Beispiel #1
    // look at lines that are rrd files
    if (preg_match('/.*[.]rrd$/', $line)) {
        // find out the directory it's in
        $dir = preg_replace('|(.*/).*|', '\\1', $line);
        // if it's already had a map file created, skip it
        if (count($exclude) > 0) {
            if (preg_grep("|^{$dir}\$|", $exclude)) {
        // thank you Michael for Lady&Tramp!
        $eline = escapeshellarg($line);
        // ask the file for its dses
        $out = exec("{$rrdtool} info {$eline}", $outa, $rval);
        if ($rval == 0) {
            // get the dses from the output
            $dslines = preg_grep('/ds[[].*[.]type/', $outa);
            // a different var so that rrd files with yabba+others won't get ignored
            $ndslines = preg_grep('/[[]yabba\\]/', $dslines, PREG_GREP_INVERT);
            if (count($ndslines) > 0) {
                // add the dir to the excludes
                $exclude[] = $dir;
                // go create a map in that dir
                $nothing = createMap($dir);
        } else {
            print "Failed {$line}\n";
Beispiel #2

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/";
if (!isLogin()) {
$user = getUserInfo();
$map_id = createMap($user['id'], 550, 1000, 6, 'false', 'true', 'false', '', '[0,0]', '', '{}');
if ($map_id) {
    updateMap($map_id, $user['id'], 'source', 'website');
    redirect("map-edit.php?action=create&id=" . $map_id);
} else {
Beispiel #3
 $legend_content = $get['legend_content'];
 // default Empty String ''
 /* Marker Properties */
 $latlng = getLatLng($get['address']);
 if ($latlng) {
     $address = $get['address'];
     $latitude = $latlng['lat'];
     $longitude = $latlng['lng'];
     $description = isset($get['description']) ? $get['description'] : '';
     $marker_color = strtolower($get['marker_color']);
     $marker_style = strtolower($get['marker_style']);
     $get_direction = strtolower($get['get_direction']) == 'yes' ? 'true' : 'false';
     $bootstrap_popup = strtolower($get['use_infobox']) == 'yes' ? 'true' : 'false';
     $showlocation = strtolower($get['showlocation']) == 'yes' ? 'true' : 'false';
     $hide_label = strtolower($get['hide_label']) == 'no' ? 'false' : 'true';
     $mapId = createMap($user['id'], $height, $width, $zoom, $defaultopen, $showsidebar, 'true', $name, '[' . $latlng['lat'] . ',' . $latlng['lng'] . ']', $password, '[]');
     if ($mapId) {
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'cluster', $cluster);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'show_overlay', $show_overlay);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'overlay_title', $overlay_title);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'overlay_blurb', $overlay_blurb);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'overlay_content', $overlay_content);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'show_legend', $show_legend);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'legend_content', $legend_content);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'show_export', $show_export);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'show_measure', $show_measure);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'show_minimap', $show_minimap);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'show_filelayer', $show_filelayer);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'show_static_sidebar', $show_static_sidebar);
         updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'static_sidebar_content', $static_sidebar_content);
         $properties = array();
Beispiel #4
         if (in_array(strtolower($validHead[$i]), $requiredColumns) && $body[$key][$index]) {
         if ($body[$key][$index]) {
             $row[$validHead[$i]] = $body[$key][$index];
     if ($requiredFound == count($requiredColumns)) {
         $validRows[] = $row;
 if (json_decode($_POST['filteredColumns']) == "") {
     $_POST['filteredColumns'] = "[]";
 /* All iz Well, Now create map and shapes/markers */
 $mapId = createMap($userId, 550, 1000, 6, 'false', 'true', 'true', '', '[0,0]', '', $_POST['filteredColumns']);
 if (!$mapId) {
     $error = "Map is not created!";
 } else {
     updateMap($mapId, $userId, 'source', 'website');
     $properties = array();
     $type = array();
     $coordinates = array();
     $styles = array();
     $customproperties = array();
     foreach ($validRows as $row) {
         $shape = prepareShapeData($row);
         $type[] = $shape['type'];
         $coordinates[] = $shape['coordinates'];
         $properties[] = $shape['properties'];
         $styles[] = $shape['styles'];
Beispiel #5
            $error = true;
            $_RESPONSE['success'] = false;
            $_RESPONSE['message'] = "Project with given Id not found!";
if (!$error) {
    $name = $map['name'];
    $height = (int) $map['height'] == 0 ? 500 : (int) $map['height'];
    $width = (int) $map['width'] == 0 ? 500 : (int) $map['width'];
    $zoom = (int) $map['zoom'] == 0 ? 8 : (int) $map['zoom'];
    $center = "[" . $map['centerLatitude'] . "," . $map['centerLongitude'] . "]";
    $showsidebar = $map['showSidebar'] ? 'true' : 'false';
    $defaultopen = $map['defaultOpen'] ? 'true' : 'false';
    $password = $map['password'];
    $mapId = createMap($user['id'], $height, $width, $zoom, $defaultopen, $showsidebar, 'true', $name, $center, $password, '[]');
    if (!$mapId) {
        $error = true;
if (!$error) {
    $useCluster = $map['useCluster'] ? 'true' : 'false';
    $overlayEnable = $map['overlayEnable'] ? 'true' : 'false';
    $overlayTitle = $map['overlayTitle'];
    $overlayBlurb = $map['overlayBlurb'];
    $overlayContent = $map['overlayContent'];
    $legendEnable = $map['legendEnable'] ? 'true' : 'false';
    $legendContent = $map['legendContent'];
    updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'cluster', $useCluster);
    updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'overlay_enable', $overlayEnable);
    updateMap($mapId, $user['id'], 'overlay_title', $overlayTitle);
Beispiel #6
body { font-family: "Courier New"; }
$startX = 1;
$startY = 1;
$currentX = $startX;
$currentY = $startY;
$endX = 9;
$endY = 9;
$map = createMap(10, 10);
$dirDice = array("Forward", "Backward", "Left", "Right");
travel($endX, $endY, 100);
function move($move)
    global $map, $currentX, $currentY, $dirDice;
    $invalidMove = true;
    $tmpDice = array_merge(array(), $dirDice);
    while ($invalidMove) {
        $tmpX = $currentX;
        $tmpY = $currentY;
        if (!empty($tmpDice)) {
            $index = array_rand($tmpDice, 1);
            $direction = $tmpDice[$index];
            if ($direction == "Forward") {