  * 注册公共函数
  * 由一些条件的判断完成最终注册
  * @param $platform_userid 用户id唯一
  * @param $platform_type 类型:sina、qq
  * @param null $nickname 昵称
  * @param null $description 描述
  * @param null $location 当前所在地
  * @param int $gender 性别
 function regist_common($platform_userid, $platform_type, $nickname = null, $profile_image_url = null, $description = null, $gender = 0, $location = null)
     $head = null;
     switch ($platform_type) {
         case 2:
             $head = "qq";
         case 1:
             $head = 'sina';
     $user = new User();
     $sql = "platform_type='{$platform_type}' AND platform_userid='{$platform_userid}'";
     if ($user->fetch()) {
         $this->showUserResult($user, 1);
     $originalUsername = $head . $platform_userid;
     $username = $this->nicknameFromName($originalUsername);
     $email = $this->trimmed("email");
     $homepage = $this->trimmed("homepage");
     $password = $this->password;
     if (!User::allowed_nickname($nickname)) {
         // TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to create a new user with an invalid username.
         $this->clientError(_('username bad'), 400);
     $user_check = User::staticGet('nickname', $username);
     if ($user_check) {
         $this->clientError('username exists', 400);
     $user = User::register(array('nickname' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email, 'fullname' => $nickname, 'homepage' => $homepage, 'bio' => $description, 'location' => $location, 'code' => $code, 'gender' => $gender, 'platform_userid' => $platform_userid, 'platform_type' => $platform_type));
     if (!$user) {
         // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an invalid username or password.
         $this->clientError(_('Invalid username or password.', 400, 'json'));
     // success!
     if (!common_set_user($user)) {
         // TRANS: Server error displayed when saving fails during user registration.
         $this->serverError(_('Error setting user.', '500', 'json'));
     // this is a real login
     if ($this->boolean('rememberme')) {
         common_debug('Adding rememberme cookie for ' . $nickname);
     // Re-init language env in case it changed (not yet, but soon)
     Event::handle('EndRegistrationTry', array($this));
     if (!empty($profile_image_url)) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception $exc) {
     $this->showUserResult($user, 0);
Beispiel #2
  * Handle a post
  * Validate input and save changes. Reload the form with a success
  * or error message.
  * @return void
 function handlePost()
     // CSRF protection
     $token = $this->trimmed('token');
     if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
         // TRANS: Form validation error.
         $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. ' . 'Try again, please.'));
     if (Event::handle('StartProfileSaveForm', array($this))) {
         try {
             $nickname = Nickname::normalize($this->trimmed('nickname'));
         } catch (NicknameException $e) {
         $fullname = $this->trimmed('fullname');
         $homepage = $this->trimmed('homepage');
         $bio = $this->trimmed('bio');
         $location = $this->trimmed('location');
         $autosubscribe = $this->boolean('autosubscribe');
         $subscribe_policy = $this->trimmed('subscribe_policy');
         $private_stream = $this->boolean('private_stream');
         $language = $this->trimmed('language');
         $timezone = $this->trimmed('timezone');
         $tagstring = $this->trimmed('tags');
         // Some validation
         if (!User::allowed_nickname($nickname)) {
             // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
             $this->showForm(_('Not a valid nickname.'));
         } else {
             if (!is_null($homepage) && strlen($homepage) > 0 && !Validate::uri($homepage, array('allowed_schemes' => array('http', 'https')))) {
                 // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                 $this->showForm(_('Homepage is not a valid URL.'));
             } else {
                 if (!is_null($fullname) && mb_strlen($fullname) > 255) {
                     // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                     $this->showForm(_('Full name is too long (maximum 255 characters).'));
                 } else {
                     if (Profile::bioTooLong($bio)) {
                         // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                         // TRANS: Plural form is used based on the maximum number of allowed
                         // TRANS: characters for the biography (%d).
                         $this->showForm(sprintf(_m('Bio is too long (maximum %d character).', 'Bio is too long (maximum %d characters).', Profile::maxBio()), Profile::maxBio()));
                     } else {
                         if (!is_null($location) && mb_strlen($location) > 255) {
                             // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                             $this->showForm(_('Location is too long (maximum 255 characters).'));
                         } else {
                             if (is_null($timezone) || !in_array($timezone, DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers())) {
                                 // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                                 $this->showForm(_('Timezone not selected.'));
                             } else {
                                 if ($this->nicknameExists($nickname)) {
                                     // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                                     $this->showForm(_('Nickname already in use. Try another one.'));
                                 } else {
                                     if (!is_null($language) && strlen($language) > 50) {
                                         // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                                         $this->showForm(_('Language is too long (maximum 50 characters).'));
         $tags = array();
         $tag_priv = array();
         if (is_string($tagstring) && strlen($tagstring) > 0) {
             $tags = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $tagstring);
             foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
                 $private = @$tag[0] === '.';
                 $tag = common_canonical_tag($tag);
                 if (!common_valid_profile_tag($tag)) {
                     // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                     // TRANS: %s is an invalid tag.
                     $this->showForm(sprintf(_('Invalid tag: "%s".'), $tag));
                 $tag_priv[$tag] = $private;
         $user = common_current_user();
         if ($user->nickname != $nickname || $user->language != $language || $user->timezone != $timezone) {
             common_debug('Updating user nickname from ' . $user->nickname . ' to ' . $nickname, __FILE__);
             common_debug('Updating user language from ' . $user->language . ' to ' . $language, __FILE__);
             common_debug('Updating user timezone from ' . $user->timezone . ' to ' . $timezone, __FILE__);
             $original = clone $user;
             $user->nickname = $nickname;
             $user->language = $language;
             $user->timezone = $timezone;
             $result = $user->updateKeys($original);
             if ($result === false) {
                 common_log_db_error($user, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
                 // TRANS: Server error thrown when user profile settings could not be updated.
