= 'get_last_date();';
     $add_js .= 'update_name();';
     $add_js .= 'update_pay_method();';
     $add_js .= 'update_row("sold_item");';
     $wLedger = $this->select_ledger('VEN', 2);
     if ($wLedger == null) {
         throw new Exception(_('Pas de journal disponible'));
     $wLedger->table = 1;
     $wLedger->javascript = "onChange='update_predef(\"ven\",\"f\",\"" . $_REQUEST['ac'] . "\");{$add_js}'";
     $wLedger->label = " Journal " . HtmlInput::infobulle(2);
     $f_jrn = $wLedger->input();
     $Commentaire = new IText();
     $Commentaire->table = 0;
     $Commentaire->size = 60;
     $Commentaire->tabindex = 3;
     $label = HtmlInput::infobulle(1);
     $f_desc = $Commentaire->input("e_comm", h($e_comm));
     // PJ
     /* suggest PJ ? */
     $default_pj = '';
     if ($g_parameter->MY_PJ_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $default_pj = $this->guess_pj();
     $pj = new IText();
     $pj->table = 0;
     $pj->name = "e_pj";
     $pj->size = 10;
     $pj->value = isset($e_pj) ? $e_pj : $default_pj;
     $f_pj = $pj->input() . HtmlInput::hidden('e_pj_suggest', $default_pj);
     // Display the customer
     $fiche = 'deb';
     // Save old value and set a new one
     $e_client = isset($e_client) ? $e_client : "";
     $e_client_label = "&nbsp;";
     // retrieve e_client_label
     if (strlen(trim($e_client)) != 0) {
         $fClient = new Fiche($this->db);
         $e_client_label = $fClient->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME) . ' ' . ' Adresse : ' . $fClient->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_ADRESS) . ' ' . $fClient->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_CP) . ' ' . $fClient->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_CITY) . ' ';
     $W1 = new ICard();
     $W1->label = "Client " . HtmlInput::infobulle(0);
     $W1->name = "e_client";
     $W1->tabindex = 3;
     $W1->value = $e_client;
     $W1->table = 0;
     $W1->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard');
     // name of the field to update with the name of the card
     $W1->set_attribute('label', 'e_client_label');
     // name of the field to update with the name of the card
     $W1->set_attribute('typecard', 'deb');
     // Add the callback function to filter the card on the jrn
     $W1->javascript = sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(\'%s\');" ', $W1->name);
     $f_client_qcode = $W1->input();
     $client_label = new ISpan();
     $client_label->table = 0;
     $f_client = $client_label->input("e_client_label", $e_client_label);
     $f_client_bt = $W1->search();
     // Record the current number of article
     $Hid = new IHidden();
     $p_article = isset($nb_item) ? $nb_item : $this->get_min_row();
     $r .= $Hid->input("nb_item", $p_article);
     $max = $p_article < $this->get_min_row() ? $this->get_min_row() : $p_article;
     $f_legend_detail = _("Détail articles vendus");
     // For each article
     for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
         // Code id, price & vat code
         $march = isset(${"e_march{$i}"}) ? ${"e_march{$i}"} : "";
         $march_price = isset(${"e_march" . $i . "_price"}) ? ${"e_march" . $i . "_price"} : "";
         if ($flag_tva == 'Y') {
             $march_tva_id = isset(${"e_march{$i}" . "_tva_id"}) ? ${"e_march{$i}" . "_tva_id"} : "";
             $march_tva_amount = isset(${"e_march{$i}" . "_tva_amount"}) ? ${"e_march{$i}" . "_tva_amount"} : "";
         $march_label = isset(${"e_march" . $i . "_label"}) ? ${"e_march" . $i . "_label"} : "";
         // retrieve the tva label and name
         if (strlen(trim($march)) != 0 && strlen(trim($march_label)) == 0) {
             $fMarch = new Fiche($this->db);
             $march_label = $fMarch->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME);
             if ($flag_tva == 'Y') {
                 if (!isset(${"e_march{$i}" . "_tva_id"})) {
                     $march_tva_id = $fMarch->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_TVA);
         // Show input
         $W1 = new ICard();
         $W1->label = "";
         $W1->name = "e_march" . $i;
         $W1->value = $march;
         $W1->table = 1;
