function addsite($url, $title, $short_desc, $cat, $def_include, $smap_url, $authent, $prior_level) { global $db_con, $mysql_table_prefix, $debug, $dba_act, $common_dir, $add_auth, $home_charset, $curl; global $depth, $domaincb, $use_prefcharset, $include_dir, $idna, $conv_puny, $cyrillic; if ($conv_puny && strstr($url, "xn--")) { require_once "{$include_dir}/idna_converter.php"; // Initialize the converter class $IDN = new idna_convert(array('idn_version' => 2008)); // Decode it to its readable presentation $url = $IDN->decode($url); } $url = urldecode($url); // get it readable if ($cyrillic) { $url = to_utf8($url); // because of the bug in PHP function urldecode() we need special processing for CP1252 charset } $compurl = parse_url("" . $url); // we will need all details of the URL // https scheme requires cURL extension if (!$curl && $compurl['scheme'] == "https") { $message = "<p class='msg cntr'><br /><br /><span class='warnadmin'>Sorry, but in order to index URLs containing the https scheme,<br />you need to install the cURL extension on your server.</span><br /><br /><br /></p>"; echo "{$message}"; addsiteform(); exit; } // find out whether the URL contains www. or only basic domain // also remove scheme (http <-> https // only one will be accepted as new URL to be added to the database $url1 = $compurl['host'] . "" . $compurl['path']; $url1 = str_replace("www.", "", $url1); if ($compurl['path'] == '') { $url1 = $url1 . "/"; } if (strpos($url1, "?")) { $url1 = substr($url1, 0, strpos($url1, "?")); // remove arguments } $url1 = $db_con->real_escape_string($url1); // now check against already existing site URLs $sql_query = "SELECT site_ID from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "sites where url like'%{$url1}%'"; $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); printf("<p><strong>Invalid query string, which caused the SQL error:</strong></p>"); echo "<p> {$sql_query} </p>"; exit; } $rows = $result->num_rows; if ($rows == 0) { $must_include = ''; $must_not_include = ''; if ($def_include == '1') { // get default values for URL 'must_include' and 'must_not_include' $must_include = addslashes(@file_get_contents("{$common_dir}/must_include.txt")); $must_not_include = addslashes(@file_get_contents("{$common_dir}/must_not_include.txt")); } // valid sitemap url? if (!preg_match("/http:\\/\\//", $smap_url)) { $smap_url = 'NULL'; } $sql_query = "SELECT * from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "sites"; $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); printf("<p><strong>Invalid query string, which caused the SQL error:</strong></p>"); echo "<p> {$sql_query} </p>"; exit; } $count = $result->num_rows; // current count of URLs in table 'sites' // clean admin's input $url = $db_con->real_escape_string(substr(trim($url), 0, 1024)); if ($title) { $title = $db_con->real_escape_string(cleaninput(substr(trim($title), 0, 255))); } if ($short_desc) { $short_desc = $db_con->real_escape_string(cleaninput(trim($short_desc))); } if ($disallowed) { $disallowed = $db_con->real_escape_string(cleaninput(trim($disallowed))); } if ($smap_url) { $smap_url = $db_con->real_escape_string(substr(trim($smap_url), 0, 1024)); } if ($authent) { $authent = $db_con->real_escape_string(cleaninput(substr(trim($authent), 0, 255))); } // insert new URL into sites table $sql_query = "INSERT INTO " . $mysql_table_prefix . "sites (url, title, short_desc, spider_depth, required, disallowed, can_leave_domain, db, smap_url, authent, use_prefcharset, prior_level)\n VALUES ('{$url}', '{$title}', '{$short_desc}', '{$depth}', '{$must_include}', '{$must_not_include}', '{$domaincb}', '{$dba_act}', '{$smap_url}', '{$authent}', '{$use_prefcharset}', '{$prior_level}')"; $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); printf("<p><strong>Invalid query string, which caused the SQL error:</strong></p>"); echo "<p> {$sql_query} </p>"; exit; } $sql_query = "SELECT site_ID from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "sites where url='{$url}'"; $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); echo "<p> {$sql_query} </p>"; exit; } $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM); $site_id = $row[0]; $sql_query = "SELECT category_id from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "categories"; $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); printf("<p><strong>Invalid query string, which caused the SQL error:</strong></p>"); echo "<p> {$sql_query} </p>"; exit; } while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) { $cat_id = $row[0]; if ($cat[$cat_id] == 'on') { $db_con->query("INSERT INTO " . $mysql_table_prefix . "site_category (site_id, category_id) values ('{$site_id}', '{$cat_id}')"); } } if (!