Beispiel #1
function CreateHeroList($cacheDir = 'inc/cache/')
    global $db;
    $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_HEROES . " \n\t WHERE summary!= '-'\n\t ORDER BY `type` ASC, `description` ASC  ");
    $result = $sth->execute();
    $HeroFile = $cacheDir . "HeroList.php";
    $NL = '
    $FileContents = '<?php
$HeroListStr = array();
$HeroListAgi = array();
$HeroListInt = array();' . $NL;
    $c = 0;
    while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $row["description"] = OS_trim(trim($row["description"]));
        $row["summary"] = OS_trim(trim($row["summary"]));
        $row["stats"] = OS_trim(trim($row["stats"]));
        $row["skills"] = OS_trim(trim($row["skills"]));
        if ($row["type"] == 0) {
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListStr[' . $c . ']["heroid"] = "' . $row["heroid"] . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListStr[' . $c . ']["original"] = "' . $row["original"] . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListStr[' . $c . ']["description"] = "' . convEnt2($row["description"]) . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListStr[' . $c . ']["summary"] = "' . convEnt2($row["summary"]) . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListStr[' . $c . ']["stats"] = "' . convEnt2($row["stats"]) . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListStr[' . $c . ']["skills"] = "' . convEnt2($row["skills"]) . '";' . $NL;
        if ($row["type"] == 1) {
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListAgi[' . $c . ']["heroid"] = "' . $row["heroid"] . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListAgi[' . $c . ']["original"] = "' . $row["original"] . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListAgi[' . $c . ']["description"] = "' . convEnt2($row["description"]) . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListAgi[' . $c . ']["summary"] = "' . convEnt2($row["summary"]) . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListAgi[' . $c . ']["stats"] = "' . convEnt2($row["stats"]) . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListAgi[' . $c . ']["skills"] = "' . convEnt2($row["skills"]) . '";' . $NL;
        if ($row["type"] == 2) {
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListInt[' . $c . ']["heroid"] = "' . $row["heroid"] . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListInt[' . $c . ']["original"] = "' . $row["original"] . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListInt[' . $c . ']["description"] = "' . convEnt2($row["description"]) . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListInt[' . $c . ']["summary"] = "' . convEnt2($row["summary"]) . '";' . $NL;
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListInt[' . $c . ']["stats"] = "' . convEnt2($row["stats"]) . '";';
            $FileContents .= '$HeroListInt[' . $c . ']["skills"] = "' . convEnt2($row["skills"]) . '";' . $NL;
    $FileContents .= "?>";
    file_put_contents($HeroFile, $FileContents);
Beispiel #2
 $server = "";
 $reason = "";
 $ip = "";
 $admin = "";
 $gn = "";
 $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:00", time());
 $expire = "";
 $warn = "";
 if (isset($_GET["edit"]) and is_numeric($_GET["edit"])) {
     $id = safeEscape((int) $_GET["edit"]);
 if (isset($_POST["edit_ban"])) {
     $name = safeEscape(trim(strtolower($_POST["name"])));
     $server = safeEscape(trim($_POST["server"]));
     $reason = EscapeStr(convEnt2(trim($_POST["reason"])));
     $ip = EscapeStr(trim($_POST["ip"]));
     $country = EscapeStr(trim($_POST["country"]));
     //Force set name to 'iprange'
     if (substr($ip, 0, 1) == ":") {
         $name = 'iprange';
     if (!empty($ip) and $ip != '') {
         $ipv = explode(".", $ip);
         if (count($ipv) >= 2) {
             $ip_part = $ipv[0] . "." . $ipv[1];
         $ip_part = str_replace(":", "", $ip_part);
     } else {
         $ip_part = "";
Beispiel #3
 $total = $sth->rowCount();
 $debug = "";
 $count = 0;
 while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
     $name = $row["player"];
     $Letter = "";
     $Country = "";
     $ip = $row["ip"];
     $Letter = geoip_country_code_by_addr($GeoIPDatabase, $ip);