         $W1->set_attribute('typecard', 'cred');
         $W1->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard');
         // name of the field to update with the name of the card
         $W1->set_attribute('label', 'e_march' . $i . '_label');
         // name of the field with the price
         $W1->set_attribute('price', 'e_march' . $i . '_price');
         // name of the field with the TVA_ID
         $W1->set_attribute('tvaid', 'e_march' . $i . '_tva_id');
         // Add the callback function to filter the card on the jrn
         $W1->javascript = sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(\'%s\');" ', $W1->name);
         $W1->readonly = false;
         $array[$i]['quick_code'] = $W1->input();
         $array[$i]['bt'] = $W1->search();
         // For computing we need some hidden field for holding the value
         $array[$i]['hidden'] = '';
         if ($flag_tva == 'Y') {
             $array[$i]['hidden'] .= HtmlInput::hidden('tva_march' . $i, 0);
         $htva = new INum('htva_march' . $i);
         $htva->readOnly = 1;
         $htva->value = 0;
         $array[$i]['htva'] = $htva->input();
         if ($g_parameter->MY_TVA_USE == 'Y') {
             $tvac = new INum('tvac_march' . $i);
         } else {
             $tvac = new IHidden('tvac_march' . $i);
         $tvac->readOnly = 1;
         $tvac->value = 0;
         $array[$i]['tvac'] = $tvac->input();
         if ($g_parameter->MY_UPDLAB == 'Y') {
             $Span = new IText("e_march" . $i . "_label");
             $Span->css_size = "100%";
         } else {
             $Span = new ISpan("e_march" . $i . "_label");
         $Span->value = $march_label;
         // card's name, price
         $array[$i]['denom'] = $Span->input("e_march" . $i . "_label", $march_label);
         // price
         $Price = new INum();
         $Price->size = 9;
         $Price->javascript = "onBlur='format_number(this);clean_tva({$i});compute_ledger({$i})'";
         $array[$i]['pu'] = $Price->input("e_march" . $i . "_price", $march_price);
         $array[$i]['tva'] = '';
         $array[$i]['amount_tva'] = '';
         // if tva is not needed then no tva field
         if ($flag_tva == 'Y') {
             // vat label
             $Tva = new ITva_Popup($this->db);
             $Tva->in_table = true;
             $Tva->set_attribute('compute', $i);
             $Tva->js = 'onblur="format_number(this);clean_tva(' . $i . ');compute_ledger(' . $i . ')"';
             $Tva->value = $march_tva_id;
             $array[$i]['tva'] = $Tva->input("e_march{$i}" . "_tva_id");
             // vat amount
             $wTva_amount = new INum();
             $wTva_amount->readOnly = false;
             $wTva_amount->size = 6;
             $wTva_amount->javascript = "onBlur='format_number(this);compute_ledger({$i})'";
             $array[$i]['amount_tva'] = $wTva_amount->input("e_march" . $i . "_tva_amount", $march_tva_amount);
         // quantity
         $quant = isset(${"e_quant{$i}"}) ? ${"e_quant{$i}"} : "1";
         $Quantity = new INum();
         $Quantity->size = 8;
         $Quantity->javascript = "onChange='format_number(this);clean_tva({$i});compute_ledger({$i})'";
         $array[$i]['quantity'] = $Quantity->input("e_quant" . $i, $quant);
     // foreach article
     $f_type = _('Client');
     require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/template/form_ledger_detail.php';
     $r .= ob_get_contents();
     // Set correctly the REQUEST param for jrn_type
     $r .= HtmlInput::hidden('jrn_type', 'VEN');
     $r .= HtmlInput::button('add_item', _('Ajout article'), ' onClick="ledger_add_row()"');
     $r .= create_script("\$('" . $Date->id . "').focus()");
     return $r;
Beispiel #14
    echo td($row->with_calc);
    echo td($row->with_direct_form);
    echo '</tr>';
$js = sprintf('<a href="javascript:void(0)"  class="button" onclick="get_profile_detail(\'%s\',\'%s\')">', $gDossier, -1);
echo '<tr>';
echo "<td>" . $js . _("Ajouter un profil") . " </td>";
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';
// Show details of the selected profile
echo '<div id="detail_profile" class="content">';
if (isset($_POST['p_id'])) {
