Beispiel #1
     foreach ($exercises as $exercise) {
         $submitted[$exercise] = array();
     foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
         $submitted[$submission->getExerciseId()][] = $submission->getLeaderId();
     $noSubmission = array();
     foreach ($exercises as $exercise) {
         $noSubmission[$exercise] = array_diff($users[$exercise], $submitted[$exercise]);
     $failure = false;
     foreach ($noSubmission as $exercise => $exerciseUsers) {
         foreach ($exerciseUsers as $user) {
             if (createSubmission($user, $exercise) === null) {
                 $failure = true;
         if ($failure) {
     if (!$failure) {
         $assignMakeNotifications[] = MakeNotification("success", Language::Get('main', 'successMake', $langTemplate));
     } else {
         $assignMakeNotifications[] = MakeNotification("error", Language::Get('main', 'errorMake', $langTemplate));
 } else {
     $assignMakeNotifications[] = MakeNotification("error", Language::Get('main', 'errorMake', $langTemplate));
Beispiel #2
 * Stores a marking in the database.
 * @param $points The points of the marking
 * @param $tutorComment The tutor's comment
 * @param $status The status of the marking
 * @param $submissionID The id of the submission, if set, -1 otherwise
 * @param $markingID The id of the marking, if set, -1 otherwise
 * @param $leaderID The id of the group leader
 * @param $tutorID The id of the tutor who creates the marking
 * @param $eID The id of the exercisesheet
 * @return bool Returns true on success, false otherwise 
function saveMarking($points, $tutorComment, $status, $submissionID, $markingID, $leaderID, $tutorID, $eID)
    global $databaseURI;
    // submission and marking already exist and don't
    // need to be created before adding the marking data
    if ($submissionID != -1 && $markingID != -1) {
        $newMarking = Marking::createMarking($markingID, $tutorID, null, null, $tutorComment, null, $status, $points, time());
        $newMarking = Marking::encodeMarking($newMarking);
        $URI = $databaseURI . "/marking/{$markingID}";
        http_put_data($URI, $newMarking, true, $message);
        if ($message != 201) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    } elseif ($submissionID != -1 && $markingID == -1) {
        // only the submission exists, the marking still
        // needs to be created before adding the marking data
        // creates the marking in the database
        $marking = createMarking($points, $tutorComment, $status, $submissionID, $tutorID);
        if (empty($marking)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    } elseif ($submissionID == -1 && $markingID == -1) {
        // neither the submission nor the marking exist - they both
        // need to be created before adding the marking data
        // creates the submission in the database
        $submission = createSubmission($leaderID, $eID);
        if (!empty($submission)) {
            // creates the marking in the database
            $submissionID = $submission['id'];
            $marking = createMarking($points, $tutorComment, $status, $submissionID, $tutorID);
            if (!empty($marking)) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;