Beispiel #1
 * Displays Continue button on order summary page.
 * @return void
function cp_payments_display_order_summary_continue_button()
    $url = '';
    $text = '';
    $step = _appthemes_get_step_from_query();
    if (!is_singular(APPTHEMES_ORDER_PTYPE) && (!empty($step) && 'order-summary' !== $step)) {
    $order = get_order();
    if ($membership = cp_get_membership_package_from_order($order)) {
        $package = cp_get_user_membership_package($order->get_author());
        if ($package) {
            $url = CP_ADD_NEW_URL;
            $text = __('Post a new Ad', APP_TD);
        } else {
            $url = CP_DASHBOARD_URL;
            $text = __('Visit your dashboard', APP_TD);
    } else {
        if ($listing_id = _cp_get_order_ad_id($order)) {
            $url = get_permalink($listing_id);
            $text = __('View ad listing', APP_TD);
    echo html('p', html('em', __('Thank you for your purchase!', APP_TD)));
    if ($url && $text) {
        if (!in_array($order->get_status(), array(APPTHEMES_ORDER_PENDING, APPTHEMES_ORDER_FAILED))) {
            echo html('p', html('em', __('Your order has been completed!', APP_TD)));
        echo html('button', array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn_orange', 'onClick' => "location.href='" . $url . "';return false;"), $text);
Beispiel #2
 function notices()
     global $cp_options, $current_user;
     if ($cp_options->charge_ads && $cp_options->enable_membership_packs) {
         $membership = cp_get_user_membership_package($current_user->ID);
         $step = _appthemes_get_step_from_query();
         if ($membership && in_array($step, array('listing-details', 'select-category'))) {
             appthemes_display_notice('success', sprintf(__('You have active membership pack "%s". Membership benefit will apply on the review page before publishing an ad.', APP_TD), $membership->pack_name));
Beispiel #3
 * Checks and redirects to membership purchase page if not meet membership requirement.
 * @return void
function cp_redirect_membership()
    global $current_user, $cp_options;
    $current_requirement = false;
    if (!$cp_options->enable_membership_packs) {
    if (isset($_POST['cat'])) {
        $current_requirement = get_membership_requirement($_POST['cat']);
    if ($cp_options->required_membership_type == 'all') {
        $current_requirement = 'all';
    if (!$current_requirement) {
    $current_membership = cp_get_user_membership_package($current_user->ID);
    if (!$current_membership || !$current_membership->pack_satisfies_required) {
        $redirect_url = add_query_arg(array('membership' => 'required', 'cat' => $current_requirement), CP_MEMBERSHIP_PURCHASE_URL);
Beispiel #4
  * Sets listing internal data.
  * return void
 protected function set_internal_data()
     global $cp_options, $current_user;
     $listing = $this->get_listing_obj();
     // add items needed for function that displays listing preview
     $this->posted_fields['fid'] = $this->form_id;
     $this->posted_fields['cat'] = $this->category_id;
     // set listing unique id
     if ($unique_id = get_post_meta($listing->ID, 'cp_sys_ad_conf_id', true)) {
         $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_ad_conf_id'] = $unique_id;
     } else {
         $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_ad_conf_id'] = cp_generate_id();
     // set user IP
     $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_userIP'] = appthemes_get_ip();
     // set listing duration
     if ($this->posted_fields['ad_pack_id']) {
         $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_ad_duration'] = cp_get_ad_pack_length($this->posted_fields['ad_pack_id']);
     } else {
         $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_ad_duration'] = $cp_options->prun_period;
     $listing_price_currency = !empty($this->posted_fields['cp_currency']) ? $this->posted_fields['cp_currency'] : $cp_options->curr_symbol;
     $coupon = false;
     // legacy coupon value
     if (cp_payments_is_enabled()) {
         // see if the featured ad checkbox has been checked
         if (!empty($this->posted_fields['featured_ad'])) {
             $this->posted_fields['featured_ad'] = 1;
             // save featured ad price
             $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_feat_price'] = $cp_options->sys_feat_price;
         // calculate the ad listing fee and put into a variable
         $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_ad_listing_fee'] = cp_ad_listing_fee($this->category_id, $this->posted_fields['ad_pack_id'], $this->posted_fields['cp_price'], $listing_price_currency);
         $featured_price = isset($this->posted_fields['cp_sys_feat_price']) ? $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_feat_price'] : 0;
         $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_total_ad_cost'] = cp_calc_ad_cost($this->category_id, $this->posted_fields['ad_pack_id'], $featured_price, $this->posted_fields['cp_price'], $coupon, $listing_price_currency);
         $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_total_ad_cost_no_benefit'] = $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_total_ad_cost'];
         // apply membership benefit
         if ($cp_options->enable_membership_packs && ($membership = cp_get_user_membership_package($current_user->ID))) {
             $this->posted_fields['membership_pack'] = $membership->ID;
             // update the total cost based on the membership pack ID and current total cost
             $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_total_ad_cost'] = cp_calculate_membership_package_benefit($membership->ID, $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_total_ad_cost']);
             // add featured cost to static pack type
             if ($featured_price && $membership->pack_type == 'static') {
                 $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_total_ad_cost'] += $featured_price;
     // prevent from minus prices if bigger discount applied
     if (!isset($this->posted_fields['cp_sys_total_ad_cost']) || $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_total_ad_cost'] < 0) {
         $this->posted_fields['cp_sys_total_ad_cost'] = 0;
Beispiel #5
 * Updates user membership.
 * @param int $user_id
 * @param object $package
 * @return bool
function cp_update_user_membership($user_id, $package)
    $user = get_user_by('id', $user_id);
    if (!$user || !$package) {
        return false;
    $current_membership = cp_get_user_membership_package($user_id);
    if ($current_membership && $current_membership->ID == $package->ID) {
        // user have active that same membership, so extend date
        $base_date = $user->membership_expires;
    } else {
        $base_date = current_time('mysql');
    $new_expiration_date = appthemes_mysql_date($base_date, $package->duration);
    // update user membership package id and expiration date
    update_user_meta($user_id, 'active_membership_pack', $package->ID);
    update_user_meta($user_id, 'membership_expires', $new_expiration_date);
    return true;