} echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $current_entry_type['name']; echo "</td>"; if ($row->entry_items_dc == "D") { echo "<td>"; echo convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc); echo " "; echo $row->entry_items_amount; echo "</td>"; echo "<td></td>"; } else { echo "<td></td>"; echo "<td>"; echo convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc); echo " "; echo $row->entry_items_amount; echo "</td>"; } echo "<td>"; if (!$print_preview) { $reconciliation_date = array('name' => 'reconciliation_date[' . $row->entry_items_id . ']', 'id' => 'reconciliation_date', 'maxlength' => '11', 'size' => '11', 'value' => ''); if ($row->entry_items_reconciliation_date) { $reconciliation_date['value'] = date_mysql_to_php($row->entry_items_reconciliation_date); } echo form_input_date_restrict($reconciliation_date); } else { if ($row->entry_items_reconciliation_date) { echo date_mysql_to_php($row->entry_items_reconciliation_date); } else {
function download($statement, $id = NULL) { /********************** TRIAL BALANCE *************************/ if ($statement == "trialbalance") { $this->load->model('Ledger_model'); $all_ledgers = $this->Ledger_model->get_all_ledgers(); $counter = 0; $trialbalance = array(); $temp_dr_total = 0; $temp_cr_total = 0; $trialbalance[$counter] = array("TRIAL BALANCE", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; $trialbalance[$counter] = array("FY " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_start')) . " - " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_end')), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; $trialbalance[$counter][0] = "Ledger"; $trialbalance[$counter][1] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][2] = "Opening"; $trialbalance[$counter][3] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][4] = "Closing"; $trialbalance[$counter][5] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][6] = "Dr Total"; $trialbalance[$counter][7] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][8] = "Cr Total"; $counter++; foreach ($all_ledgers as $ledger_id => $ledger_name) { if ($ledger_id == 0) { continue; } $trialbalance[$counter][0] = $ledger_name; list($opbal_amount, $opbal_type) = $this->Ledger_model->get_op_balance($ledger_id); if (float_ops($opbal_amount, 0, '==')) { $trialbalance[$counter][1] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][2] = 0; } else { $trialbalance[$counter][1] = convert_dc($opbal_type); $trialbalance[$counter][2] = $opbal_amount; } $clbal_amount = $this->Ledger_model->get_ledger_balance($ledger_id); if (float_ops($clbal_amount, 0, '==')) { $trialbalance[$counter][3] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][4] = 0; } else { if (float_ops($clbal_amount, 0, '<')) { $trialbalance[$counter][3] = "Cr"; $trialbalance[$counter][4] = convert_cur(-$clbal_amount); } else { $trialbalance[$counter][3] = "Dr"; $trialbalance[$counter][4] = convert_cur($clbal_amount); } } $dr_total = $this->Ledger_model->get_dr_total($ledger_id); if ($dr_total) { $trialbalance[$counter][5] = "Dr"; $trialbalance[$counter][6] = convert_cur($dr_total); $temp_dr_total = float_ops($temp_dr_total, $dr_total, '+'); } else { $trialbalance[$counter][5] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][6] = 0; } $cr_total = $this->Ledger_model->get_cr_total($ledger_id); if ($cr_total) { $trialbalance[$counter][7] = "Cr"; $trialbalance[$counter][8] = convert_cur($cr_total); $temp_cr_total = float_ops($temp_cr_total, $cr_total, '+'); } else { $trialbalance[$counter][7] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][8] = 0; } $counter++; } $trialbalance[$counter][0] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][1] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][2] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][3] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][4] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][5] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][6] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][7] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][8] = ""; $counter++; $trialbalance[$counter][0] = "Total"; $trialbalance[$counter][1] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][2] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][3] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][4] = ""; $trialbalance[$counter][5] = "Dr"; $trialbalance[$counter][6] = convert_cur($temp_dr_total); $trialbalance[$counter][7] = "Cr"; $trialbalance[$counter][8] = convert_cur($temp_cr_total); $this->load->helper('csv'); echo array_to_csv($trialbalance, "trialbalance.csv"); return; } /********************** LEDGER STATEMENT **********************/ if ($statement == "ledgerst") { $ledger_id = (int) $this->uri->segment(4); if ($ledger_id < 1) { return; } $this->load->model('Ledger_model'); $cur_balance = 0; $counter = 0; $ledgerst = array(); $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "LEDGER STATEMENT FOR " . strtoupper($this->Ledger_model->get_name($ledger_id)), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "FY " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_start')) . " - " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_end')), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; $ledgerst[$counter][0] = "Date"; $ledgerst[$counter][1] = "Number"; $ledgerst[$counter][2] = "Ledger Name"; $ledgerst[$counter][3] = "Narration"; $ledgerst[$counter][4] = "Type"; $ledgerst[$counter][5] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][6] = "Dr Amount"; $ledgerst[$counter][7] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][8] = "Cr Amount"; $ledgerst[$counter][9] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][10] = "Balance"; $counter++; /* Opening Balance */ list($opbalance, $optype) = $this->Ledger_model->get_op_balance($ledger_id); $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Opening Balance", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", convert_dc($optype), $opbalance); if ($optype == "D") { $cur_balance = float_ops($cur_balance, $opbalance, '+'); } else { $cur_balance = float_ops($cur_balance, $opbalance, '-'); } $counter++; $this->db->select('entries.id as entries_id, entries.number as entries_number, entries.date as entries_date, entries.narration as entries_narration, entries.entry_type as entries_entry_type, entry_items.amount as entry_items_amount, entry_items.dc as entry_items_dc'); $this->db->from('entries')->join('entry_items', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->order_by('entries.date', 'asc')->order_by('entries.number', 'asc'); $ledgerst_q = $this->db->get(); foreach ($ledgerst_q->result() as $row) { /* Entry Type */ $current_entry_type = entry_type_info($row->entries_entry_type); $ledgerst[$counter][0] = date_mysql_to_php($row->entries_date); $ledgerst[$counter][1] = full_entry_number($row->entries_entry_type, $row->entries_number); /* Opposite entry name */ $ledgerst[$counter][2] = $this->Ledger_model->get_opp_ledger_name($row->entries_id, $row->entries_entry_type, $row->entry_items_dc, 'text'); $ledgerst[$counter][3] = $row->entries_narration; $ledgerst[$counter][4] = $current_entry_type['name']; if ($row->entry_items_dc == "D") { $cur_balance = float_ops($cur_balance, $row->entry_items_amount, '+'); $ledgerst[$counter][5] = convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc); $ledgerst[$counter][6] = $row->entry_items_amount; $ledgerst[$counter][7] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][8] = ""; } else { $cur_balance = float_ops($cur_balance, $row->entry_items_amount, '-'); $ledgerst[$counter][5] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][6] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][7] = convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc); $ledgerst[$counter][8] = $row->entry_items_amount; } if (float_ops($cur_balance, 0, '==')) { $ledgerst[$counter][9] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][10] = 0; } else { if (float_ops($cur_balance, 0, '<')) { $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Cr"; $ledgerst[$counter][10] = convert_cur(-$cur_balance); } else { $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Dr"; $ledgerst[$counter][10] = convert_cur($cur_balance); } } $counter++; } $ledgerst[$counter][0] = "Closing Balance"; $ledgerst[$counter][1] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][2] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][3] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][4] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][5] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][6] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][7] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][8] = ""; if (float_ops($cur_balance, 0, '<')) { $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Cr"; $ledgerst[$counter][10] = convert_cur(-$cur_balance); } else { $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Dr"; $ledgerst[$counter][10] = convert_cur($cur_balance); } $counter++; $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; /* Final Opening and Closing Balance */ $clbalance = $this->Ledger_model->get_ledger_balance($ledger_id); $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Opening Balance", convert_dc($optype), $opbalance, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; if (float_ops($clbalance, 0, '==')) { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { if (float_ops($clbalance, 0, '<')) { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "Cr", convert_cur(-$clbalance), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "Dr", convert_cur($clbalance), "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } } $this->load->helper('csv'); echo array_to_csv($ledgerst, "ledgerst.csv"); return; } /********************** RECONCILIATION ************************/ if ($statement == "reconciliation") { $ledger_id = (int) $this->uri->segment(4); $reconciliation_type = $this->uri->segment(5); if ($ledger_id < 1) { return; } if (!