function test_Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler()
    global $thisDir;
    $src = "\n(function (window, undefined){\n    function addOne(input) {\n        return 1 + input;\n    }\n    window.addOne = addOne;\n    window.undefined = undefined;\n})(window);\n    ";
    $minExpected = "(function(a,b){a.addOne=function(a){return 1+a};a.undefined=b})(window);";
    $minOutput = Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::minify($src);
    if (false !== strpos($minOutput, 'Error(22): Too many compiles')) {
        echo "!NOTE: Too many recent calls to Closure Compiler API to test.\n";
    $passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Overall');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    $src = "function blah({ return 'blah';} ";
    $exc = null;
    try {
        $minOutput = Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::minify($src);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $exc = $e;
    $passed = assertTrue($exc instanceof Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception, 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Throws Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Message: " . var_export($exc->getMessage(), 1) . "\n\n\n";
function test_HTML()
    global $thisDir;
    $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/html/before.html');
    $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/html/before.min.html');
    $time = microtime(true);
    $minOutput = Minify_HTML::minify($src, array('cssMinifier' => array('Minify_CSS', 'minify'), 'jsMinifier' => array('JSMin', 'minify')));
    $time = microtime(true) - $time;
    $passed = assertTrue($minExpected === $minOutput, 'Minify_HTML');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        if ($passed) {
            echo "\n---Source: ", countBytes($src), " bytes\n", "---Output: ", countBytes($minOutput), " bytes (", round($time * 1000), " ms)\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n\n";
        } else {
            echo "\n---Output: ", countBytes($minOutput), " bytes (", round($time * 1000), " ms)\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n", "---Expected: ", countBytes($minExpected), " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n", "---Source: ", countBytes($src), " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/html/before2.html');
    $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/html/before2.min.html');
    $time = microtime(true);
    $minOutput = Minify_HTML::minify($src, array('cssMinifier' => array('Minify_CSS', 'minify'), 'jsMinifier' => array('JSMin', 'minify')));
    $time = microtime(true) - $time;
    $passed = assertTrue($minExpected === $minOutput, 'Minify_HTML');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        if ($passed) {
            echo "\n---Source: ", countBytes($src), " bytes\n", "---Output: ", countBytes($minOutput), " bytes (", round($time * 1000), " ms)\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n\n";
        } else {
            echo "\n---Output: ", countBytes($minOutput), " bytes (", round($time * 1000), " ms)\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n", "---Expected: ", countBytes($minExpected), " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n", "---Source: ", countBytes($src), " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
Beispiel #3
function test_JSMinPlus()
    global $thisDir;
    $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/condcomm.js');
    $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/condcomm.min_plus.js');
    $minOutput = JSMinPlus::minify($src);
    $passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMinPlus : Conditional Comments');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/before.js');
    $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/before.min_plus.js');
    $minOutput = JSMinPlus::minify($src);
    $passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMinPlus : Overall');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue74.js');
    $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue74.min_plus.js');
    $minOutput = JSMinPlus::minify($src);
    $passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMinPlus : Quotes in RegExp literals (Issue 74)');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
function test_Minify_Cache_File()
    $data = str_repeat(md5(time()) . 'í', 100);
    // 3400 bytes in UTF-8
    $id = 'Minify_test_cache_noLock';
    $prefix = 'Minify_Cache_File : ';
    $cache = new Minify_Cache_File();
    echo "NOTE: Minify_Cache_File : path is set to: '" . $cache->getPath() . "'.\n";
    assertTrue(true === $cache->store($id, $data), $prefix . 'store');
    assertTrue(countBytes($data) === $cache->getSize($id), $prefix . 'getSize');
    assertTrue(true === $cache->isValid($id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 10), $prefix . 'isValid');
    $displayed = ob_get_contents();
