function connectIfNeeded()
    if (@$GLOBALS['DBH']) {
Beispiel #2
 * Returns the data in the following format:
 * ["movies": $movies, "commonCast" : $commonCast, "commonGenres" : $commonGenres, "commonDirectors" : $commonDirectors]
function get_data()
    $con = connectToMySQL();
    // try loading movies and commmonCast from 1) sesion, 2) local data json files, 3) mysql
    $rootDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
    $movies_file_name = $rootDir . '/data/movies.json';
    $commonCast_file_name = $rootDir . '/data/commonCast.json';
    $commonGenres_file_name = $rootDir . '/data/commonGenres.json';
    $commonDirectors_file_name = $rootDir . '/data/commonDirectors.json';
    $movies = false;
    $commonCast = false;
    $commonGenres = false;
    $commonDirectors = false;
    $successfullyLoaded = false;
    //// try loading from session
    //if ($_SESSION['movies'] and $_SESSION['commonCast'] and $_SESSION['commonGenres']){
    //    $movies = $_SESSION['movies'];
    //    $commonCast = $_SESSION['commonCast'];
    //    $commonGenres = $_SESSION['commonGenres'];
    //    $successfullyLoaded = true;
    //else {
    if (file_exists($movies_file_name) && file_exists($commonCast_file_name) && file_exists($commonGenres_file_name) && file_exists($commonDirectors_file_name)) {
        $movies = json_decode(file_get_contents($movies_file_name), true);
        $commonCast = json_decode(file_get_contents($commonCast_file_name), true);
        $commonGenres = json_decode(file_get_contents($commonGenres_file_name), true);
        $commonDirectors = json_decode(file_get_contents($commonDirectors_file_name), true);
        if ($movies != false && $commonCast != false && $commonGenres != false && $commonDirectors != false) {
            $successfullyLoaded = true;
    if (!$successfullyLoaded) {
        // something went wrong => reload data
        loadDataFromDB($con, $movies_file_name, $commonCast_file_name, $commonGenres_file_name, $commonDirectors_file_name);
        //$_SESSION['movies'] = $movies;
        //$_SESSION['commonCast'] = $commonCast;
        //$_SESSION['commonGenres'] = $commonGenres;
    $return_value = array("movies" => $movies, "commonCast" => $commonCast, "commonGenres" => $commonGenres, "commonDirectors" => $commonDirectors);
    return $return_value;

include '../lib/mysql.php';
$mysqli = connectToMySQL();
$email = str_replace('%2B', '+', $_POST['email']);
$query = "INSERT INTO results (email, data, survey_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query);
$null = NULL;
$stmt->bind_param('sbi', $email, $null, $_POST['survey_id']);
$stmt->send_long_data(1, $_POST['data']);
if ($stmt->execute()) {
    echo 'true';
} else {
    die('Error : (' . $mysqli->errno . ') ' . $mysqli->error);
Beispiel #4

 * The main template file
include "header.php";
if (isset($_SESSION['admin'])) {

		<h1 id="pageTitle">Logs</h1>

    require_once "functions.php";
    $conn = connectToMySQL();
    //grabbing all logs from the database in order by date time
    $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_logs ORDER BY dateTime DESC";
    $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        echo "<article class='logs'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t  {$row['dateTime']}, {$row['requestUri']}, {$row['logComment']}\r\n\t\t\t\t  </article>";
    include "sidebar.php";
