Beispiel #1
 public function add_staff_member()
     if (!empty($this->posts)) {
         //all the fields that want validation
         $this->fields = array('title', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'gender', 'dob[]', 'evening_telephone', 'address_line_1[]', 'city[]', 'postcode[]', 'date[]');
         //Correspoding errors
         $this->errors = array('required', 'required', 'required', 'required', 'required', 'required', 'required', 'required', 'required', 'required');
          * Created a function to return the loop
         $this->runValidator($this->fields, $this->errors);
         //Check for errors
         if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
             //Are we dealing with ajax?
             if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
                 //Run the warning function
             } else {
                 //show the form and send the parameters of the failed fields
         } else {
             //Create the correct date of birth structure for insertion into db
             $this->posts['dob'] = strtotime($this->posts['dob'][2] . '-' . sprintf('%02s', $this->posts['dob'][1] + 1) . '-' . sprintf('%02s', $this->posts['dob'][0] + 1));
             //Get the id from the date table for the dob
             $dob_id = $this->Registration_Model->insert_return(array('date' => date('Y-m-d', $this->posts['dob'])), 'date');
             //When did we add the entry to the system
             $date_id = $this->Registration_Model->insert_return(array('date' => $this->time), 'date');
              * Address Data to be inserted into the database 
              * We need to have a count of keys in case we need 
              * to add doctors address!!
             $address_ids = $this->staff_model->my_array(array_slice($this->posts, 10, 6), 'address', NULL, NULL);
             //Count array length....
             $a_id = count($address_ids);
              * Contact Data to be inserted into the database 
              * We need to have a count of keys in case we need 
              * to add doctors address!!
             $contact_ids = $this->staff_model->my_array(array_slice($this->posts, 5, 5), 'contact', NULL, NULL);
             //Count array length....
             $c_id = count($contact_ids);
              * We now need to create the reference for the user profiles
             $ref = array('reference' => createReference($this->posts['last_name'] . $this->posts['first_name'], $dob_id));
              * Insert the above array into the table "reference" so provide a unique reference that we can use to search from.
              * Get the id back for the user table
             $ref_id = $this->staff_model->insert_return($ref, 'reference', true);
             $user_array = array('address_id' => $address_ids[0], 'contact_id' => $contact_ids[0], 'company_id' => $this->data['data']->master_id, 'dob_id' => (int) $dob_id, 'date_id' => (int) $date_id, 'reference_id' => (int) $ref_id, 'type' => (int) $this->config->item('staff'), 'master_id' => $this->data['data']->master_id);
              * Create user array so we can trck them
              * Slice the post vars and merge above array
              * Get the user id returned..
             $user_id = $this->staff_model->insert_return(array_merge(array_slice($this->posts, 0, 4), $user_array), 'users', true);
              * Create a start date for the staff member
              * we have a datepicker in case they started before or
              * going to start in the future and pre-entered
             $startDate = $this->staff_model->insert_return(array('date' => isset($this->posts['startToday']) ? $this->time : date("Y-m-d", strtotime($this->posts['date'][0]))), 'date');
              * We are dealing with an array that changes size dependant on user input
              * so we need to find its numeric position in the current post vars,
              * this class has private function to find the array position, then slice from the that offset!
             $staff_key = $this->arrayMarker('job_title');
              * Create an array of additonal attributes for staff table
             $staffArray = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'master_id' => $this->data['data']->master_id, 'start_from' => $startDate, 'type' => false);
              * Merge above array with a slice of the post vars, insert and return the correct id
             $staff_id = $this->staff_model->insert_return(array_merge($staffArray, array_slice($this->posts, $staff_key, 10)), 'staff');
              * Insert the workwear data into the system using @param staff_id
             $this->staff_model->insert(array_merge(array('staff_id' => $staff_id), array_slice($this->posts, $staff_key + 10, 2)), 'workwear');
              * Use the above offset, count the correct position in array from that key
              * Check if convictions is true and move the counter on the slice to facilitate
              * the additional post vars ready to be inserted.