    assertTrue($data === $displayed, $prefix . 'display');
    assertTrue($data === $cache->fetch($id), $prefix . 'fetch');
    // test with locks
    $id = 'Minify_test_cache_withLock';
    $cache = new Minify_Cache_File('', true);
    assertTrue(true === $cache->store($id, $data), $prefix . 'store w/ lock');
    assertTrue(countBytes($data) === $cache->getSize($id), $prefix . 'getSize');
    assertTrue(true === $cache->isValid($id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 10), $prefix . 'isValid');
    $displayed = ob_get_contents();
    assertTrue($data === $displayed, $prefix . 'display w/ lock');
    assertTrue($data === $cache->fetch($id), $prefix . 'fetch w/ lock');
function test_Minify_YuiCSS()
        echo "      Minify_YUICompressor : To test this, install the .jar file and customize the constant in:\n";
        echo "                             " . __FILE__ . "\n";
    Minify_YUICompressor::$tempDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
    $src = "/* stack overflow test */\n    div.image {\n      width:            100px;\n      height:           100px;\n      background-image: url('');\n    }\n    ";
    $minExpected = "div.image{width:100px;height:100px;background-image:url('')}";
    // fails with java.lang.StackOverflowError as of Yui 2.4.6
    // unfortunately error output is not caught from yui, so have to guess
    try {
        $minOutput = Minify_YUICompressor::minifyCss($src);
        echo "      Minify_YUICompressor : Correctly handles input which caused stack overflow in 2.4.6\n";
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        assertTrue($e->getMessage() == 'Minify_YUICompressor : YUI compressor execution failed.', 'Minify_YUICompressor : got expected Exception');
    try {
        $options = array('stack-size' => '2m');
        $minOutput = Minify_YUICompressor::minifyCss($src, $options);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        assertTrue(false, $e->getMessage());
        $minOutput = false;
    $passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'Minify_YUICompressor : Overall');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
function test_Minify_CSS_UriRewriter()
    global $thisDir;
    Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText = '';
    $in = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/css_uriRewriter/in.css');
    $expected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/css_uriRewriter/exp.css');
    $actual = Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewrite($in, $thisDir . '/_test_files/css_uriRewriter', $thisDir);
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $actual, 'Minify_CSS_UriRewriter : rewrite');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Input:\n\n{$in}\n";
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($actual) . " bytes\n\n{$actual}\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($expected) . " bytes\n\n{$expected}\n\n\n";
        // show debugging only when test run directly
        echo "--- Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::\$debugText\n\n", Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText;
    Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText = '';
    $in = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/css_uriRewriter/in.css');
    $expected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/css_uriRewriter/exp_prepend.css');
    $actual = Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::prepend($in, '');
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $actual, 'Minify_CSS_UriRewriter : prepend1');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Input:\n\n{$in}\n";
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($actual) . " bytes\n\n{$actual}\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($expected) . " bytes\n\n{$expected}\n\n\n";
        // show debugging only when test run directly
        echo "--- Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::\$debugText\n\n", Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText;
    Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText = '';
    $in = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/css_uriRewriter/in.css');
    $expected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/css_uriRewriter/exp_prepend2.css');
    $actual = Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::prepend($in, '//');
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $actual, 'Minify_CSS_UriRewriter : prepend2');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Input:\n\n{$in}\n";
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($actual) . " bytes\n\n{$actual}\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($expected) . " bytes\n\n{$expected}\n\n\n";
        // show debugging only when test run directly
        echo "--- Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::\$debugText\n\n", Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText;
    Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText = '';
    $in = '../../../../assets/skins/sam/sprite.png';
    $exp = '/yui/assets/skins/sam/sprite.png';
    $actual = Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewriteRelative($in, 'sf_root_dir\\web\\yui\\menu\\assets\\skins\\sam', 'sf_root_dir\\web');
    $passed = assertTrue($exp === $actual, 'Minify_CSS_UriRewriter : Issue 99');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Input:\n\n{$in}\n";
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($actual) . " bytes\n\n{$actual}\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($exp) . " bytes\n\n{$exp}\n\n\n";
        // show debugging only when test run directly
        echo "--- Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::\$debugText\n\n", Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::$debugText;
Beispiel #7
function test_JSMin()
    global $thisDir;
    $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/before.js');
    $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/before.min.js');
    $minOutput = JSMin::minify($src);
    assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMin : Overall');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue144.js');
    $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue144.min.js');
    $minOutput = JSMin::minify($src);
    assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMin : Handle "+ ++a" syntax (Issue 144)');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue256.js');
    $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue256.min.js');
    $minOutput = JSMin::minify($src);
    assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMin : Handle \\n!function()... (Issue 256)');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    if (function_exists('mb_strlen') && (int) ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2) {
        $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue132.js');
        $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue132.min.js');
        $minOutput = JSMin::minify($src);
        assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMin : mbstring.func_overload shouldn\'t cause failure (Issue 132)');
        if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
            echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
            echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    $src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/regexes.js');
    $minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/regexes.min.js');
    $minOutput = JSMin::minify($src);
    assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMin : Identify RegExp literals');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    test_JSMin_exception('"Hello', 'Unterminated String', 'JSMin_UnterminatedStringException', "JSMin: Unterminated String at byte 5: \"Hello");
    test_JSMin_exception("return /regexp\n}", 'Unterminated RegExp', 'JSMin_UnterminatedRegExpException', "JSMin: Unterminated RegExp at byte 14: /regexp\n");
    test_JSMin_exception("return/regexp\n}", 'Unterminated RegExp', 'JSMin_UnterminatedRegExpException', "JSMin: Unterminated RegExp at byte 13: /regexp\n");
    test_JSMin_exception(";return/regexp\n}", 'Unterminated RegExp', 'JSMin_UnterminatedRegExpException', "JSMin: Unterminated RegExp at byte 14: /regexp\n");
    test_JSMin_exception(";return /regexp\n}", 'Unterminated RegExp', 'JSMin_UnterminatedRegExpException', "JSMin: Unterminated RegExp at byte 15: /regexp\n");
    test_JSMin_exception("typeof/regexp\n}", 'Unterminated RegExp', 'JSMin_UnterminatedRegExpException', "JSMin: Unterminated RegExp at byte 13: /regexp\n");
    test_JSMin_exception("/* Comment ", 'Unterminated Comment', 'JSMin_UnterminatedCommentException', "JSMin: Unterminated comment at byte 11: /* Comment ");
Beispiel #8
function countStrings($in)
    $list = explode("\n", $in);
    $tot = 0;
    foreach ($list as $str) {
        if (!$str) {
        $code = countCode($str);
        $bytes = countBytes($str);
        $tot -= $code;
        $tot += $bytes;
    echo "Tot is {$tot}\n";
function test_Minify_CommentPreserver()
    global $thisDir;
    $inOut = array('/*!*/' => "\n/*!*/\n", '/*!*/a' => "\n/*!*/\n1A", 'a/*!*//*!*/b' => "2A\n/*!*/\n\n/*!*/\n3B", 'a/*!*/b/*!*/' => "4A\n/*!*/\n5B\n/*!*/\n");
    foreach ($inOut as $in => $expected) {
        $actual = Minify_CommentPreserver::process($in, '_test_MCP_processor');
        $passed = assertTrue($expected === $actual, 'Minify_CommentPreserver');
        if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
            echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($actual) . " bytes\n\n{$actual}\n\n";
            if (!$passed) {
                echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($expected) . " bytes\n\n{$expected}\n\n\n";
function test_Lines()
    global $thisDir;
