Beispiel #1

/*Simplex internet  PH Developer team 
	 Project: Count the number of '8' in the range from 1 to 10,000. (ex. 8831 => 2, 8888 => 4)
	 Author: Ramil T. Angeles
	 Date: 11-11-2015
	 filename: phptest2.php
function count_num($from, $to)
    //create function for counting the numbers.
    foreach (range($from, $to) as $number) {
        // loop range fronm 1 to 10000;
        $arr_num[$number] = substr_count("{$number}", '8');
        //created $arr_num array with index value from $number
        // array value is substr_count(string, 8);
    return $arr_num;
$results = count_num(1, 10000);
//call function count_num and pass a parameter range 1 to 10000
$total = array_sum($results);
echo "Total number of 8 range 1 to 10000 are: " . $total . "<br>";
Beispiel #2
        $data = $table->data($page);
        foreach ($data as $dd) {
            $gdata[] = [strtotime($dd['day']) * 1000, (int) $dd['day_num']];
    $gdata = [['key' => '统计数', 'values' => $gdata]];
    $app->render('console/stat_visitor.html', array('day' => $day, 'range' => $range, 'count' => $count, 'type' => 'visitor', 'data' => $data, 'table' => $table, 'gdata' => json_encode($gdata)));
$app->get('/stat/source', function () use($app) {
    $env = $app->environment();
    $user = $env['user'];
    $req = $app->request();
    $day = $app->request->get('day');
    $day = $day ? $day : date('Y-m-d');
    $range = dayrange();
    $count = count_num($day, ['siteid' => $user->siteid]);
    $page = $req->get("page") == null ? 1 : $req->get("page");
    $table = new \Slim\Admin\Table('visitors', '地理统计');
    $urlVis = $app->urlFor('visitors');
    $table->column('day', '天')->config('range', '--')->config('disabled', true);
    $table->column('location', ['label' => '来源', "formatter" => function ($t, $col, $row, $val) use($urlVis) {
        return array("link", $val, $t->urlForLink($urlVis, array('location' => $val)));
    $table->column('location_num', '次数');
    $table->conditions(['day' => $day, 'siteid' => $user->siteid]);
    $data = $table->data($page);
    $app->render('console/stat_source.html', array('day' => $day, 'range' => $range, 'count' => $count, 'type' => 'source', 'data' => $data, 'table' => $table));