but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// include game definitions, path url and so on
include 'config.script.php';
// 09/05/08 AC: Increased number of generated planets
include $game_path . 'include/sql.php';
include $game_path . 'include/global.php';
include $game_path . 'include/functions.php';
include $game_path . 'include/libs/world.php';
$game = new game();
$db = new sql($config['server'] . ":" . $config['port'], $config['game_database'], $config['user'], $config['password']);
// create sql-object for db-connection
for ($i = 0; $i < $PLANETS_PER_QUADRANT; $i++) {
    create_planet(0, 'quadrant', 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < $PLANETS_PER_QUADRANT; $i++) {
    create_planet(0, 'quadrant', 2);
for ($i = 0; $i < $PLANETS_PER_QUADRANT; $i++) {
    create_planet(0, 'quadrant', 3);
for ($i = 0; $i < $PLANETS_PER_QUADRANT; $i++) {
    create_planet(0, 'quadrant', 4);
Beispiel #2
 public function Install($log = INSTALL_LOG_FILE_NPC)
     // We don't use the global variable here since this function can be called also
     // by the installation script.
     $environment = $this->db->queryrow('SELECT * FROM config LIMIT 0 , 1');
     $ACTUAL_TICK = $environment['tick_id'];
     $this->sdl->start_job('Ramona basic system', $log);
     // First of all retrieve the BOT quick storage table
     if (!($Bot_exe = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM FHB_Bot LIMIT 0,1'))) {
         // Create the table if does not exists
         $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `FHB_Bot` (\n                        `id` int(2) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                        `user_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                        `user_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                        `user_tick` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                        `user_race` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                        `user_loginname` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n                        `planet_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                        `ship_t_1` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                        `ship_t_2` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                        `bot_tick` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n                    ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1";
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> cannot create FHB_bot table - ABORTED', $log);
         // Should work now
         $Bot_exe = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM FHB_Bot LIMIT 0,1');
     // Check if the BOT exists
     $num_bot = $this->db->num_rows($Bot_exe);
     if ($num_bot < 1) {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO FHB_Bot (user_id,user_name,user_tick,user_race,user_loginname,planet_id,ship_t_1,ship_t_2)
                 VALUES ("0","","0","0","","0","0","0")';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> cannot insert FHB_bot data - ABORTED', $log);
     // So now we should have valid data
     $this->bot = $this->db->queryrow('SELECT * FROM FHB_Bot LIMIT 0,1');
     // Check whether the bot already lives
     if ($this->bot['user_id'] == 0) {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO user (user_id, user_active, user_name, user_loginname, user_password, user_email, user_auth_level,
                                   user_race, user_gfxpath, user_skinpath, user_registration_time, user_registration_ip,
                                   user_birthday, user_gender, plz, country,user_enable_sig,user_message_sig,
                                   user_signature, user_notepad, user_options, message_basement)
                 VALUES (' . FERENGI_USERID . ',1, "Quark(NPC)", "Bot", "' . md5("bundu") . '", "*****@*****.**", ' . STGC_BOT . ',
                         5, "' . DEFAULT_GFX_PATH . '", "skin1/", ' . time() . ', "",
                         "20.04.2007", "w", 76149 , "DE",1,"<br><br><p><b>I.A. of the Ferengi Trade Guild</b></p>",
                         "I live in the computing centre Karlsruhe - so now however conclusion with merry","","","")';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not create Ramona - ABORTED', $log);
         $this->sdl->log('Ramona is created', $log);
         // Update BOT card
         $sql = 'UPDATE FHB_Bot
                 SET user_id="' . FERENGI_USERID . '",
                     user_tick="' . $ACTUAL_TICK . '",
                 WHERE id="' . $this->bot['id'] . '"';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not update Ramona ID card - ABORTED', $log);
         // Avoid a DB query
         $this->bot['user_id'] = FERENGI_USERID;
     // Check whether the bot has a planet
     if ($this->bot['planet_id'] == 0) {
         $this->sdl->log('<b>Ramona needs a new body</b>', $log);
         while ($this->bot['planet_id'] == 0 or $this->bot['planet_id'] == 'empty') {
             $this->sdl->log('New planet', $log);
             $this->bot['planet_id'] = create_planet($this->bot['user_id'], 'quadrant', 4);
             if ($this->bot['planet_id'] == 0) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not create Ramona\'s planet - ABORTED', $log);
             $sql = 'UPDATE user
                     SET user_points = "400",
                         user_planets = "1",
                         last_active = "4294967295",
                         user_attack_protection = "' . ($ACTUAL_TICK + 1500) . '",