                 $this->serverError(_('Could not update user.'));
             } else {
                 // Re-initialize language environment if it changed
                 // Clear the site owner, in case nickname changed
                 if ($user->hasRole(Profile_role::OWNER)) {
         // XXX: XOR
         if ($user->autosubscribe ^ $autosubscribe || $user->private_stream ^ $private_stream || $user->subscribe_policy != $subscribe_policy) {
             $original = clone $user;
             $user->autosubscribe = $autosubscribe;
             $user->private_stream = $private_stream;
             $user->subscribe_policy = $subscribe_policy;
             $result = $user->update($original);
             if ($result === false) {
                 common_log_db_error($user, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
                 // TRANS: Server error thrown when user profile settings could not be updated to
                 // TRANS: automatically subscribe to any subscriber.
                 $this->serverError(_('Could not update user for autosubscribe or subscribe_policy.'));
         $profile = $user->getProfile();
         $orig_profile = clone $profile;
         $profile->nickname = $user->nickname;
         $profile->fullname = $fullname;
         $profile->homepage = $homepage;
         $profile->bio = $bio;
         $profile->location = $location;
         $loc = Location::fromName($location);
         if (empty($loc)) {
             $profile->lat = null;
             $profile->lon = null;
             $profile->location_id = null;
             $profile->location_ns = null;
         } else {
             $profile->lat = $loc->lat;
             $profile->lon = $loc->lon;
             $profile->location_id = $loc->location_id;
             $profile->location_ns = $loc->location_ns;
         $profile->profileurl = common_profile_url($nickname);
         if (common_config('location', 'share') == 'user') {
             $exists = false;
             $prefs = User_location_prefs::staticGet('user_id', $user->id);
             if (empty($prefs)) {
                 $prefs = new User_location_prefs();
                 $prefs->user_id = $user->id;
                 $prefs->created = common_sql_now();
             } else {
                 $exists = true;
                 $orig = clone $prefs;
             $prefs->share_location = $this->boolean('sharelocation');
             if ($exists) {
                 $result = $prefs->update($orig);
             } else {
                 $result = $prefs->insert();
             if ($result === false) {
                 common_log_db_error($prefs, $exists ? 'UPDATE' : 'INSERT', __FILE__);
                 // TRANS: Server error thrown when user profile location preference settings could not be updated.
                 $this->serverError(_('Could not save location prefs.'));
         common_debug('Old profile: ' . common_log_objstring($orig_profile), __FILE__);
         common_debug('New profile: ' . common_log_objstring($profile), __FILE__);
         $result = $profile->update($orig_profile);
         if ($result === false) {
             common_log_db_error($profile, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
             // TRANS: Server error thrown when user profile settings could not be saved.
             $this->serverError(_('Could not save profile.'));
         // Set the user tags
         $result = $user->setSelfTags($tags, $tag_priv);
         if (!$result) {
             // TRANS: Server error thrown when user profile settings tags could not be saved.
             $this->serverError(_('Could not save tags.'));
         Event::handle('EndProfileSaveForm', array($this));
         // TRANS: Confirmation shown when user profile settings are saved.
         $this->showForm(_('Settings saved.'), true);
Beispiel #3
  * Try to register a user
  * Validates the input and tries to save a new user and profile
  * record. On success, shows an instructions page.
  * @return void
 function tryRegister()
     if (Event::handle('StartRegistrationTry', array($this))) {
         $token = $this->trimmed('token');
         if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
             $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. ' . 'Try again, please.'));
         $nickname = $this->trimmed('nickname');
         $email = $this->trimmed('email');
         $fullname = $this->trimmed('fullname');
         $homepage = $this->trimmed('homepage');
         $bio = $this->trimmed('bio');
         $location = $this->trimmed('location');
         // We don't trim these... whitespace is OK in a password!
         $password = $this->arg('password');
         $confirm = $this->arg('confirm');
         // invitation code, if any
         $code = $this->trimmed('code');
         if ($code) {
             $invite = Invitation::staticGet($code);
         if (common_config('site', 'inviteonly') && !($code && $invite)) {
             $this->clientError(_('Sorry, only invited people can register.'));
         // Input scrubbing
         try {
             $nickname = Nickname::normalize($nickname);
         } catch (NicknameException $e) {
         $email = common_canonical_email($email);
         if (!$this->boolean('license')) {
             $this->showForm(_('You cannot register if you don\'t ' . 'agree to the license.'));
         } else {
             if ($email && !Validate::email($email, common_config('email', 'check_domain'))) {
                 $this->showForm(_('Not a valid email address.'));
             } else {
                 if ($this->nicknameExists($nickname)) {
                     $this->showForm(_('Nickname already in use. Try another one.'));
                 } else {
                     if (!User::allowed_nickname($nickname)) {
                         $this->showForm(_('Not a valid nickname.'));
                     } else {
                         if ($this->emailExists($email)) {
                             $this->showForm(_('Email address already exists.'));
                         } else {
                             if (!is_null($homepage) && strlen($homepage) > 0 && !Validate::uri($homepage, array('allowed_schemes' => array('http', 'https')))) {
                                 $this->showForm(_('Homepage is not a valid URL.'));
                             } else {
                                 if (!is_null($fullname) && mb_strlen($fullname) > 255) {
                                     $this->showForm(_('Full name is too long (maximum 255 characters).'));
                                 } else {
                                     if (Profile::bioTooLong($bio)) {
                                         $this->showForm(sprintf(_m('Bio is too long (maximum %d character).', 'Bio is too long (maximum %d characters).', Profile::maxBio()), Profile::maxBio()));
                                     } else {
                                         if (!is_null($location) && mb_strlen($location) > 255) {
                                             $this->showForm(_('Location is too long (maximum 255 characters).'));
                                         } else {
                                             if (strlen($password) < 6) {
                                                 $this->showForm(_('Password must be 6 or more characters.'));
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($password != $confirm) {
                                                     $this->showForm(_('Passwords don\'t match.'));
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($user = User::register(array('nickname' => $nickname, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email, 'fullname' => $fullname, 'homepage' => $homepage, 'bio' => $bio, 'location' => $location, 'code' => $code))) {
                                                         if (!$user) {
                                                             $this->showForm(_('Invalid username or password.'));
                                                         // success!