($reconciliation_type == 'all' or $reconciliation_type == 'pending')) { return; } $this->load->model('Ledger_model'); $cur_balance = 0; $counter = 0; $ledgerst = array(); $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "RECONCILIATION STATEMENT FOR " . strtoupper($this->Ledger_model->get_name($ledger_id)), "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "FY " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_start')) . " - " . date_mysql_to_php($this->config->item('account_fy_end')), "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; $ledgerst[$counter][0] = "Date"; $ledgerst[$counter][1] = "Number"; $ledgerst[$counter][2] = "Ledger Name"; $ledgerst[$counter][3] = "Narration"; $ledgerst[$counter][4] = "Type"; $ledgerst[$counter][5] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][6] = "Dr Amount"; $ledgerst[$counter][7] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][8] = "Cr Amount"; $ledgerst[$counter][9] = "Reconciliation Date"; $counter++; /* Opening Balance */ list($opbalance, $optype) = $this->Ledger_model->get_op_balance($ledger_id); $this->db->select('entries.id as entries_id, entries.number as entries_number, entries.date as entries_date, entries.narration as entries_narration, entries.entry_type as entries_entry_type, entry_items.amount as entry_items_amount, entry_items.dc as entry_items_dc, entry_items.reconciliation_date as lreconciliation'); if ($reconciliation_type == 'all') { $this->db->from('entries')->join('entry_items', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->order_by('entries.date', 'asc')->order_by('entries.number', 'asc'); } else { $this->db->from('entries')->join('entry_items', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->where('entry_items.reconciliation_date', NULL)->order_by('entries.date', 'asc')->order_by('entries.number', 'asc'); } $ledgerst_q = $this->db->get(); foreach ($ledgerst_q->result() as $row) { /* Entry Type */ $current_entry_type = entry_type_info($row->entries_entry_type); $ledgerst[$counter][0] = date_mysql_to_php($row->entries_date); $ledgerst[$counter][1] = full_entry_number($row->entries_entry_type, $row->entries_number); /* Opposite entry name */ $ledgerst[$counter][2] = $this->Ledger_model->get_opp_ledger_name($row->entries_id, $row->entries_entry_type, $row->entry_items_dc, 'text'); $ledgerst[$counter][3] = $row->entries_narration; $ledgerst[$counter][4] = $current_entry_type['name']; if ($row->entry_items_dc == "D") { $ledgerst[$counter][5] = convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc); $ledgerst[$counter][6] = $row->entry_items_amount; $ledgerst[$counter][7] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][8] = ""; } else { $ledgerst[$counter][5] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][6] = ""; $ledgerst[$counter][7] = convert_dc($row->entry_items_dc); $ledgerst[$counter][8] = $row->entry_items_amount; } if ($row->lreconciliation) { $ledgerst[$counter][9] = date_mysql_to_php($row->lreconciliation); } else { $ledgerst[$counter][9] = ""; } $counter++; } $counter++; $ledgerst[$counter] = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; /* Final Opening and Closing Balance */ $clbalance = $this->Ledger_model->get_ledger_balance($ledger_id); $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Opening Balance", convert_dc($optype), $opbalance, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $counter++; if (float_ops($clbalance, 0, '==')) { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { if (float_ops($clbalance, 0, '<')) { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "Cr", convert_cur(-$clbalance), "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Closing Balance", "Dr", convert_cur($clbalance), "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } } /************* Final Reconciliation Balance ***********/ /* Reconciliation Balance - Dr */ $this->db->select_sum('amount', 'drtotal')->from('entry_items')->join('entries', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->where('entry_items.dc', 'D')->where('entry_items.reconciliation_date IS NOT NULL'); $dr_total_q = $this->db->get(); if ($dr_total = $dr_total_q->row()) { $reconciliation_dr_total = $dr_total->drtotal; } else { $reconciliation_dr_total = 0; } /* Reconciliation Balance - Cr */ $this->db->select_sum('amount', 'crtotal')->from('entry_items')->join('entries', 'entries.id = entry_items.entry_id')->where('entry_items.ledger_id', $ledger_id)->where('entry_items.dc', 'C')->where('entry_items.reconciliation_date IS NOT NULL'); $cr_total_q = $this->db->get(); if ($cr_total = $cr_total_q->row()) { $reconciliation_cr_total = $cr_total->crtotal; } else { $reconciliation_cr_total = 0; } $reconciliation_total = float_ops($reconciliation_dr_total, $reconciliation_cr_total, '-'); $reconciliation_pending = float_ops($clbalance, $reconciliation_total, '-'); $counter++; if (float_ops($reconciliation_pending, 0, '==')) { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Pending", "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { if (float_ops($reconciliation_pending, 0, '<')) { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Pending", "Cr", convert_cur(-$reconciliation_pending), "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Pending", "Dr", convert_cur($reconciliation_pending), "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } } $counter++; if (float_ops($reconciliation_total, 0, '==')) { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Total", "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { if (float_ops($reconciliation_total, 0, '<')) { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Total", "Cr", convert_cur(-$reconciliation_total), "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } else { $ledgerst[$counter] = array("Reconciliation Total", "Dr", convert_cur($reconciliation_total), "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } } $this->load->helper('csv'); echo array_to_csv($ledgerst, "reconciliation.csv"); return; } /************************ BALANCE SHEET ***********************/ if ($statement == "balancesheet") { $this->load->library('accountlist'); $this->load->model('Ledger_model'); $liability = new Accountlist(); $liability->init(2); $liability_array = $liability->build_array(); $liability_depth = Accountlist::$max_depth; $liability_total = -$liability->total; Accountlist::reset_max_depth(); $asset = new Accountlist(); $asset->init(1); $asset_array = $asset->build_array(); $asset_depth = Accountlist::$max_depth; $asset_total = $asset->total; $liability->to_csv($liability_array); Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); $asset->to_csv($asset_array); $income = new Accountlist(); $income->init(3); $expense = new Accountlist(); $expense->init(4); $income_total = -$income->total; $expense_total = $expense->total; $pandl = float_ops($income_total, $expense_total, '-'); $diffop = $this->Ledger_model->get_diff_op_balance(); Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); /* Liability side */ $total = $liability_total; Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Liabilities and Owners Equity Total", convert_cur($liability_total))); /* If Profit then Liability side, If Loss then Asset side */ if (float_ops($pandl, 0, '!=')) { if (float_ops($pandl, 0, '>')) { $total = float_ops($total, $pandl, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Profit & Loss account (Net Profit)", convert_cur($pandl))); } } /* If Op balance Dr then Liability side, If Op balance Cr then Asset side */ if (float_ops($diffop, 0, '!=')) { if (float_ops($diffop, 0, '>')) { $total = float_ops($total, $diffop, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Diff in O/P Balance", "Dr " . convert_cur($diffop))); } } Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total - Liabilities and Owners Equity", convert_cur($total))); /* Asset side */ $total = $asset_total; Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Asset Total", convert_cur($asset_total))); /* If Profit then Liability side, If Loss then Asset side */ if (float_ops($pandl, 0, '!=')) { if (float_ops($pandl, 0, '<')) { $total = float_ops($total, -$pandl, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Profit & Loss account (Net Loss)", convert_cur(-$pandl))); } } /* If Op balance Dr then Liability side, If Op balance Cr then Asset side */ if (float_ops($diffop, 0, '!=')) { if (float_ops($diffop, 0, '<')) { $total = float_ops($total, -$diffop, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Diff in O/P Balance", "Cr " . convert_cur(-$diffop))); } } Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total - Assets", convert_cur($total))); $balancesheet = Accountlist::get_csv(); $this->load->helper('csv'); echo array_to_csv($balancesheet, "balancesheet.csv"); return; } /********************** PROFIT AND LOSS ***********************/ if ($statement == "profitandloss") { $this->load->library('accountlist'); $this->load->model('Ledger_model'); /***************** GROSS CALCULATION ******************/ /* Gross P/L : Expenses */ $gross_expense_total = 0; $this->db->from('groups')->where('parent_id', 4)->where('affects_gross', 1); $gross_expense_list_q = $this->db->get(); foreach ($gross_expense_list_q->result() as $row) { $gross_expense = new Accountlist(); $gross_expense->init($row->id); $gross_expense_total = float_ops($gross_expense_total, $gross_expense->total, '+'); $gross_exp_array = $gross_expense->build_array(); $gross_expense->to_csv($gross_exp_array); } Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); /* Gross P/L : Incomes */ $gross_income_total = 0; $this->db->from('groups')->where('parent_id', 3)->where('affects_gross', 1); $gross_income_list_q = $this->db->get(); foreach ($gross_income_list_q->result() as $row) { $gross_income = new Accountlist(); $gross_income->init($row->id); $gross_income_total = float_ops($gross_income_total, $gross_income->total, '+'); $gross_inc_array = $gross_income->build_array(); $gross_income->to_csv($gross_inc_array); } Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); /* Converting