function cot_build_structure_market_tree($parent = '', $selected = '', $level = 0, $template = '')
    global $structure, $cfg, $db, $sys, $cot_extrafields, $db_structure;
    global $i18n_notmain, $i18n_locale, $i18n_write, $i18n_admin, $i18n_read, $db_i18n_pages;
    $urlparams = array();
    /* === Hook === */
    foreach (cot_getextplugins('market.tree.first') as $pl) {
        include $pl;
    /* ===== */
    if (empty($parent)) {
        $i18n_enabled = $i18n_read;
        $children = array();
        foreach ($structure['market'] as $i => $x) {
            if (mb_substr_count($structure['market'][$i]['path'], ".") == 0) {
                $children[] = $i;
    } else {
        $i18n_enabled = $i18n_read && cot_i18n_enabled($parent);
        $children = $structure['market'][$parent]['subcats'];
    $t1 = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile(array('market', 'tree', $template), 'module'));
    /* === Hook === */
    foreach (cot_getextplugins('market.tree.main') as $pl) {
        include $pl;
    /* ===== */
    if (count($children) == 0) {
        return false;
    $t1->assign(array("TITLE" => htmlspecialchars($structure['market'][$parent]['title']), "DESC" => $structure['market'][$parent]['desc'], "COUNT" => $structure['market'][$parent]['count'], "ICON" => $structure['market'][$parent]['icon'], "HREF" => cot_url("market", $urlparams + array('c' => $parent)), "LEVEL" => $level));
    $jj = 0;
    /* === Hook - Part1 : Set === */
    $extp = cot_getextplugins('market.tree.loop');
    /* ===== */
    foreach ($children as $row) {
        $urlparams['c'] = $row;
        $subcats = $structure['market'][$row]['subcats'];
        $t1->assign(array("ROW_TITLE" => htmlspecialchars($structure['market'][$row]['title']), "ROW_DESC" => $structure['market'][$row]['desc'], "ROW_COUNT" => $structure['market'][$row]['count'], "ROW_ICON" => $structure['market'][$row]['icon'], "ROW_HREF" => cot_url("market", $urlparams), "ROW_SELECTED" => is_array($selected) && in_array($row, $selected) || !is_array($selected) && $row == $selected ? 1 : 0, "ROW_SUBCAT" => count($subcats) > 0 ? cot_build_structure_market_tree($row, $selected, $level + 1) : '', "ROW_LEVEL" => $level, "ROW_ODDEVEN" => cot_build_oddeven($jj), "ROW_JJ" => $jj));
        // Extra fields for structure
        foreach ($cot_extrafields[$db_structure] as $exfld) {
            $uname = strtoupper($exfld['field_name']);
            $t1->assign(array('ROW_' . $uname . '_TITLE' => isset($L['structure_' . $exfld['field_name'] . '_title']) ? $L['structure_' . $exfld['field_name'] . '_title'] : $exfld['field_description'], 'ROW_' . $uname => cot_build_extrafields_data('structure', $exfld, $structure['market'][$row][$exfld['field_name']]), 'ROW_' . $uname . '_VALUE' => $structure['market'][$row][$exfld['field_name']]));
        if ($i18n_enabled && $i18n_notmain) {
            $x_i18n = cot_i18n_get_cat($row, $i18n_locale);
            if ($x_i18n) {
                if (!$cfg['plugin']['i18n']['omitmain'] || $i18n_locale != $cfg['defaultlang']) {
                    $urlparams['l'] = $i18n_locale;
                $t1->assign(array('ROW_URL' => cot_url('market', $urlparams), 'ROW_TITLE' => $x_i18n['title'], 'ROW_DESC' => $x_i18n['desc']));
        /* === Hook - Part2 : Include === */
        foreach ($extp as $pl) {
            include $pl;
        /* ===== */
    if ($jj == 0) {
        return false;
    return $t1->text("MAIN");