                                                         if (!common_set_user($user)) {
                                                             $this->serverError(_('Error setting user.'));
                                                         // this is a real login
                                                         if ($this->boolean('rememberme')) {
                                                             common_debug('Adding rememberme cookie for ' . $nickname);
                                                         Event::handle('EndRegistrationTry', array($this));
                                                         // Re-init language env in case it changed (not yet, but soon)
                                                     } else {
                                                         $this->showForm(_('Invalid username or password.'));
  * Handle a post
  * Validate input and save changes. Reload the form with a success
  * or error message.
  * @return void
 function handlePost()
     // CSRF protection
     $token = $this->trimmed('token');
     if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
         $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. ' . 'Try again, please.'));
     if (Event::handle('StartProfileSaveForm', array($this))) {
         $nickname = $this->trimmed('nickname');
         $fullname = $this->trimmed('fullname');
         $homepage = $this->trimmed('homepage');
         $bio = $this->trimmed('bio');
         $location = $this->trimmed('location');
         $autosubscribe = $this->boolean('autosubscribe');
         $language = $this->trimmed('language');
         $timezone = $this->trimmed('timezone');
         $tagstring = $this->trimmed('tags');
         // Some validation
         if (!Validate::string($nickname, array('min_length' => 1, 'max_length' => 64, 'format' => NICKNAME_FMT))) {
             $this->showForm(_('Nickname must have only lowercase letters and numbers and no spaces.'));
         } else {
             if (!User::allowed_nickname($nickname)) {
                 $this->showForm(_('Not a valid nickname.'));
             } else {
                 if (!is_null($homepage) && strlen($homepage) > 0 && !Validate::uri($homepage, array('allowed_schemes' => array('http', 'https')))) {
                     $this->showForm(_('Homepage is not a valid URL.'));
                 } else {
                     if (!is_null($fullname) && mb_strlen($fullname) > 255) {
                         $this->showForm(_('Full name is too long (max 255 chars).'));
                     } else {
                         if (Profile::bioTooLong($bio)) {
                             $this->showForm(sprintf(_('Bio is too long (max %d chars).'), Profile::maxBio()));
                         } else {
                             if (!is_null($location) && mb_strlen($location) > 255) {
                                 $this->showForm(_('Location is too long (max 255 chars).'));
                             } else {
                                 if (is_null($timezone) || !in_array($timezone, DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers())) {
                                     $this->showForm(_('Timezone not selected.'));
                                 } else {
                                     if ($this->nicknameExists($nickname)) {
                                         $this->showForm(_('Nickname already in use. Try another one.'));
                                     } else {
                                         if (!is_null($language) && strlen($language) > 50) {
                                             $this->showForm(_('Language is too long (max 50 chars).'));
         if ($tagstring) {
             $tags = array_map('common_canonical_tag', preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $tagstring));
         } else {
             $tags = array();
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             if (!common_valid_profile_tag($tag)) {
                 $this->showForm(sprintf(_('Invalid tag: "%s"'), $tag));
         $user = common_current_user();
         if ($user->nickname != $nickname || $user->language != $language || $user->timezone != $timezone) {
             common_debug('Updating user nickname from ' . $user->nickname . ' to ' . $nickname, __FILE__);
             common_debug('Updating user language from ' . $user->language . ' to ' . $language, __FILE__);
             common_debug('Updating user timezone from ' . $user->timezone . ' to ' . $timezone, __FILE__);
             $original = clone $user;
             $user->nickname = $nickname;
             $user->language = $language;
             $user->timezone = $timezone;
             $result = $user->updateKeys($original);
             if ($result === false) {
                 common_log_db_error($user, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
                 $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t update user.'));
             } else {
                 // Re-initialize language environment if it changed
                 // Clear the site owner, in case nickname changed
                 if ($user->hasRole(Profile_role::OWNER)) {
         // XXX: XOR
         if ($user->autosubscribe ^ $autosubscribe) {
             $original = clone $user;
             $user->autosubscribe = $autosubscribe;
             $result = $user->update($original);
             if ($result === false) {
                 common_log_db_error($user, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
                 $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t update user for autosubscribe.'));
         $profile = $user->getProfile();
         $orig_profile = clone $profile;
         $profile->nickname = $user->nickname;
         $profile->fullname = $fullname;
         $profile->homepage = $homepage;
         $profile->bio = $bio;
         $profile->location = $location;
         $loc = Location::fromName($location);
         if (empty($loc)) {
             $profile->lat = null;
             $profile->lon = null;
             $profile->location_id = null;
             $profile->location_ns = null;
         } else {
             $profile->lat = $loc->lat;
             $profile->lon = $loc->lon;
             $profile->location_id = $loc->location_id;
             $profile->location_ns = $loc->location_ns;
         $profile->profileurl = common_profile_url($nickname);
         if (common_config('location', 'share') == 'user') {
             $exists = false;
             $prefs = User_location_prefs::staticGet('user_id', $user->id);
             if (empty($prefs)) {
                 $prefs = new User_location_prefs();
                 $prefs->user_id = $user->id;
                 $prefs->created = common_sql_now();
             } else {
                 $exists = true;
                 $orig = clone $prefs;
             $prefs->share_location = $this->boolean('sharelocation');
             if ($exists) {
                 $result = $prefs->update($orig);
             } else {
                 $result = $prefs->insert();
             if ($result === false) {
                 common_log_db_error($prefs, $exists ? 'UPDATE' : 'INSERT', __FILE__);
                 $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t save location prefs.'));
         common_debug('Old profile: ' . common_log_objstring($orig_profile), __FILE__);
         common_debug('New profile: ' . common_log_objstring($profile), __FILE__);
         $result = $profile->update($orig_profile);
         if ($result === false) {
             common_log_db_error($profile, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
             $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t save profile.'));
         // Set the user tags
         $result = $user->setSelfTags($tags);
         if (!$result) {
             $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t save tags.'));
         Event::handle('EndProfileSaveForm', array($this));
         $this->showForm(_('Settings saved.'), true);
Beispiel #5
function main()
    global $user, $action;
    if (!_have_config()) {
        $msg = sprintf(_("No configuration file found. Try running " . "the installation program first."));
        $sac = new ServerErrorAction($msg);
    // Make sure RW database is setup
    // XXX: we need a little more structure in this script
    // get and cache current user (may hit RW!)