    require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/ajax_get_profile.php';
echo '</div>';
if (isset($_POST['delete_profil'])) {
    echo create_script(" \$('detail_profile').hide()");
  * @brief Show the form to encode your operation
  * @param$p_array if you correct or use a predef operation (default = null)
  * @param$p_readonly 1 for readonly 0 for writable (default 0)
  *@exception if ledger not found
  * \return a string containing the form
 function input($p_array = null, $p_readonly = 0)
     global $g_parameter, $g_user;
     $this->nb = $this->get_min_row();
     if ($p_readonly == 1) {
         return $this->confirm($p_array);
     if ($p_array != null) {
     $add_js = "";
     if ($g_parameter->MY_PJ_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $add_js = "update_pj();";
     if ($g_parameter->MY_DATE_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $add_js .= 'get_last_date();';
     $add_js .= 'update_row("quick_item");';
     $ret = "";
     if ($g_user->check_action(FICADD) == 1) {
         /* Add button */
         $f_add_button = new IButton('add_card');
         $f_add_button->label = _('Créer une nouvelle fiche');
         $f_add_button->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_newcard');
         $f_add_button->set_attribute('jrn', $this->id);
         $f_add_button->javascript = " this.jrn=\$('p_jrn').value;select_card_type(this);";
     $wLedger = $this->select_ledger('ODS', 2);
     if ($wLedger == null) {
         throw new Exception(_('Pas de journal disponible'));
     $wLedger->javascript = "onChange='update_name();update_predef(\"ods\",\"t\",\"" . $_REQUEST['ac'] . "\");{$add_js}'";
     $label = " Journal " . HtmlInput::infobulle(2);
     $ret .= $label . $wLedger->input();
     // Load the javascript
     $ret .= "<table>";
     $ret .= '<tr ><td colspan="2" style="width:auto">';
     $wDate = new IDate('e_date');
     $wDate->readonly = $p_readonly;
     $e_date = isset($e_date) && trim($e_date) != '' ? $e_date : '';
     $wDate->value = $e_date;
     $ret .= _("Date") . ' : ' . $wDate->input();
     $ret .= '</td>';
     /* insert periode if needed */
     // Periode
     if ($this->check_periode() == true) {
         $l_user_per = $g_user->get_periode();
         $def = isset($periode) ? $periode : $l_user_per;
         $period = new IPeriod("period");
         $period->user = $g_user;
         $period->cn = $this->db;
         $period->value = $def;
         $period->type = OPEN;
         try {
             $l_form_per = $period->input();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($e->getCode() == 1) {
                 echo _("Aucune période ouverte");
         $label = HtmlInput::infobulle(3);
         $f_periode = _("Période comptable") . " {$label} " . $l_form_per;
         $ret .= td($f_periode);
     $wPJ = new IText('e_pj');
     $wPJ->readonly = false;
     $wPJ->size = 10;
     /* suggest PJ ? */
     $default_pj = '';
     if ($g_parameter->MY_PJ_SUGGEST == 'Y') {
         $default_pj = $this->guess_pj();
     $wPJ->value = isset($e_pj) ? $e_pj : $default_pj;
     $ret .= '</tr>';
     $ret .= '<tr >';
     $ret .= '<td colspan="2" style="width:auto"> ' . _('Pièce') . ' : ' . $wPJ->input();
     $ret .= HtmlInput::hidden('e_pj_suggest', $default_pj);
     $ret .= '</tr>';
     $ret .= '</td>';
     $ret .= '<tr>';
     $ret .= '<td colspan="2" style="width:auto">';
     $ret .= _('Libellé');
     $wDescription = new IText('desc');
     $wDescription->readonly = $p_readonly;
     $wDescription->size = "50";
     $wDescription->value = isset($desc) ? $desc : '';
     $ret .= $wDescription->input();
     $ret .= '</td>';
     $ret .= '</tr>';
     $ret .= '</table>';
     $nb_row = isset($nb_item) ? $nb_item : $this->nb;
     $ret .= HtmlInput::hidden('nb_item', $nb_row);
     $ret .= dossier::hidden();
     $ret .= dossier::hidden();
     $ret .= HtmlInput::hidden('jrn_type', $this->get_type());
     $info = HtmlInput::infobulle(0);
     $info_poste = HtmlInput::infobulle(9);
     if ($g_user->check_action(FICADD) == 1) {
         $ret .= $f_add_button->input();
     $ret .= '<table id="quick_item" style="position:float;width:100%">';