             $this->staff_model->insert(array_merge(array_slice($this->posts, $staff_key + 12, $this->posts['conviction'] == true ? 3 : 1), array('staff_id' => $staff_id)), 'convictions');
              * Have this user been dbs checked?
              * if so add the check to their records,
              * we are using certifications table to hold these records!
             $this->staff_model->insert(array('staff_id' => $staff_id, 'type' => (int) $this->config->item('dbs'), 'dbs' => $this->posts['dbs'], 'dbs' => $this->posts['dbs'], 'signiture' => $this->posts['signiture'], 'discrepencies' => $this->posts['discrepencies']), 'certifications');
              * Has the user decided to add payroll?
              * If yes, we slice the array using the arrayMarker function to get the array key
              * Add the staff id, merge arrays and insert....
             if (array_key_exists('payroll_number', $this->posts)) {
                 $this->staff_model->insert(array_merge(array('staff_id' => $staff_id), array_slice($this->posts, $this->arrayMarker('payroll_number'), 7)), 'finance');
              * Count how many contact vars are being posted
             $c = count($this->posts['daytime_telephone']);
              * Are we posting more than 1?
              * If yes we need to insert these records into the contact table and return the id
              * This id will be used for medical join, doctors details
             if ($c > 1) {
                 $cont_id = $this->staff_model->insert_return(array('daytime_telephone' => $this->posts['daytime_telephone'][1], 'evening_telephone' => $this->posts['evening_telephone'][1]), 'contact');
              * Insert the medical records based upon certian conditions
              * 1.) has it got contact details? yes - insert id / no - insert 0
              * 2.) User the counter from the address id array? have we  got 2 entries? insert the second, if not 0
              * 3.) As this array can also change size depending on selection we need to create a double offset by you the arrayMarker function
              * on 2 periters, this allows us to calculate the array length so we insert the correct data
             $this->staff_model->insert(array_merge(array('staff_id' => $staff_id, 'contact_id' => $c > 1 ? $cont_id : 0, 'address_id' => $a_id > 1 ? $address_ids[1] : 0), array_slice($this->posts, $this->arrayMarker('dermatitis'), $this->arrayMarker(array_key_exists('doctors_name', $this->posts) ? 'doctors_name' : 'contact_doc'))), 'medical');
             //Give the user a success message to say all well!
             $this->data['message'] = $this->lang->line('staff_added');
             //Encode view data and message into json format for ajax purposes
             echo json_encode(array('message' => $this->load->view('/clientarea/modules/flashmessage', $this->data, true)));
             //Return false so the user does not get double view load....
             return false;
         return false;
     $this->data['arr'] = true;
     $this->view($this->master, $this->prefix, $this->file_ext);
Beispiel #2
 public function add($contacts = NULL)
     //Are we posting
     if (!empty($this->posts)) {
         //all the fields that want validation
         $this->fields = array('type', 'title', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email_address[]', 'daytime_telephone[]', 'address_line_1[]', 'city[]', 'postcode[]');
         //Correspoding errors
         $this->errors = array('required', 'required', 'required', 'required', 'required|valid_email', 'required', 'required', 'required', 'required');
          * Customers can be an individual or company, so for validation 
          * purposes we run an extra check on what is posting
         if ($this->posts['type'] != 0) {
              * We are dealing with a company so we need to add 
              * some rules to validation 
              * Extra fields have been unlocked so
              * They need validating too.
