Beispiel #1
 function mob_attack_back()
     global $user;
     global $mobatk;
     global $mess;
     global $atker_hp;
     global $defer_hp;
     $atker_block_roll = mt_rand(1, 100);
     if ($atker_block_roll <= $user->_block) {
         $def_message = "<tr><td width=33%></td><td width=33%></td<td width=33% border=1 border-color=#737373 align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden;background-color:" . BG_COLOR_BLOCK . ";border-collapse: collapse;><font color=lightgreen><b>" . $user->username . "</b></font> blocks <font color=red><b>{$mobatk['name']}</b></font>'s attack!</td></tr>";
     } else {
         $dcal = $mobatk['atk'];
         $defer_crit_roll = mt_rand(1, 100);
         $defer_crit = 1;
         if ($defer_crit_roll <= $mobatk['crit']) {
             $defer_crit = 1.5;
         $mypower1 = $dcal * $defer_crit;
         if ($mypower1 > 2147483647) {
             $defdmg = $mypower1;
         } else {
             $defdmg = mt_rand($mypower1 * 0.75, $mypower1 * 1.25);
         if ($defdmg < 0) {
             $defdmg = 0;
         $defdmg1 = commas($defdmg);
         $atker_hp = $atker_hp - $defdmg;
         if ($atker_hp < 0) {
             $atker_hp = 0;
         $atker_left = convert2percent($atker_hp / $user->_hp * 100);
         if ($defer_crit_roll <= $mobatk['crit']) {
             $def_message = "<tr><td width=33%></td><td width=33%></td><td width=33% border=1 border-color=#737373 align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden;background-color:" . BG_COLOR_CRIT . ";border-collapse: collapse;><font color=red><b>{$mobatk['name']}</b></font> CRITICALLY attacks <font color=lightgreen><b>" . $user->username . "</b></font> for <font color=red><b>{$defdmg1}</b></font> damage! ({$atker_left} left)</td></tr>";
         } else {
             $def_message = "<tr><td width=33%></td><td width=33%></td><td width=33% border=1 border-color=#737373 align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden;background-color:" . BG_COLOR_DEFER . ";border-collapse: collapse;><font color=red><b>{$mobatk['name']}</b></font> attacks <font color=lightgreen><b>" . $user->username . "</b></font> for <font color=red><b>{$defdmg1}</b></font> damage! ({$atker_left} left)</td></tr>";
     echo $def_message;
     if ($atker_hp <= 0) {
     } else {
Beispiel #2
$statatk = commas($stat['attacks']);
$statmaxatk = commas($stat["maxattacks"] + $itemmaxatk['maxattk']);
$statcash = commas($stat["cash"]);
$statpower = commas($stat["power"]);
// Attack points
$statcph = commas($stat["cph"] + $itemcph['clicks'] + $crew1upg['scomp'] * 3);
$stataph = commas($stat["aph"] + $itemaph['attacks'] + $crew1upg['kia'] * 3);
$statatkcap = commas($stat["atkcap"] + $itematkcap['atkcap'] + $crew1upg['aggressive']);
$statatkbonus = commas(($power1['atk'] + $itematk['attack']) * $setamul - $atkdown + $atkup);
$statdefbonus = commas(($power1['def'] + $itemdef['defense']) * $setdmul - $defdown + $defup);
$usratk = ($power1['atk'] + $itematk['attack']) * $setamul - $atkdown + $atkup;
$usrdef = ($power1['def'] + $itemdef['defense']) * $setdmul - $defdown + $defup;
$statpoints = commas($stat["points"]);
$statfpoints = commas($stat["free"]);
$statskpoints = commas($stat["skpoints"]);
$stattropoints = commas($tpoints["trpoints"]);
if ($stat['nextlvl'] - $stat['power'] <= 0) {
    $nextlvl = 'LEVEL UP!';
} else {
    $nextlvl = $stat['nextlvl'] - $stat['power'];
$crew = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select crewid,name from crew where crewid='{$stat['crew']}'"));
if ($crew > '0') {
    $crewn = $crew['name'];
} else {
    $crewn = 'None';
$rt = number_format(($stat['wins'] - $stat['losses']) / $stat['wins'] * 100, 2);
if ($rt < '0') {
    $rt = '0';
Beispiel #3
 function attack()
     global $stat;
     global $stat1;
     global $mypower;
     global $attackdmg;
     global $attackdmg2;
     global $defdmg;
     global $defdmg2;
     global $mess;
     global $randeally;
     global $randeally1;
     global $sum1;
     global $sum3;
     $playallyc = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from plally where ally1='{$stat['id']}'"));
     $playallyc1 = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from plally where ally='{$stat['id']}'"));
     $playallyc2 = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from plally where ally1='{$stat1['id']}'"));
     $playallyc3 = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from plally where ally='{$stat1['id']}'"));
     /* Your atk and def */
     $itemattack = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select CAST(SUM(atk) as signed) as attack from iteminv where owner='{$stat['id']}' and status='E'"));
     $itemdefense = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select CAST(SUM(def) as signed) as defense from iteminv where owner='{$stat['id']}' and status='E'"));
     $power = mysql_query("select itemid,sid,owner,CAST(SUM(shop.atk*qty) as unsigned ) as atk,CAST(SUM(shop.def*qty) as unsigned ) as def from inventory, shop where `inventory`.owner='{$stat['id']}' and `shop`.sid=`inventory`.itemid group by `inventory`.owner");
     $power1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($power);
     /* End */
     $sum2 = 0;
     $sum3 = 0;
     /* Enemy atk and def */
     $itemattack1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select CAST(SUM(atk) as signed) as attack from iteminv where owner='{$stat1['id']}' and status='E'"));
     $itemdefense1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select CAST(SUM(def) as signed) as defense from iteminv where owner='{$stat1['id']}' and status='E'"));
     $power2 = mysql_query("select itemid,sid,owner,CAST(SUM(shop.atk*qty) as unsigned ) as atk,CAST(SUM(shop.def*qty) as unsigned ) as def from inventory, shop where `inventory`.owner='{$stat1['id']}' and `shop`.sid=`inventory`.itemid group by `inventory`.owner");
     $power3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($power2);
     /* End */
     /* Set Multipliers */
     /* Set multiplier */
     $setamul = 1;
     $setdmul = 1;
     $hotdog = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select `status`,`set` from iteminv where `owner`='{$stat['id']}' and `status`='E' and `set`='1'"));
     if ($hotdog == '8') {
         $setamul = 1.5;
         $setdmul = 1.5;
     $racing = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select `status`,`set` from iteminv where `owner`='{$stat['id']}' and `status`='E' and `set`='2'"));
     if ($racing == '8') {
         $setdmul = 2;
     $nefarious = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select `status`,`set` from iteminv where `owner`='{$stat['id']}' and `status`='E' and `set`='3'"));
     if ($nefarious == '8') {
         $setamul = 2;
     $senti = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select `status`,`set` from iteminv where `owner`='{$stat['id']}' and `status`='E' and `set`='4'"));
     if ($senti == '8') {
         $setamul = 2.5;
         $setdmul = 1.5;
     /* Task End. */
     /* Set multiplier(defender) */
     $setamul1 = 1;
     $setdmul1 = 1;
     $hotdog1 = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select `status`,`set` from iteminv where `owner`='{$stat1['id']}' and `status`='E' and `set`='1'"));
     if ($hotdog1 == '8') {
         $setamul1 = 1.5;
         $setdmul1 = 1.5;
     $racing1 = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select `status`,`set` from iteminv where `owner`='{$stat1['id']}' and `status`='E' and `set`='2'"));
     if ($racing1 == '8') {
         $setdmul1 = 2;
     $nefarious1 = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select `status`,`set` from iteminv where `owner`='{$stat1['id']}' and `status`='E' and `set`='3'"));
     if ($nefarious1 == '8') {
         $setamul1 = 2;
     $senti1 = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select `status`,`set` from iteminv where `owner`='{$stat1['id']}' and `status`='E' and `set`='4'"));
     if ($senti1 == '8') {
         $setamul1 = 2.5;
         $setdmul1 = 1.5;
     /* End */
     /* Skill data collection */
     require "includes/";
     $pskillfrag = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select level from castedskills where skillid=1 and reciever={$stat['id']} and `end` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"));
     if (!$pskillfrag) {
         $atkdown = 0;
     } else {
         $pskillfraglvl = $pskillfrag['level'];
         $pskillfraglvl = $skill[1]["x2"][$pskillfraglvl];
         $atkdown = ($power1['atk'] + $itemattack['attack']) * 3 * $setamul * ($pskillfraglvl / 100);
     $pskilldevit = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select level from castedskills where skillid=2 and reciever={$stat['id']} and `end` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"));
     if (!$pskilldevit) {
         $defdown = 0;
     } else {
         $pskilldevitlvl = $pskilldevit['level'];
         $pskilldevitlvl = $skill[1]["x2"][$pskilldevitlvl];
         $defdown = ($power1['def'] + $itemdefense['defense']) * 3 * $setdmul * ($pskilldevitlvl / 100);
     $pskillblaze = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select level from castedskills where skillid=3 and reciever={$stat['id']} and `end` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"));
     if (!$pskillblaze) {
         $atkup = 0;
     } else {
         $pskillblazelvl = $pskillblaze['level'];
         $pskillblazelvl = $skill[1]["x2"][$pskillblazelvl];
         $atkup = (($power1['atk'] + $itemattack['attack']) * 3 * $setamul - $atkdown) * ($pskillblazelvl / 100);
