Beispiel #1
 public function respond()
     global $_W;
     $rid = $this->rule;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('weisrc_audio_reply') . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1";
     $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid));
     if (empty($row['id'])) {
         return array();
     $title = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT name FROM " . tablename('rule') . " WHERE id = :rid LIMIT 1", array(':rid' => $rid));
     $url = $_W['siteroot'] . createMobileUrl('index', array('rid' => $row['rid'], 'from_user' => base64_encode(authcode($this->message['from'], 'ENCODE'))));
     return $this->respNews(array('Title' => $title, 'Description' => $row['description'], 'PicUrl' => !strexists($row['picture'], 'http://') ? $_W['attachurl'] . $row['picture'] : $row['picture'], 'Url' => $url));
Beispiel #2
 public function receive()
     //这里定义此模块进行消息订阅时的, 消息到达以后的具体处理过程, 请查看微擎文档来编写你的代码
     global $_W;
     $rid = $this->rule;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('message_reply') . " WHERE `rid`=:rid LIMIT 1";
     $row = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':rid' => $rid));
     $response['FromUserName'] = $this->message['to'];
     $response['ToUserName'] = $this->message['from'];
     $response['MsgType'] = 'news';
     $response['ArticleCount'] = 1;
     $response['Articles'] = array();
     $response['Articles'][] = array('Title' => $row['title'], 'Description' => $row['description'], 'PicUrl' => empty($row['thumb']) ? '' : $_W['attachurl'] . $row['thumb'], 'Url' => createMobileUrl('stubind', array('name' => 'stubind', 'id' => $rid, 'weid' => $_W['weid'], 'from_user' => base64_encode(authcode($this->message['from'], 'ENCODE')))), 'TagName' => 'item');
     return $response;
Beispiel #3
 public function doMobileAnnouncement()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $member = $this->checkAuth();
     $title = $this->getMobileTitle('announcement');
     $op = empty($_GPC['op']) ? 'display' : $_GPC['op'];
     $op = in_array($op, array('display', 'detail')) ? $op : 'display';
     if ($op == 'display') {
         $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
         $psize = 50;
         $where = " WHERE `weid` = :weid AND `regionid`=:regionid AND `status`=:status AND `starttime`<=:starttime AND `endtime`>:endtime";
         $paras = array(':weid' => $member['weid'], ':regionid' => $member['regionid'], ':starttime' => TIMESTAMP, ':endtime' => TIMESTAMP, ':status' => 1);
         $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('community_announcement') . $where, $paras);
         $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('community_announcement') . "{$where} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize, $paras);
         $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
     } else {
         if ($op == 'detail') {
             $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
             if (!empty($id)) {
                 $item = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('community_announcement') . " WHERE `id`=:id AND `weid`=:weid AND `regionid`=:regionid", array(':id' => $id, ':weid' => $_W['weid'], ':regionid' => $member['regionid']));
             if (empty($item)) {
                 message('未找到指定的公告.', createMobileUrl('announcement'));
     include $this->template('announcement');