             array_push($this->fields, 'company_name[]');
             array_push($this->errors, 'required');
          * Parent control function to 
          * automatically run the validator
         $this->runValidator($this->fields, $this->errors);
     //Check for errors
     if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
         //Are we transmitting through ajax
         if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
             //Generate a warning
             return false;
         } else {
             //show the form and send the parameters of the failed fields
     } else {
          * We are dealing with a company
          * so we need to create some keys for the multidimansional arrays
         if ($this->posts['type'] == true) {
              * Generate company array
             $companyArray = array_merge(array('active' => '1'), array_slice($this->posts, 9, 4));
             //Invoice Keys to join onto multidimensional post array
             $invoice = array(0, 1, 0);
             //Which is the invoice address out of the 2 vars
             $addInvoice = array(1, 0);
         } else {
             //We are dealing with an individual, so we need a different array
             $companyArray = array('active' => '1');
             //Smaller array so less keys needed
             $invoice = array(1, 0);
             //The second var will will be primary
             $addInvoice = array(0, 1);
         //Insert the company data into the database and get the returned keys
         $company_id = $this->customer_model->insert_return($companyArray, 'company');
         //Insert the date for the logs and so we can identify when the customer was added
         $date_id = $this->customer_model->insert_return(array('date' => $this->time), 'date');
          * We need to identify the array key position of address data so
          * a slice of the post array can be taken to be formatted through the batch 
          * functions within the core model.
         $add_key = array_search('address_line_1', array_keys($this->posts));
         $address_ids = $this->customer_model->my_array(array_slice($this->posts, $add_key, 6), 'address', NULL, array('company_id' => $company_id, 'invoice' => $addInvoice = array(1, 0)));
          * The site data is mostly composed of returned data and we need to build the array accordingly 
          * to the post vars, we have multiple ways in which the data can be inserted into the database
          * depending on how the user has posted the form
          * We also create a unique reference through the createReference helper function
         $a_id = count($address_ids) - 1;
         $sites = array('site_name' => 'Company Head Quarters', 'site_reference' => createReference($this->name(), $company_id), 'address_id' => $address_ids[$a_id], 'company_id' => $company_id, 'domain' => true);
         //Insert the site array and return the id accordingly
         $site_id = $this->customer_model->insert_return($sites, 'sites');
         $site_ids = $this->posts['type'] == true ? array(0, 0, $site_id) : array(0, $site_id);
          * customer array function calls the core model functions to insert formatted batch data
          * additional parameters can be set such as adding custom arrays to the method which will 
          * be attached and formated alongside the post array
         $contact_ids = $this->customer_model->my_array(array_slice($this->posts, 4, 5), 'contact', NULL, array('user' => $this->data['data']->user_id, 'company_id' => $company_id, 'site_id' => $site_ids, 'invoice' => $invoice));
          * Create an array of customer data with all the corect foriegn 
          * keys and type.
         $userData = array('company_id' => $company_id, 'contact_id' => $contact_ids[0], 'address_id' => $a_id == 1 ? $address_ids[1] : $address_ids[0], 'type' => (int) $this->config->item($this->prefix), 'master_id' => $this->data['data']->master_id);
         //Insert the customer into the database, merge the array above with a slice of the post array.
         $this->customer_model->insert(array_merge($userData, array_slice($this->posts, 1, 3)), 'users');
         //array_slice($this->posts, 1, 3)
         //Create a customer array and customer reference through the createReference helper function
         $customerArray = array('reference' => createReference($this->name(), $company_id), 'company_id' => $company_id, 'date_id' => $date_id, 'master_id' => $this->data['data']->master_id, 'individual' => $this->posts['type']);
         //Insert the customer data into the customer table
         $this->customer_model->insert($customerArray, 'customers');
         //Give the user a success message to say all well!
         $this->data['message'] = $this->lang->line('customer_added');
         //Encode view data and message into json format for ajax purposes
         echo json_encode(array('message' => $this->load->view('/clientarea/modules/flashmessage', $this->data, true)));
         //Return false so the user does not get double view load....
         return false;
     //This arg opens up the form to be multidimensional array
     $this->data['arr'] = true;
     //Generate the form
     //Load the view file
     $this->view($this->master, $this->prefix, $this->file_ext);
Beispiel #3
 function update_sites($company_id, $siteId = NULL, $addressId = NULL, $bypass = false)
      * Are we adding or editing data, if we are adding a new site we need contact data.