     $ret .= '<tr>' . '<th style="text-align:left">Quickcode' . $info . '</th>' . '<th style="text-align:left">' . _('Poste') . $info_poste . '</th>' . '<th style="text-align:left">' . _('Libellé') . '</th>' . '<th style="text-align:left">' . _('Montant') . '</th>' . '<th style="text-align:left">' . _('Débit') . '</th>' . '</tr>';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_row; $i++) {
         // Quick Code
         $quick_code = new ICard('qc_' . $i);
         $quick_code->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipopcard');
         // name of the field to update with the name of the card
         $quick_code->set_attribute('label', "ld" . $i);
         // name of the field to update with the name of the card
         $quick_code->set_attribute('typecard', 'filter');
         // Add the callback function to filter the card on the jrn
         $quick_code->javascript = sprintf(' onchange="fill_data_onchange(\'%s\');" ', $quick_code->name);
         $quick_code->value = isset(${'qc_' . $i}) ? ${'qc_' . $i} : "";
         $quick_code->readonly = $p_readonly;
         $label = '';
         if ($quick_code->value != '') {
             $Fiche = new Fiche($this->db);
             $label = $Fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_NAME);
         // Account
         $poste = new IPoste();
         $poste->name = 'poste' . $i;
         $poste->set_attribute('jrn', $this->id);
         $poste->set_attribute('ipopup', 'ipop_account');
         $poste->set_attribute('label', 'ld' . $i);
         $poste->set_attribute('account', 'poste' . $i);
         $poste->set_attribute('dossier', Dossier::id());
         $poste->value = isset(${'poste' . $i}) ? ${"poste" . $i} : '';
         $poste->readonly = $p_readonly;
         if ($poste->value != '') {
             $Poste = new Acc_Account($this->db);
             $Poste->set_parameter('value', $poste->value);
             $label = $Poste->get_lib();
         // Description of the line
         $line_desc = new IText();
         $line_desc->name = 'ld' . $i;
         $line_desc->size = 30;
         $line_desc->value = isset(${"ld" . $i}) ? ${"ld" . $i} : $label;
         // Amount
         $amount = new INum();
         $amount->size = 10;
         $amount->name = 'amount' . $i;
         $amount->value = isset(${'amount' . $i}) ? ${"amount" . $i} : '';
         $amount->readonly = $p_readonly;
         $amount->javascript = ' onChange="format_number(this);checkTotalDirect()"';
         // D/C
         $deb = new ICheckBox();
         $deb->name = 'ck' . $i;
         $deb->selected = isset(${'ck' . $i}) ? true : false;
         $deb->readonly = $p_readonly;
         $deb->javascript = ' onChange="checkTotalDirect()"';
         $ret .= '<tr>';
         $ret .= '<td>' . $quick_code->input() . $quick_code->search() . '</td>';
         $ret .= '<td>' . $poste->input() . '<script> document.getElementById(\'poste' . $i . '\').onblur=function(){ if (trim(this.value) !=\'\') {document.getElementById(\'qc_' . $i . '\').value="";}}</script>' . '</td>';
         $ret .= '<td>' . $line_desc->input() . '</td>';
         $ret .= '<td>' . $amount->input() . '</td>';
         $ret .= '<td>' . $deb->input() . '</td>';
         $ret .= '</tr>';
         // If readonly == 1 then show CA
     $ret .= '</table>';
     if (isset($this->with_concerned) && $this->with_concerned == true) {
         $oRapt = new Acc_Reconciliation($this->db);
         $w = $oRapt->widget();
         $w->name = 'jrn_concerned';
         $w->value = isset($jrn_concerned) ? $jrn_concerned : "";
         $ret .= "R&eacute;conciliation/rapprochements : " . $w->input();
     $ret .= create_script("\$('" . $wDate->id . "').focus()");
     return $ret;
Beispiel #16
 * show the module
 * @global $g_user
 * @param $module the $_REQUEST['ac'] exploded into an array
 * @param  $idx the index of the array : the AD code is splitted into an array thanks the slash
function show_menu($module)
    if ($module == 0) {
    static $level = 0;
    global $g_user;
    $cn = Dossier::connect();
     * Show the submenus