    include "footer.php";
} else {
Beispiel #5
function getNotRoleFunctions($ID)
    try {
        $db = connectToMySQL();
        $query = "SELECT FunctionID, Name\n\t\t   FROM functions WHERE FunctionID NOT IN\n\t\t   (SELECT functions.FunctionID\n\t\t   FROM functions, rolefunctions\n\t\t   WHERE rolefunctions.RoleID = :ID AND functions.FunctionID = rolefunctions.FunctionID)\n                   ORDER BY functions.Name";
        $statement = $db->prepare($query);
        $statement->bindValue(':ID', $ID);
        $results = $statement->fetchAll();
        return $results;
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
Beispiel #6
            <tr><td align="right">Password:</td> <td align="left"><input type="password" name ="passwd"> </td> </tr>
            <tr><td align="right">php.ini path:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name ="phpini"> </td> </tr>
            <tr><td align="right">httpd.conf Path:</td> <td align="left"><input type="text" name ="httpdconf"> </td> </tr>
            <tr><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="connect" value="Connect"></td></tr>
    <br />

if (isset($_POST['connect'])) {
    $host = $_POST['host'];
    $user = $_POST['user'];
    $passwd = $_POST['passwd'];
    $phpini = $_POST['phpini'];
    $httpdconf = $_POST['httpdconf'];
    $connected = connectToMySQL($host, $user, $passwd, $phpini, $httpdconf);
    $db_created = CreateDB();
    $tables_created = createTables();
    $directives_populated = populateValues();
    if ($connected && $db_created && $tables_created && $directives_populated) {
        echo "Database setup successfully completed. Please ";
    <a href="index.php"> Continue... </a>

         <br />
		<!-- END Slider -->
$APP = array('version' => '2.65', 'build' => '1122', 'id' => '19', 'key' => '35809', 'alerts' => @$GLOBALS['APP']['alerts']);
define('PREFIX_URL', $SETTINGS['webPrefixUrl']);
// v2.53
define('CMS_ASSETS_URL', parse_url(dirname($SETTINGS['adminUrl']), PHP_URL_PATH));
// for more complicated path references: parse_url( realUrl('../cms-assets', $SETTINGS['adminUrl']), PHP_URL_PATH));
// set timezone
// check for internet connectivity
if (!isInstalled()) {
// only run if software not installed yet
// connect to mysql
if (isInstalled()) {
// load plugins
// Check for accidentally added whitespace or other output (by end users) - extra linebreaks at the end of library or plugin files
// ... can cause ajax calls to fail (whitespace is interpreted as error message and returned in 'blank' popups) or gzip output to
// ... become corrupted. Note that server behaviour will vary based on output_buffering another other settings (search "output" in phpinfo)
if (defined('IS_CMS_ADMIN')) {
    // only run this in CMS admin, we don't want errors on viewer pages
    $unexpectedOutputErrors = '';
    if (headers_sent($outputSentFile, $outputSentLine)) {
        // headers_sent() gets triggered when php's 'output_buffer' bytes are exceeded
        $unexpectedOutputErrors .= sprintf('Unexpected output was sent by the following file: %1$s (on line %2$s)', htmlencode(@$outputSentFile), htmlencode(@$outputSentLine)) . "\n";
        $unexpectedOutputErrors .= "Developers: Check plugins and library files for accidentally added whitespace or other characters.\n";
        // start_session will fail if headers_sent so we need to die here to show error.