      * If not we only edit site name or address because the site could have multiple contacts
      * and would make the form to big and cumbersome...
     $this->data['hideContact'] = $siteId == NULL ? NULL : 'NOT NULL';
      * Run a check for ajax posting
     if ($this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
          * Are we posting data
         if (!empty($this->posts)) {
             //Set the validation for the add/edit site form, adding will require additional fields
             $this->fields = array('site_name', 'address_line_1', 'city', 'postcode');
             $this->errors = array('required', 'required', 'required', 'required');
              * If we dont have a site id sent as param we are adding
              * So we need some additional rules to validate because we are using 
              * So we push some additonal data onto the array...
             if ($siteId === NULL) {
                  * If we are adding data we need to validate 
                  * addional fields wich are not present during edit
                 array_push($this->fields, 'email_address', 'daytime_telephone', 'first_name');
                 array_push($this->errors, 'required|valid_email', 'required|validate_uk_phone', 'required');
              * Run the validator in the parent class
             $this->runValidator($this->fields, $this->errors);
             //Is it Valid?
             if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
                 //show the form and send the parameters of the failed fields
                 echo json_encode($this->form_validation->error_array());
                 return false;
             } else {
                  * Again are adding or editing
                  * If it equals NULL we are adding data so 
                  * we need to run different functions to add
                 if ($siteId == NULL) {
                      * Insert the site address into the system
                     $address_id = $this->sites_model->insert_return(array_slice($this->posts, 1, 6), 'address');
                      * Create an array to insert the correct site data
                     $siteData = array('company_id' => $company_id, 'address_id' => $address_id, 'domain' => 0, 'site_name' => $this->posts['site_name'], 'site_reference' => createReference($this->posts['site_name'], $company_id));
                     //Insert the site data
                     $site_id = $this->sites_model->insert_return($siteData, 'sites');
                     //Insert the contact data
                     $contact_id = $this->sites_model->insert_return(array_merge(array('site_id' => $site_id), array_slice($this->posts, 10)), 'contact');
                     $this->sites_model->insert(array_merge(array('contact_id' => $contact_id, 'master_id' => $this->data['data']->master_id), array_slice($this->posts, 7, 3)), 'users');
                 } else {
                      * We are editing!!!
                      * Update address and sites table with the correct
                      * Params sent through url
                     $this->sites_model->update_row($addressId, 'id', 'address', array_slice($this->posts, 1, 6));
                     $this->sites_model->update_row($siteId, 'id', 'sites', array('site_name' => $this->posts['site_name']));
                 //Return json success message
                 echo json_encode(array('message' => 'Site Address Changes Saved'));
                 return false;
         if ($siteId == NULL) {
             //Load company form blank with validation fields
             $this->form_data($this->fields, '', 1);
         } else {
             //We are editing so we need to get the data from the database
             $this->data['row_data'] = $this->customer_model->get_modal_site_edit($siteId);
              * When editing site data from customers page we use a get request
              * so we need to detect from the server what the request is..
              * If its GET just return a json array
             if ($this->input->server('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'GET' && $bypass == true) {
                 echo json_encode($this->data['row_data']);
                 return false;
         $this->title($this->fields, $siteId == NULL ? NULL : $this->data['row_data']);
         $this->form_data($this->fields, $siteId == NULL ? NULL : (!empty($this->data['row_data']->last_name) ? $this->data['row_data'] : NULL), 0);
         //Run the address form with data if needed...
         $this->address($this->fields, $siteId == NULL ? NULL : $this->data['row_data']);
         //Load the company data
         $this->form_data($this->fields, $siteId == NULL ? NULL : $this->data['row_data'], 4);
         //Load the view...
         $this->load->view('clientarea/sites/modules/sites', $this->data);
     } else {
         //No JS enabled, alert user to switch it back on
         echo "Please Enable Javascript To use These Features";