    $user = common_current_user();
    // initialize language env
    $path = getPath($_REQUEST);
    $r = Router::get();
    $args = $r->map($path);
    if (!$args) {
        // TRANS: Error message displayed when trying to access a non-existing page.
        $cac = new ClientErrorAction(_('Unknown page'), 404);
    $site_ssl = common_config('site', 'ssl');
    // If the request is HTTP and it should be HTTPS...
    if ($site_ssl != 'never' && !GNUsocial::isHTTPS() && common_is_sensitive($args['action'])) {
        common_redirect(common_local_url($args['action'], $args));
    $args = array_merge($args, $_REQUEST);
    Event::handle('ArgsInitialize', array(&$args));
    $action = basename($args['action']);
    if (!$action || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/', $action)) {
    // If the site is private, and they're not on one of the "public"
    // parts of the site, redirect to login
    if (!$user && common_config('site', 'private') && !isLoginAction($action) && !preg_match('/rss$/', $action) && $action != 'robotstxt' && !preg_match('/^Api/', $action)) {
        // set returnto
        $rargs =& common_copy_args($args);
        if (common_config('site', 'fancy')) {
        if (array_key_exists('submit', $rargs)) {
        foreach (array_keys($_COOKIE) as $cookie) {
        common_set_returnto(common_local_url($action, $rargs));
    $action_class = ucfirst($action) . 'Action';
    if (!class_exists($action_class)) {
        // TRANS: Error message displayed when trying to perform an undefined action.
        $cac = new ClientErrorAction(_('Unknown action'), 404);
    } else {
        try {
            call_user_func("{$action_class}::run", $args);
        } catch (ClientException $cex) {
            $cac = new ClientErrorAction($cex->getMessage(), $cex->getCode());
        } catch (ServerException $sex) {
            // snort snort guffaw
            $sac = new ServerErrorAction($sex->getMessage(), $sex->getCode(), $sex);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $sac = new ServerErrorAction($ex->getMessage(), 500, $ex);
Beispiel #6
  * Try to register a user
  * Validates the input and tries to save a new user and profile
  * record. On success, shows an instructions page.
  * @return void
 function tryRegister()
     if (Event::handle('StartRegistrationTry', array($this))) {
         $token = $this->trimmed('token');
         if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
             // TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is not given.
             $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. ' . 'Try again, please.'));
         $nickname = $this->trimmed('nickname');
         $email = $this->trimmed('email');
         $fullname = $this->trimmed('fullname');
         $homepage = $this->trimmed('homepage');
         $bio = $this->trimmed('bio');
         $location = $this->trimmed('location');
         // We don't trim these... whitespace is OK in a password!
         $password = $this->arg('password');
         $confirm = $this->arg('confirm');
         // invitation code, if any
         $code = $this->trimmed('code');
         if ($code) {
             $invite = Invitation::getKV($code);
         if (common_config('site', 'inviteonly') && !($code && $invite)) {
             // TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to register to an invite-only site without an invitation.
             $this->clientError(_('Sorry, only invited people can register.'));
         // Input scrubbing
         try {
             $nickname = Nickname::normalize($nickname, true);
         } catch (NicknameException $e) {
         $email = common_canonical_email($email);
         if (!$this->boolean('license')) {
             // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register without agreeing to the site license.
             $this->showForm(_('You cannot register if you do not ' . 'agree to the license.'));
         } else {
             if ($email && !Validate::email($email, common_config('email', 'check_domain'))) {
                 // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register without a valid e-mail address.
                 $this->showForm(_('Not a valid email address.'));
             } else {
                 if ($this->emailExists($email)) {
                     // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an already registered e-mail address.
                     $this->showForm(_('Email address already exists.'));
                 } else {
                     if (!is_null($homepage) && strlen($homepage) > 0 && !common_valid_http_url($homepage)) {
                         // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an invalid homepage URL.
                         $this->showForm(_('Homepage is not a valid URL.'));
                     } else {
                         if (!is_null($fullname) && mb_strlen($fullname) > 255) {
                             // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with a too long full name.
                             $this->showForm(_('Full name is too long (maximum 255 characters).'));
                         } else {
                             if (Profile::bioTooLong($bio)) {
                                 // TRANS: Form validation error on registration page when providing too long a bio text.
                                 // TRANS: %d is the maximum number of characters for bio; used for plural.
                                 $this->showForm(sprintf(_m('Bio is too long (maximum %d character).', 'Bio is too long (maximum %d characters).', Profile::maxBio()), Profile::maxBio()));
                             } else {
                                 if (!is_null($location) && mb_strlen($location) > 255) {
                                     // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with a too long location.
                                     $this->showForm(_('Location is too long (maximum 255 characters).'));
                                 } else {
                                     if (strlen($password) < 6) {
                                         // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with too short a password.
                                         $this->showForm(_('Password must be 6 or more characters.'));
                                     } else {
                                         if ($password != $confirm) {
                                             // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with non-matching passwords.
                                             $this->showForm(_('Passwords do not match.'));
                                         } else {
                                             try {
                                                 $user = User::register(array('nickname' => $nickname, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email, 'fullname' => $fullname, 'homepage' => $homepage, 'bio' => $bio, 'location' => $location, 'code' => $code));
                                                 // success!
                                                 if (!common_set_user($user)) {
                                                     // TRANS: Server error displayed when saving fails during user registration.
                                                     $this->serverError(_('Error setting user.'));
                                                 // this is a real login
                                                 if ($this->boolean('rememberme')) {
                                                     common_debug('Adding rememberme cookie for ' . $nickname);
                                                 // Re-init language env in case it changed (not yet, but soon)
                                                 Event::handle('EndRegistrationTry', array($this));
                                             } catch (Exception $e) {
                                                 // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an invalid username or password.
  * Try to register a user
  * Validates the input and tries to save a new user and profile
  * record. On success, shows an instructions page.