    $exp = file_get_contents("{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/lines_output.js");
    // no cache
    $ret = Minify::serve('Files', array('debug' => true, 'quiet' => true, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'files' => array("{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/email.js", "{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/lines_bugs.js", "{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/QueryString.js", "{$thisDir}/_test_files/js/before.js")));
    $passed = assertTrue($exp === $ret['content'], 'Minify_Lines');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($ret['content']) . " bytes\n\n{$ret['content']}\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($exp) . " bytes\n\n{$exp}\n\n\n";
function test_Minify_ImportProcessor()
    global $thisDir;
    $linDir = $thisDir . '/_test_files/importProcessor';
    $expected = file_get_contents($linDir . '/css/output.css');
    $actual = Minify_ImportProcessor::process($linDir . '/css/input.css');
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $actual, 'ImportProcessor');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($actual) . " bytes\n\n{$actual}\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($expected) . " bytes\n\n{$expected}\n\n\n";
    $expectedIncludes = array(realpath($linDir . '/css/input.css'), realpath($linDir . '/css/adjacent.css'), realpath($linDir . '/../css/styles.css'), realpath($linDir . '/css/1/tv.css'), realpath($linDir . '/css/1/adjacent.css'), realpath($linDir . '/lib/css/example.css'));
    $passed = assertTrue($expectedIncludes === Minify_ImportProcessor::$filesIncluded, 'ImportProcessor : included right files in right order');
function test_Minify_ClosureCompiler()
    global $thisDir;
    Minify_ClosureCompiler::$isDebug = true;
    // --- Test minification w/o setting the necessary settings ---
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $exc = $e;
    $passed = assertTrue($exc instanceof Minify_ClosureCompiler_Exception, 'Minify_ClosureCompiler : Throws Minify_ClosureCompiler_Exception');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Message: " . var_export($exc->getMessage(), 1) . "\n\n\n";
    $compiler_jar_path = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'compiler.jar';
    if (is_file($compiler_jar_path)) {
        // set minimum necessary settings
        Minify_ClosureCompiler::$jarFile = $compiler_jar_path;
        Minify_ClosureCompiler::$tempDir = sys_get_temp_dir();
        // --- Test minification with the minimum necessary settings ---
        $src = "\n    (function (window, undefined){\n        function addOne(input) {\n            return 1 + input;\n        }\n        window.addOne = addOne;\n        window.undefined = undefined;\n    })(window);\n        ";
        $minExpected = "(function(a,b){a.addOne=function(a){return 1+a};a.undefined=b})(window);";
        $minOutput = Minify_ClosureCompiler::minify($src);
        $passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'Minify_ClosureCompiler : minimum necessary settings');
        if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
            echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
            echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
        // --- Test minification with advanced compilation level ---
        $src = "function unused() {};";
        $minExpected = '';
        $minOutput = Minify_ClosureCompiler::minify($src, array(Minify_ClosureCompiler::OPTION_COMPILATION_LEVEL => 'ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS'));
        $passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'Minify_ClosureCompiler : advanced optimizations');
        if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
            echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
            echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    } else {
        echo "      Minify_ClosureCompiler : To test more functionality, download a compiler.jar from\n";
        echo "                     ,\n";
        echo "                               put it under '{$compiler_jar_path}',\n";
        echo "                               and make it readable by your webserver\n";
Beispiel #13
function test_Lines()
    global $thisDir;
    $exp = file_get_contents("{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/lines_output.js");
    $env = new Minify_Env();
    $sourceFactory = new Minify_Source_Factory($env, array(), new Minify_Cache_Null());
    $controller = new Minify_Controller_Files($env, $sourceFactory);
    $minify = new Minify(new Minify_Cache_Null());
    $ret = $minify->serve($controller, array('debug' => true, 'quiet' => true, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'files' => array("{$thisDir}/_test_files/js/before.js")));