function installIfNeeded()
    if (isInstalled()) {
    // skip if already installed
    // rename default files
    // error checking
    if ($SETTINGS['uploadDir'] && !is_dir($SETTINGS['uploadDir'])) {
        print "Upload directory doesn't exist, please update 'uploadDir' in /data/" . SETTINGS_FILENAME . "<br/>\n";
        print "Current uploadDir value: " . htmlencode($SETTINGS['uploadDir']) . "<br/>\n";
        print "Suggested uploadDir value: uploads/ or ../uploads/<br/>\n";
    // error checking
    // display license
    if (@$_REQUEST['menu'] == 'license') {
    // save
    if (@$_REQUEST['save']) {
        // error checking
        if (!$_REQUEST['licenseCompanyName']) {
            alert("Please enter your 'Company Name'<br/>\n");
        if (!$_REQUEST['licenseDomainName']) {
            alert("Please enter your 'Domain Name'<br/>\n");
        if (!$_REQUEST['licenseProductId']) {
            alert("Please enter your 'Product Id'<br/>\n");
        } else {
            if (!isValidProductId($_REQUEST['licenseProductId'])) {
                alert("Invalid Product Id!<br/>\n");
        if (!$_REQUEST['agreeToOneInstall']) {
            alert("Please check 'I agree not to use this 'Product Id' for multiple installs'<br/>\n");
        if (!$_REQUEST['understandTermination']) {
            alert("Please check 'I understand doing so may cause be to lose my right to use this software'<br/>\n");
        if (!$_REQUEST['agreeToLicense']) {
            alert("Please check 'I accept the terms of the License Agreement'<br/>\n");
        if (!$_REQUEST['mysqlHostname']) {
            alert("Please enter your 'MySQL Hostname'<br/>\n");
        if (!$_REQUEST['mysqlDatabase']) {
            alert("Please enter your 'MySQL Database'<br/>\n");
        if (!$_REQUEST['mysqlUsername']) {
            alert("Please enter your 'MySQL Username'<br/>\n");
        if (!$_REQUEST['mysqlTablePrefix']) {
            alert("Please enter your 'MySQL Table Prefix'<br/>\n");
        } elseif (preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $_REQUEST['mysqlTablePrefix'])) {
            alert("Value for 'MySQL Table Prefix' must be lowercase.<br/>\n");
        } elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-z]/i", $_REQUEST['mysqlTablePrefix'])) {
            alert("Value for 'MySQL Table Prefix' must start with a letter.<br/>\n");
        } elseif (!preg_match("/_\$/", $_REQUEST['mysqlTablePrefix'])) {
            alert("Value for 'MySQL Table Prefix' must end in underscore.<br/>\n");
        // New Installation
        if (!@$_REQUEST['restoreFromBackup']) {
            if (!$_REQUEST['adminFullname']) {
                alert("Please enter 'Admin Full Name'<br/>\n");
            if (!$_REQUEST['adminEmail']) {
                alert("Please enter 'Admin Email'<br/>\n");
            } elseif (!isValidEmail($_REQUEST['adminEmail'])) {
                alert("Please enter a valid email for 'Admin Email' (Example:<br/>\n");
            if (!$_REQUEST['adminUsername']) {
                alert("Please enter 'Admin Username'<br/>\n");
            $passwordErrors = getNewPasswordErrors($_REQUEST['adminPassword1'], $_REQUEST['adminPassword2'], $_REQUEST['adminUsername']);
            // v2.52
            if ($passwordErrors) {
        // Restore from Backup
        if (@$_REQUEST['restoreFromBackup']) {
            if (!$_REQUEST['restore']) {
                alert("Please select a backup file to restore<br/>\n");
        // Advanced - v2.53
        if (!@$_REQUEST['useCustomSettingsFile']) {
            if (is_file(SETTINGS_DEV_FILEPATH)) {
                alert(t("You must select 'Use Custom Settings File' since a custom settings file for this domain already exists!") . "<br/>\n");
            } elseif (isDevServer()) {
                alert("This is a development server, you must select 'Use Custom Settings File'." . "<br/>\n");
        if (@$_REQUEST['webPrefixUrl'] != '') {
            if (!preg_match("|^(\\w+:/)?/|", $_REQUEST['webPrefixUrl'])) {
                alert(t("Website Prefix URL must start with /") . "<br/>\n");
            if (preg_match("|/\$|", $_REQUEST['webPrefixUrl'])) {
                alert(t("Website Prefix URL cannot end with /") . "<br/>\n");
        // update settings (not saved unless there are no errors)
        $SETTINGS['cookiePrefix'] = substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 5) . '_';
        //v2.51 shortened prefix so it's easy to see full cookie names in browser cookie list
        $SETTINGS['adminEmail'] = @$SETTINGS['adminEmail'] ? $SETTINGS['adminEmail'] : $_REQUEST['adminEmail'];
        $SETTINGS['licenseCompanyName'] = $_REQUEST['licenseCompanyName'];
        $SETTINGS['licenseDomainName'] = $_REQUEST['licenseDomainName'];
        $SETTINGS['licenseProductId'] = $_REQUEST['licenseProductId'];
        $SETTINGS['webRootDir'] = @$SETTINGS['webRootDir'] ? $SETTINGS['webRootDir'] : @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
        $SETTINGS['mysql']['hostname'] = $_REQUEST['mysqlHostname'];
        $SETTINGS['mysql']['database'] = $_REQUEST['mysqlDatabase'];
        $SETTINGS['mysql']['username'] = $_REQUEST['mysqlUsername'];
        $SETTINGS['mysql']['password'] = $_REQUEST['mysqlPassword'];
        $SETTINGS['mysql']['tablePrefix'] = $_REQUEST['mysqlTablePrefix'];
        $TABLE_PREFIX = $_REQUEST['mysqlTablePrefix'];
        // update TABLE_PREFIX global as well.
