Beispiel #1

global $CFG;
//    ELGG recent activity page
// Run includes
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/../includes.php";
// Initialise functions for user details, icon management and profile management
// Whose friends are we looking at?
global $page_owner;
// Weblog context
define("context", "weblog");
// You must be logged on to view this!
cleanup_messages(time() - 86400 * 30);
$title = run("profile:display:name") . " :: " . __gettext("Recent activity");
// If we haven't specified a start time, start time = 1 day ago
$starttime = optional_param('starttime', time() - 86400, PARAM_INT);
$body = "<p>" . __gettext("Currently viewing recent activity since ") . gmstrftime("%B %d, %Y", $starttime) . ".</p>";
$body .= "<p>" . __gettext("You may view recent activity during the following time-frames:") . "</p>";
$body .= "<ul><li><a href=\"index.php?starttime=" . (time() - 86400) . "\">" . __gettext("The last 24 hours") . "</a></li>";
$body .= "<li><a href=\"index.php?starttime=" . (time() - 86400 * 2) . "\">" . __gettext("The last 48 hours") . "</a></li>";
$body .= "<li><a href=\"index.php?starttime=" . (time() - 86400 * 7) . "\">" . __gettext("The last week") . "</a></li>";
$body .= "<li><a href=\"index.php?starttime=" . (time() - 86400 * 30) . "\">" . __gettext("The last month") . "</a></li></ul>";
$body .= "<h2>" . __gettext("Your recent messages") . "</h2>";
$user_messages = get_messages($page_owner, null, time() - $starttime);
if (is_array($user_messages) && !empty($user_messages)) {
    foreach ($user_messages as $user_message) {
        $body .= "<div class=\"user_message\">" . display_message($user_message) . "</div>";
Beispiel #2
if ($x7s->loggedin == 1) {
    $x7p = new profile_info($x7s->username);
// Include the language file
include_once "./lang/" . $x7c->settings['default_lang'] . ".php";
// Include the output library
include_once "./lib/output.php";
// Load the skin data
$print = new load_skin($x7c->settings['default_skin']);
// Run these cleanups only if you are not part of a frame
include_once "./lib/cleanup.php";
if (@$_GET['act'] != "frame") {
    if ($x7c->settings['autopay']) {
// Now before all else we have to get them logged in if they are not already
// We also have to check and make sure they are not trying to register or
//remember their password which they stupidly forgot or get help or anything
// like that
// THis array contins the functions that you don't hvae to be logged in to do
$no_login_req[] = "register";
$no_login_req[] = "forgotmoipass";
$no_login_req[] = "sm_window";
$no_login_req[] = "help";
if ($x7s->loggedin == 0 && !in_array(@$_GET['act'], $no_login_req)) {