     $Country = geoip_country_name_by_addr($GeoIPDatabase, $ip);
     // if ( substr($ip, 0,7) == "23.243." OR substr($ip, 0,7) == "23.242." OR substr($ip, 0,7) == "23.241." ) {
     ///   $Letter  = "US";
     //   $Country = "United States";
     if (!empty($Country)) {
         $upd = $db->prepare("UPDATE " . OSDB_STATS . " SET country='" . convEnt2($Country) . "', country_code = '" . $Letter . "' WHERE id = '" . $row["id"] . "' ");
         $result = $upd->execute();
         if ($total >= 1 and empty($debug) and $count >= 1) {
             $debug = " <b>Updating Countries (found: {$total} entries)</b>";
         if ($CronReportDetails == 2) {
             $debug .= "<div><b>{$name}</b>, {$ip}, {$Letter}, {$Country}</div>";
     } else {
         if ($CronReportDetails == 2) {
             $debug .= "<div><span style=\"color:red\">FAILED: <b>{$name}</b>, IP: {$ip}, LETTER: {$Letter}, COUNTRY: {$Country}</span></div>";
 //Cron entry example - LOG
Beispiel #4
     $r = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     $numrows = $r[0];
     $result_per_page = $GamesPerPage;
     $draw_pagination = 0;
     include 'inc/pagination.php';
     $draw_pagination = 1;
     $sql = getAllGames($MinDuration, $offset, $rowsperpage, $filter, "datetime DESC");
 $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
 $result = $sth->execute();
 $c = 0;
 $GamesData = array();
 while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
     $GamesData[$c]["win"] = "";
     $GamesData[$c]["id"] = (int) $row["id"];
     $GetMap = convEnt2(substr($row["map"], strripos($row["map"], '\\') + 1));
     $Map = explode(".w", $GetMap);
     $GamesData[$c]["map"] = $Map[0];
     //$GamesData[$c]["map"]  = convEnt2(substr($row["map"], strripos($row["map"], '\\')+1));
     //$GamesData[$c]["map"] = reset( explode(".w", $GamesData[$c]["map"] ) );
     //$GamesData[$c]["map"] = substr($GamesData[$c]["map"],0,20);
     $GamesData[$c]["datetime"] = $row["datetime"];
     $GamesData[$c]["gamename"] = $row["gamename"];
     $GamesData[$c]["ownername"] = $row["ownername"];
     $GamesData[$c]["duration"] = $row["duration"];
     $GamesData[$c]["creatorname"] = $row["creatorname"];
     $GamesData[$c]["flag"] = $row["flag"];
     if (isset($_GET["h"]) and file_exists("img/heroes/" . $_GET["h"] . ".gif")) {
         $GamesData[$c]["hero_history"] = $_GET["h"] . "";
     } else {
         $GamesData[$c]["hero_history"] = "";
Beispiel #5
 if ($replay->chat) {
     foreach ($replay->chat as $content) {
         $time = $content['time'];
         $mode = $content['mode'];
         $playerID = $content['player_id'];
         if (isset($names[$playerID])) {
             $playerName = $names[$playerID];
         } else {
             $playerName = "System";
         if (isset($colors[$playerID])) {
             $playerColor = $colors[$playerID];
         } else {
             $playerColor = "";
         $text = convEnt2($content['text']);
         $ply = "<span class='GameSystem'><i>(System)</i></span>";
         if ($mode == 'All' || getTeam($playerColor) == 1) {
             $ply = "<a href='" . $website . "?u={$playerName}'><span class='{$playerColor}'>{$playerName}</span></a>";
         if ($mode == 'All' || getTeam($playerColor) == 2) {
             $ply = "<a href='" . $website . "?u={$playerName}'><span class='{$playerColor}'>{$playerName}</span></a>";
         $timeSec = secondsToTime($time / 1000);
         $drawTable = "replay_left";
         include "" . OS_CURRENT_THEME_PATH . "/game_log.php";
         if ($mode == 'All') {
             echo "<td class='all'>[All] {$text}</td>";
             $str .= "<td class='all'>[All] {$text}</td>";
         } else {
             if ($mode == 'System') {
    if ($TotalHeroes >= 100) {
        $TotalHeroes = "100";
    $sql = getMostUsedHeroByItem("", $itemid, $TotalHeroes, $Item["shortname"]);
    $result = $db->prepare($sql);
    $result = $sth->execute();
    if ($sth->rowCount() >= 1) {
	    <h2><b>Most used by:</b></h2>
        while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            $hero = strtoupper($row["hero"]);
            $heroName = convEnt2($row["heroname"]);
            $itemName = convEnt2($Item["shortname"]);