     $pskillprotect = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select level from castedskills where skillid=4 and reciever={$stat['id']} and `end` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"));
     if (!$pskillprotect) {
         $defup = 0;
     } else {
         $pskillprotectlvl = $pskillprotect['level'];
         $pskillprotectlvl = $skill[1]["x2"][$pskillprotectlvl];
         $defup = ($power1['def'] + $itemdefense['defense']) * 3 * $setdmul * ($pskillprotectlvl / 100);
     /* Task end */
     /* Enemy skill data collection */
     $pskillfrag1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select level from castedskills where skillid=1 and reciever={$stat1['id']} and `end` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"));
     if (!$pskillfrag1) {
         $atkdown1 = 0;
     } else {
         $pskillfraglvl1 = $pskillfrag1['level'];
         $pskillfraglvl1 = $skill[1]["x2"][$pskillfraglvl1];
         $atkdown1 = ($power3['atk'] + $itemattack1['attack']) * 3 * $setamul1 * ($pskillfraglvl1 / 100);
     $pskilldevit1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select level from castedskills where skillid=2 and reciever={$stat1['id']} and `end` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"));
     if (!$pskilldevit1) {
         $defdown1 = 0;
     } else {
         $pskilldevitlvl1 = $pskilldevit1['level'];
         $pskilldevitlvl1 = $skill[1]["x2"][$pskilldevitlvl1];
         $defdown1 = ($power3['def'] + $itemdefense1['defense']) * 3 * $setdmul1 * ($pskilldevitlvl1 / 100);
     $pskillblaze1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select level from castedskills where skillid=3 and reciever={$stat1['id']} and `end` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"));
     if (!$pskillblaze1) {
         $atkup1 = 0;
     } else {
         $pskillblazelvl1 = $pskillblaze1['level'];
         $pskillblazelvl1 = $skill[1]["x2"][$pskillblazelvl1];
         $atkup1 = (($power3['atk'] + $itemattack1['attack']) * 3 * $setamul1 - $atkdown) * ($pskillblazelvl1 / 100);
     $pskillprotect1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select level from castedskills where skillid=4 and reciever={$stat1['id']} and `end` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"));
     if (!$pskillprotect1) {
         $defup1 = 0;
     } else {
         $pskillprotectlvl1 = $pskillprotect1['level'];
         $pskillprotectlvl1 = $skill[1]["x2"][$pskillprotectlvl1];
         $defup1 = (($power3['def'] + $itemdefense1['defense']) * 3 * $setdmul1 - $defdown) * ($pskillprotectlvl1 / 100);
     /* Task end */
     /* Your damage */
     $mypower = ($power1['atk'] + $itemattack['attack']) * 3 * $setamul + $stat['power'] * 3.3 - $atkdown + $atkup - (($power3['def'] + $itemdefense1['defense']) * 3 * $setdmul1 + $stat1['power'] * 3.3 - $defdown1 + $defup1);
     if ($mypower > 2147483647) {
         $attackdmg = $mypower;
     } else {
         $attackdmg = mt_rand($mypower / 1.1, $mypower);
     if ($attackdmg < 5000) {
         $attackdmg = mt_rand(5000, 6000);
     $attackdmg1 = commas($attackdmg);
     /* End */
     $mess = 0;
     echo "<br><p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden>You Have just Attacked <font color=red><b>{$stat1['username']}</b></font></p><br><br>";
     echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightgreen><b>{$stat['username']}</b></font> attacks <font color=red><b>{$stat1['username']}</b></font> for <font color=lightgreen><b>{$attackdmg1}</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br>";
     if ($stat['crew'] > 0) {
         $sum6 = 0;
         /* Your crew member help */
         $randeally = mt_rand(1, 5);
         if ($randeally == '3') {
             $allyatk = mysql_query("select id,crew from players where crew='{$stat['crew']}' and id not like '{$stat['id']}'");
             $countya = mysql_num_rows($allyatk);
             if (isset($allyatk) and $countya > 1) {
                 while ($allyatk1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($allyatk)) {
                     $input[] = $allyatk1['id'];
                 list(, $input) = each($input);
                 /* Your crew member attack */
                 $atkbonus4 = mysql_query("SELECT itemid,owner,qty FROM `inventory` where `owner`='{$input}'");
                 while ($atk2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($atkbonus4)) {
                     $atkbonus5 = "SELECT `atk` FROM `shop` where `sid`='{$atk2['itemid']}'";
                     $r4 = mysql_query($atkbonus5);
                     while ($row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r4)) {
                         $array4[] = $atk2['qty'] * $row4['atk'];
                         $sum6 = 0;
                         foreach ($array4 as $atkadd2) {
                             $sum6 += $atkadd2;
                 /* Your crew member damage */
                 $stat3 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select id,username,power from players where id='{$input}'"));
                 $mypower2 = $sum6 * 3 + $stat3['power'] * 3.3 - (($sum3 + $itemdefense1['defense']) * 3 + $stat1['power'] * 3.3 * $setdmul1);
                 if ($mypower2 > 2147483647) {
                     $attackdmg2 = $mypower2;
                 } else {
                     $attackdmg2 = mt_rand($mypower2 / 1.1, $mypower2);
                 if ($attackdmg2 < 5000) {
                     $attackdmg2 = mt_rand(5000, 6000);
                 $attackdmg3 = commas($attackdmg2);
                 /* End */
                 echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden>Your crew member <font color=lightgreen><b>{$stat3['username']}</b></font> jumps in and attacks <font color=red><b>{$stat1['username']}</b></font> for <font color=lightgreen><b>{$attackdmg3}</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br>";
     /* Enemy damage*/
     $mypower1 = ($power3['atk'] + $itemattack1['attack']) * 3 * $setamul1 + $stat1['power'] * 3.3 - $atkdown1 + $atkup1 - (($power1['def'] + $itemdefense['defense']) * 3 * $setdmul + $stat['power'] * 3.3 - $defdown + $defup);
     if ($mypower1 > 2147483647) {
         $defdmg = $mypower1;
     } else {
         $defdmg = mt_rand($mypower1 / 1.1, $mypower1);
     if ($defdmg < 5000) {
         $defdmg = mt_rand(5000, 6000);
     $defdmg1 = commas($defdmg);
     echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=red><b>{$stat1['username']}</b></font> Defends against your attack</p> <br><br>";
     echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=red><b>{$stat1['username']}</b></font> attacks <font color=lightgreen><b>{$stat['username']}</b></font> for <font color=red><b>{$defdmg1}</b></font> damage!<br></p>";
     if ($stat1['crew'] > 0) {
         $sum7 = 0;
         /* Enemy crew member help */
         $randeally1 = mt_rand(1, 5);
         if ($randeally1 == '4') {
             $allyatk4 = mysql_query("select id,crew from players where crew={$stat1['crew']} and id not like '{$stat1['id']}'");
             $countea = mysql_num_rows($allyatk4);
             if (isset($allyatk4) and $countea > 1) {
                 while ($allyatk5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($allyatk4)) {
                     $input4[] = $allyatk5['id'];
                 print "<br><br>";
                 list(, $input4) = each($input4);
                 /* Enemy Ally attack */
                 $atkbonus6 = mysql_query("SELECT itemid,qty,owner FROM `inventory` where `owner`='{$input4}'");
                 while ($atk3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($atkbonus6)) {
                     $atkbonus7 = "SELECT `atk` FROM `shop` where `sid`='{$atk3['itemid']}'";
                     $r6 = mysql_query($atkbonus7);
                     while ($row6 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r6)) {
                         $array5[] = $atk3['qty'] * $row6['atk'];
                         $sum7 = 0;
                         foreach ($array5 as $atkadd2) {
                             $sum7 += $atkadd2;
                 /* Enemy Allies damage */
                 $stat4 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select id,username,power from players where id='{$input4}'"));
                 $mypower3 = $sum7 * 3 + $stat4['power'] * 3.3 - ($stat['power'] * 3.3 + ($sum1 + $itemdefense['defense']) * 3 * $setdmul);
                 if ($mypower3 > 2147483647) {
                     $defdmg2 = $mypower3;
                 } else {
                     $defdmg2 = mt_rand($mypower3 / 1.1, $mypower3);
                 if ($defdmg2 < 5000) {
                     $defdmg2 = mt_rand(5000, 6000);
                 $defdmg3 = commas($defdmg2);
                 /* End */
                 echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=red><b>{$stat1['username']}</b></font>'s crew member <font color=red><b>{$stat4['username']}</b></font> jumps in and attacks <font color=lightgreen><b>{$stat['username']}</b></font> for <font color=red><b>{$defdmg3}</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br>";
Beispiel #4
<?php include(""); ?>
<body STYLE="font-family: arial narrow" text="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
$item = $_GET['item'];
$i = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from shop where sid='$item'"));
$atk = commas($i['atk']);
$def = commas($i['def']);
if (!$i) { echo "<br>
  <div align=center>
  <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse: collapse id=AutoNumber1 bordercolor=#FFFFFF>
      <td width=100% bgcolor=#666666>
      <font color=#FF0000><b>ERROR:</b></font> No such Item<br>
</div>"; }
if ($i) {?>