                         user_capital = "' . $this->bot['planet_id'] . '",
                         active_planet = "' . $this->bot['planet_id'] . '"
                     WHERE user_id = "' . $this->bot['user_id'] . '"';
             if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Could not update Ramona\'s attack protection info - CONTINUED', $log);
             // Bot gets better values for her body, she should always looks good
             $this->sdl->log('Better values for the Planet', $log);
             $sql = 'UPDATE planets SET planet_points = 500,building_1 = 9,building_2 = 9,building_3 = 9,
                         building_4 = 9,building_5 = 9,building_6 = 9,building_7 = 9,building_8 = 9,
                         building_9 = 9,building_10 = 9,building_11 = 9,building_12 = 9,building_13 = 9,
                         unit_1 = 2000,unit_2 = 2000,unit_3 = 2000,unit_4 = 500,unit_5 = 500,unit_6=500,
                         planet_name = "Dealer Base",
                         research_1 = 9,research_2 = 9,research_3 = 9,research_4 = 9,research_5 = 9,
                         workermine_1 = 1600,workermine_2 = 1600,workermine_3 = 1600,resource_4 = 4000
                     WHERE planet_owner = ' . $this->bot['user_id'] . ' and planet_id=' . $this->bot['planet_id'];
             if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Could not improve Ramona\'s planet - CONTINUED', $log);
             $sql = 'UPDATE FHB_Bot SET planet_id=' . $this->bot['planet_id'] . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $this->bot['user_id'];
             if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not update Ramona ID card with planet info - CONTINUED', $log);
     // Check whether the ship already has templates
     $reloading = 0;
     if ($this->bot['ship_t_1'] == 0) {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ship_templates (owner, timestamp, name, description, race, ship_torso, ship_class,
                                             component_1, component_2, component_3, component_4, component_5,
                                             component_6, component_7, component_8, component_9, component_10,
                                             value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4, value_5, 
                                             value_6, value_7, value_8, value_9, value_10,
                                             value_11, value_12, value_13, value_14, value_15,
                                             resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, unit_5, unit_6,
                                             min_unit_1, min_unit_2, min_unit_3, min_unit_4,
                                             max_unit_1, max_unit_2, max_unit_3, max_unit_4, 
                                             rof, rof2, max_torp, buildtime)
                 VALUES ("' . $this->bot['user_id'] . '","' . time() . '","NPC Quark Trade","Transport","' . $this->bot['user_race'] . '",1,0,
                          1, 0, 0, 0)';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not save BOT template 1 - ABORTED', $log);
         // Update ship template id with the freshly created one
         $this->bot['ship_t_1'] = $this->db->insert_id();
     if ($this->bot['ship_t_2'] == 0) {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ship_templates (owner, timestamp, name, description, race, ship_torso, ship_class,
                                            component_1, component_2, component_3, component_4, component_5,
                                            component_6, component_7, component_8, component_9, component_10,
                                            value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4, value_5,
                                            value_6, value_7, value_8, value_9, value_10,
                                            value_11, value_12, value_13, value_14, value_15,
                                            resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, unit_5, unit_6,
                                            min_unit_1, min_unit_2, min_unit_3, min_unit_4,
                                            max_unit_1, max_unit_2, max_unit_3, max_unit_4, 
                                            rof, rof2, max_torp, buildtime)
                 VALUES ("' . $this->bot['user_id'] . '","' . time() . '","NPC Quark Hunter","Combat ship","' . $this->bot['user_race'] . '",3,0,
                          30, 30, 5000, 0)';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not save BOT template 2 - ABORTED', $log);
         // Update ship template id with the freshly created one
         $this->bot['ship_t_2'] = $this->db->insert_id();
     if ($reloading > 0) {
         $this->sdl->log('Update BOT ship templates', $log);
         $sql = 'UPDATE FHB_Bot
                 SET ship_t_1 = ' . $this->bot['ship_t_1'] . ',
                     ship_t_2 = ' . $this->bot['ship_t_2'] . '
                 WHERE user_id = ' . $this->bot['user_id'];
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not update Ramona ID card with ship templates info - CONTINUED', $log);
     $this->sdl->finish_job('Ramona basic system', $log);
     // ########################################################################################
     // ########################################################################################
     // Change the BOT password
 public function Install($log = INSTALL_LOG_FILE_NPC)
     // We don't use the global variable here since this function can be called also
     // by the installation script.