        $SETTINGS['webPrefixUrl'] = $_REQUEST['webPrefixUrl'];
        // display errors
        if (alert()) {
            require "lib/menus/install.php";
        // connect to mysql
        $errors = connectToMySQL('returnErrors');
        if ($errors) {
            require "lib/menus/install.php";
        } else {
        // create schema tables
        // don't show "created table/field" alerts
        // New Installation: check if admin user already exists
        if (!@$_REQUEST['restoreFromBackup']) {
            $passwordHash = getPasswordDigest($_REQUEST['adminPassword1']);
            $identicalUserExists = mysql_count('accounts', array('username' => $_REQUEST['adminUsername'], 'password' => $passwordHash, 'isAdmin' => '1'));
            if (!$identicalUserExists) {
                // if the don't exist, check if a user with the same username exists and show an error if they do
                $count = mysql_count('accounts', array('username' => $_REQUEST['adminUsername']));
                if (!$identicalUserExists && $count > 0) {
                    alert("Admin username already exists, please choose another.<br/>\n");
            // create admin user
            if (!$identicalUserExists && !alert()) {
                // disable Mysql strict errors for when a field isn't defined below (can be caused when fields are added later)
                mysql_query("INSERT INTO `{$TABLE_PREFIX}accounts` SET\n                          createdDate      = NOW(),\n                          createdByUserNum = '0',\n                          updatedDate      = NOW(),\n                          updatedByUserNum = '0',\n                          fullname         = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['adminFullname']) . "', email    = '" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['adminEmail']) . "',\n                          username         = '******'adminUsername']) . "', password = '******',\n                          disabled         = '0',\n                          isAdmin          = '1',\n                          expiresDate      = '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                          neverExpires     = '1'") or alert("MySQL Error Creating Admin User:<br/>\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
                // create accesslist entry
                mysql_query("INSERT INTO `{$TABLE_PREFIX}_accesslist` (userNum, tableName, accessLevel, maxRecords, randomSaveId)\n                          VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 'all', '9', NULL, '1234567890')") or alert("MySQL Error Creating Admin Access List:<br/>\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
        // Restore from Backup: Restore backup file
        if (@$_REQUEST['restoreFromBackup']) {
            $userCount = mysql_count('accounts');
            if ($userCount) {
                $userTable = $TABLE_PREFIX . 'accounts';
                $errorMessage = sprintf("Can't restore from backup because it would overwrite the %s existing user accounts in the specified database location.<br/>\n", $userCount);
                $errorMessage .= sprintf("Try changing the MySQL Database or Table Prefix to restore to a different location, or remove existing users from '%s'.<br/>\n", $userTable);
            } else {
                // restore database
                $filename = @$_REQUEST['restore'];
                // disable Mysql strict errors
                restoreDatabase(DATA_DIR . '/backups/' . $filename);
                notice("Restored backup file /data/backups/{$filename}");
        // save settings
        if (!alert()) {
            // save installed status
            redirectBrowserToURL('?menu=home', true);
            // refresh page
    // set defaults