Beispiel #2

/* ====================
==================== */
 * Category preload and title setup
 * @package I18n
 * @copyright (c) Cotonti Team
 * @license
defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL');
if ($i18n_enabled && $i18n_notmain) {
    $cat_i18n = cot_i18n_get_cat($c, $i18n_locale);
    if ($cat_i18n) {
        $out['desc'] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($cat_i18n['desc']));
        $out['subtitle'] = $cat_i18n['title'];
        // Enable indexing
        $sys['noindex'] = false;
function cot_build_structure_folio_tree($parent = '', $selected = array(), $level = 0, $template = '')
    global $structure, $cfg, $db, $sys;
    global $i18n_notmain, $i18n_locale, $i18n_write, $i18n_admin, $i18n_read, $db_i18n_pages;
    if (empty($parent)) {
        $i18n_enabled = $i18n_read;
        $children = array();
        foreach ($structure['folio'] as $i => $x) {
            if (mb_substr_count($structure['folio'][$i]['path'], ".") == 0) {
                $children[] = $i;
    } else {
        $i18n_enabled = $i18n_read && cot_i18n_enabled($parent);
        $children = cot_structure_children('folio', $parent, false, false);
    //cot_print($children, $parent);
    $t1 = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile(array('folio', 'tree', $template), 'module'));
    if (count($children) == 0) {
        return false;
    $jj = 0;
    foreach ($children as $row) {
        $t1->assign(array("ROW_TITLE" => htmlspecialchars($structure['folio'][$row]['title']), "ROW_DESC" => $structure['folio'][$row]['desc'], "ROW_COUNT" => $structure['folio'][$row]['count'], "ROW_ICON" => $structure['folio'][$row]['icon'], "ROW_HREF" => cot_url("folio", "c=" . $row . "&type=" . $type), "ROW_SELECTED" => in_array($row, $selected) ? 1 : 0, "ROW_SUBCAT" => cot_build_structure_folio_tree($row, $selected, $level + 1), "ROW_LEVEL" => $level, "ROW_ODDEVEN" => cot_build_oddeven($jj), "ROW_JJ" => $jj));
        if ($i18n_enabled && $i18n_notmain) {
            $x_i18n = cot_i18n_get_cat($row, $i18n_locale);
            if ($x_i18n) {
                $urlparams = !$cfg['plugin']['i18n']['omitmain'] || $i18n_locale != $cfg['defaultlang'] ? "c={$row}&l={$i18n_locale}" : "c={$row}";
                $t1->assign(array('ROW_URL' => cot_url('folio', $urlparams), 'ROW_TITLE' => $x_i18n['title'], 'ROW_DESC' => $x_i18n['desc']));
        $t1->assign(array("TITLE" => htmlspecialchars($structure['folio'][$parent]['title']), "DESC" => $structure['folio'][$parent]['desc'], "COUNT" => $structure['folio'][$parent]['count'], "ICON" => $structure['folio'][$parent]['icon'], "HREF" => cot_url("folio", "c=" . $parent), "LEVEL" => $level));
    if ($jj == 0) {
        return false;
    return $t1->text("MAIN");
function cot_usercategories_tree($chosen = '', $parent = '', $template = '', $level = 0)
    global $structure, $cfg, $gm, $group;
    global $i18n_notmain, $i18n_locale, $i18n_read;
    $urlparams = array('gm' => $gm, 'group' => $group);
    /* === Hook === */
    foreach (cot_getextplugins('usercategories.tree.first') as $pl) {
        include $pl;
    /* ===== */
    if (empty($structure['usercategories'])) {
        return false;
    if (!is_array($chosen)) {
        $chosen = explode(',', $chosen);
    if (empty($parent)) {
        $i18n_enabled = $i18n_read;
        $children = array();
        foreach ($structure['usercategories'] as $i => $x) {
            if (mb_substr_count($structure['usercategories'][$i]['path'], ".") == 0) {
