function recTablesTotal($tables) { $total = 0; $t = explode(',', $tables); for ($i = 0; $i < count($t); $i++) { $total += count_items($t[$i]); } return $total; }
function create_lang_switcher($lang) { if (count_items("languages") > 1) { echo "<div class='lang_switcher' >" . switch_Lang . " " . createComboBoxScript("languages", "lang", "lang_name", $lang, "lang", "", "", "window.location='?lang='+this.value") . "</div>"; } }
} } else { //ERROR? $protection_mode = "ERROR"; } $smarty->assign("protection", $protection_mode); if (isset($_SESSION["firsttime"])) { $smarty->assign("firsttime", true); } else { $smarty->assign("firsttime", false); } $smarty->assign("lang", $lang); // $smarty->assign("enable_false_negative_management", "T"); // $smarty->assign("showmail","T"); $smarty->assign("maxitemid", $maxitemid); $smarty->assign("msid", $msid); $smarty->assign("hamcount", $hamcount); $smarty->assign("spamcount", $spamcount); $smarty->assign("bannedcount", $bannedcount); $smarty->assign("headercount", $headercount); $smarty->assign("viruscount", $viruscount); $smarty->assign("hamtext", sprintf($lang['text_cache_ham'], $hamcount, "list-cache.php{$msid}cache_type=ham")); $smarty->assign("spamtext", sprintf($lang['text_cache_spam'], $spamcount, "list-cache.php{$msid}cache_type=spam")); $smarty->assign("virustext", sprintf($lang['text_cache_virus'], $viruscount, "list-cache.php{$msid}cache_type=virus")); $smarty->assign("bannedtext", sprintf($lang['text_cache_banned'], $bannedcount, "list-cache.php{$msid}cache_type=attachment")); $smarty->assign("headertext", sprintf($lang['text_cache_header'], $headercount, "list-cache.php{$msid}cache_type=header")); $smarty->assign("spam_for_user", count_items($euid, "spam")); $smarty->assign("virus_for_user", count_items($euid, "virus")); $smarty->assign("spam_for_system", count_items(0, "spam")); $smarty->assign("virus_for_system", count_items(0, "virus")); $smarty->display("welcome.tpl");
function get_item_row($user_id, $type) { global $dbh; global $lang; $bandwidth_cost = get_config_value("bandwidth_cost"); $items = count_items($user_id, $type); if ($items > 0) { $ret = array(); $ret['items'] = $items; $total_mail = count_total_mail($user_id); if ($total_mail > 0) { $ret['pct'] = sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * $items / $total_mail); } else { $ret['pct'] = "0.0%"; } $item_size = total_item_size($user_id, $type); $item_days = count_item_days($user_id, $type); if ($item_days > 0) { if ($item_days >= 1) { $ret['rate'] = sprintf("%.1f", $items / $item_days); $bandwidth_per_day = $item_size / $item_days; } else { $ret['rate'] = $items; $bandwidth_per_day = $item_size; } } else { $ret['rate'] = "-"; $bandwidth_per_day = 0; } if ($type == "ham" || $type == "spam" || $type == "suspected_spam" || $type == "suspected_ham" || $type == "fp" || $type == "fn") { $ret['minscore'] = sprintf("%.3f", lowest_item_score($user_id, $type)); $ret['maxscore'] = sprintf("%.3f", highest_item_score($user_id, $type)); $ret['avgscore'] = sprintf("%.3f", total_item_score($user_id, $type) / $items); } else { $ret['minscore'] = "-"; $ret['maxscore'] = "-"; $ret['avgscore'] = "-"; } $ret['minsize'] = sprintf("%.1f", smallest_item_size($user_id, $type) / KILOBYTE); $ret['maxsize'] = sprintf("%.1f", largest_item_size($user_id, $type) / KILOBYTE); $ret['avgsize'] = sprintf("%.1f", $item_size / $items / KILOBYTE); if ($bandwidth_per_day > 0) { $ret['bandwidth'] = sprintf("%.2f", $bandwidth_per_day / MEGABYTE); } else { $ret['bandwidth'] = "-"; } $ret['cost'] = sprintf("%.3f", $bandwidth_cost * $bandwidth_per_day / GIGABYTE); } else { $ret = array('items' => "-", 'rate' => "-", 'minscore' => "-", 'maxscore' => "-", 'avgscore' => "-", 'minsize' => "-", 'maxsize' => "-", 'avgsize' => "-", 'bandwidth' => "-", 'cost' => "-", 'pct' => "-"); } return $ret; }
<?php $inc_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/basket/inc/"; require_once $inc_path . 'cart_functions.php'; $count = count_items(); if (isset($page_name) && $page_name == 'cart') { $body_tag = '<body onload="loadCart();">'; } else { $body_tag = '<body>'; } print $body_tag; ?> <header class="animated fadeIn"> <!-- Start of header --> <section id="logo-container"> <a href="/index.php"> <img id="logo" src="/images/housestyle/pixel.gif" alt="logo" title="Home"> </a> </section> <a href="/basket/"> <section id="cart-container"> <p class="cart-num"><?php print $count; ?> </p> <img src="/images/housestyle/cart-icon.png" width="30"/> <p>Basket</p> </section> </a> <nav> <!-- Start of Nav --> <ul id="globalnav">