    if (!array_key_exists('licenseDomainName', $_REQUEST)) {
        $_REQUEST['licenseDomainName'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    if (!array_key_exists('mysqlHostname', $_REQUEST)) {
        $_REQUEST['mysqlHostname'] = $SETTINGS['mysql']['hostname'];
    if (!array_key_exists('mysqlDatabase', $_REQUEST)) {
        $_REQUEST['mysqlDatabase'] = $SETTINGS['mysql']['database'];
    if (!array_key_exists('mysqlUsername', $_REQUEST)) {
        $_REQUEST['mysqlUsername'] = $SETTINGS['mysql']['username'];
    if (!array_key_exists('mysqlTablePrefix', $_REQUEST)) {
        $_REQUEST['mysqlTablePrefix'] = $SETTINGS['mysql']['tablePrefix'];
    // show form
    require "lib/menus/install.php";
 * Runs the appropriate FFmpeg shell command
 * @param $scheduleItems The list of Schedule Items for the Schedule
function runFFmpeg($scheduleItems, $minsSinceMidnight, $channelID)
    $scheduleItemID = "";
    $scheduleItemOffset = 0;
    $scheduleItemComplete = null;
    $scheduleItemTakenDown = null;
    //Get Schedule Item based on elapsed minutes.
    //If the number of minutes since midnight is greater than the offset of the current schedule item, check the next
    foreach ($scheduleItems as $row) {
        //Any schedule item after first item, else the first item
        if ($row[0] > $minsSinceMidnight && $row != 0) {
            $scheduleItemOffset = $row[0] - 1;
            //time offset
            $scheduleItemID = $row[1] - 1;
            $scheduleItemTakenDown = $row[2] - 1;
            $scheduleItemComplete = $row[3] - 1;
        } else {
            if ($row[0] < $minsSinceMidnight && $row[0] + 1 > $minsSinceMidnight && $row == 0) {
                $scheduleItemOffset = $row[0];
                $scheduleItemID = $row[1];
                $scheduleItemTakenDown = $row[2];
                $scheduleItemComplete = $row[3];
    $getFileLocation = "SELECT location FROM File INNER JOIN (`Schedule Item`,`Video`) ON (`Schedule Item`.scheduleItemID='" + $scheduleItemID + "' AND `Schedule Item`.videoID = Video.videoID AND Video.fileID=File.fileID)";
    $fileLocationResult = connectToMySQL($getFileLocation);
    $rowTest = mysqli_fetch_array($fileLocationResult);
    $rowTest2 = $rowTest["location"];
    shell_exec("ffmpeg -re -i " + $rowTest2 + " -preset ultrafast http://localhost:8090/Channel" . $channelID . ".ffm &");
    //No Schedule Item OR Current Schedule Item Taken Down
    if ($scheduleItemID == "" || $scheduleItemTakenDown == true) {
        //Channel Off Air Placeholder
        //shell_exec("ffmpeg -re -i /var/www/videos/programmes/P00000000-1080-30.mp4 -preset ultrafast http://localhost:8090/Channel".$channelID.".ffm &");
    } else {
        if ($scheduleItemComplete == true) {
            //Next Schedule Item
            $getFileLocation = "SELECT File.fileID, location FROM File INNER JOIN (`Schedule Item`,`Video`) ON (`Schedule Item`.scheduleItemID='2016-04-12-0001' AND `Schedule Item`.videoID = Video.videoID AND Video.fileID=File.fileID)";
            $fileLocationResult = connectToMySQL($getFileLocation);
            $fileLocationResult2 = $fileLocationResult["location"];
            echo shell_exec("ffmpeg -re -i " + $fileLocationResult2 + " -preset ultrafast http://localhost:8090/Channel1.ffm &");
        } else {
            if ($minsSinceMidnight - $scheduleItemOffset <= 1) {
                echo "mark schedule item complete";
                $markCompleteQuery = "UPDATE `Schedule Item` SET complete=1 WHERE scheduleItemID=" . $scheduleItemID;
Beispiel #10
function queryAndStreamXML($conditions, $randomize = false, $limit = null)
    $beginTime = microtime(true);
    $mysql = connectToMySQL();
    $conditions[] = '`isactive` = 1';
    $query = 'SELECT `edittype`,
				UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `user_reg_time` ) AS `user_reg_time_unix`,
				UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `common_page_made_time` ) AS `common_page_made_time_unix`,
				UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `current_timestamp` ) AS `current_timestamp_unix`,
				UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `previous_timestamp` ) AS `previous_timestamp_unix`,
				UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `updated` ) AS `updated_unix`,
				`reviewers_agreeing` FROM `editset` WHERE ';
    $query .= implode(' AND ', $conditions);
    if ($randomize) {
        $query .= ' ORDER BY RAND()';
    } else {
        if ($randomize === false and ($limit !== null and strpos(',', $limit) === false or $limit === null)) {
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) as `count` FROM `editset` WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions)));
            $start = rand(0, $row['count'] - ($limit === null ? 0 : $limit));
            if ($limit !== null and strpos(',', $limit) === false) {
                $limit = $start . ',' . $limit;
            } else {
                $limit = $start . ',18446744073709551615';
    if ($limit !== null) {
        $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
    $xml = new XMLWriter();
    $xml->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    $xml->writeElement('query', $query);
    $xml->writeElement('time', time());
    if (function_exists('posix_uname')) {
        $uname = posix_uname();
        foreach ($uname as $key => $value) {
            $xml->writeElement($key, $value);
    if (function_exists('posix_getlogin')) {
        $xml->writeElement('username', posix_getlogin());
    $result = mysql_unbuffered_query($query);
    if (!$result) {
        error('MySQL Query Error: ' . mysql_error() . "\n" . 'Query: ' . $query);
    $count = 0;
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $xml->writeElement('isActive', $row['isactive'] ? 'true' : 'false');
        $xml->writeElement('source', $row['source']);
        $xml->writeElement('lastUpdated', $row['updated_unix']);
        $xml->writeElement('EditType', $row['edittype']);
        $xml->writeElement('EditID', $row['editid']);
        $xml->writeElement('comment', $row['comment']);
        $xml->writeElement('user', $row['user']);
        $xml->writeElement('user_edit_count', $row['user_edit_count']);
        $xml->writeElement('user_distinct_pages', $row['user_distinct_pages']);
        $xml->writeElement('user_warns', $row['user_warns']);
        $xml->writeElement('prev_user', $row['prev_user']);
        $xml->writeElement('user_reg_time', $row['user_reg_time_unix']);
        $xml->writeElement('page_made_time', $row['common_page_made_time_unix']);
        $xml->writeElement('title', $row['common_title']);
        $xml->writeElement('namespace', $row['common_namespace']);
        $xml->writeElement('creator', $row['common_creator']);
        $xml->writeElement('num_recent_edits', $row['common_num_recent_edits']);
        $xml->writeElement('num_recent_reversions', $row['common_num_recent_reversions']);
        $xml->writeElement('minor', $row['current_minor'] ? 'true' : 'false');
        $xml->writeElement('timestamp', $row['current_timestamp_unix']);
        $xml->writeElement('text', $row['current_text']);
        $xml->writeElement('timestamp', $row['previous_timestamp_unix']);
        $xml->writeElement('text', $row['previous_text']);
        $xml->writeElement('isVandalism', $row['isvandalism'] ? 'true' : 'false');
        $xml->writeElement('reviewers', $row['reviewers']);
        $xml->writeElement('reviewers_agreeing', $row['reviewers_agreeing']);
    $xml->writeComment('Generated in ' . (microtime(true) - $beginTime) . ' seconds.  ' . $count . ' entries returned.');