    $passed = assertTrue($exp === $ret['content'], 'Minify_Lines');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($ret['content']) . " bytes\n\n{$ret['content']}\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($exp) . " bytes\n\n{$exp}\n\n\n";
function test_Minify_ImportProcessor()
    global $thisDir;
    $linDir = $thisDir . '/_test_files/importProcessor';
    $testFilesUri = substr(realpath($thisDir . '/_test_files'), strlen(realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])));
    $testFilesUri = str_replace('\\', '/', $testFilesUri);
    $expected = str_replace('%TEST_FILES_URI%', $testFilesUri, file_get_contents($linDir . '/output.css'));
    $actual = Minify_ImportProcessor::process($linDir . '/input.css');
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $actual, 'ImportProcessor');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($actual) . " bytes\n\n{$actual}\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($expected) . " bytes\n\n{$expected}\n\n\n";
    $expectedIncludes = array(realpath($linDir . '/input.css'), realpath($linDir . '/adjacent.css'), realpath($linDir . '/../css/styles.css'), realpath($linDir . '/1/tv.css'), realpath($linDir . '/1/adjacent.css'));
    $passed = assertTrue($expectedIncludes === Minify_ImportProcessor::$filesIncluded, 'ImportProcessor : included right files in right order');
Beispiel #15
 * Prints a test result
function test($file, $minExpected, $skip)
    global $cssmin;
    if (!empty($skip) && in_array(basename($file), $skip)) {
        p("INFO: CSSmin: skipping " . basename($file), 'info');
    $src = file_get_contents($file);
    $minOutput = $cssmin->run($src);
    $passed = assertTrue(strcmp($minOutput, $minExpected) === 0, 'CSSmin: ' . basename(dirname($file)) . '/' . basename($file));
    if (!$passed) {
        p("---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes", '');
        $opcodes = FineDiff::getDiffOpcodes($minExpected, $minOutput);
        code(FineDiff::renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcodes($minExpected, $opcodes));
        p("---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes", '');
        p("---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes", '');
function test_Minify_Cache_APC()
    $prefix = 'Minify_Cache_APC : ';
    if (!function_exists('apc_store')) {
    $data = str_repeat(md5(time()) . 'í', 100);
    // 3400 bytes in UTF-8
    $id = 'Minify_test_cache';
    $cache = new Minify_Cache_APC();
    assertTrue(true === $cache->store($id, $data), $prefix . 'store');
    assertTrue(countBytes($data) === $cache->getSize($id), $prefix . 'getSize');
    assertTrue(true === $cache->isValid($id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 10), $prefix . 'isValid');
    $displayed = ob_get_contents();
    assertTrue($data === $displayed, $prefix . 'display');
    assertTrue($data === $cache->fetch($id), $prefix . 'fetch');
Beispiel #17
function test_CSSmin()
    $files = glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/_test_files/yuic/*.css');
    // some tests may exhaust memory/stack due to string size/PCRE
    $skip = array();
    $cssmin = new CSSmin();
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (!empty($skip) && in_array(basename($file), $skip)) {
            echo "INFO: CSSmin: skipping " . basename($file) . "\n";
        $src = file_get_contents($file);
        $minExpected = trim(file_get_contents($file . '.min'));
        $minOutput = trim($cssmin->run($src));
        $passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'CSSmin : ' . basename($file));
        if (!$passed && __FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
            echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
            echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
            echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
Beispiel #18
function test_CSS()
    global $thisDir;
    $cssPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/_test_files/css';
    // build test file list
    $d = dir($cssPath);
    while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
        if (preg_match('/^([\\w\\-]+)\\.css$/', $entry, $m)) {
            $list[] = $m[1];
    foreach ($list as $item) {
        $options = array();
        if ($item === 'paths_prepend') {
            $options = array('prependRelativePath' => '../');
        } elseif ($item === 'paths_rewrite') {
            $options = array('currentDir' => $thisDir . '/_test_files/css');
            $tempDocRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
            $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = $thisDir;
        $src = file_get_contents($cssPath . "/{$item}.css");
        $minExpected = file_get_contents($cssPath . "/{$item}.min.css");
        $minOutput = Minify_CSS::minify($src, $options);
        // reset doc root as configured
        if ($item === 'paths_rewrite') {
            $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = $tempDocRoot;
        $passed = assertTrue($minExpected === $minOutput, 'Minify_CSS : ' . $item);