  * @return void
 function tryRegister()
     if (Event::handle('StartRegistrationTry', array($this))) {
         $token = $this->trimmed('token');
         if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
             // TRANS: Client error displayed when the session token does not match or is not given.
             $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. ' . 'Try again, please.'));
         $privatekey = "6LfbNe0SAAAAAMlC0ByC2IHKH8LKatPNX8HaMGGH";
         $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
         if (!$resp->is_valid) {
             // What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
             $this->showForm(_("El reCAPTCHA no se ha introducido correctamente."));
         } else {
             if ($this->trimmed('phoneLbl') != "") {
             $nickname = $this->trimmed('nickname');
             $email = $this->trimmed('email');
             $fullname = $this->trimmed('fullname');
             // We don't trim these... whitespace is OK in a password!
             $password = $this->arg('password');
             $confirm = $this->arg('confirm');
             // invitation code, if any
             $code = $this->trimmed('code');
             if ($code) {
                 $invite = Invitation::staticGet($code);
             if (common_config('site', 'inviteonly') && !($code && $invite)) {
                 // TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to register to an invite-only site without an invitation.
                 $this->clientError(_('Sorry, only invited people can register.'));
             // Input scrubbing
             try {
                 $nickname = Nickname::normalize($nickname);
             } catch (NicknameException $e) {
             $email = common_canonical_email($email);
             if (!$this->boolean('license')) {
                 // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register without agreeing to the site license.
                 $this->showForm(_('You cannot register if you do not ' . 'agree to the license.'));
             } else {
                 if (!$email) {
                     $this->showForm(_("Email can't be empty"));
                 } else {
                     if ($email && !Validate::email($email, common_config('email', 'check_domain'))) {
                         // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register without a valid e-mail address.
                         $this->showForm(_('Not a valid email address.'));
                     } else {
                         if ($this->nicknameExists($nickname)) {
                             // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an existing nickname.
                             $this->showForm(_('Nickname already in use. Try another one.'));
                         } else {
                             if (!User::allowed_nickname($nickname)) {
                                 // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an invalid nickname.
                                 $this->showForm(_('Not a valid nickname.'));
                             } else {
                                 if ($this->emailExists($email)) {
                                     // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an already registered e-mail address.
                                     $this->showForm(_('Email address already exists.'));
                                 } else {
                                     if (!is_null($fullname) && mb_strlen($fullname) > 255) {
                                         // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with a too long full name.
                                         $this->showForm(_('Full name is too long (maximum 255 characters).'));
                                     } else {
                                         if (strlen($password) < 6) {
                                             // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with too short a password.
                                             $this->showForm(_('Password must be 6 or more characters.'));
                                         } else {
                                             if ($password != $confirm) {
                                                 // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with non-matching passwords.
                                                 $this->showForm(_('Passwords do not match.'));
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($user = User::register(array('nickname' => $nickname, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email, 'fullname' => $fullname, 'homepage' => $homepage, 'bio' => $bio, 'location' => $location, 'code' => $code))) {
                                                     if (!$user) {
                                                         // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an invalid username or password.
                                                         $this->showForm(_('Invalid username or password.'));
                                                     // success!
                                                     if (!common_set_user($user)) {
                                                         // TRANS: Server error displayed when saving fails during user registration.
                                                         $this->serverError(_('Error setting user.'));
                                                     // this is a real login
                                                     // Re-init language env in case it changed (not yet, but soon)
                                                     Event::handle('EndRegistrationTry', array($this));
                                                 } else {
                                                     // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an invalid username or password.
                                                     $this->showForm(_('Invalid username or password.'));
Beispiel #8
function main()
    // fake HTTP redirects using lighttpd's 404 redirects
    if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'lighttpd') !== false) {
        $_lighty_url = $base_url . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        $_lighty_url = @parse_url($_lighty_url);
        if ($_lighty_url['path'] != '/index.php' && $_lighty_url['path'] != '/') {
            $_lighty_path = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(common_config('site', 'path')) . '\\//', '', substr($_lighty_url['path'], 1));
            $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'p=' . $_lighty_path;
            if (isset($_lighty_url['query']) && $_lighty_url['query'] != '') {
                $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] .= '&' . $_lighty_url['query'];
                parse_str($_lighty_url['query'], $_lighty_query);
                foreach ($_lighty_query as $key => $val) {
                    $_GET[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key] = $val;
            $_GET['p'] = $_REQUEST['p'] = $_lighty_path;
    $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] = preg_replace("/\\?.+\$/", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    // quick check for fancy URL auto-detection support in installer.
    if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) && preg_replace("/^\\/\$/", "", dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) . '/check-fancy' === $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) {
        die("Fancy URL support detection succeeded. We suggest you enable this to get fancy (pretty) URLs.");
    global $user, $action;
    if (!_have_config()) {
        $msg = sprintf(_("No configuration file found. Try running " . "the installation program first."));
        $sac = new ServerErrorAction($msg);
    // For database errors
    PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, 'handleError');
    // Make sure RW database is setup
    // XXX: we need a little more structure in this script
    // get and cache current user (may hit RW!)
    $user = common_current_user();
    // initialize language env
    $path = getPath($_REQUEST);
    $r = Router::get();
    $args = $r->map($path);
    if (!$args) {
        $cac = new ClientErrorAction(_('Unknown page'), 404);
    $args = array_merge($args, $_REQUEST);
    Event::handle('ArgsInitialize', array(&$args));
    $action = $args['action'];
    if (!$action || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/', $action)) {
    // If the site is private, and they're not on one of the "public"
    // parts of the site, redirect to login
    if (!$user && common_config('site', 'private') && !isLoginAction($action) && !preg_match('/rss$/', $action) && $action != 'robotstxt' && !preg_match('/^Api/', $action)) {
        // set returnto
        $rargs =& common_copy_args($args);
        if (common_config('site', 'fancy')) {
        if (array_key_exists('submit', $rargs)) {
        foreach (array_keys($_COOKIE) as $cookie) {
        common_set_returnto(common_local_url($action, $rargs));
    $action_class = ucfirst($action) . 'Action';
    if (!class_exists($action_class)) {
        $cac = new ClientErrorAction(_('Unknown action'), 404);
    } else {
        $action_obj = new $action_class();
        checkMirror($action_obj, $args);
        try {
            if ($action_obj->prepare($args)) {
        } catch (ClientException $cex) {
            $cac = new ClientErrorAction($cex->getMessage(), $cex->getCode());
        } catch (ServerException $sex) {
            // snort snort guffaw
            $sac = new ServerErrorAction($sex->getMessage(), $sex->getCode(), $sex);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $sac = new ServerErrorAction($ex->getMessage(), 500, $ex);
 function setPassword()
     if (Event::handle('StartRegistrationTry', array($this))) {
         if (!empty($this->invitation)) {
             $email = trim($this->invitation->address);
         } else {
             if (!empty($this->confirmation)) {
                 $email = trim($this->confirmation->address);
             } else {
                 // TRANS: Client exception trown when trying to set password with an invalid confirmation code.