                $children[] = $i;
    } else {
        $i18n_enabled = $i18n_read && cot_i18n_enabled($parent);
        $children = $structure['usercategories'][$parent]['subcats'];
    if (count($children) == 0) {
        return false;
    $t1 = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile(array('usercategories', 'cattree', $template), 'plug'));
    /* === Hook === */
    foreach (cot_getextplugins('usercategories.tree.main') as $pl) {
        include $pl;
    /* ===== */
    if ($parent) {
        $t1->assign(array("CAT_TITLE" => htmlspecialchars($structure['usercategories'][$parent]['title']), "CAT_DESC" => $structure['usercategories'][$parent]['desc'], "CAT_COUNT" => $structure['usercategories'][$parent]['count'], "CAT_ICON" => $structure['usercategories'][$parent]['icon']));
    $t1->assign(array("CAT_URL" => cot_url("users", $urlparams + array('cat' => $parent)), "CAT_LEVEL" => $level));
    $jj = 0;
    /* === Hook - Part1 : Set === */
    $extp = cot_getextplugins('usercategories.tree.loop');
    /* ===== */
    foreach ($children as $row) {
        $subcats = $structure['usercategories'][$row]['subcats'];
        $urlparams['cat'] = $row;
        $t1->assign(array("CAT_ROW_CAT" => $row, "CAT_ROW_TITLE" => htmlspecialchars($structure['usercategories'][$row]['title']), "CAT_ROW_DESC" => $structure['usercategories'][$row]['desc'], "CAT_ROW_COUNT" => $structure['usercategories'][$row]['count'], "CAT_ROW_ICON" => $structure['usercategories'][$row]['icon'], "CAT_ROW_URL" => cot_url("users", $urlparams), "CAT_ROW_SELECTED" => is_array($chosen) && in_array($row, $chosen) || !is_array($chosen) && $row == $chosen ? 1 : 0, "CAT_ROW_SUBCAT" => count($subcats) > 0 ? cot_usercategories_tree($chosen, $row, $template, $level) : '', "CAT_ROW_ODDEVEN" => cot_build_oddeven($jj), "CAT_ROW_JJ" => $jj));
        if ($i18n_enabled && $i18n_notmain) {
            $x_i18n = cot_i18n_get_cat($row, $i18n_locale);
            if ($x_i18n) {
                if (!$cfg['plugin']['i18n']['omitmain'] || $i18n_locale != $cfg['defaultlang']) {
                    $urlparams['l'] = $i18n_locale;
                $t1->assign(array('CAT_ROW_URL' => cot_url('users', $urlparams), 'CAT_ROW_TITLE' => $x_i18n['title'], 'CAT_ROW_DESC' => $x_i18n['desc']));
        /* === Hook - Part2 : Include === */
        foreach ($extp as $pl) {
            include $pl;
        /* ===== */
    if ($jj == 0) {
        return false;
    return $t1->text("MAIN");
Beispiel #5
==================== */
 * I18n for pages: redefines page body and title
 * @package I18n
 * @copyright (c) Cotonti Team
 * @license
defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL');
$i18n_enabled = $i18n_read && cot_i18n_enabled($pag['page_cat']);
if ($i18n_enabled && $i18n_notmain) {
    $pag_i18n = cot_i18n_get_page($id, $i18n_locale);
    $cat_i18n = cot_i18n_get_cat($pag['page_cat'], $i18n_locale);
    if (!$cat_i18n) {
        $cat_i18n =& $structure['page'][$pag['page_cat']];
    if ($pag_i18n) {
        // Override <title>, subtitle and desc
        $title_params = array('TITLE' => $pag_i18n['ipage_title'], 'CATEGORY' => $cat_i18n['title']);
        $out['subtitle'] = cot_title($cfg['page']['title_page'], $title_params);
        $out['desc'] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($pag_i18n['ipage_desc']));
        // Enable indexing
        $sys['noindex'] = false;
        // Merge with page data