        if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
            echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
            if (!$passed) {
                echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
                echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
function test_Minify_Cache_Memcache()
    $prefix = 'Minify_Cache_Memcache : ';
    $thisFileActive = __FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    if (!function_exists('memcache_set')) {
        if ($thisFileActive) {
            echo "      {$prefix}To test this component, install memcache in PHP\n";
    $mc = new Memcache();
    if (!@$mc->connect('localhost', 11211)) {
        if ($thisFileActive) {
            echo "      {$prefix}Memcache server not found on localhost:11211\n";
    $data = str_repeat(md5(time()) . 'í', 100);
    // 3400 bytes in UTF-8
    $id = 'Minify_test_memcache';
    $cache = new Minify_Cache_Memcache($mc);
    assertTrue(true === $cache->store($id, $data), $prefix . 'store');
    assertTrue(countBytes($data) === $cache->getSize($id), $prefix . 'getSize');
    assertTrue(true === $cache->isValid($id, $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 10), $prefix . 'isValid');
    $displayed = ob_get_contents();
    assertTrue($data === $displayed, $prefix . 'display');
    assertTrue($data === $cache->fetch($id), $prefix . 'fetch');
    if (function_exists('gzencode')) {
        $data = gzencode($data);
        $id .= ".gz";
        $cache->store($id, $data);
        assertTrue($data === $cache->fetch($id), $prefix . 'store/fetch gzencoded string');
function test_Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler()
    global $thisDir;
    $src = "\n(function (window, undefined){\n    function addOne(input) {\n        return 1 + input;\n    }\n    window.addOne = addOne;\n    window.undefined = undefined;\n})(window);\n    ";
    $minExpected = "(function(a,b){a.addOne=function(a){return 1+a};a.undefined=b})(window);";
    $minOutput = Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::minify($src);
    if (false !== strpos($minOutput, 'Error(22): Too many compiles')) {
        echo "!---: Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Too many recent calls to Closure Compiler API to test.\n";
    $passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Overall');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($minOutput) . " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
        echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($minExpected) . " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
        echo "---Source: " . countBytes($src) . " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
    $src = "function blah({ return 'blah';} ";
    $exc = null;
    try {
        $minOutput = Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::minify($src);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $exc = $e;
    $passed = assertTrue($exc instanceof Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception, 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Throws Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Message: " . var_export($exc->getMessage(), 1) . "\n\n\n";
    // Test maximum byte size check (default)
    $fn = "(function() {})();";
    $src = str_repeat($fn, ceil(Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::DEFAULT_MAX_BYTES / strlen($fn)));
    $exc = null;
    try {
        $minOutput = Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::minify($src);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $exc = $e;
    $passed = assertTrue($exc instanceof Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception, 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Throws Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception');
    assertTrue($exc->getMessage() === 'POST content larger than ' . Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::DEFAULT_MAX_BYTES . ' bytes', 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Message must tell how big maximum byte size is');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Message: " . var_export($exc->getMessage(), 1) . "\n\n\n";
    // Test maximum byte size check (no limit)
    $src = "(function(){})();";
    try {
        $minOutput = Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::minify($src, array(Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::OPTION_MAX_BYTES => 0));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $exc = $e;
    $passed = assertTrue($src === $minOutput, 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : With no limit set,  it should compile properly');
    // Test maximum byte size check (custom)
    $src = "(function() {})();";
    $allowedBytes = 5;
    $exc = null;
    try {
        $minOutput = Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::minify($src, array(Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::OPTION_MAX_BYTES => $allowedBytes));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $exc = $e;