$db_con->errno) { $message = "<p class='msg'> New Site added to database {$dba_act} ...</p>"; } } else { echo "<br />\n <p class='msg cntr'><span class='warnadmin'> {$url} </span></p>\n <br />\n <p class='msg cntr'><span class='warnadmin'> Site already in database </span></p>\n <br />\n "; addsiteform(); exit; } // delete all invalid URLs from table 'sites' $sql_query = "DELETE from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "sites where site_id='0' OR site_id=''"; $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); printf("<p><strong>Invalid query string, which caused the SQL error:</strong></p>"); echo "<p> {$sql_query} </p>"; exit; } $sql_query = "SELECT* from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "sites"; $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); printf("<p><strong>Invalid query string, which caused the SQL error:</strong></p>"); echo "<p> {$sql_query} </p>"; exit; } $new_count = $result->num_rows; // count of URLs after adding new site if ($count == $new_count) { $message = "<p class='msg'> New Site not added to database {$dba_act}, because invlid</p>"; } return $message; }
<br /> <a class='bkbtn' href='addurl.php' title='Go back to Suggest form'>".$sph_messages['BackToSubForm']."</a> </body> </html> "; die (''); } error_reporting(E_ALL); session_destroy(); } // clean input $url = cleaninput(cleanup_text(trim(substr ($url, 0,100)))); $title = cleaninput(cleanup_text(trim(substr ($title, 0,100)))); $description = cleaninput(cleanup_text(nl2br(trim(substr ($description, 0,250))))); $email = cleaninput(cleanup_text(trim(substr ($email, 0,100)))); // check Url $input = $url; validate_url($input); $url = $input; // check Title if(!preg_match('/^[[:print:]]{5,100}$/', $title)) { echo "<h1>$mytitle</h1><br /> <p class='em cntr warnadmin'> ".$sph_messages['InvTitle']." <br /> </p> <br /> <a class='bkbtn' href='addurl.php' title='Go back to Suggest form'>".$sph_messages['BackToSubForm']."</a>
if(isset($_POST["send_answer"])) { if(empty($_POST["answer"])) { $answer_error = "See väli on kohustuslik!"; } else { $answer = cleanInput($_POST["answer"]); } if(empty($_POST["answer_type"])) { $answer_type_error = "See väli on kohustuslik!"; } else { $answer_type = cleanInput($_POST["answer_type"]); } $current_id = cleaninput($_POST["current_id"]) + 0; if($answer_error == "" && $answer_type_error == "") { $Resume->sendAnswer($current_id, $answer_type, $answer); } else { $response->error->message = "Viga! Sa ei täitnud kõike kohustuslike lahtreid!"; } } } } } require_once("../header.php");
$category = cleaninput($_GET['category']); } if (isset($_GET['mark'])) { $mark = cleaninput($_GET['mark']); } if (isset($_GET['results'])) { $results = cleaninput($_GET['results']); } if (isset($_GET['start'])) { $start = cleaninput($_GET['start']); } if (isset($_GET['start_links'])) { $start_links = cleaninput($_GET['start_links']); } if (isset($_GET['adv'])) { $adv = cleaninput($_GET['adv']); } require_once "{$include_dir}/searchfuncs.php"; require_once "{$include_dir}/categoryfuncs.php"; include "{$language_dir}/{$language}-language.php"; if ($mark == $sph_messages['markbold']) { $mark = 'markbold'; } if ($mark == $sph_messages['markyellow']) { $mark = 'markyellow'; } if ($mark == $sph_messages['markgreen']) { $mark = 'markgreen'; } if ($mark == $sph_messages['markblue']) { $mark = 'markblue';
if (empty($_POST["job_company1"])) { $job_company_error1 = "See väli on kohustuslik!"; } else { $job_company1 = cleaninput($_POST["job_company1"]); } if (empty($_POST["job_email1"])) { $job_email_error1 = "See väli on kohustuslik!"; } else { $job_email1 = cleaninput($_POST["job_email1"]); } if (empty($_POST["job_number1"])) { $job_number_error1 = "See väli on kohustuslik!"; } else { $job_number1 = cleaninput($_POST["job_number1"]); } if ($job_company_error1 == "" && $job_email_error1 == "" && $job_number_error1 == "") { $response = $Profile->editCompany($job_company1, $job_email1, $job_number1, $old_name); } } } } } require_once("../header.php"); ?> <!--