<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" width="450" id="AutoNumber1" height="250">
    <td width="405" colspan="2">
    <p align="center">&nbsp;<b><font size="5"><?php $i['name'];?></font></b></td>
    <td width="117" align="center" valign="top">
    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100" id="AutoNumber2" height="100">
Beispiel #5
            mysql_query("update qactive set complete='1' where mob={$mobid} and mobqid=" . $mobq[$mobid]["qid"] . " and owner={$stat['id']}") or die("Something went wrong(1)");
            mysql_query("update qactive set end=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() where mob={$mobid} and mobqid=" . $mobq[$mobid]["qid"] . " and owner={$stat['id']}") or die("Something went wrong(2)");
            mysql_query("delete from qitems where mob='{$mobid}' and owner={$stat['id']}") or die("Something went wrong(3)");
            if ($mobq[$mobid]["creward"] > 0) {
                mysql_query("update players set power=power+" . $mobq[$mobid]["creward"] . " where id={$stat['id']}");
                mysql_query("update players set growth=growth+" . $mobq[$mobid]["creward"] . " where id={$stat['id']}");
                echo "<font size=3 color=#FFFFFF>You have recieved <font color=lightgreen>" . commas($mobq[$mobid]["creward"]) . "</font> clicks</font><br><br>";
            if ($mobq[$mobid]["skreward"] > 0) {
                mysql_query("update players set skpoints=skpoints+" . $mobq[$mobid]["skreward"] . " where id={$stat['id']}");
                echo "<font size=3 color=#FFFFFF>You have recieved <font color=lightgreen>" . commas($mobq[$mobid]["skreward"]) . "</font> Skill points.</font><br><br>";
            if ($mobq[$mobid]["setreward"] > 0) {
                mysql_query("delete from qactive where mob={$mobid} and mobqid=" . $mobq[$mobid]["qid"] . " and owner={$stat['id']}") or die("Something went wrong(4)");
                $itemqset = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from `sets` where `set`=" . $mobq[$mobid]["setreward"] . " order by RAND()"));
                $itemsname = smartquote($itemqset['name']);
                mysql_query("insert into iteminv (owner,name,`set`,slot,,tradeatk,def,cph,aph,income,maxatk,atkcap,critical,pic) VALUES ({$stat['id']},{$itemsname},{$itemqset['set']},'{$itemqset['slot']}','{$itemqset['trade']}',{$itemqset['atk']},{$itemqset['def']},{$itemqset['cph']},{$itemqset['aph']},{$itemqset['income']},{$itemqset['maxatk']},{$itemqset['atkcap']},{$itemqset['critical']},'{$itemqset['pic']}')") or die("Something went wrong.(5)");
                echo "<font size=3 color=#FFFFFF>You have recieved <font color=lightgreen>{$itemqset['name']}</font></font><br><br>";
            $rew = 0;
            while ($rew < $mobq[$mobid]["itemrqty"]) {
                $rew1 = $rew + 1;
                $itemqsel = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from qrewards where itemid=" . $mobq[$mobid]["ireward"][$rew1] . ""));
                $itemname = smartquote($itemqsel['name']);
                mysql_query("insert into iteminv (owner,name,`set`,slot,trade,atk,def,cph,aph,income,maxatk,atkcap,critical,pic) VALUES ({$stat['id']},{$itemname},{$itemqsel['set']},'{$itemqsel['slot']}','{$itemqsel['trade']}',{$itemqsel['atk']},{$itemqsel['def']},{$itemqsel['cph']},{$itemqsel['aph']},{$itemqsel['income']},{$itemqsel['maxatk']},{$itemqsel['atkcap']},{$itemqsel['critical']},'{$itemqsel['pic']}')") or die("Something went wrong.(6)");
                echo "<font size=3 color=#FFFFFF>You have recieved <font color=lightgreen>{$itemqsel['name']}</font></font><br><br>";
Beispiel #6
<table width="90%">
<td align="center"><b>Most Powerful</b></td>
<td align="center"><b>Biggest</b></td>