     $environment = $this->db->queryrow('SELECT * FROM config LIMIT 0 , 1');
     $ACTUAL_TICK = $environment['tick_id'];
     $FUTURE_SHIP = $environment['future_ship'];
     $this->sdl->start_job('SevenOfNine basic system', $log);
     $Bot_exe = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM borg_bot LIMIT 0,1');
     // Create BOT table if it doesn't exist
     if ($Bot_exe === false) {
         $sql = 'CREATE TABLE `' . $this->db->login['database'] . '`.`borg_bot` (
                     `id` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
                     `user_id` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\',
                     `planet_id` SMALLINT( 5 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  \'0\',
                     `ship_template1` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  \'0\',
                     `ship_template2` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  \'0\',
                     `ship_template3` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  \'0\',
                     `user_tick` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
                     `attack_quadrant` TINYINT( 3 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  \'' . BORG_QUADRANT . '\',
                     `attacked_user1` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
                     `attacked_user2` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
                     `attacked_user3` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
                     `attacked_user4` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
                     `last_attacked` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  \'0\',
                     `wrath_size` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT  \'30\',
                     PRIMARY KEY (  `id` )
                 ) ENGINE = MYISAM';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> cannot create borg_bot table - ABORTED', $log);
     $num_bot = $this->db->num_rows($Bot_exe);
     if ($num_bot < 1) {
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO borg_bot (user_id,user_tick,planet_id,ship_template1,ship_template2,ship_template3)
                 VALUES ("0","0","0","0","0","0")';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not insert borg_bot data - ABORTED', $log);
     //So now we give the bot some data so that it is also Registered
     $this->bot = $this->db->queryrow('SELECT * FROM borg_bot LIMIT 0,1');
     //Check whether the bot already lives
     if ($this->bot['user_id'] == 0) {
         $this->sdl->log('We need to create SevenOfNine', $log);
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO user (user_id, user_active, user_name, user_loginname, user_password, user_email,
                                   user_auth_level, user_race, user_gfxpath, user_skinpath, user_registration_time,
                                   user_registration_ip, user_birthday, user_gender, plz, country,
                                   user_signature, user_notepad, user_options, message_basement)
                  VALUES (' . BORG_USERID . ', 1, "Borg(NPC)", "BorgBot", "' . md5("borgcube") . '", "*****@*****.**",
                          ' . STGC_BOT . ', ' . BORG_RACE . ', "/stfc_gfx/", "skin1/", ' . time() . ',
                          "", "23.05.2008", "", 16162 , "IT",
                          1, "<br><br><p><b>We are the Borg, resistance is futile</b></p>",
                          "' . BORG_SIGNATURE . '","", "", "")';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not create SevenOfNine - ABORTED', $log);
         $sql = 'UPDATE borg_bot
                 SET user_id="' . BORG_USERID . '",
                     user_tick="' . $ACTUAL_TICK . '"
                 WHERE id="' . $this->bot['id'] . '"';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not update borg_bot table - ABORTED', $log);
         // Avoid a DB query
         $this->bot['user_id'] = BORG_USERID;
     // end user bot creation
     // Check whether the bot has a planet
     if ($this->bot['planet_id'] == 0) {
         $this->sdl->log('<b>SevenOfNine needs new body</b>', $log);
         while ($this->bot['planet_id'] == 0 or $this->bot['planet_id'] == 'empty') {
             $this->sdl->log('Create new planet', $log);
             $this->bot['planet_id'] = create_planet($this->bot['user_id'], 'quadrant', BORG_QUADRANT);
             if ($this->bot['planet_id'] == 0) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not create SevenOfNine\'s planet - ABORTED', $log);
             $sql = 'UPDATE user