include "functions.php"; /* including filewriter class to write the changes made to CSS files from the settings panel. */ include "../" . MODS_DIRECTORY . "/class.filewriter.php"; include "../" . USER_DIRECTORY . "/header.php"; $js = "<script src=\"{$website}/" . JS_DIRECTORY . "/jquery.hashchange.js\"></script>\n<script src=\"{$website}/" . JS_DIRECTORY . "/admin.base.js\"></script>"; subheader(_("Site Settings"), null, $js); if ($sesslife == true) { if ($is_admin == 1) { /* processing the updated values if the form is submitted, else show the respective settings page to the admin. */ if (isset($_POST["updatesettings"])) { if (isset($_POST["section"])) { $_section = cleaninput($_POST["section"]); if (!empty($_section)) { if ($_section == "general") { $web = cleanInput($_POST["website"]); $webtitle = cleanInput($_POST["title"]); $description = cleanInput($_POST["description"]); $keywords = cleanInput($_POST["keywords"]); $sending_email = cleanInput($_POST["sending_email"]); $user_verification = intval($_POST["user_verification"]); if (!empty($web) && !empty($webtitle)) { /* remove the "/" from the website address. */ if (substr($web, strlen($web) - 1) == "/") { $web = substr($web, 0, strlen($web) - 1); }
} $plus_nr = ''; @(include "" . $settings_dir . "/db" . $dba_act . "/conf_" . $mysql_table_prefix . ".php"); if (!$plus_nr) { include "/settings/backup/Sphider-plus_default-configuration.php"; } if ($debug == '0') { error_reporting(0); // suppress PHP messages } //set_error_handler('error_handler', E_ALL); // local error_handler only for debugging. DO NOT USE ON SHARED HOSTING SYSTEMS ! ! ! set_time_limit(0); $action = ''; $action = $_GET['action']; // what to do now? $action = substr(cleaninput($action), '0', '6'); // clean input as it comes from a far away client if ($action == 'GetLog') { // enter here for fresh log info $sql_query = "SELECT real_log from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "real_log LIMIT 1"; $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); printf("<p><strong>Invalid query string, which caused the SQL error:</strong></p>");
public function new_recipe() { $data = array(); include 'lib/libraries/upload.class.php'; if (isset($_POST['save'])) { $data['errors'] = array(); $author_id = Session::get('id'); $owner_id = $author_id; // validate form $name = cleaninput($_POST['name']); if (empty($name)) { $data['errors'][] = array('title' => 'Invalid Input', 'text' => '`Name` cannot be blank'); } $description = cleaninput($_POST['description']); if (empty($description)) { $data['errors'][] = array('title' => 'Invalid Input', 'text' => '`Description` cannot be blank'); } $is_private = isset($_POST['is_private']) && $_POST['is_private'] == '1' ? 1 : 0; $prep_directions = cleaninput($_POST['prep-directions']); $cook_directions = cleaninput($_POST['cook-directions']); $post_directions = cleaninput($_POST['post-directions']); // sanitized not checked. $prep_time_hours = isset($_POST['prep-hours']) && is_numeric($_POST['prep-hours']) ? $_POST['prep-hours'] : 0; $prep_time_minutes = isset($_POST['prep-minutes']) && is_numeric($_POST['prep-minutes']) ? $_POST['prep-minutes'] : 0; $cook_time_hours = isset($_POST['cook-hours']) && is_numeric($_POST['cook-hours']) ? $_POST['cook-hours'] : 0; $cook_time_minutes = isset($_POST['cook-minutes']) && is_numeric($_POST['cook-minutes']) ? $_POST['cook-minutes'] : 0; $picture = ''; if (isset($_FILES['picture'])) { $ihandle = new upload($_FILES['picture']); if ($ihandle->uploaded) { $ihandle->file_new_name_body = md5($_FILES['picture']['name']); // needs salt? picture names will append incremental numerics if exist. $ihandle->image_resize = true; $ihandle->image_x = 260; $ihandle->image_y = 180; $ihandle->file_max_size = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB $ihandle->image_ratio_crop = true; $handle->allowed = array('image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'); $ihandle->process('uploads/'); if ($ihandle->processed) { $picture = $ihandle->file_dst_pathname; } else { $data['errors'][] = array('title' => 'Upload Error', 'text' => $ihandle->error); } } } // nice list($ingredients, $amounts, $units) = array($_POST['ingredient'], $_POST['ingredient-amount'], $_POST['ingredient-unit']); $ingredientsArray = array(); foreach ($ingredients as $k => $ingredient) { $ingredientsArray[] = array('ingredient' => $ingredient, 'amount' => $amounts[$k], 'unit' => $units[$k]); } $tagsArray = explode(' ', cleaninput($_POST['tags'])); if (!$this->model->insert_recipe($owner_id, $author_id, $name, $description, $is_private, $picture, $prep_directions, $cook_directions, $post_directions, $prep_time_hours, $prep_time_minutes, $cook_time_hours, $cook_time_minutes, $ingredientsArray, $tagsArray)) { $data['errors'][] = array('title' => 'Insert Error', 'text' => 'Unable to insert records to database.'); } if (empty($data['errors'])) { redirect('collection'); } } $data['scripts'] = array('/assets/js/recipe.js'); $this->view->load('collection/recipe', $data); }