    $amenu = $cn->get_array("\n        select \n            pm_id,\n            me_code,\n            pm_id_dep,\n            me_file,\n            me_javascript,\n            me_url,\n            me_menu,\n            me_description,\n            me_description_etendue\n            from profile_menu \n            join menu_ref using (me_code) \n            where pm_id_dep=\$1 and p_id=\$2\n\t order by p_order", array($module, $g_user->get_profile()));
    // There are submenuS, so show them
    if (!empty($amenu) && count($amenu) > 1) {
        $a_style_menu = array('topmenu', 'menu2', 'menu3');
        if ($level > count($a_style_menu)) {
            $style_menu = 'menu3';
        } else {
            $style_menu = $a_style_menu[$level];
        require 'template/menu.php';
    } elseif (count($amenu) == 1) {
        if (trim($amenu[0]['me_url']) != "" || trim($amenu[0]['me_file']) != "" || trim($amenu[0]['me_javascript']) != "") {
            echo '<div class="topmenu">';
            echo h2info(_($amenu[0]['me_menu']));
            echo '</div>';
            $module = $amenu[0]['pm_id'];
        } else {
            $url = $_REQUEST['ac'] . '/' . $amenu[0]['me_code'];
            echo '<a href="do.php?gDossier=' . Dossier::id() . '&ac=' . $url . '">';
            echo _($amenu[0]['me_menu']);
            echo '</a>';
    // There is no submenu or only one
    if (empty($amenu) || count($amenu) == 1) {
        $file = $cn->get_array("select me_file,me_parameter,me_javascript,me_type\n\t\tfrom menu_ref\n\t\tjoin profile_menu using (me_code)\n\t\tjoin profile_user using (p_id)\n\t\twhere\n\t\tpm_id=\$1 and\n\t\tuser_name=\$2 and\n\t\t(me_file is not null or trim(me_file) <>'' or\n\t\tme_javascript is not null or trim (me_javascript) <> '')", array($module, $g_user->login));
        if (count($file) == 0) {
        if ($file[0]['me_file'] != "") {
            if ($file[0]['me_parameter'] !== "") {
                // if there are paramter put them in superglobal
                $array = compute_variable($file[0]['me_parameter']);
            if (DEBUG) {
                echo $file[0]['me_file'], " param : ", $file[0]['me_parameter'];
             * Log the file we input to put in the folder test-noalyss for replaying it
            if (LOGINPUT) {
                $file_loginput = fopen($_ENV['TMP'] . '/scenario-' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] . '.php', 'a+');
                fwrite($file_loginput, "include '" . $file[0]['me_file'] . "';");
                fwrite($file_loginput, "\n");
            // if file is not a plugin, include the file, otherwise
            // include the plugin launcher
            if ($file[0]['me_type'] != 'PL') {
                require_once $file[0]['me_file'];
            } else {
                require 'extension_get.inc.php';
        if ($file[0]['me_javascript'] != '') {
            $js = str_replace('<DOSSIER>', dossier::id(), $file[0]['me_javascript']);
            echo create_script($js);
Beispiel #17
    $from_periode = 'from_periode=' . format_date($limit[0]->p_start);
    $to_periode = 'to_periode=' . format_date($limit[1]->p_end);
    if (isset($_GET['ex'])) {
        if ($exercice > $_GET['ex']) {
            $limit_periode = $periode->get_limit($_GET['ex']);
            $from_periode = 'from_periode=' . format_date($limit_periode[0]->p_start);
        } else {
            $limit_periode = $periode->get_limit($_GET['ex']);
            $to_periode = 'to_periode=' . format_date($limit_periode[1]->p_end);
    if (isset($_GET['pcm_val'])) {
        $href_csv = "export.php?" . $href . '&poste_id=' . $_GET['pcm_val'] . '&ople=0&type=poste&' . $from_periode . '&' . $to_periode . "&act=CSV:postedetail";
        $href_pdf = "export.php?" . $href . '&poste_id=' . $_GET['pcm_val'] . '&ople=0&type=poste&' . $from_periode . '&' . $to_periode . "&act=PDF:postedetail";
    } else {
        $href_csv = "export.php?" . $href . '&f_id=' . $_GET['f_id'] . '&ople=0&type=poste&' . $from_periode . '&' . $to_periode . "&act=CSV:fichedetail";
        $href_pdf = "export.php?" . $href . '&f_id=' . $_GET['f_id'] . '&ople=0&type=poste&' . $from_periode . '&' . $to_periode . "&act=PDF:fichedetail";
    echo HtmlInput::print_window();
    echo '<a class="smallbutton"  href="' . $href_csv . '">' . _("Export CSV") . '</a>';
    echo '<a class="smallbutton"  href="' . $href_pdf . '">' . _("Export PDF") . '</a>';