                     SET user_points = "400",
                         user_planets = "1",
                         last_active = "4294967295",
                         user_capital = "' . $this->bot['planet_id'] . '",
                         active_planet = "' . $this->bot['planet_id'] . '"
                     WHERE user_id = ' . $this->bot['user_id'];
             if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not update SevenOfNine\'s attack protection info - CONTINUED', $log);
             // That one is for resetting the Borg Targets List
             $sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE borg_target';
             if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not reset borg_target - CONTINUED', $log);
             //Bot gets best values for his body, he should also look good
             $this->sdl->log('Give best values to the planet', $log);
             $sql = 'UPDATE planets SET planet_points = 1200,building_1 = 9,building_2 = 15,building_3 = 15,
                     building_4 = 15,building_5 = 16,building_6 = 9,building_7 = 15,building_8 = 9,
                     building_9 = 9,building_10 = 35,building_11 = 9,building_12 = 15,building_13 = 35,
                     unit_1 = 20000,unit_2 = 10000,unit_3 = 5000,unit_4 = 5000,unit_5 = 0,unit_6 = 0,
                     planet_name = "Unimatrix Zero",
                     research_1 = 15,research_2 = 15,research_3 = 15,research_4 = 15,research_5 = 9,
                     workermine_1 = 1600,workermine_2 = 1600,workermine_3 = 1600,resource_4 = 4000
                     WHERE planet_owner = ' . $this->bot['user_id'] . ' and planet_id=' . $this->bot['planet_id'];
             if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not improve SevenOfNine\'s planet - CONTINUED', $log);
             $sql = 'UPDATE borg_bot SET planet_id=' . $this->bot['planet_id'] . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $this->bot['user_id'];
             if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not update SevenOfNine ID card with planet info - CONTINUED', $log);
         // end while
     // end planet creation
     // Check whether the ship already has templates
     $reload = 0;
     if ($this->bot['ship_template1'] == 0) {
          * Brief comments of SECOND prototype of Borg Sphere:
          * Light weapons: 420
          * Heavy weapons: 1176
          * Planetary weapons: 8
          * Hull: 2970
          * Shield: 6241
          * Reaction: 8
          * Readiness: 17
          * Agility: 36
          * Experience: 50
          * Warp: 10 (Borg has transwarp engines)
          * Sensors: 48
          * Camouflage: 0
          * Energy available: 160
          * Energy used: 140
          * Resources needed for construction:
          * Metal: 50000
          * Minerals: 50000
          * Dilithium: 50000
          * Workers: 500
          * Technicians: 100
          * Physicians: 10
          * Minimum crew:
          * Drone simple: 196
          * Assault drone: 0
          * Elite drone: 0
          * Commander drone: 4
          * Maximum crew:
          * Drone simple: 196
          * Assault drone: 0
          * Elite drone: 0
          * Commander drone: 4
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ship_templates (owner, timestamp, name, description, race, ship_torso, ship_class,
                                             component_1, component_2, component_3, component_4, component_5,
                                             component_6, component_7, component_8, component_9, component_10,
                                             value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4, value_5,
                                             value_6, value_7, value_8, value_9, value_10,
                                             value_11, value_12, value_13, value_14, value_15,
                                             resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, unit_5, unit_6,
                                             min_unit_1, min_unit_2, min_unit_3, min_unit_4,
                                             max_unit_1, max_unit_2, max_unit_3, max_unit_4,
                                             buildtime, rof, rof2, max_torp)
                  VALUES ("' . $this->bot['user_id'] . '","' . time() . '","' . BORG_SPHERE . '","Exploration ship","' . BORG_RACE . '",6,2,
                          0, 8, 6, 85)';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not save BOT template 1 - ABORTED', $log);
         // Update ship template id with the freshly created one