to positive value since Cr */ $gross_income_total = -$gross_income_total; /* Calculating Gross P/L */ $grosspl = float_ops($gross_income_total, $gross_expense_total, '-'); /* Showing Gross P/L : Expenses */ $grosstotal = $gross_expense_total; Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Gross Expenses", convert_cur($gross_expense_total))); if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '>')) { $grosstotal = float_ops($grosstotal, $grosspl, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Gross Profit C/O", convert_cur($grosspl))); } Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Expenses - Gross", convert_cur($grosstotal))); /* Showing Gross P/L : Incomes */ $grosstotal = $gross_income_total; Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Gross Incomes", convert_cur($gross_income_total))); if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '>')) { } else { if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '<')) { $grosstotal = float_ops($grosstotal, -$grosspl, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Gross Loss C/O", convert_cur(-$grosspl))); } } Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Incomes - Gross", convert_cur($grosstotal))); /************************* NET CALCULATIONS ***************************/ Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); /* Net P/L : Expenses */ $net_expense_total = 0; $this->db->from('groups')->where('parent_id', 4)->where('affects_gross !=', 1); $net_expense_list_q = $this->db->get(); foreach ($net_expense_list_q->result() as $row) { $net_expense = new Accountlist(); $net_expense->init($row->id); $net_expense_total = float_ops($net_expense_total, $net_expense->total, '+'); $net_exp_array = $net_expense->build_array(); $net_expense->to_csv($net_exp_array); } Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); /* Net P/L : Incomes */ $net_income_total = 0; $this->db->from('groups')->where('parent_id', 3)->where('affects_gross !=', 1); $net_income_list_q = $this->db->get(); foreach ($net_income_list_q->result() as $row) { $net_income = new Accountlist(); $net_income->init($row->id); $net_income_total = float_ops($net_income_total, $net_income->total, '+'); $net_inc_array = $net_income->build_array(); $net_income->to_csv($net_inc_array); } Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); Accountlist::add_blank_csv(); /* Converting to positive value since Cr */ $net_income_total = -$net_income_total; /* Calculating Net P/L */ $netpl = float_ops(float_ops($net_income_total, $net_expense_total, '-'), $grosspl, '+'); /* Showing Net P/L : Expenses */ $nettotal = $net_expense_total; Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Expenses", convert_cur($nettotal))); if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '>')) { } else { if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '<')) { $nettotal = float_ops($nettotal, -$grosspl, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Gross Loss B/F", convert_cur(-$grosspl))); } } if (float_ops($netpl, 0, '>')) { $nettotal = float_ops($nettotal, $netpl, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Net Profit", convert_cur($netpl))); } Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total - Net Expenses", convert_cur($nettotal))); /* Showing Net P/L : Incomes */ $nettotal = $net_income_total; Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total Incomes", convert_cur($nettotal))); if (float_ops($grosspl, 0, '>')) { $nettotal = float_ops($nettotal, $grosspl, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Gross Profit B/F", convert_cur($grosspl))); } if (float_ops($netpl, 0, '>')) { } else { if (float_ops($netpl, 0, '<')) { $nettotal = float_ops($nettotal, -$netpl, '+'); Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Net Loss", convert_cur(-$netpl))); } } Accountlist::add_row_csv(array("Total - Net Incomes", convert_cur($nettotal))); $balancesheet = Accountlist::get_csv(); $this->load->helper('csv'); echo array_to_csv($balancesheet, "profitandloss.csv"); return; } return; }
?> </span> Entry Date : <span class="bold"><?php echo date_mysql_to_php_display($cur_entry->date); ?> </span> </p> <table border=0 cellpadding=5 class="simple-table entry-view-table"> <thead><tr><th>Type</th><th>Ledger Account</th><th>Dr Amount</th><th>Cr Amount</th></tr></thead> <?php $odd_even = "odd"; foreach ($cur_entry_ledgers->result() as $row) { echo "<tr class=\"tr-" . $odd_even . "\">"; echo "<td>" . convert_dc($row->dc) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $this->Ledger_model->get_name($row->ledger_id) . "</td>"; if ($row->dc == "D") { echo "<td>Dr " . $row->amount . "</td>"; echo "<td></td>"; } else { echo "<td></td>"; echo "<td>Cr " . $row->amount . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; $odd_even = $odd_even == "odd" ? "even" : "odd"; } ?> <tr class="entry-total"><td colspan=2><strong>Total</strong></td><td id=dr-total>Dr <?php echo $cur_entry->dr_total; ?>