                 throw new Exception(_m('No confirmation thing.'));
         if (!$this->tos) {
             // TRANS: Error text when trying to register without agreeing to the terms.
             $this->error = _m('You must accept the terms of service and privacy policy to register.');
         } else {
             if (empty($this->password1)) {
                 // TRANS: Error text when trying to register without a password.
                 $this->error = _m('You must set a password');
             } else {
                 if (strlen($this->password1) < 6) {
                     // TRANS: Error text when trying to register with too short a password.
                     $this->error = _m('Password must be 6 or more characters.');
                 } else {
                     if ($this->password1 != $this->password2) {
                         // TRANS: Error text when trying to register without providing the same password twice.
                         $this->error = _m('Passwords do not match.');
         if (!empty($this->error)) {
             $this->form = new ConfirmRegistrationForm($this, $this->nickname, $email, $this->code);
         try {
             $fields = array('nickname' => $this->nickname, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $this->password1, 'email_confirmed' => true);
             if (!empty($this->invitation)) {
                 $fields['code'] = $this->invitation->code;
             $this->user = User::register($fields);
         } catch (ClientException $e) {
             $this->error = $e->getMessage();
             $this->form = new ConfirmRegistrationForm($this, $this->nickname, $email, $this->code);
         if (empty($this->user)) {
             // TRANS: Exception trown when using an invitation multiple times.
             throw new Exception(_m('Failed to register user.'));
         // this is a real login
         // Re-init language env in case it changed (not yet, but soon)
         if (!empty($this->confirmation)) {
         Event::handle('EndRegistrationTry', array($this));
     if (Event::handle('StartRegisterSuccess', array($this))) {
         Event::handle('EndRegisterSuccess', array($this));
         common_redirect(common_local_url('doc', array('title' => 'welcome')), 303);
         // common_redirect exits, so we can't run the event _after_ it of course.
  * Handle a post
  * Validate input and save changes. Reload the form with a success
  * or error message.
  * @return void
 protected function doPost()
     if (Event::handle('StartProfileSaveForm', array($this))) {
         // $nickname will only be set if this changenick value is true.
         if (common_config('profile', 'changenick') == true) {
             try {
                 $nickname = Nickname::normalize($this->trimmed('nickname'), true);
             } catch (NicknameTakenException $e) {
                 // Abort only if the nickname is occupied by _another_ local user profile
                 if (!$this->scoped->sameAs($e->profile)) {
                     throw $e;
                 // Since the variable wasn't set before the exception was thrown, let's run
                 // the normalize sequence again, but without in-use check this time.
                 $nickname = Nickname::normalize($this->trimmed('nickname'));
         $fullname = $this->trimmed('fullname');
         $homepage = $this->trimmed('homepage');
         $bio = $this->trimmed('bio');
         $location = $this->trimmed('location');
         $autosubscribe = $this->booleanintstring('autosubscribe');
         $subscribe_policy = $this->trimmed('subscribe_policy');
         $private_stream = $this->booleanintstring('private_stream');
         $language = $this->trimmed('language');
         $timezone = $this->trimmed('timezone');
         $tagstring = $this->trimmed('tags');
         // Some validation
         if (!is_null($homepage) && strlen($homepage) > 0 && !common_valid_http_url($homepage)) {
             // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
             throw new ClientException(_('Homepage is not a valid URL.'));
         } else {
             if (!is_null($fullname) && mb_strlen($fullname) > 191) {
                 // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                 throw new ClientException(_('Full name is too long (maximum 191 characters).'));
             } else {
                 if (Profile::bioTooLong($bio)) {
                     // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                     // TRANS: Plural form is used based on the maximum number of allowed
                     // TRANS: characters for the biography (%d).
                     throw new ClientException(sprintf(_m('Bio is too long (maximum %d character).', 'Bio is too long (maximum %d characters).', Profile::maxBio()), Profile::maxBio()));
                 } else {
                     if (!is_null($location) && mb_strlen($location) > 191) {
                         // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                         throw new ClientException(_('Location is too long (maximum 191 characters).'));
                     } else {
                         if (is_null($timezone) || !in_array($timezone, DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers())) {
                             // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                             throw new ClientException(_('Timezone not selected.'));
                         } else {
                             if (!is_null($language) && strlen($language) > 50) {
                                 // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                                 throw new ClientException(_('Language is too long (maximum 50 characters).'));
         $tags = array();
         $tag_priv = array();
         if (is_string($tagstring) && strlen($tagstring) > 0) {
             $tags = preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $tagstring);
             foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
                 $private = @$tag[0] === '.';
                 $tag = common_canonical_tag($tag);
                 if (!common_valid_profile_tag($tag)) {
                     // TRANS: Validation error in form for profile settings.