         $this->bot['ship_template1'] = $this->db->insert_id();
     if ($this->bot['ship_template2'] == 0) {
          * Brief comments of SECOND prototype of Borg Cube:
          * Light weapons: 420
          * Heavy weapons: 1176
          * Planetary weapons: 140
          * Hull: 7796
          * Shield: 11441
          * Reaction: 8
          * Readiness: 20
          * Agility: 22
          * Experience: 50
          * Warp: 10 (Borg has transwarp engines)
          * Sensors: 42
          * Camouflage: 0
          * Energy available: 300
          * Energy used: 300
          * Resources needed for construction:
          * Metal: 500000
          * Minerals: 500000
          * Dilithium: 500000
          * Workers: 50000
          * Technicians: 10000
          * Physicians: 1000
          * Minimum crew:
          * Drone simple: 294
          * Assault drone: 0
          * Elite drone: 0
          * Commander drone: 6
          * Maximum crew:
          * Drone simple: 9294
          * Assault drone: 6000
          * Elite drone: 3000
          * Commander drone: 6
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ship_templates (owner, timestamp, name, description, race, ship_torso, ship_class,
                                             component_1, component_2, component_3, component_4, component_5,
                                             component_6, component_7, component_8, component_9, component_10,
                                             value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4, value_5,
                                             value_6, value_7, value_8, value_9, value_10,
                                             value_11, value_12, value_13, value_14, value_15,
                                             resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, unit_5, unit_6,
                                             min_unit_1, min_unit_2, min_unit_3, min_unit_4,
                                             max_unit_1, max_unit_2, max_unit_3, max_unit_4,
                                             buildtime, rof, rof2, max_torp)
                 VALUES ("' . $this->bot['user_id'] . '","' . time() . '","' . BORG_CUBE . '","Assimilation ship","' . BORG_RACE . '",9,3,
                         0, 21, 11, 1000)';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Could not save BOT template 2 - ABORTED', $log);
         // Update ship template id with the freshly created one
         $this->bot['ship_template2'] = $this->db->insert_id();
     if ($this->bot['ship_template3'] == 0) {
          * Brief comments of THIRD prototype of Borg Cube:
          * Light weapons: 420
          * Heavy weapons: 1176
          * Planetary weapons: 140
          * Torpedoes: 800
          * ROF: 16
          * Hull: 12623
          * Shield: 22882
          * Reaction: 8
          * Readiness: 28
          * Agility: 15
          * Experience: 50
          * Warp: 10 (Borg has transwarp engines)
          * Sensors: 70
          * Camouflage: 0
          * Energy available: 600
          * Energy used: 600
          * Resources needed for construction:
          * Metal: 500000
          * Minerals: 500000
          * Dilithium: 500000
          * Workers: 50000
          * Technicians: 250
          * Physicians: 250
          * Minimum crew:
          * Drone simple: 10000
          * Assault drone: 2500
          * Elite drone: 2500
          * Commander drone: 500
          * Maximum crew:
          * Drone simple: 65000   <--- Max 65535
          * Assault drone: 21000
          * Elite drone: 15000
          * Commander drone: 5000
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ship_templates (owner, timestamp, name, description, race, ship_torso, ship_class,
                                             component_1, component_2, component_3, component_4, component_5,
                                             component_6, component_7, component_8, component_9, component_10,
                                             value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4, value_5,
                                             value_6, value_7, value_8, value_9, value_10,
                                             value_11, value_12, value_13, value_14, value_15,
                                             resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, unit_5, unit_6,
                                             min_unit_1, min_unit_2, min_unit_3, min_unit_4,
                                             max_unit_1, max_unit_2, max_unit_3, max_unit_4,