<table border="0">
    $rank = 1;
    $crewpow = mysql_query("select `crewid`,`name`,SUM(`power`) as power from `crew` join `players` on `crewid`=`crew` where membership < '3' group by crewid order by power desc limit 50 ");
    while ($crewpower = mysql_fetch_array($crewpow)) {
        $crewpower1 = commas($crewpower['power']);
.</td><td><a href="crewprofile.php?id=<?php 
Beispiel #7
      <td width="40%"><b><?php 
        echo commas($hits['str']);
    $total = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select COUNT(htid) as hittotal,SUM(strip) as strtotal from chitstats where crid={$stat['crew']} group by `crid`"));
      <td width="25%"><b>Total</b></td>
      <td width="15%"></td>
      <td width="20%"><b><?php 
    echo commas($total['hittotal']);
      <td width="40%"><b><?php 
    echo commas($total['strtotal']);

} else {
    echo "<br>\n  <div align=center>\n  <center>\n  <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse: collapse id=AutoNumber1 bordercolor=#FFFFFF>\n    <tr>\n      <td width=100% bgcolor=#666666>\n      &nbsp;\n      <font color=#FF0000><b>ERROR:</b></font> You need to be logged into an Outrage account<br>\n    </tr>\n  </table>\n  </center>\n</div>";
include "includes/";
Beispiel #8
<tr><td colspan="3" width="100%"><img src="images/comboitems.jpg"></td></tr><tr>
$count2 = 1;
$item4 = mysql_query("select * from " . PLAYERS_INV_TABLE . " join " . INV_SHOP . " on `sid`=`itemid` where `owner`='{$id['id']}' and `type`='C' order by `itemid`");
while ($item5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($item4)) {

 	<td width="25%" align="center"><a href="#" ONMOUSEOVER="ddrivetip('<?php 
    echo $item5['name'];
<br><br>Attack: <?php 
    echo commas($item5['atk']);
<br>Defense: <?php 
    echo commas($item5['def']);
<br>Max Qty: <?php 
    echo $item5['qtymax'];
<br>Qty:<font size=3.5 color=#D36435><b><?php 
    echo $item5['qty'];
</b></font>')"; ONMOUSEOUT="hideddrivetip()">
 	<img border="0" src="images/players/inventory/<?php 
    echo $item5['pic'];
    if ($count2 == 4 or $count2 == 8) {
Beispiel #9
    		<td style="padding-left:25px;" align="left"><?php 
        echo $ranksrank;
    		<td><a href="profile.php?id=<?php 
        echo $ranksid;
        echo $ranksuser;
        echo commas($rankspower);
    		</tr> <?php 