                     // TRANS: %s is an invalid tag.
                     throw new ClientException(sprintf(_('Invalid tag: "%s".'), $tag));
                 $tag_priv[$tag] = $private;
         $user = $this->scoped->getUser();
         // $user->nickname is updated through Profile->update();
         // XXX: XOR
         if ($user->autosubscribe ^ $autosubscribe || $user->private_stream ^ $private_stream || $user->timezone != $timezone || $user->language != $language || $user->subscribe_policy != $subscribe_policy) {
             $original = clone $user;
             $user->autosubscribe = $autosubscribe;
             $user->language = $language;
             $user->private_stream = $private_stream;
             $user->subscribe_policy = $subscribe_policy;
             $user->timezone = $timezone;
             $result = $user->update($original);
             if ($result === false) {
                 common_log_db_error($user, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
                 // TRANS: Server error thrown when user profile settings could not be updated to
                 // TRANS: automatically subscribe to any subscriber.
                 throw new ServerException(_('Could not update user for autosubscribe or subscribe_policy.'));
             // Re-initialize language environment if it changed
         $original = clone $this->scoped;
         if (common_config('profile', 'changenick') == true && $this->scoped->getNickname() !== $nickname) {
             assert(Nickname::normalize($nickname) === $nickname);
             common_debug("Changing user nickname from '{$this->scoped->getNickname()}' to '{$nickname}'.");
             $this->scoped->nickname = $nickname;
             $this->scoped->profileurl = common_profile_url($this->scoped->getNickname());
         $this->scoped->fullname = $fullname;
         $this->scoped->homepage = $homepage;
         $this->scoped->bio = $bio;
         $this->scoped->location = $location;
         $loc = Location::fromName($location);
         if (empty($loc)) {
             $this->scoped->lat = null;
             $this->scoped->lon = null;
             $this->scoped->location_id = null;
             $this->scoped->location_ns = null;
         } else {
             $this->scoped->lat = $loc->lat;
             $this->scoped->lon = $loc->lon;
             $this->scoped->location_id = $loc->location_id;
             $this->scoped->location_ns = $loc->location_ns;
         if (common_config('location', 'share') == 'user') {
             $exists = false;
             $prefs = User_location_prefs::getKV('user_id', $this->scoped->getID());
             if (empty($prefs)) {
                 $prefs = new User_location_prefs();
                 $prefs->user_id = $this->scoped->getID();
                 $prefs->created = common_sql_now();
             } else {
                 $exists = true;
                 $orig = clone $prefs;
             $prefs->share_location = $this->booleanintstring('sharelocation');
             if ($exists) {
                 $result = $prefs->update($orig);
             } else {
                 $result = $prefs->insert();
             if ($result === false) {
                 common_log_db_error($prefs, $exists ? 'UPDATE' : 'INSERT', __FILE__);
                 // TRANS: Server error thrown when user profile location preference settings could not be updated.
                 throw new ServerException(_('Could not save location prefs.'));
         common_debug('Old profile: ' . common_log_objstring($original), __FILE__);
         common_debug('New profile: ' . common_log_objstring($this->scoped), __FILE__);
         $result = $this->scoped->update($original);
         if ($result === false) {
             common_log_db_error($this->scoped, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
             // TRANS: Server error thrown when user profile settings could not be saved.
             throw new ServerException(_('Could not save profile.'));
         // Set the user tags
         $result = Profile_tag::setSelfTags($this->scoped, $tags, $tag_priv);
         Event::handle('EndProfileSaveForm', array($this));
         // TRANS: Confirmation shown when user profile settings are saved.
         return _('Settings saved.');
 function handle($args)
     if (!Event::handle('StartRegistrationTry', array($this))) {
     //database use nickname we change it into username for more
     //easier to understand
     $nickname = $this->trimmed('username');
     $email = $this->trimmed('email');
     $fullname = $this->trimmed('nickname');
     $homepage = NULL;
     $bio = $this->trimmed('description');
     $location = $this->trimmed('location');
     $genderStr = $this->trimmed('gender');
     if (!empty($bio)) {
         if (mb_strlen($bio) > self::MAX_DESCRIPTION) {
             $this->clientError(_('description must be set less than 70'));
     if (empty($email) && empty($nickname)) {
         $this->clientError(_('must set nickname or email'));
     if (empty($nickname) && !empty($email)) {
         $user_email_check = User::staticGet('email', $email);
         if ($user_email_check) {
             $this->clientError(_('email exists'));
         $nickname = $this->nicknameFromEmail($email);
     // We don't trim these... whitespace is OK in a password!
     $password = $this->arg('password');
     try {
         $nickname = Nickname::normalize($nickname);
     } catch (NicknameException $e) {
         $this->clientError(_('username error'));
     if (!User::allowed_nickname($nickname)) {
         // TRANS: Client error displayed when trying to create a new user with an invalid username.
         $this->clientError(_('username bad'), 400);
     $gender = 0;
     if (!empty($genderStr)) {
         if ($genderStr == 'f') {
             $gender = 1;
         } else {
             if ($genderStr == 'm') {
                 $gender = 2;
     $user_check = User::staticGet('nickname', $nickname);
     if ($user_check) {
         $this->clientError('username exists', 400);
     if (empty($password)) {
         $this->clientError(_('password empty'), 400);
     //no need to confirmed email
     $email_confirmed = !empty($email);
     $user = User::register(array('nickname' => $nickname, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email, 'fullname' => $fullname, 'homepage' => $homepage, 'bio' => $bio, 'location' => $location, 'code' => $code, 'gender' => $gender, 'email_confirmed' => $email_confirmed));
     if (!$user) {
         // TRANS: Form validation error displayed when trying to register with an invalid username or password.
         $this->clientError(_('Invalid username or password.', 400, 'json'));
     // success!
     if (!common_set_user($user)) {
         // TRANS: Server error displayed when saving fails during user registration.