                                             buildtime, rof, rof2, max_torp)
                 VALUES ("' . $this->bot['user_id'] . '","' . time() . '","' . BORG_TACT . '","Combat Ship","' . BORG_RACE . '",11,3,
                         0, 34, 22, 5000)';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Could not save BOT template 3 - ABORTED ' . $sql, $log);
         // Update ship template id with the freshly created one
         $this->bot['ship_template3'] = $this->db->insert_id();
     if ($this->bot['unimatrixzero_tp'] == 0) {
          * Brief comments of FIRST prototype of Unimatrix Zero:
          * Light weapons: 1
          * Heavy weapons: 1
          * Planetary weapons: 1
          * Torpedoes: 25000
          * ROF: 25
          * Hull: 850000
          * Shield: 850000
          * Reaction: 5
          * Readiness: 80
          * Agility: 5
          * Experience: 100
          * Warp: 10 (Borg has transwarp engines)
          * Sensors: 80
          * Camouflage: 0
          * Energy available: 10000
          * Energy used: 10000
          * Resources needed for construction:
          * Metal: 1
          * Minerals: 1
          * Dilithium: 1
          * Workers: 1
          * Technicians: 1
          * Physicians: 1
          * Minimum crew:
          * Drone simple: 65000
          * Assault drone: 25000
          * Elite drone: 25000
          * Commander drone: 5000
          * Maximum crew:
          * Drone simple: 65000   <--- Max 65535
          * Assault drone: 25000
          * Elite drone: 25000
          * Commander drone: 5000
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ship_templates (owner, timestamp, name, description, race, ship_torso, ship_class, 
         									component_1, component_2, component_3, component_4, component_5, 
         									component_6, component_7, component_8, component_9, component_10,
         									value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4, value_5,
         									value_6, value_7, value_8, value_9, value_10,
         									value_11, value_12, value_13, value_14, value_15,
         									resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, unit_5, unit_6, 
         									min_unit_1, min_unit_2, min_unit_3, min_unit_4,
         									max_unit_1, max_unit_2, max_unit_3, max_unit_4, 
         									buildtime, rof, rof2, max_torp)
         		VALUES (' . $this->bot['user_id'] . ',' . time() . ', "' . BORG_UM0 . '", "Main Borg Base", ' . BORG_RACE . ',12,3,
         				-1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
         				-1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
         				1, 1, 1, 850000, 850000,
         				5, 80, 5, 100, 10,
         				80, 0, 10000, 10000, 0,
         				1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
         				65000, 25000, 25000, 5000,
         				65000, 25000, 25000, 5000,
         				0, 25, 25, 25000)';
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Could not save BOT Unimatrix Zero - ABORTED ' . $sql, $log);
         // Update ship template id with the freshly created one
         $this->bot['unimatrixzero_tp'] = $this->db->insert_id();
     if ($reload > 0) {
         $this->sdl->log('Ship templates built', $log);
         $sql = 'UPDATE borg_bot
                 SET ship_template1 = ' . $this->bot['ship_template1'] . ',
                     ship_template2 = ' . $this->bot['ship_template2'] . ',
                     ship_template3 = ' . $this->bot['ship_template3'] . ',
                     unimatrixzero_tp = ' . $this->bot['unimatrixzero_tp'] . '
                 WHERE user_id = ' . $this->bot['user_id'];
         if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
             $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Could not update SevenOfNine ID card with ship templates info - CONTINUED', $log);
     $this->sdl->finish_job('SevenOfNine basic system', $log);
     // ########################################################################################
     // ########################################################################################
     // Change the BOT password
     // Future Humans
     $this->sdl->start_job('Future Humans Setup&Maintenance', $log);
     if ($FUTURE_SHIP == 0) {
         $sql = 'SELECT count(*) AS fhship_check FROM ship_templates
                 WHERE template_id = ' . $FUTURE_SHIP;
         $result = $this->db->queryrow($sql);
         if ($result['fhship_check'] == 0) {
             // We put the Future Humans Ship Template in the DB
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO ship_templates (owner, timestamp, name, description, race, ship_torso, ship_class,