        $pag = array_merge($pag, $pag_i18n);
function cot_usercategories_tree($chosen = '', $parent = '', $template = '', $level = 0)
    global $structure, $cfg, $gm, $group;
    global $i18n_notmain, $i18n_locale, $i18n_read;
    if (empty($structure['usercategories'])) {
        return false;
    if (!is_array($chosen)) {
        $chosen = explode(',', $chosen);
    if (empty($parent)) {
        $i18n_enabled = $i18n_read;
        $children = array();
        foreach ($structure['usercategories'] as $i => $x) {
            if (mb_substr_count($structure['usercategories'][$i]['path'], ".") == 0) {
                $children[] = $i;
    } else {
        $i18n_enabled = $i18n_read && cot_i18n_enabled($parent);
        $children = cot_structure_children('usercategories', $parent, false, false);
    if (count($children) == 0) {
        return false;
    $t1 = new XTemplate(cot_tplfile(array('usercategories', 'cattree', $template), 'plug'));
    $jj = 0;
    foreach ($children as $row) {
        $subcats = cot_structure_children('usercategories', $row, false, false);
        $t1->assign(array("CAT_ROW_CAT" => $row, "CAT_ROW_TITLE" => htmlspecialchars($structure['usercategories'][$row]['title']), "CAT_ROW_DESC" => $structure['usercategories'][$row]['desc'], "CAT_ROW_COUNT" => $structure['usercategories'][$row]['count'], "CAT_ROW_ICON" => $structure['usercategories'][$row]['icon'], "CAT_ROW_URL" => cot_url("users", "gm=" . $gm . "&cat=" . $row . "&group=" . $group), "CAT_ROW_SELECTED" => is_array($chosen) && in_array($row, $chosen) || !is_array($chosen) && $row == $chosen ? 1 : 0, "CAT_ROW_SUBCAT" => count($subcats) > 0 ? cot_usercategories_tree($chosen, $row, $template, $level) : '', "CAT_ROW_ODDEVEN" => cot_build_oddeven($jj), "CAT_ROW_JJ" => $jj));
        if ($i18n_enabled && $i18n_notmain) {
            $x_i18n = cot_i18n_get_cat($row, $i18n_locale);
            if ($x_i18n) {
                $urlparams = !$cfg['plugin']['i18n']['omitmain'] || $i18n_locale != $cfg['defaultlang'] ? "gm=" . $gm . "&cat=" . $row . "&group=" . $group . "&l=" . $i18n_locale : "gm=" . $gm . "&cat=" . $row . "&group=" . $group;
                $t1->assign(array('CAT_ROW_URL' => cot_url('users', $urlparams), 'CAT_ROW_TITLE' => $x_i18n['title'], 'CAT_ROW_DESC' => $x_i18n['desc']));
        if ($parent) {
            $t1->assign(array("CAT_TITLE" => htmlspecialchars($structure['usercategories'][$parent]['title']), "CAT_DESC" => $structure['usercategories'][$parent]['desc'], "CAT_COUNT" => $structure['usercategories'][$parent]['count'], "CAT_ICON" => $structure['usercategories'][$parent]['icon']));
        $t1->assign(array("CAT_URL" => cot_url("users", "gm=" . $gm . "&cat=" . $parent . "&group=" . $group), "CAT_LEVEL" => $level));
    if ($jj == 0) {
        return false;
    return $t1->text("MAIN");

/* ====================
==================== */
 * Redefines category tags in a list of subcategories
 * @package I18n
 * @copyright (c) Cotonti Team
 * @license
defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL');
if ($i18n_enabled && $i18n_notmain) {
    $x_i18n = cot_i18n_get_cat($x, $i18n_locale);
    if ($x_i18n) {
        $urlparams = !$cfg['plugin']['i18n']['omitmain'] || $i18n_locale != $cfg['defaultlang'] ? "c={$x}&l={$i18n_locale}" : "c={$x}";
        $t->assign(array('LIST_ROWCAT_URL' => cot_url('page', $urlparams), 'LIST_ROWCAT_TITLE' => $x_i18n['title'], 'LIST_ROWCAT_DESC' => $x_i18n['desc']));