            $itemName2 = convEnt2($Item["shortname"]);
            $totals = $row["total"];
	  <a href="<?php 
            echo $website;
            echo $hero;
" <?php 
            echo ShowToolTip($heroName . " used " . $itemName2 . " " . $totals . "x", "", 200, 21, 15);
><img width="48" height="48" src="<?php 
            echo $website;
Beispiel #7
$item_info = "";
$price = "";
$type = "";
$icon = "AbyssalBlade.gif";
$itemID = "";
if (isset($_GET["edit"]) or isset($_GET["add"])) {
    if (isset($_GET["edit"])) {
        $edit = safeEscape($_GET["edit"]);
    } else {
        $edit = "";
    if (isset($_POST["edit_item"])) {
        $icon = safeEscape($_POST["icon"]);
        $name = convEnt2($_POST["name"]);
        $shortname = convEnt2($_POST["shortname"]);
        $item_info = my_nl2br(convEnt2(trim($_POST["item_info"])));
        $item_info = str_replace(array("&Scaron;", "&scaron;"), array("Š", "š"), $item_info);
        $price = EscapeStr($_POST["price"]);
        $type = EscapeStr($_POST["type"]);
        $icon = EscapeStr($_POST["icon"]);
        if (strlen($name) >= 2 and strlen($shortname) >= 2) {
            if (isset($_GET["edit"])) {
                $upd = 1;
                $update = $db->update(OSDB_ITEMS, array("name" => $name, "shortname" => $shortname, "item_info" => $item_info, "price" => $price, "type" => $type, "icon" => $icon), "itemid = '" . $edit . "' ");
                if ($upd) {
<h2>Item successfully updated</h2><?php 
                    OS_AddLog($_SESSION["username"], "[os_items] EDITED ITEM ( {$name}, {$edit} )");
            } else {
                if (isset($_GET["add"])) {
Beispiel #8

if (isset($_GET["hid"])) {
    $hid = safeEscape($_GET["hid"]);
    if (isset($_POST["heroid"])) {
        $hid = safeEscape($_POST["heroid"]);
    $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_HEROES . " WHERE original!='' AND heroid = '" . $hid . "' ");
    $result = $sth->execute();
    if ($sth->rowCount() >= 1) {
        $row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        if (isset($_POST["add_guide"]) and isset($_POST["guide_url"])) {
            $url = EscapeStr($_POST["guide_url"]);
            $title = EscapeStr(convEnt2($_POST["guide_title"]));
            $errors = "";
            $edit = "";
            $code = $_POST["code"];
            if ($code != $_SESSION["code"]) {
                $errors .= '<div><img src="' . $website . 'adm/del.png" alt="edit" /> Invalid form</div>';
            if (!strstr($url, "http")) {
                $errors .= "<div>Link is not valid.</div>";
            if (empty($errors)) {
                if (isset($_GET["edit"]) and is_numeric($_GET["edit"])) {
                    $edit = safeEscape((int) $_GET["edit"]);
                    $sql = "AND id != '" . $edit . "'";
                } else {
                    $sql = "";
Beispiel #9
	  <div align="center">
	  <h2>Post successfully deleted. <a href="<?php 
    echo $website;
adm/?posts">&laquo; Back</a></h2>
if (isset($_GET["add"]) or isset($_GET["edit"]) and is_numeric($_GET["edit"])) {
    if (isset($_POST["add_post"])) {
        $title = EscapeStr($_POST["post_title"]);
        $status = EscapeStr((int) $_POST["status"]);
        $allow_comments = EscapeStr((int) $_POST["allow_comments"]);
        $text = my_nl2br(convEnt2(trim($_POST["post_text"])));
        $text = str_replace(array("&Scaron;", "&scaron;"), array("Š", "š"), $text);
        $errors = "";
        $time = time();
        $author = EscapeStr((int) $_POST["author"]);
        if (strlen($title) <= 3) {
            $errors .= "<div>Field Title does not have enough characters</div>";
        if (strlen($text) <= 5) {
            $errors .= "<div>Field Text does not have enough characters</div>";
        if (empty($errors)) {
            if (isset($_GET["add"])) {
                $ins = 1;
                $insert = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO " . OSDB_NEWS . "(news_title, news_content, news_date, status, allow_comments, author)\n\t\tVALUES('" . $title . "', '" . $text . "', '" . $time . "', '" . $status . "', '" . $allow_comments . "', '" . $author . "') ");
                $result = $insert->execute();