                                 component_1, component_2, component_3, component_4, component_5,
                                 component_6, component_7, component_8, component_9, component_10,
                                 value_1, value_2, value_3, value_4, value_5,
                                 value_6, value_7, value_8, value_9, value_10,
                                 value_11, value_12, value_13, value_14, value_15,
                                 resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, unit_5, unit_6,
                                 min_unit_1, min_unit_2, min_unit_3, min_unit_4,
                                 max_unit_1, max_unit_2, max_unit_3, max_unit_4,
                                 buildtime, rof, max_torp)
                     VALUES ("' . FUTURE_HUMANS_UID . '","' . time() . '","Prometeus","Anti-Borg, Multirole, Heavy Assault Ship",12,11,3,
                             2000, 3, 500)';
             if (!$this->db->query($sql)) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not insert Future Humans Ship Template - ABORTED', $log);
             $FUTURE_SHIP = $this->db->insert_id();
             if (!$this->db->query('UPDATE config SET future_ship = ' . $FUTURE_SHIP)) {
                 $this->sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not update future ship template id - CONTINUED', $log);
             $this->sdl->log('Template created with id ' . $FUTURE_SHIP, $log);
     $this->sdl->finish_job('Future Humans Setup&Maintenance', $log);
 // Then create the others
 while ($planets_to_go > 0) {
     // Create the system
     $_temp = create_system('sector', $capital_system['sector_id'], 0);
     $_system_id = $_temp[0];
     $game->out('Created system: ' . $_system_id . '<br>');
     // Retrieve available slots
     $sql = 'SELECT system_max_planets FROM starsystems WHERE system_id = ' . $_system_id;
     if (($new_system = $db->queryrow($sql)) === false) {
         message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query solar system data');
     $game->out('Available slots: ' . $new_system['system_max_planets'] . '<br>');
     // Fill all the slots available
     for ($p = 0; $p < $new_system['system_max_planets']; $p++) {
         $planet_id = create_planet(0, 'system', $_system_id);
         $game->out('Created planet: ' . $planet_id . '<br>');
         // Update required security forces
         $sql = 'UPDATE planets
                 SET planet_owner = ' . $user_id . ',
                     planet_owned_date = ' . time() . ',
                     planet_owner_enum = ' . ($n_planets - 1) . ',
                     planet_available_points = ' . $MAX_POINTS[0] . ',
                     unit_1 = ceil(pow(planet_owner_enum*' . MIN_TROOPS_PLANET . ',1+planet_owner_enum*0.01)/2)
                 WHERE planet_id = ' . $planet_id;
         if (!$db->query($sql)) {
             message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not update planets data!');
         $game->out('Updated required security troops of planet: ' . $planet_id . '<br>');
         // #############################################################################
         // Add History Record in planet details; log_code = 25
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if (empty($_GET['id_type'])) {
    die('Usage: id_type=[quadrant,sector,system]&id_value=[integer]&n=[integer]<br><br>Optional: user_id=[integer]');
if (!in_array($_GET['id_type'], array('quadrant', 'sector', 'system'))) {
    die('Usage: id_type=[quadrant,sector,system]&id_value=[integer]&n=[integer]<br><br>Optional: user_id=[integer]');
if (empty($_GET['id_value'])) {
    die('Usage: id_type=[quadrant,sector,system]&id_value=[integer]&n=[integer]<br><br>Optional: user_id=[integer]');
if (empty($_GET['n'])) {
    die('Usage: id_type=[quadrant,sector,system]&id_value=[integer]&n=[integer]<br><br>Optional: user_id=[integer]');
include_once 'include/libs/world.php';
if (!empty($_GET['user_id'])) {
    $user_id = (int) $_GET['user_id'];
} else {
    $user_id = false;
$results = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $_GET['n']; ++$i) {
    $results[] = create_planet($user_id, $_GET['id_type'], $_GET['id_value']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($results); ++$i) {
    $game->out('Created new planet with ID <b>' . $results[$i] . '</b><br>');
Beispiel #6
 function create_planet($user_id, $id_type, $id_value, $selected_type = 'r', $race = 0)
     include_once 'include/libs/world.php';
     return create_planet($user_id, $id_type, $id_value, $selected_type, $race);