function index($params)
     /*        if($this->_user->id === 0) 
                 $this->cacheAction = Configure::read('Cache.expires');        
     $this->action = 'directory';
     // Set view file
     # Read module params
     $dir_id = isset($this->params['module']) ? cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir_ids')) : '';
     $conditions = array();
     $order = array();
     $cat_id = '';
     $section_id = '';
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         $directories = $this->Directory->getTree($dir_id, true);
     } else {
         $directories = $this->Category->findTree(array('level' => $this->Config->dir_category_levels, 'menu_id' => true, 'dir_id' => $dir_id, 'pad_char' => ''));
     if ($menu_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'Itemid')) {
         $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
     # Category auto detect
     $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 && ($cat_id != '' && $section_id == '')) {
         $cat_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id);
         $sql = "SELECT section FROM #__categories WHERE id IN (" . $cat_id . ")";
         $section_id = $this->_db->loadResult();
     $this->set(array('directories' => $directories, 'dir_id' => $dir_id, 'cat_id' => is_numeric($cat_id) && $cat_id > 0 ? $cat_id : false, 'section_id' => $section_id));
     return $this->render('modules', 'directories');
 function index($params)
     $this->action = 'directory';
     // Set view file
     # Read module params
     $dir_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir_ids'));
     $conditions = array();
     $order = array();
     $cat_id = '';
     $section_id = '';
     $directories = $this->Directory->getTree($dir_id, true);
     if ($menu_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'Itemid')) {
         $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
     # Category auto detect
     $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     if ($cat_id != '' && $section_id == '') {
         $cat_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id);
         $sql = "SELECT section FROM #__categories WHERE id IN (" . $cat_id . ")";
         $section_id = $this->_db->loadResult();
     $this->set(array('directories' => $directories, 'cat_id' => is_numeric($cat_id) && $cat_id > 0 ? $cat_id : false, 'section_id' => $section_id));
     return $this->render('modules', 'directories');
  * Used for related listings field
 function _relatedListings()
     $id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'id');
     $listing_type = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'listingtype'));
     $valueq = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'value');
     $fname = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'fname');
     $conditions = $joins = array();
     if ($valueq != '' || $id > 0) {
         $field = $this->Field->findRow(array('conditions' => array(" = " . $this->quote($fname))));
         $owner_filter = Sanitize::getBool($field['Field']['_params'], 'listing_type_owner', false);
         # Check owner filter and apply only if user is member and not in editor group or above
         if (!$this->Access->isEditor() && $owner_filter && $this->_user->id > 0) {
             $conditions[] = "Listing.created_by = " . $this->_user->id;
         } elseif ($owner_filter && $this->_user->id == 0) {
             return json_encode(array());
         $valueq != '' and $conditions[] = "Listing.title LIKE " . $this->quoteLike($valueq);
         $id > 0 and $conditions[] = "  = " . $id;
         if ($listing_type != '') {
             $conditions[] = "JreviewsCategory.criteriaid IN (" . $listing_type . ")";
             $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON Listing.catid =";
         $query = "\r\n                SELECT \r\n           as value, Listing.title AS label\r\n                FROM \r\n                    #__content AS Listing " . (!empty($joins) ? implode(" ", $joins) : '') . "\r\n                WHERE \r\n                    " . implode(' AND ', $conditions) . "\r\n                ORDER BY Listing.title\r\n                LIMIT 15                \r\n            ";
         $rows = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
         return json_encode($rows);
Beispiel #4
  * Used in both Admin and Frontend controllers for listing create/edit list
 function getList($cat_ids = '', $section_id = '', $dir_id = '')
     $cat_ids = cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_ids);
     $section_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($section_id);
     $dir_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($dir_id);
     // Get section list
     $query = "SELECT AS value, Section.title AS text" . "\n FROM #__sections AS Section" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON = Category.section" . "\n INNER JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON = AND JreviewsCategory.option = 'com_content'" . " WHERE (1 = 1" . (!defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN') ? ' AND Section.published = 1 AND Category.published = 1' : '') . (!empty($dir_id) ? "\n AND JreviewsCategory.dirid IN ({$dir_id})" : '') . (!empty($section_id) ? "\n AND IN ({$section_id})" : '') . (!empty($cat_ids) ? "\n AND IN ({$cat_ids})" : '') . ")" . "\n GROUP BY" . "\n ORDER BY Section.title";
     $sections = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
     return $sections;
 function listings()
     // Initialize variables
     $id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     $option = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'option');
     $view = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'view');
     $menu_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'Itemid');