Beispiel #10
            $crewdep = $crew['crewmax'] - $crew['crewbank'];
            $crewdep1 = $stat['cash'] * ($stat['maxdep'] / 100);
            if ($crewdep > $crewdep1) {
                $crewdep = $crewdep1;
            if ($crew['crewbank'] >= $crew['crewmax'] and 0 > $crewdep) {
                $crewdep = 0;
          <p align="center"><b>Max Deposit:</b> $<?php 
            echo commas($crewdep);
 <a href="?crewdeposit=1&amount=<?php 
            echo round($crewdep);
">[Deposit Max]</a></p><br>
          <p align="center">$<input type="text" size="8" name="amount">
          <input type="hidden" value="Deposit" name="crewdeposit">
          <input type="submit" value="Deposit">
Beispiel #11
            } elseif ($time == 3) {
                $formtime = time() + 60 * 60;
            mysql_query("insert into `cactive` (crewid,leader,message,defcrew,joinatk,dmg,start,launch) values ('{$stat['crew']}','{$stat['id']}','{$message}','{$target}','5','0',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'{$formtime}')") or die("Can not create crew raid");
            mysql_query("update `players` set `attacks`=`attacks`-'20' where id='{$stat['id']}'") or die("Attacks not taken away(Crew Raid)");
            $formed = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from `cactive` where `leader`='{$stat['id']}' and `active`='Y'"));
            mysql_query("insert into `cjoinraid` (plid,crewraid,raid,dmg) values ('{$formed['leader']}','{$stat['crew']}','{$formed['crewrid']}','0')") or die("Cannot join raid");
            header("Location: cjoinraid.php?raidid={$formed['crewrid']}");
<form method="post">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<div align="center">
  <p><b>Attack Turns:</b> <?php 
        echo commas($stat['attacks']);
<div align="center">
<p><b>Forming Raid on</b><select size="1" name="target">
        $crewfr = mysql_query("select emy,emy1,crewid,name from crewenemy join crew on emy1=crewid where emy='{$stat['crew']}'");
        while ($crewform = mysql_fetch_array($crewfr)) {
  <option value="<?php 
Beispiel #12
        if ($patkcap == $atklimit) {
<font color=white><?php 
        } else {
      <td align="center" bgcolor="#0E0E17"><font color="<?php 
        echo commas($crewlist['power']);
      <td bgcolor="#0E0E17"><?php 
      <td bgcolor="#0E0E17"><?php 
      <td bgcolor="#0E0E17"><a href="profile.php?id=<?php 
Beispiel #13
 Attacks Per Hour<br><?php 
            if ($search1['income1'] > 0) {
                echo commas($search1['income1']);
% Income<br><?php 
            if ($search1['maxatk'] > 0) {
                echo commas($search1['maxatk']);
 Max Attacks<br><?php 
            if ($search1['atkcap'] > 0) {
                echo commas($search1['atkcap']);
 Attack Cap<br><?php 
')"; ONMOUSEOUT="writetxt(0)">
		<a href="tradeoffer.php?tid=<?php 
Beispiel #14
		<form method="post" onSubmit="return confirmSubmit(this)">
		<td align="left" valign="top"><a href="javascript:preview(<?php 
		<td align="left" valign="top"><?php 
 of this item</td>
		<td align="left" valign="top">$<?php 
            echo commas(round($shop1['cost'] * (15 / 100)));
		<td align="left" valign="top">
		<input type="text" size="8" name="qty">
		<input type="hidden" value="<?php 
" name="itemid">
		<input type="submit" value="Sell" name="sell">
Beispiel #15
 function raidattack()
     global $raid;
     global $crewr1;
     global $crew;
     global $crewpow;
     global $mess;
     global $craid;
     global $c2atkdmg;
     global $sum2;
     global $sum3;
     global $sum4;
     global $sum5;
     global $sum6;
     global $sum7;
     global $c2atk;
     if ($craid['active'] == 'Y') {
         /* Crew 1 Inventory Damages */
         $atkbonus2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `crewinventory` where `owner`='{$craid['crewid']}'");
         while ($atk1 = mysql_fetch_array($atkbonus2)) {
             $atkbonus3 = "SELECT `atk` FROM `crewshop` where `id`='{$atk1['itemid']}'";
             $r2 = mysql_query($atkbonus3);
             while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r2)) {
                 $array2[] = $atk1['qty'] * $row2['atk'];
                 $sum2 = 0;
                 foreach ($array2 as $atkadd1) {
                     $sum2 += $atkadd1;
         $defbonus2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `crewinventory` where `owner`='{$craid['crewid']}'");
         while ($def1 = mysql_fetch_array($defbonus2)) {
             $defbonus3 = "SELECT `def` FROM `crewshop` where `id`='{$def1['itemid']}'";
             $r3 = mysql_query($defbonus3);
             while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r3)) {
                 $array3[] = $def1['qty'] * $row3['def'];
                 $sum3 = 0;
                 foreach ($array3 as $defadd1) {
                     $sum3 += $defadd1;
         /* End */
         /* Crew 2 Inventory Damages */
         $atkbonus6 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `crewinventory` where `owner`='{$crewr1['crewid']}'");
         while ($atk3 = mysql_fetch_array($atkbonus6)) {
             $atkbonus7 = "SELECT `atk` FROM `crewshop` where `id`='{$atk3['itemid']}'";
             $r6 = mysql_query($atkbonus7);
             while ($row6 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r6)) {
                 $array6[] = $atk3['qty'] * $row6['atk'];
                 $sum6 = 0;
                 foreach ($array6 as $atkadd3) {
                     $sum6 += $atkadd3;
         $defbonus6 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `crewinventory` where `owner`='{$crewr1['crewid']}'");
         while ($def3 = mysql_fetch_array($defbonus6)) {
             $defbonus7 = "SELECT `def` FROM `crewshop` where `id`='{$def3['itemid']}'";
             $r7 = mysql_query($defbonus7);
             while ($row7 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r7)) {
                 $array7[] = $def3['qty'] * $row7['def'];
                 $sum7 = 0;
                 foreach ($array7 as $defadd3) {
                     $sum7 += $defadd3;
         /* End */
         /* Crew 2 Damage */
         $crew2 = mysql_query("select * from players where crew='{$crewr1['crewid']}'") or die(mysql_error());
         while ($crew2d = mysql_fetch_array($crew2)) {
             $itemattack1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select CAST(SUM(atk) as signed) as attack from iteminv where owner='{$crew2d['id']}' and status='E'"));
             $itemdefense1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select CAST(SUM(def) as signed) as defense from iteminv where owner='{$crew2d['id']}' and status='E'"));
             /* Set bonus */
             $setamul1 = 1;
             $setdmul1 = 1;
             $hotdog = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from iteminv where `owner`='{$crew2d['id']}' and `set`='1' and `status`='E'"));
             if ($hotdog == '8') {
                 $setamul1 = 1.2;
                 $setdmul1 = 1.2;
             /* End */
             /* Attack */
             $atkbonus4 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` where `owner`='{$crew2d['id']}'") or die(mysql_error());
             while ($atk2 = mysql_fetch_array($atkbonus4)) {
                 $atkbonus5 = "SELECT `atk` FROM `shop` where `sid`='{$atk2['itemid']}'";
                 $r4 = mysql_query($atkbonus5) or die(mysql_error());
                 while ($row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r4)) {
                     $array4[] = $atk2['qty'] * $row4['atk'] * $setamul1;
                     $sum4 = 0;
                     foreach ($array4 as $atkadd2) {
                         $sum4 += $atkadd2;
             /* Defense */
             $defbonus4 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` where `owner`='{$crew2d['id']}'");
             while ($def2 = mysql_fetch_array($defbonus4)) {
                 $defbonus5 = "SELECT `def` FROM `shop` where `sid`='{$def2['itemid']}'";
                 $r5 = mysql_query($defbonus5);
                 while ($row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r5)) {
                     $array5[] = $def2['qty'] * $row5['def'] * $setdmul1;
                     $sum5 = 0;
                     foreach ($array5 as $defadd2) {
                         $sum5 += $defadd2;
             $c2atk1[] = ($sum4 + $itemattack1['attack'] + $sum6) * 3;
             $c2atk = 0;
             foreach ($c2atk1 as $addatk2) {
                 $c2atk += $addatk2;
         if ($craid['active'] == 'Y') {
             $clicks1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select id,SUM(power) as power1 from players where crew='{$crewr1['crewid']}' group by id"));
             $c2clicks = $clicks1['power1'] * 10;
             $mypowerc2 = ($c2atk + $c2clicks) * $setamul1;
             if ($mypowerc2 > 2147483647) {
                 $c2atkdmg = $mypowerc2;
             } else {
                 $c2atkdmg = mt_rand($mypowerc2 / 1.09, $mypowerc2);
             if ($c2atkdmg < 5000) {
                 $c2atkdmg = mt_rand(5000, 6000);
             mysql_query("update `cactive` set dmg='{$c2atkdmg}' where crewrid='{$craid['crewrid']}'");
         /* End */
         /* Crew 1 Player Damages */
         $raidjoin = mysql_query("select * from cjoinraid where raid={$raid}");
         while ($raidjoin1 = mysql_fetch_array($raidjoin)) {
             $player = mysql_query("select * from players where id='{$raidjoin1['plid']}'");
             while ($play = mysql_fetch_array($player)) {
                 $itemattack = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select CAST(SUM(atk) as signed) as attack from iteminv where owner={$raidjoin1['plid']} and status='E'"));
                 $itemdefense = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select CAST(SUM(def) as signed) as defense from iteminv where owner={$raidjoin1['plid']} and status='E'"));
                 $atkbonus = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` where `owner`='{$raidjoin1['plid']}'");
                 while ($atk = mysql_fetch_array($atkbonus)) {
                     $atkbonus1 = "SELECT `atk` FROM `shop` where `sid`='{$atk['itemid']}'";
                     $r = mysql_query($atkbonus1);
                     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
                         $array[] = $atk['qty'] * $row['atk'];
                         $sum = 0;
                         foreach ($array as $atkadd) {
                             $sum += $atkadd;
                 $defbonus = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `inventory` where `owner`='{$raidjoin1['plid']}'");
                 while ($def = mysql_fetch_array($defbonus)) {
                     $defbonus1 = "SELECT `def` FROM `shop` where `sid`='{$def['itemid']}'";
                     $r1 = mysql_query($defbonus1);
                     while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($r1)) {
                         $array1[] = $def['qty'] * $row1['def'];
                         $sum1 = 0;
                         foreach ($array1 as $defadd) {
                             $sum1 += $defadd;
                 /* End */
                 $cbombmulti = 1;
                 $setamul = 1;
                 $setdmul = 1;
                 $hotdog1 = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from iteminv where owner='{$raidjoin1['plid']}' and `set`='1' and status='E'"));
                 if ($hotdog1 == '8') {
                     $setamul = 1.2;
                     $setdmul = 1.2;
                 $joincount = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from cjoinraid where raid={$raid}"));
                 $mypower1 = (($sum + $itemattack['attack'] + $sum2) * 3 + $play['power'] * 10) * $setamul * $cbombmulti;
                 if ($mypower1 > 2147483647) {
                     $atkdmg = $mypower1;
                 } else {
                     $atkdmg = mt_rand($mypower1 / 1.09, $mypower1);
                 if ($atkdmg < 5000) {
                     $atkdmg = mt_rand(5000, 6000);
                 mysql_query("update `cjoinraid` set dmg='{$atkdmg}' where plid='{$raidjoin1['plid']}' and raid='{$craid['crewrid']}'");
     $mess = 0;
     echo "<br><p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightblue> <b>{$crew['name']}</b></font> Has just Attacked <font color=red><b>{$crewr1['name']}</b></font></p><br><br>";
     $raidjoin = mysql_query("select * from cjoinraid where raid={$raid}");
     while ($raidjoin1 = mysql_fetch_array($raidjoin)) {
         $player = mysql_query("select * from players where id='{$raidjoin1['plid']}'");
         while ($play = mysql_fetch_array($player)) {
             $atkdmg = commas($raidjoin1['dmg']);
             $crewpow1[] = $raidjoin1['dmg'];
             if ($craid['active'] == 'Y') {
                 $defpow1[] = $sum1 + $itemdefense['defense'] * 3 * $setdmul;
                 $clickpow1[] = $play['power'] * 10;
             echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightblue><b>{$play['username']}</b></font> attacks for <font color=lightgreen><b>{$atkdmg}</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br><br>";
             $crewpow = 0;
             foreach ($crewpow1 as $add) {
                 $crewpow += $add;
             if ($craid['active'] == 'Y') {
                 $defpow = 0;
                 foreach ($defpow1 as $defpow2) {
                     $defpow += $defpow2;
                 $clickpow = 0;
                 foreach ($clickpow1 as $clickpow2) {
                     $clickpow += $clickpow2;
     echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightblue><b>{$crew['name']}</b></font> has hit for <font color=lightgreen><b>", commas($crewpow), "</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br><br>";
     if ($crew1up['coves'] > 0 and $adv1['active'] == 'Y') {
         $cover = mt_rand(1, 2);
         if ($cover == '2') {
             $coves = $defdmg * ($crew1up['coves'] / 100);
             echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightblue><b>{$crew['name']}</b></font> <font color=red><b>Coves</b></font> fends off <font color=lightgreen><b>", commas($coves), "</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br><br>";
             mysql_query("update cactive set coves='{$coves}' where adid={$raid}");
             $defdmg = $defdmg - $coves;
     $craid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from cactive where crewrid={$raid}"));
     $c2atkdmg = $craid['dmg'];
     echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=red><b>{$crewr1['name']}</b></font> attacks <font color=lightblue><b>{$crew['name']}</b></font> for <font color=red><b>", commas($c2atkdmg), "</b></font> damage!<br></p>";
Beispiel #16
            $stat1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select username from players where id='{$cash['player']}'"));
            echo date("m/d/Y - h:i:sa", $cash['time']);
	<td><a href="profile.php?id=<?php 
            echo commas($cash['cash']);