} else {
    echo HtmlInput::print_window();
echo '</div>';
echo HtmlInput::hidden('inpopup', 1);
$str = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "&div=popup";
$script = "\n        var obj={id:'popup',fixed:1,cssclass:'content',style:'width:auto',html:loading(),qs:'{$str}',js_success:'success_box',js_error:null,callback:'" . $_GET['ajax'] . "'};\n        show_box(obj);\n        ";
echo create_script($script);
Beispiel #18
 function input()
     $r = "";
     if ($this->blocking) {
         $r .= sprintf('<div id="%s_fond" class="popup_back">', $this->name);
         $r .= "</div>";
     $javascript = sprintf("javascript:hideIPopup('%s')", $this->name);
     if (isset($this->title) && trim($this->title) != "") {
         $r .= sprintf('<div id="%s_border" id="%s_border" class="popup_border_title">', $this->name, $this->name);
         $r .= sprintf('<span id="%s_">%s</span>', $this->name, $this->title);
     } else {
         $r .= sprintf('<div id ="%s_border" id="%s_border" class="popup_border_notitle">', $this->name, $this->name);
     $r .= '<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:10px;font-weight:normal;font-size:9px;color:black;text-align:right">';
     $r .= sprintf('<a style="background-color:blue;color:white;text-decoration:none" href="%s">&#10761;</a></div>', $javascript);
     $r .= sprintf('<div id ="%s_content" id="%s_content" class="inner_box"> %s </div></div>', $this->name, $this->name, $this->value);
     /* Add properties at the widget */
     $attr = $this->parameter;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->attribute); $i++) {
         list($name, $value) = $this->attribute[$i];
         $tmp1 = sprintf("\$('%s').%s='%s';", $this->name, $name, $value);
         $attr .= $tmp1;
     $draggable = '';
     if ($this->drag == true) {
         /* add draggable possibility */
         $draggable = sprintf("  new Draggable('%s_border',{starteffect:function(){\n                               new Effect.Highlight('%s_border',{scroll:window,queue:'end'});  } });", $this->name, $this->name);
     $attr = create_script($attr . $draggable);
     $r .= $attr;
     return $r;
Beispiel #19
 public function input($p_name = null, $p_value = null)
     if ($p_name == null && $this->name == "") {
         throw new Exception('Le nom d une icard doit être donne');
     $this->value = $p_value == null ? $this->value : $p_value;
     if ($this->readOnly == true) {
         return $this->display();
     $this->id = $this->id == "" ? $this->name : $this->id;
     $this->choice = $this->choice == null ? sprintf("%s_choices", $this->id) : $this->choice;
     $this->indicator = $this->indicator == null ? sprintf("%s_ind", $this->id) : $this->indicator;
     $attr = $this->get_js_attr();
     $label = '';
     if ($this->dblclick != '') {
         $e = sprintf(' ondblclick="%s" ', $this->dblclick);
         $this->dblclick = $e;
     $input = sprintf('<INPUT TYPE="Text"  class="input_text"  ' . ' NAME="%s" ID="%s" VALUE="%s" SIZE="%d" %s %s  %s>', $this->name, $this->id, $this->value, $this->size, $this->dblclick, $this->javascript, $this->style);
     if ($this->autocomplete == 1) {
         $this->indicator = "ind_" . $this->id;
         $ind = sprintf('<span id="%s" class="autocomplete" style="position:absolute;display:none">Un instant... <img src="image/loading.gif" alt="Chargement..."/>' . '</span>', $this->indicator);
         $this->indicator = "null";
         $div = $this->choice_create == 1 ? sprintf('<div id="%s"  class="autocomplete"></div>', $this->choice) : "";
         $query = dossier::get() . '&e=' . urlencode($this->typecard);
         $javascript = sprintf('try { new Ajax.Autocompleter("%s","%s","fid_card.php?%s",' . '{paramName:"FID",minChars:1,indicator:%s, ' . 'callback:%s, ' . ' afterUpdateElement:%s});} catch (e){alert(e.message);};', $this->id, $this->choice, $query, $this->indicator, $this->callback, $this->fct);
         $javascript = create_script($javascript . $this->dblclick);
         $r = $label . $input . $attr . $ind . $div . $javascript;
     } else {
         $r = $label . $input;
     if ($this->table == 1) {
         $r = td($r);
     return $r;