     // Read params
     $cat_id = '';
     $criteria_ids = '';
     $in_detail_view = false;
     $detail_view = 1;
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'dir');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'section');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'cat');
     $extension = 'com_content';
     $custom_where = null;
     $custom_fields = array();
     $click2search_auto = false;
     $cache = 0;
     $radius = 0;
     $mode = 0;
     if (isset($this->params['module'])) {
         // Read module parameters
         $click2search_auto = Sanitize::getBool($this->params['module'], 'click2search_auto', false);
         $custom_where = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_where');
         $filter = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'filter');
         $detail_view = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'detail_view', 1);
         $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
         $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'section');
         $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'category');
         $listing_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing');
         $criteria_ids = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
         $limit_results = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'limit_results');
         $mode = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'mode', 0);
         $custom_fields = str_replace(" ", "", Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'geomaps.infowindow_fields'));
         $custom_fields = $custom_fields != '' ? explode(",", $custom_fields) : array();
          * 0 - Normal
          * 1 - GeoTargeting
          * 2 - Custom center and zoom
         $radius = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'radius');
         $cache = $mode == 1 ? 0 : Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cache_map');
         $custom_lat = Sanitize::getFloat($this->params['module'], 'custom_lat');
         $custom_lon = Sanitize::getFloat($this->params['module'], 'custom_lon');
         if ($mode == 2 && ($custom_lat == 0 || $custom_lon == 0)) {
             echo __t("You selected the Custom Center mode, but did not specify the coordinates.");
     # Prevent sql injection
     $token = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'token');
     $tokenMatch = 0 === strcmp($token, cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($this->params, array('module', 'module_id', 'form', 'data'), false));
     $filters = $listing_id != '' || $dir_id != '' || $section_id != '' || $cat_id != '';
     if (!$filters && $id > 0 && 'article' == $view && 'com_content' == $option) {
         $sql = "SELECT catid FROM #__content WHERE id = " . $id;
         $cat_id_host_page = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (!empty($cat_id_host_page) && $this->Category->isJreviewsCategory($cat_id_host_page)) {
             $in_detail_view = true;
             $cat_id = $cat_id_host_page;
     $detail_view = $this->params['module']['detail_view'] = (int) ($detail_view && $in_detail_view);
     # Custom WHERE
     $tokenMatch and $custom_where and $conditions[] = $custom_where;
     if ($click2search_auto && isset($this->params['tag'])) {
         $field = 'jr_' . Sanitize::getString($this->params['tag'], 'field');
         $value = Sanitize::getString($this->params['tag'], 'value');
         $query = "SELECT Field.type FROM #__jreviews_fields AS Field WHERE = " . $this->quote($field);
         $type = $this->_db->loadResult();
         if (in_array($type, array('select', 'selectmultiple', 'checkboxes', 'radiobuttons'))) {
             $conditions[] = "Field.{$field} LIKE " . $this->quoteLike('*' . $value . '*');
         } else {
             $conditions[] = "Field.{$field} = " . $this->quote($value);
     # Category auto detect
     if (isset($this->params['module']) && Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     $autodetect = compact('dir_id', 'section_id', 'cat_id');
     // Check for cached version if cache enabled
     if ($cache) {
         $params = array();
         foreach ($this->params as $key => $value) {
             if ((!is_array($value) || $key == 'module') && !in_array($key, array('page', 'limit', 'order', 'Itemid'))) {
                 $params[$key] = $value;
         $cache_key = array_merge($params, $autodetect, Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'tag', array()));
         $json_filename = 'geomaps_' . md5(serialize($cache_key)) . '.json';
         $json_data = S2Cache::read($json_filename);
         if ($json_data && $json_data != '') {
             $this->set('json_data', $json_data);
             S2Cache::write($json_filename, $json_data);
             return $this->render('modules', 'geomaps');
     $this->Listing->fields = array(' AS `Listing.listing_id`', 'Listing.title AS `Listing.title`', 'Listing.images AS `Listing.images`', 'CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(Listing.alias) THEN Listing.alias ELSE "" END AS `Listing.slug`', ' AS `Listing.cat_id`', 'CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(Category.alias) THEN Category.alias ELSE Category.title END AS `Category.slug`', 'Listing.sectionid AS `Listing.section_id`', 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid AS `Criteria.criteria_id`', 'JreviewsCategory.dirid AS `Directory.dir_id`', 'JreviewsCategory.marker_icon AS `Geomaps.icon`', 'Field.featured AS `Listing.featured`', 'Totals.user_rating AS `Review.user_rating`', 'Totals.user_rating_count AS `Review.user_rating_count`', 'Totals.editor_rating AS `Review.editor_rating`', 'Totals.editor_rating_count AS `Review.editor_rating_count`', "Field.{$this->jr_lat} ``", "Field.{$this->jr_lon} `Geomaps.lon`", 'ListingType.state AS `Criteria.state`', 'ListingType.config AS `ListingType.config`');
