" type="hidden"/>
            } else {
                if (stristr($field->column_comment, 'multiselect')) {
                    $comment = $field->column_comment;
                    $field->column_comment = ' ';
                echo @call_user_func('form_' . convertDataType($field->data_type), $field_structure);
<br/><span class="help_text"><?php 
                echo clean_comment($field->column_comment);
                echo $field->is_nullable == 'YES' ? '' : '<span class="red">&nbsp;(required)</span>';
                /** check to see if there should be a multiselect between 2 tables **/
                if (isset($comment)) {
                    /* setting up multi-select:
                     * add to the comment of a field: 
                     * multiselect|table to select from|table to save to|column to save(id)|column to display|main column from relational table| second column from relation table
                    $multi_options = explode('|', $comment);
                    $multi_table = $this->db->query("SELECT " . $multi_options[3] . ", " . $multi_options[4] . " FROM " . $multi_options[1])->result();
                    // setup array
 // ##########################################################################################//
 // ##########################################################################################//
 $comment_image_id = intval($_POST['parent_id']);
 $link_to_comment = $cfgrow['siteurl'] . "index.php?showimage={$comment_image_id}";
 if ($cfgrow['commentemail'] == "yes" && $email_flag == 1) {
     $admin_email = $cfgrow['email'];
     $comment_name = clean_comment($_POST['name']);
     $comment_url = clean_comment($_POST['url']);
     if (strpos($comment_url, 'https://') === false && strpos($comment_url, 'http://') === false && strlen($comment_url) > 0) {
         $comment_url = "http://" . $comment_url;
     $comment_message = clean_comment($_POST['message']);
     $comment_message = stripslashes($comment_message);
     $comment_email = clean_comment($_POST['email']);
     $comment_image_name = clean_comment($_POST['parent_name']);
     $link_to_img_thumb_cmmnt = "Thumbnail Link:" . $cfgrow['siteurl'] . ltrim($cfgrow['thumbnailpath'], "./") . "thumb_" . $comment_image_name;
     $img_thumb_cmmnt = "<img src='" . $cfgrow['siteurl'] . ltrim($cfgrow['thumbnailpath'], "./") . "thumb_" . $comment_image_name . "' >";
     $subject = "{$pixelpost_site_title} - {$lang_email_notification_subject}";
     $sent_date = gmdate("Y-m-d", time() + 3600 * $cfgrow['timezone']);
     $sent_time = gmdate("H:i", time() + 3600 * $cfgrow['timezone']);
     if ($cfgrow['htmlemailnote'] != 'yes') {
         // Plain text note email
         $body = "{$lang_email_notificationplain_pt1} : {$link_to_comment}\n\n{$lang_email_notificationplain_pt2}\n\n{$comment_message}\n\n{$lang_email_notificationplain_pt3}: {$comment_name}";
         if ($comment_email != "") {
             $body .= "- {$comment_email}";
         $body .= "\n\n{$lang_email_notificationplain_pt4}";
         $headers = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n";
         $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
         if ($comment_email != "") {
Beispiel #3
    die("Try another day!!");
// view=comments
if (isset($_GET['view']) and $_GET['view'] == "comments") {
    // delete a comment
    if (isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == "delete") {
        $delid = (int) $_GET['delid'];
        $query = sql_query("DELETE FROM " . $pixelpost_db_prefix . "comments WHERE id='" . (int) $delid . "'");
        echo "<div class='jcaption'>{$admin_lang_cmnt_deleted} </div>";
    // edit a comment
    if (isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == "edit") {
        $editid = (int) $_GET['editid'];
        $message = $_POST['message' . $editid];
        // added by schonhose to escape characters
        $message = nl2br(clean_comment($message));
        $query = "update " . $pixelpost_db_prefix . "comments set message='{$message}' where id='" . (int) $editid . "'";
        $query = sql_query($query);
        echo "<div class='jcaption'>{$admin_lang_cmnt_edited} </div>";
    // Mass delete comments
    if (isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == "massdelete") {
        $idz = $_POST['moderate_commnts_boxes'];
        $query = "DELETE FROM " . $pixelpost_db_prefix . "comments ";
        $where = "WHERE";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($idz) - 1; $i++) {
            $where .= " id = '" . (int) $idz[$i] . "' or ";
        $lastid = $idz[count($idz) - 1];
        $where .= " id = '{$lastid}'  ";
        $query .= $where;
 protected function saveComment($photo_pid, $f_url, $f_commentdate, $f_name, $f_comment)
     global $pixelpost_db_prefix;
     /* Clean the name */
     $f_name = clean_comment($f_name);
     $f_name = nl2br($f_name);
     /* Clean the message */
     $f_comment = clean_comment($f_comment);
     $f_comment = preg_replace("/((\r\n){3,}|[\n]{3,}|[\r]{3,})/", "\n\n", $f_comment);
     $f_comment = preg_replace("/(\n){2,}\$/mis", "\n", $f_comment);
     $f_comment = nl2br($f_comment);
     $query = "INSERT INTO " . $pixelpost_db_prefix . "comments (`parent_id`, `datetime`, `message`, `name`, `url`, `email`, `publish`)\n\t\tVALUES ('{$photo_pid}', '{$f_commentdate}', '{$f_comment}', '{$f_name}', '{$f_url}', '{$email}', 'yes')";
     return mysql_query($query);