    } else {
  <div align=center>
Beispiel #17
            $income = "+ " . commas($item['income']) . " Income<br>";
        } else {
            $income = "";
        if ($item['maxatk'] > 0) {
            $maxatk = "+ " . commas($item['maxatk']) . " Max Attacks<br>";
        } else {
            $maxatk = "";
        if ($item['atkcap'] > 0) {
            $atkcap = "+ " . commas($item['atkcap']) . " Attack Cap<br>";
        } else {
            $atkcap = "";
        if ($item['critical'] > 0) {
            $crit = "+ " . commas($item['critical']) . " Critical<br>";
        } else {
            $crit = "";
        echo "<center><br><br><br><table width=300 height=200 border=1 style=\"border-collapse: collapse\" background=/images/bg.jpg><tr><td width=300 align=center colspan=2><b>{$item['name']}</b></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><font size=2>" . "<b>[{$trade}]</b><br>{$atk} {$def} {$income} {$cph} {$aph} {$maxatk} {$atkcap} {$crit}</font></td><td align=center valign=top><img border=1 src=/images/items/{$item['pic']}><br>{$gemimage}</td></tr></table>";
        if ($item['owner'] == $stat['id']) {
<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="<?php 
<input type="submit" name="don" value="Donate">
            $pcheck = mysql_query("SELECT shopid FROM `pshop` WHERE `owner`='{$stat['id']}'");
Beispiel #18
	 <TD align="center" valign="center" width=20%>
	 <a href="itembuy.php?pitemid=<?php 
"><img src="images/items/<?php 
" <?php 
</b><br>Cost: <?php 
                echo commas($shop1['amount']);
                if ($itemtrcount == $itemtrcount1) {
                    $itemtrcount1 += 5;
                } else {
                $itemtrcount += 1;
Beispiel #19

		<td onmouseover="ddrivetip('<table bgcolor=black width=200><tr><td align=center colspan=2><b>Financial Summary</b></td></tr><tr><td><b>Gold Next Turn:</b></td><td> <?php 
    echo commas($user->_income);
 Gold</td></tr><tr><td><b>Outrage Bank:</b></td><td><?php 
    echo commas($user->bank);
</td></tr><tr><td><b>World Bank:</b></td><td><?php 
    echo commas($user->wbank);
</td></tr></table>')" onmouseout="hideddrivetip()" style="padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;">

<div style="color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#000000;padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px;border:2px inset;cursor:default;">
					<b>Gold:</b> <?php 
    echo commas($user->gold);
		<td onclick="toggleBackpack(null,<?php 
    echo $stat['id'];
);" onmouseover="ddrivetip('Click to View Your Backpack')" onmouseout="hideddrivetip()" style="padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;cursor:default;">	
					<img border="0" src="images/bp.gif" width="26" height="25" hspace="2">
Beispiel #20
 function raidattack()
     global $raid;
     global $adv;
     global $crew;
     global $crewpow;
     global $mess;
     global $adv1;
     global $defdmg;
     $mess = 0;
     echo "<br><p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden> <font color=lightblue><b>{$crew['name']}</b></font> Has just Attacked <font color=red><b>{$adv['name']}</b></font></p><br><br>";
     $raidjoin = mysql_query("select * from ljoinraid where raid={$raid}");
     while ($raidjoin1 = mysql_fetch_array($raidjoin)) {
         $player = mysql_query("select * from players where id='{$raidjoin1['plid']}'");
         while ($play = mysql_fetch_array($player)) {
             $atkdmg = commas($raidjoin1['dmg']);
             echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightblue><b>{$play['username']}</b></font> attacks for <font color=lightgreen><b>{$atkdmg}</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br>";
     $cpow = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select SUM(dmg) as damage from ljoinraid where raid={$raid}"));
     $crewpow = $cpow['damage'];
     if ($adv1['warlords'] > 0) {
         $warlords = $adv1['warlords'] / 100 * $crewpow;
         echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightblue><b>{$crew['name']}</b></font> <font color=red><b>Warlords</b></font> add an additional <font color=lightgreen><b>", commas($warlords), "</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br>";
         $crewpow = $crewpow + $warlords;
     if ($adv1['bomb'] > 0) {
         if ($adv1['bomb'] == 1) {
             $bomb = 0.2;
             $bombid = 19;
         if ($adv1['bomb'] == 2) {
             $bomb = 0.4;
             $bombid = 20;
         if ($adv1['bomb'] == 3) {
             $bomb = 0.6;
             $bombid = 21;
         if ($adv1['bomb'] == 4) {
             $bomb = 0.8;
             $bombid = 22;
         if ($adv1['bomb'] == 5) {
             $bomb = 1.0;
             $bombid = 23;
         $bombname = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select name from crewshop where `id`='{$bombid}'"));
         $bombpow = $crewpow * $bomb;
         echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightblue><b>{$crew['name']}</b></font> fires a <font color=greenblue><b>{$bombname['name']}</b></font> at <font color=red><b>{$adv['name']}</b></font>!!!!</p> <br><br>";
         echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightblue><b>{$crew['name']}'s</b></font> <font color=greenblue><b>{$bombname['name']}</b></font> adds an additional <font color=lightgreen><b>", commas($bombpow), "</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br>";
         $crewpow = $crewpow + $bombpow;
     echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=lightblue><b>{$crew['name']}</b></font> has hit for <font color=lightgreen><b>", commas($crewpow), "</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br>";
     if ($adv1['coves'] > 0) {
         $coves = $adv1['coves'] / 100 * $adv1['dmg'];
         echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><b>{$crew['name']}</b> <font color=red><b>Coves</b></font> fends off <font color=lightgreen><b>", commas($coves), "</b></font> damage! </p> <br><br>";
     $defdmg = $adv1['dmg'];
     echo "<p align=center class=style54 id=message_{$mess} style=visibility:hidden><font color=red><b>{$adv['name']}</b></font> attacks <font color=lightblue><b>{$crew['name']}</b></font> for <font color=red><b>", commas($defdmg), "</b></font> damage!<br></p>";
Beispiel #21
function ranks()