    $passed = assertTrue($exc instanceof Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception, 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Throws Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception');
    assertTrue($exc->getMessage() === 'POST content larger than ' . $allowedBytes . ' bytes', 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Message must tell how big maximum byte size is');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Message: " . var_export($exc->getMessage(), 1) . "\n\n\n";
    // Test additional options passed to HTTP request
    $ecmascript5 = "[1,].length;";
    $exc = null;
    try {
        $minOutput = Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::minify($ecmascript5);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $exc = $e;
    $passed = assertTrue($exc instanceof Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception, 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Throws Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler_Exception');
    if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
        echo "\n---Message: " . var_export($exc->getMessage(), 1) . "\n\n\n";
    $minExpected = '1;';
    $minOutput = Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::minify($ecmascript5, array(Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler::OPTION_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS => array('language' => 'ECMASCRIPT5')));
    $passed = assertTrue($minOutput === $minExpected, 'Minify_JS_ClosureCompiler : Language option should make it compile');
Beispiel #21
function test_Minify()
    global $thisDir;
    $minifyTestPath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/_test_files/minify';
    $thisFileActive = __FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $tomorrow = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 86400;
    $lastModified = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - 86400;
    // Test 304 response
    // simulate conditional headers
    $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] = "\"{$lastModified}pub\"";
    $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $lastModified);
    $expected = array('success' => true, 'statusCode' => 304, 'content' => '', 'headers' => array('Expires' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 1800), 'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding', 'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $lastModified), 'ETag' => "\"pub{$lastModified}\"", 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=1800', '_responseCode' => 'HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified'));
    $output = Minify::serve('Files', array('files' => $thisDir . '/_test_files/css/styles.css', 'quiet' => true, 'lastModifiedTime' => $lastModified, 'encodeOutput' => false));
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : 304 response');
    if ($thisFileActive) {
        echo "\nOutput: " . var_export($output, 1) . "\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "\n\n\n\n---Expected: " . var_export($expected, 1) . "\n\n";
    assertTrue(!class_exists('Minify_CSS', false) && !class_exists('Minify_Cache_File', false), 'Minify : cache, and minifier classes aren\'t loaded for 304s');
    // Test JS and Expires
    $content = preg_replace('/\\r\\n?/', "\n", file_get_contents($minifyTestPath . '/minified.js'));
    $lastModified = max(filemtime($minifyTestPath . '/email.js'), filemtime($minifyTestPath . '/QueryString.js'));
    $expected = array('success' => true, 'statusCode' => 200, 'content' => $content, 'headers' => array('Expires' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $tomorrow), 'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding', 'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $lastModified), 'ETag' => "\"pub{$lastModified}\"", 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=86400', 'Content-Length' => countBytes($content), 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8'));
    $output = Minify::serve('Files', array('files' => array($minifyTestPath . '/email.js', $minifyTestPath . '/QueryString.js'), 'quiet' => true, 'maxAge' => 86400, 'encodeOutput' => false));
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : JS and Expires');
    if ($thisFileActive) {
        echo "\nOutput: " . var_export($output, 1) . "\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "\n\n\n\n---Expected: " . var_export($expected, 1) . "\n\n";
    // test for Issue 73
    $expected = ";function h(){}";
    $output = Minify::serve('Files', array('files' => array($minifyTestPath . '/issue73_1.js', $minifyTestPath . '/issue73_2.js'), 'quiet' => true, 'encodeOutput' => false));
    $output = $output['content'];
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : Issue 73');