$firstname = ""; $lastname = ""; // kontrolli ainult siis, kui kasutaja vajutab "logi sisse" nuppu if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (isset($_POST["login"])) { //kontrollime, et e-post ei oleks tühi if (empty($_POST["email"])) { $email_error = "Ei saa olla tühi"; } else { $email = cleaninput($_POST["email"]); } //kontrollime parooli if (empty($_POST["password"])) { $password_error = "Ei saa olla tühi"; } else { $password = cleaninput($_POST["password"]); } if ($password_error == "" && $email_error == "") { echo "Sisselogimine. Kasutajanimi on " . $email . " ja parool on " . $password; $hash = hash("sha512", $password); $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, email FROM users WHERE email=? AND password=?"); // küsimärkide asendus $stmt->bind_param("ss", $email, $hash); $stmt->bind_result($id_from_db, $email_from_db); $stmt->execute(); // teeb päringu ja kui on tõene (st et ab oli see väärtus) if ($stmt->fetch()) { echo "Kasutaja logis sisse id=" . $id_from_db; } else { echo "Valed andmed!"; }
include "../function_common_58462554.php"; function clean($str) { $str = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '', $str); $str = @trim($str); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $str = stripslashes($str); } $str = filter_var($str, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); $str = htmlentities($str); return mysql_real_escape_string($str); } $set = 0; if (isset($_POST['changep'])) { $password = $_POST['password']; $password = cleaninput($password); $password = clean($password); $salt8955 = '5dG2T8564F556csf5df9eAsd454fR54d'; $encrypted05pass = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($salt8955), $password, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($salt8955)))); $sql = "UPDATE userids845 SET Pwd5='{$encrypted05pass}' WHERE Pid5=1"; executesql($sql, $link); $set = 1; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
$_SESSION['seCureCon54684s2s'] = $codeDB; include "../check-authentication-or-session.php"; include "../config_cA_soft_9564.php"; include "../function_common_58462554.php"; if (isset($_POST['addoffer'])) { $offerid = $_POST['offerid']; $rlink = $_POST['rlink']; $olink = $_POST['olink']; $ulink = $_POST['ulink']; $mailserver = $_POST['mailserver']; $offerid = cleaninput($offerid); # $rlink=cleaninput($rlink); # $olink=cleaninput($olink); $ulink = cleaninput($ulink); $sponsor = cleaninput($_POST['sponsor']); $account = cleaninput($_POST['account']); $date = date('d/m/Y'); $rlink = str_replace("[ms]", $mailserver, $rlink); $listnm = ''; if (isset($_POST['listnm'])) { foreach ($_POST['listnm'] as $lst) { $listnm .= "," . $lst; } } $listnm = substr($listnm, 1); $sql = "INSERT INTO offers( rlink, olink, ulink, adddate, offerid, clicks, opens,listname,sponsor,account) VALUES ('{$rlink}','{$olink}','{$ulink}','{$date}','{$offerid}',0,0,'{$listnm}','{$sponsor}','{$account}')"; executesql($sql, $link); header("location:listoffer.php"); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html>
$link = cleaninput(substr(trim($_GET['link']), 0, 255)); } if (isset($_GET['title'])) { $title = cleaninput(substr(trim($_GET['title']), 0, 255)); } if (isset($_GET['db'])) { $db = cleaninput(substr(trim($_GET['db']), 0, 1)); } if (isset($_GET['prefix'])) { $prefix = cleaninput(substr(trim($_GET['prefix']), 0, 20)); } if (isset($_GET['sort'])) { $sort = cleaninput(substr(trim($_GET['sort']), 0, 20)); } if (isset($_GET['submit'])) { $submit = cleaninput(substr(trim($_GET['submit']), 0, 20)); } if ($sep_media && $query_m && ($submit == $sph_messages['m_search'] || stristr($submit, "media"))) { $query = $query_m; // search for media only (as of the separate search form) } else { $query = $query_t; // combined query input } $query = preg_replace("/<|>/", "", $query); // delete tags from query // if search with 'wildcards' at the end of each search string should become default, // uncoment the following row. //$query = $query."*"; //if 'Search only Media' should become default, //uncomment the following 3 rows