// CU Sample= '2013/12/28 14:12'
$JSONdata['hourlyrainTH'] = $wflash2[255];
// CU Sample= '0.000'
$JSONdata['ThumTL'] = fixupTime($wflash2[118]);
// WD Sample= '3:22 PM'
$JSONdata['ThumTH'] = fixupTime($wflash2[62]);
// WD Sample= '8:05 AM'
$JSONdata['TinhumTL'] = fixupTime($wflash2[117]);
// WD Sample= '3:22 PM'
$JSONdata['TinhumTH'] = fixupTime($wflash2[61]);
// WD Sample= '8:05 AM'
$JSONdata['TpressTL'] = fixupTime($wflash2[136]);
// WD Sample= '2:18 PM'
$JSONdata['TpressTH'] = fixupTime($wflash2[80]);
// WD Sample= '10:09 AM'
$JSONdata['presstrendval'] = convertBaro($wflash[53], $uomBaro);
// CU Sample= '-0.019'
$JSONdata['Tbeaufort'] = getBeaufort($wflash[4]);
// WD Sample = '3', CU Sample= 'F3'
$JSONdata['TwgustTM'] = fixupTime($wflash2[60]);
// WD Sample= '2:19 PM'
$JSONdata['windTM'] = convertWind($wflash2[3], $uomWind);
// CU Sample= '6.2'
$JSONdata['bearingTM'] = round($wflash2[2]);
// CU Sample= '315'
$fixedTimestamp = strtotime(fixupDate($wflash2[275], $WDdateMDY) . ' ' . $JSONdata['date']);
$JSONdata['timeUTC'] = gmdate('Y,m,d,H,i,s', $fixedTimestamp);
// WD/CU Sample= '2013,01,20,23,39,59'
$JSONdata['BearingRangeFrom10'] = '359';
// CU Sample= '289'
$JSONdata['BearingRangeTo10'] = '0';
Beispiel #2
function baro_stats($arr, $col)
    //Returns array $return with Hi Lo & Ave in [0],[1]&[2]
    //Each of those is an array with mb in 0 and inches in 1
    $hi = $arr[0][$col];
    $lo = $arr[0][$col];
    $tot = 0;
    for ($row = 0; $row < count($arr); $row++) {
        $tot = $tot + $arr[$row][$col];
        if ($arr[$row][$col] > $hi) {
            $hi = $arr[$row][$col];
        if ($arr[$row][$col] < $lo) {
            $lo = $arr[$row][$col];
    $return[0] = convertBaro($hi);
    $return[1] = convertBaro($lo);
    $return[2] = convertBaro(round($tot / count($arr), 1));
    return $return;