    if ($thisFileActive) {
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "\n---Output  : " . var_export($output, 1) . "\n";
            echo "---Expected: " . var_export($expected, 1) . "\n\n";
    // test for Issue 89
    $expected = file_get_contents($minifyTestPath . '/issue89_out.min.css');
    $output = Minify::serve('Files', array('files' => array($minifyTestPath . '/issue89_1.css', $minifyTestPath . '/issue89_2.css'), 'quiet' => true, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'bubbleCssImports' => true));
    $output = $output['content'];
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : Issue 89 : bubbleCssImports');
    if ($thisFileActive) {
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "\n---Output  : " . var_export($output, 1) . "\n";
            echo "---Expected: " . var_export($expected, 1) . "\n\n";
    $output = Minify::serve('Files', array('files' => array($minifyTestPath . '/issue89_1.css', $minifyTestPath . '/issue89_2.css'), 'quiet' => true, 'encodeOutput' => false));
    $output = $output['content'];
    $passed = assertTrue(0 === strpos($output, Minify::$importWarning), 'Minify : Issue 89 : detect invalid imports');
    if ($thisFileActive) {
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "\n---Output  : " . var_export($output, 1) . "\n";
            echo "---Expected: " . var_export($expected, 1) . "\n\n";
    $output = Minify::serve('Files', array('files' => array($minifyTestPath . '/issue89_1.css'), 'quiet' => true, 'encodeOutput' => false));
    $output = $output['content'];
    $passed = assertTrue(false === strpos($output, Minify::$importWarning), 'Minify : Issue 89 : don\'t warn about valid imports');
    if ($thisFileActive) {
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "\n---Output  : " . var_export($output, 1) . "\n";
            echo "---Expected: " . var_export($expected, 1) . "\n\n";
    // Test Issue 132
    if (function_exists('mb_strlen') && (int) ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2) {
        $output = Minify::serve('Files', array('files' => array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/_test_files/js/issue132.js'), 'quiet' => true, 'encodeOutput' => false));
        $passed = assertTrue($output['headers']['Content-Length'] == 77, 'Minify : Issue 132 : mbstring.func_overload shouldn\'t cause incorrect Content-Length');
    // Test minifying CSS and responding with Etag/Last-Modified
    // don't allow conditional headers
    $expectedContent = file_get_contents($minifyTestPath . '/minified.css');
    $expected = array('success' => true, 'statusCode' => 200, 'content' => $expectedContent, 'headers' => array('Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding', 'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', $lastModified), 'ETag' => "\"pub{$lastModified}\"", 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=0', 'Content-Length' => countBytes($expectedContent), 'Content-Type' => 'text/css; charset=utf-8'));
    $output = Minify::serve('Files', array('files' => array($thisDir . '/_test_files/css/styles.css', $thisDir . '/_test_files/css/comments.css'), 'quiet' => true, 'lastModifiedTime' => $lastModified, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'maxAge' => false));
    $passed = assertTrue($expected === $output, 'Minify : CSS and Etag/Last-Modified');
    if ($thisFileActive) {
        echo "\nOutput: " . var_export($output, 1) . "\n\n";
        if (!$passed) {
            echo "\n\n\n\n---Expected: " . var_export($expected, 1) . "\n\n";

      <section class="numberContainer">
        <span class="top">Median Job Size </span>
echo getMedium($quotes);

      <section class="numberContainer">
        <span class="top">MB of Customer Files </span>
        <p> <?php 
echo $filesSize = countBytes($quotes);

      <section class="numberContainer">
        <span class="top">Number of Customers</span>
        <p> <?php 
echo $filesSize = countCust($quotes);
<br class="clear" />
$textMonths = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
$textDays = array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat");
echo $Theyear;
echo getMedium($monthlyQuotes);

 <section class="numberContainer">
   <span class="top">MB of Customer Files in <?php 
echo $Theyear;
   <p> <?php 
echo $filesSize = countBytes($monthlyQuotes);

 <section class="numberContainer">
   <span class="top">Number of Customers in <?php 
echo $Theyear;
   <p> <?php 
echo $filesSize = countCust($monthlyQuotes);
<br class="clear" />
    echo $textMonths[$currentMonth - 1];
    echo getMedium($testing);

 <section class="numberContainer">
   <span class="top">MB of Customer Files in <?php 
    echo $textMonths[$currentMonth - 1];
   <p> <?php 
    echo $filesSize = countBytes($testing);

 <section class="numberContainer">
   <span class="top">Number of Customers in <?php 
    echo $textMonths[$currentMonth - 1];
   <p> <?php 
    echo $filesSize = countCust($testing);