                <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%" align=center>
                    <td width="100%">
                    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%" align=center>
                        <td colspan="3">
                    		<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%" align=center>
                    		   	<td align="center">
                        	  	  <a href=top50.php><img border="0" src="images/standings.jpg"></a>
                        <td width="100%" colspan="3" bgcolor="#404040">
                        <img border="0" src="images/spacer_trans.gif" width="1" height="1"></td>
                        <td width="100%" colspan="3">
                        <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">
                            <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">
	<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
              <tr><td colspan="2"><b><u> Top 10 Most Ruthless Gangsters </u></b></td></tr>
	<tr><td align=center></td></tr>
    $t = "select * from players where membership < '3' and class='2' order by exp desc limit 10";
    $tsel = mysql_query($t) or die(mysql_error());
    $rank = 1;
    while ($top = mysql_fetch_array($tsel)) {
        $topid = $top["id"];
        $topuser = $top["username"];
        $toppower = commas($top["exp"]);
        echo "<tr><td>{$rank}. <a href=profile.php?id={$topid}>{$topuser}</a></td><td><font size=1.7>{$toppower} Thugs</font></td></tr>";
        $rank += 1;
	<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
              <tr><td colspan="2"><b><u>Top 10 Powerful Swat Officers</u></b></td></tr>
    $t4 = "select * from players where membership < 3 and class=3 order by exp desc limit 10";
    $tsel4 = mysql_query($t4) or die(mysql_error());
    $rank4 = 1;
    while ($top4 = mysql_fetch_array($tsel4)) {
        $topid4 = $top4["id"];
        $topuser4 = $top4["username"];
        $toppower2 = commas($top4["exp"]);
        echo "<tr><td>{$rank4}. <a href=profile.php?id={$topid4}>{$topuser4}</a></td><td><font size=1.7>{$toppower2} Swat Team</font></td></tr>";
        $rank4 += 1;
	<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
              <tr><td colspan="2"><b><u>Top 10 Most Raging Monsters</u></b></td></tr>
    $t2 = "select * from players where membership < 3 and class=1 order by exp desc limit 10";
    $tsel2 = mysql_query($t2) or die(mysql_error());
    $rank2 = 1;
    while ($top2 = mysql_fetch_array($tsel2)) {
        $topid2 = $top2["id"];
        $topuser2 = $top2["username"];
        $toppower1 = commas($top2["exp"]);
        echo "<tr><td>{$rank2}. <a href=profile.php?id={$topid2}>{$topuser2}</a></td><td><font size=1.7>{$toppower1} Anger</font></td></tr>";
        $rank2 += 1;
                        <td width="100%" colspan="3" bgcolor="#404040">
                        <img border="0" src="images/spacer_trans.gif" width="1" height="1"></td>
                        <td width="100%" colspan="2">
                        <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">
                            <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
              <tr><td colspan="2"><b><u>Top 10 Biggest Crews</u></b></td></tr>
    $rank6 = 1;
    $crenum = mysql_query("select `crewid`,`name`,count(*) as totalmembers from `crew` join `players` on `crewid`=`crew` group by crewid order by totalmembers desc limit 10 ") or die(mysql_error());
    while ($crew1 = mysql_fetch_array($crenum)) {
        echo $rank6;
. <a href=crewprofile.php?id=<?php 
        echo $crew1['crewid'];
        echo $crew1['totalmembers'];
        $rank6 += 1;

<td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
              <tr><td colspan="2"><b><u>Top 10 Most Powerful Crews</u></b></td></tr>
    $rank7 = 1;
    $crewpow = mysql_query("select `crewid`,`name`,SUM(`exp`) as exp from `crew` join `players` on `crewid`=`crew` where membership < 3 group by crewid order by exp desc limit 10 ") or die(mysql_error());
    while ($crewpower = mysql_fetch_array($crewpow)) {
        $crewpower1 = commas($crewpower['exp']);

        echo $rank7;
. <a href=crewprofile.php?id=<?php 
        echo $crewpower['crewid'];
        echo $crewpower['name'];
        echo $crewpower1;
        $rank7 += 1;

Beispiel #22
 function postitemdata()
     $this->itemid = $this->retidata['itemid'];
     $this->owner = $this->retidata['owner'];
     $this->name = addslashes($this->retidata['name']);
     $this->slot = $this->retidata['slot'];
     $this->set = $this->retidata['set'];
     $this->gem = $this->retidata['gem'];
     if ($this->gem == 0) {
         $this->gemimage = "<img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'><br> <img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'>";
     if ($this->gem == 1) {
         $this->gemimage = "<img src=\\'images/gem.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'><br> <img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'><br>";
     if ($this->gem == 2) {
         $this->gemimage = "<img src=\\'images/gem.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gem1.jpg\\'><br> <img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'><br>";
     if ($this->gem == 3) {
         $this->gemimage = "<img src=\\'images/gem.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gem1.jpg\\'><br> <img src=\\'images/gem2.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gemslot.jpg\\'><br>";
     if ($this->gem == 4) {
         $this->gemimage = "<img src=\\'images/gem.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gem1.jpg\\'><br> <img src=\\'images/gem2.jpg\\'> <img src=\\'images/gem3.jpg\\'><br>";
     $this->trade = $this->retidata['trade'];
     if ($this->trade == 'Y') {
         $this->trade = "Non-binding";
     } else {
         $this->trade = "Soul Bound";
     if ($this->slot == 'Q') {
         $this->itemtype = ", Quest Item";
     } elseif ($this->slot == '1') {
         $this->itemtype = ", Inventory";
     } elseif ($this->slot == '2') {
         $this->itemtype = ", Reagent";
     } else {
         $this->itemtype = "";
     if ($this->retidata['hp'] > 0) {
         $this->hp = "+ " . commas($this->retidata['hp']) . " Hit Points<br>";
     } else {
         $this->hp = "";
     if ($this->retidata['atk'] > 0) {
         $this->atk = "+ " . commas($this->retidata['atk']) . " Attack<br>";
     } else {
         $this->atk = "";
     if ($this->retidata['cph'] > 0) {
         $this->cph = "+ " . commas($this->retidata['cph']) . " Clicks per turn<br>";
     } else {
         $this->cph = "";
     if ($this->retidata['aph'] > 0) {
         $this->aph = "+ " . commas($this->retidata['aph']) . " Attacks per turn<br>";
     } else {
         $this->aph = "";
     if ($this->retidata['income'] > 0) {
         $this->income = "+ " . commas($this->retidata['income']) . " Income<br>";
     } else {
         $this->income = "";
     if ($this->retidata['maxatk'] > 0) {
         $this->maxatk = "+ " . commas($this->retidata['maxatk']) . " Max Attacks<br>";
     } else {
         $this->maxatk = "";
     if ($this->retidata['atkcap'] > 0) {
         $this->atkcap = "+ " . commas($this->retidata['atkcap']) . " Attack Cap<br>";
     } else {
         $this->atkcap = "";
     if ($this->retidata['crit'] > 0) {
         $this->crit = "+ " . commas($this->retidata['crit']) . "% to Critical Hit<br>";
     } else {
         $this->crit = "";
     if ($this->retidata['block'] > 0) {
         $this->block = "+ " . commas($this->retidata['block']) . "% to Block<br>";
     } else {
         $this->block = "";
     $this->pic = $this->retidata['pic'];
Beispiel #23
 Attacks Per Hour<br><?php 
        if ($item3['income'] > 0) {
            echo commas($item3['income']);
% Income<br><?php 
        if ($item3['maxatk'] > 0) {
            echo commas($item3['maxatk']);
 Max Attacks<br><?php 
        if ($item3['atkcap'] > 0) {
            echo commas($item3['atkcap']);
 Attack Cap<br><?php 
')"; ONMOUSEOUT="hideddrivetip()"><?php 
</a> </td>
      <td> <input type="checkbox" name="items[]" value="<?php 
Beispiel #24
		<form method="post">
		<td align="left" valign="top"><a href="javascript:preview(<?php 
		<td align="left" valign="top"><?php 
 of this item</td>
		<td align="left" valign="top">$<?php 
            echo commas(round($shop1['cost'] * ($stat['sellrate'] / 100)));
		<td align="left" valign="top">
		<input type="text" size="8" name="qty">
		<input type="hidden" value="<?php 
" name="itemid">
		<input type="hidden" value="Sell" name="sell">
		<input type="submit" value="Sell" name="sell">
Beispiel #25
     <tr><form method="post">
       <td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#" ONMOUSEOVER="ddrivetip('<?php 
<br><br>Defense: <?php 
                echo commas($shop5['def']);
<br>Max Qty: <?php 
')"; ONMOUSEOUT="hideddrivetip()"><?php 
       <td align="left" valign="top">$<?php 
                echo commas($costd);
       <td align="left" valign="top">
       <input type="text" size="8" name="qty">
       <input type="hidden" value="<?php 
"" name="itemid">
       <input type="submit" value="Buy" name="buy"></td>
Beispiel #26
      <p align="center"><b>Change Rank</b></td>
      <td width="100%">
      <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="100%">
          <td width="100%">
          <p align="center"><b>Name: </b><a href="profile.php?id=<?php 
          <p align="center"><b>Power:</b> <?php 
        echo commas($id['power']);
          <p align="center"><b>Current Rank:</b><?php 
        if ($id['crewrank'] == 1) {
            echo $crew['rank1'];
        if ($id['crewrank'] == 2) {
            echo $crew['rank2'];
        if ($id['crewrank'] == 3) {
            echo $crew['rank3'];
        if ($id['crewrank'] == 4) {
            echo $crew['rank4'];
Beispiel #27
$ranksn = mysql_query("select * from cnranks where owner='$id[crewid]' order by rid"); 
while($ranksn1 = mysql_fetch_array($ranksn)){
$ranks = mysql_query("select * from players where crew='$id[crewid]' and crewrank='$ranksn1[rid]'");  
while ($ranks1 = mysql_fetch_array($ranks)){
$ranksid = $ranks1["id"]; 
$ranksuser = $ranks1["username"]; 
$ranksrank = $ranksn1["rname"]; 
$rankspower = $ranks1["power"];


