?> <br />or choose a Standard Page asset<br /> <?php asset_finder('f_longdesc', '0', array('page_standard' => 'D'), 'sq_wysiwyg_popup_sidenav'); ?> <?php } } } else { ?> Enter URL manually<br /> <?php echo translate('Protocol'); ?> <?php combo_box('f_longdesc_protocol', $url_protocol_options, '', 'style="font-family: courier new; font-size: 11px;"'); ?> <?php echo translate('Link'); ?> <?php text_box('f_longdesc_link', '', 40, 0); ?> <br />or choose a Standard Page asset<br /> <?php asset_finder('f_longdesc', '0', array('page_standard' => 'D'), 'sq_wysiwyg_popup_sidenav'); ?> <?php } ?> <br />If you enter URL manually, current asset in the asset finder must be cleared.<br />
<fieldset> <legend><b><?php echo translate('General'); ?> </b></legend> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="100%"> <table style="width:100%"> <tr> <td class="label"><?php echo translate('Protocol'); ?> :</td> <td><?php combo_box('url_protocol', $url_protocol_options, false, $_REQUEST['f_fileprotocol'], 0, ''); ?> </td> <td class="label"><?php echo translate('Link'); ?> :</td> <td><?php text_box('url_link', $_REQUEST['f_fileurl'], 40, 0); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><?php echo translate('Select Asset'); ?>
</table> </fieldset> <h2><?php echo translate('Style Information'); ?> </h2> <fieldset> <table> <tr> <td class="bodycopy-popup-heading"><?php echo translate('Presentation'); ?> :</td> <td> <?php combo_box('layout_type', $possible_types, FALSE, $default_pres_type); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label"><?php echo translate('Class'); ?> :</td> <td><input type="text" name="css_class" value="" size="15"></td> </tr> </table> </fieldset> <h2><?php echo translate('Content Type'); ?>
if ($value['instantiable'] == 1) { $type_list[] = $key; } } $asset_types = array(); foreach ($type_list as $asset_type) { $type_info = $GLOBALS['SQ_SYSTEM']->am->getTypeInfo($asset_type); $asset_types[$asset_type] = $type_info['name']; } asort($asset_types); $o->openField('', 'wide_col'); echo '<p style="margin: 0;">' . translate('Select your asset type') . ': '; if (isset($_REQUEST['asset_type'])) { combo_box('asset_type', $asset_types, FALSE, $_REQUEST['asset_type']); } else { combo_box('asset_type', $asset_types); } echo ' '; submit_button('limbo_keywords_submit', translate('Get Keywords')); echo '</p>'; $o->closeField(); $o->closeSection(); if (isset($_REQUEST['asset_type'])) { $asset_type = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/', '', $_REQUEST['asset_type']); $ei = new Asset_Edit_Interface($asset_type); $ei->getSimpleEditKeywords($asset_type, $o); } $o->openField('', 'commit'); normal_button('cancel', translate('Close Window'), 'window.close()', ''); $o->closeField(); $o->closeSection();
<td class="label" valign="top"><?php echo translate('Target'); ?> :</td> <td><?php text_box('target', $_GET['target']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label" rowspan="2" valign="top"><?php echo translate('New Window'); ?> :</td> <td><?php combo_box('new_window', array('0' => translate('No'), '1' => translate('Yes'), '2' => translate('Advanced')), FALSE, $_GET['new_window'], 1, 'onChange="javascript: enable_new_window(this.form, form_element_value(this));"'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <?php $count = 0; foreach ($new_window_bool_options as $var => $name) { $count++; ?> <td width="33%"> <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="<?php echo $var;