         $this->serverError(_('Error setting user.', '500', 'json'));
     // this is a real login
     if ($this->boolean('rememberme')) {
         common_debug('Adding rememberme cookie for ' . $nickname);
     // Re-init language env in case it changed (not yet, but soon)
     Event::handle('EndRegistrationTry', array($this));
     $resultUser = $this->twitterUserArray($user->getProfile(), false);
Beispiel #12
function main()
    global $user, $action, $config;
    if (!_have_config()) {
        $msg = sprintf(_("No configuration file found. Try running " . "the installation program first."));
        $sac = new ServerErrorAction($msg);
    // For database errors
    PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, 'handleError');
    // XXX: we need a little more structure in this script
    // get and cache current user
    $user = common_current_user();
    // initialize language env
    $path = getPath($_REQUEST);
    $r = Router::get();
    $args = $r->map($path);
    if (!$args) {
        $cac = new ClientErrorAction(_('Unknown page'), 404);
    $args = array_merge($args, $_REQUEST);
    $action = $args['action'];
    if (!$action || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/', $action)) {
    // If the site is private, and they're not on one of the "public"
    // parts of the site, redirect to login
    if (!$user && common_config('site', 'private') && !in_array($action, array('login', 'openidlogin', 'finishopenidlogin', 'recoverpassword', 'api', 'doc', 'register'))) {
    $action_class = ucfirst($action) . 'Action';
    if (!class_exists($action_class)) {
        $cac = new ClientErrorAction(_('Unknown action'), 404);
    } else {
        $action_obj = new $action_class();
        // XXX: find somewhere for this little block to live
        if (common_config('db', 'mirror') && $action_obj->isReadOnly()) {
            if (is_array(common_config('db', 'mirror'))) {
                // "load balancing", ha ha
                $arr = common_config('db', 'mirror');
                $k = array_rand($arr);
                $mirror = $arr[$k];
            } else {
                $mirror = common_config('db', 'mirror');
            $config['db']['database'] = $mirror;
        try {
            if ($action_obj->prepare($args)) {
        } catch (ClientException $cex) {
            $cac = new ClientErrorAction($cex->getMessage(), $cex->getCode());
        } catch (ServerException $sex) {
            // snort snort guffaw
            $sac = new ServerErrorAction($sex->getMessage(), $sex->getCode());
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $sac = new ServerErrorAction($ex->getMessage());
Beispiel #13
  * Handle a post
  * Validate input and save changes. Reload the form with a success
  * or error message.
  * @return void
 function handlePost()
     # CSRF protection
     $token = $this->trimmed('token');
     if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
         $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. ' . 'Try again, please.'));
     $nickname = $this->trimmed('nickname');
     $fullname = $this->trimmed('fullname');
     $homepage = $this->trimmed('homepage');
     $bio = $this->trimmed('bio');
     $location = $this->trimmed('location');
     $autosubscribe = $this->boolean('autosubscribe');
     $language = $this->trimmed('language');
     $timezone = $this->trimmed('timezone');
     $tagstring = $this->trimmed('tags');
     # Some validation
     if (!Validate::string($nickname, array('min_length' => 1, 'max_length' => 64, 'format' => VALIDATE_NUM . VALIDATE_ALPHA_LOWER))) {
         $this->showForm(_('Nickname must have only lowercase letters and numbers and no spaces.'));
     } else {
         if (!User::allowed_nickname($nickname)) {
             $this->showForm(_('Not a valid nickname.'));
         } else {
             if (!is_null($homepage) && strlen($homepage) > 0 && !Validate::uri($homepage, array('allowed_schemes' => array('http', 'https')))) {
                 $this->showForm(_('Homepage is not a valid URL.'));
             } else {
                 if (!is_null($fullname) && mb_strlen($fullname) > 255) {
                     $this->showForm(_('Full name is too long (max 255 chars).'));
                 } else {
                     if (!is_null($bio) && mb_strlen($bio) > 140) {
                         $this->showForm(_('Bio is too long (max 140 chars).'));
                     } else {
                         if (!is_null($location) && mb_strlen($location) > 255) {
                             $this->showForm(_('Location is too long (max 255 chars).'));
                         } else {
                             if (is_null($timezone) || !in_array($timezone, DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers())) {
                                 $this->showForm(_('Timezone not selected.'));
                             } else {
                                 if ($this->nicknameExists($nickname)) {
                                     $this->showForm(_('Nickname already in use. Try another one.'));
                                 } else {
                                     if (!is_null($language) && strlen($language) > 50) {
                                         $this->showForm(_('Language is too long (max 50 chars).'));
     if ($tagstring) {
         $tags = array_map('common_canonical_tag', preg_split('/[\\s,]+/', $tagstring));
     } else {
         $tags = array();
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         if (!common_valid_profile_tag($tag)) {
             $this->showForm(sprintf(_('Invalid tag: "%s"'), $tag));
     $user = common_current_user();
     if ($user->nickname != $nickname || $user->language != $language || $user->timezone != $timezone) {
         common_debug('Updating user nickname from ' . $user->nickname . ' to ' . $nickname, __FILE__);
         common_debug('Updating user language from ' . $user->language . ' to ' . $language, __FILE__);
         common_debug('Updating user timezone from ' . $user->timezone . ' to ' . $timezone, __FILE__);
         $original = clone $user;
         $user->nickname = $nickname;
         $user->language = $language;
         $user->timezone = $timezone;
         $result = $user->updateKeys($original);
         if ($result === false) {
             common_log_db_error($user, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
             $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t update user.'));
         } else {
             # Re-initialize language environment if it changed
     # XXX: XOR
     if ($user->autosubscribe ^ $autosubscribe) {
         $original = clone $user;
         $user->autosubscribe = $autosubscribe;
         $result = $user->update($original);
         if ($result === false) {
             common_log_db_error($user, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
             $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t update user for autosubscribe.'));
     $profile = $user->getProfile();
     $orig_profile = clone $profile;
     $profile->nickname = $user->nickname;
     $profile->fullname = $fullname;
     $profile->homepage = $homepage;
     $profile->bio = $bio;
     $profile->location = $location;
     $profile->profileurl = common_profile_url($nickname);
     common_debug('Old profile: ' . common_log_objstring($orig_profile), __FILE__);
     common_debug('New profile: ' . common_log_objstring($profile), __FILE__);
     $result = $profile->update($orig_profile);
     if (!$result) {
         common_log_db_error($profile, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
         $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t save profile.'));
     # Set the user tags
     $result = $user->setSelfTags($tags);
     if (!$result) {
         $this->serverError(_('Couldn\'t save tags.'));
     $this->showForm(_('Settings saved.'), true);