          <td bgcolor="#191818"><a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo ($ranksid); ?>"><?php echo ($ranksuser); ?></a></td>
          <td  align="center" bgcolor="#191818"><?php echo ($ranksn1['rname']); ?></td>
      <td  align="center" bgcolor="#191818"><?php echo commas($rankspower); ?></td>
      <td  align="center"  bgcolor="#191818"><font color=<?php if (time() >= $ranks1['lastlogin']+60*60*24*7){?>red<? }else{?>lightblue<?}?>><?php echo date("m/d/Y - h:i:sa",$ranks1['lastlogin'])?></font></td>
      <td   bgcolor="#191818">
       <?php if ($stat['id'] != $ranksid) { if ($stat['crewrank'] <= $per['boot']) {?><a href="bootmember.php?id=<?php echo ($ranksid); ?>">Boot Member</a><?php }}?>
        <?php }}?>

<?php } else { echo "<br>
  <div align=center>
  <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse: collapse id=AutoNumber1 bordercolor=#FFFFFF>
Beispiel #28
<br>Defense: <?php 
        echo commas($shop7['def']);
<br>Max Qty: <?php 
<br>You can buy: <?php 
')"; ONMOUSEOUT="hideddrivetip()"><?php 
       <td width="18%" align="left" valign="top"><?php 
        echo commas($shop7['cost']);
       <td width="37%" align="left" valign="top">
       <input type="text" size="8" name="qty" value=<?php 
        $shop7['qtymax'] - $qmax3['qty'];
       <input type="hidden" value="<?php 
" name="itemid">
       <input type="hidden" name="popcode" value="">
       <input type="hidden" name="buy" value="Buy">
       <input type="submit" value="Buy" name="buy"></td>
Beispiel #29
	<td><b>Awarded To</b></td>
	<td><b>Awarded By</b></td>
    <td><b>Current Owner</b></td>
$log = mysql_query("select * from awardlog where crewid='$stat[crew]' order by time desc limit $start,50");
while($alog = mysql_fetch_assoc($log)){
$item = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from iteminv where itemid='$alog[item]'"));
$owner = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select id,username from players where id='$item[owner]'"));
$reciever = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select id,username from players where id='$alog[reciever]'"));
$giver = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("select * from players where id='$alog[giver]'"));

	<td><?php echo date("m/d/Y - h:i:sa",$alog['time']);?></td>
	<td><?php if(!$item){?>Deleted item<?}else{?><a href="#" ONMOUSEOVER="ddrivetip('<?php if (($item['sell'] == 'N') or ($item['trade'] == 'N')){?>[<?php }?><?php if ($item['trade'] == 'N'){?>No Trade<?}?><?php if (($item['sell'] == 'N') and ($item['trade'] == 'N')){?>, <?php }?><?php if ($item['sell'] == 'N'){?>No Sell<?}?><?php if (($item['sell'] == 'N') or ($item['trade'] == 'N')){?>]<?php }?><br><?php if($item['gem'] == '1'){?><img src=\'/images/gem.jpg\'><?php }?> <?php if($item['gem'] == '2'){?><img src=\'/images/gem.jpg\'> <img src=\'/images/gem1.jpg\'><?php }?> <?php if($item['gem'] == '3'){?><img src=\'/images/gem.jpg\'> <img src=\'/images/gem1.jpg\'> <img src=\'/images/gem2.jpg\'> <?php }?><?php if($item['gem'] == '4'){?><img src=\'/images/gem.jpg\'> <img src=\'/images/gem1.jpg\'> <img src=\'/images/gem2.jpg\'> <img src=\'/images/gem3.jpg\'><?php }?><br><?php if ($item['atk'] > 0){?><?php echo commas($item['atk']);?> Attack<br><?php }?><?php if ($item['def'] > 0){?><?php echo commas($item['def']);?> Defense<br><?php }?><?php if ($item['cph'] > 0){?><?php $item['cph'];?> Clicks Per Hour<br><?php }?><?php if ($item['aph'] > 0){?><?php $item['aph'];?> Attacks Per Hour<br><?php }?><?php if ($item['income'] > 0){?><?php echo commas($item['income']);?>% Income<br><?php }?><?php if ($item['maxatk'] > 0){?><?php echo commas($item['maxatk']);?> Max Attacks<br><?php }?><?php if ($item['atkcap'] > 0){?><?php echo commas($item['atkcap']);?> Attack Cap<br><?php }?>')"; ONMOUSEOUT="hideddrivetip()"><?php $item['name'];?></a><?php }?></td>
	<td><a href="profile.php?id=<?php $reciever['id'];?>"><?php $reciever['username'];?></a></td>
	<td><a href="profile.php?id=<?php $giver['id'];?>"><?php $giver['username'];?></a></td>
	<td><a href="profile.php?id=<?php $owner['id'];?>"><?php $owner['username'];?></a></td>
<?php }?>

<?php } else { echo "<br>
  <div align=center>
  <table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse: collapse id=AutoNumber1 bordercolor=#FFFFFF>
      <td width=100% bgcolor=#666666>
Beispiel #30
 Attacks Per Hour<br><?php 
            if ($offer1['income'] > 0) {
                echo commas($offer1['income']);
% Income<br><?php 
            if ($offer1['maxatk'] > 0) {
                echo commas($offer1['maxatk']);
 Max Attacks<br><?php 
            if ($offer1['atkcap'] > 0) {
                echo commas($offer1['atkcap']);
 Attack Cap<br><?php 
')"; ONMOUSEOUT="hideddrivetip()"><?php 
        $point = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select points from tradepropose where tradeid='{$id}'"));
        if ($point['points'] > 0) {