     if ($custom_lon != '' and $custom_lat != '') {
         $this->set('CustomCenter', array('lon' => $custom_lon, 'lat' => $custom_lat));
     // Geo Targeting OR Custom Center modes
     if ($mode == 1 || $mode == 2) {
         if ($mode == 1) {
             $ch = curl_init();
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' . s2GetIpAddress());
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
             $geoData = unserialize(curl_exec($ch));
             if (!empty($geoData) && isset($geoData['geoplugin_latitude']) && $geoData['geoplugin_latitude'] != '' && $geoData['geoplugin_longitude'] != '') {
                 $center = array('lon' => $geoData['geoplugin_longitude'], 'lat' => $geoData['geoplugin_latitude']);
             $this->set('geoLocation', $geoData);
         if ($mode == 2) {
             $center = array('lon' => $custom_lon, 'lat' => $custom_lat);
         if (!empty($center) && $radius > 0) {
             $distanceIn = Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'geomaps.radius_metric', 'mi');
             $degreeDistance = $distanceIn == 'mi' ? 69.172 : 40076 / 360;
             // Send center coordinates to theme
             $this->set('GeomapsCenter', $center);
             $lat_range = $radius / $degreeDistance;
             $lon_range = $radius / abs(cos($center['lat'] * pi() / 180) * $degreeDistance);
             $min_lat = $center['lat'] - $lat_range;
             $max_lat = $center['lat'] + $lat_range;
             $min_lon = $center['lon'] - $lon_range;
             $max_lon = $center['lon'] + $lon_range;
             $squareArea = "`Field`.{$this->jr_lat} BETWEEN {$min_lat} AND {$max_lat} AND `Field`.{$this->jr_lon} BETWEEN {$min_lon} AND {$max_lon}";
             $conditions[] = $squareArea;
     // Create marker_icons array
     $marker_icons = array();
     $icon_fields = array();
     $field_images = array();
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT marker_icon FROM #__jreviews_categories WHERE marker_icon != ''";
     $icon_rows = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
     foreach ($icon_rows as $icons) {
         $icon = (array) json_decode($icons['marker_icon']);
         if ($icon['field'] != '') {
             $icon_fields[$icon['field']] = "'" . $icon['field'] . "'";
     if (!empty($icon_fields)) {
         foreach ($icon_fields as $field_key => $field) {
             if (substr($field_key, 0, 3) == 'jr_') {
                 $this->Listing->fields[] = "Field.{$field_key} AS `Field.{$field_key}`";
     if (!empty($custom_fields)) {
         foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
             $this->Listing->fields[] = "Field.{$field} AS `Field.{$field}`";
     $this->Listing->joins = array("LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON Listing.catid =", 'ParentCategory' => "LEFT JOIN #__categories AS ParentCategory ON Category.lft BETWEEN ParentCategory.lft AND ParentCategory.rgt", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_listing_totals AS Totals ON Totals.listing_id = AND Totals.extension = 'com_content'", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_content AS `Field` ON Field.contentid =", "INNER JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON Listing.catid = AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = 'com_content'", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_criteria AS ListingType ON JreviewsCategory.criteriaid =", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_directories AS Directory ON JreviewsCategory.dirid =");
     // Don't regroup the results by model name keys to save time
     $this->Listing->primaryKey = false;
     # Set conditionals based on configuration parameters
     if ($detail_view) {
         $conditions[] = ' = ' . $id;
     if (!empty($cat_id)) {
         $conditions[] = $this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 ? 'Listing.catid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')' : ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
     empty($cat_id) and !empty($section_id) and $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($section_id) . ')';
     empty($cat_id) and !empty($dir_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($dir_id) . ')';
     empty($cat_id) and !empty($criteria_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($criteria_id) . ')';
     if ($listing_id) {
         $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $listing_id . ')';
     if ($filter == 'featured' && !$detail_view) {
         $conditions[] = 'Field.featured = 1';
     $conditions[] = "Field.{$this->jr_lat} <> ''";
     $conditions[] = "Field.{$this->jr_lon} <> ''";
     $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array('Listing.state = 1', '( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_up) <= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_down) >= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )'));
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         //                    $conditions[] = 'Section.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
         $conditions[] = 'Category.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
         $conditions[] = 'Listing.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
     } else {
         $conditions[] = 'Category.access IN (' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
         $conditions[] = 'Listing.access IN (' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
     // Paid Listings - add plan cat id
     isset($this->PaidListings) and $this->PaidListings->applyBeforeFindListingChanges($this->Listing);
     $listings = $this->Listing->findAll(array('conditions' => $conditions, 'limit' => $limit_results), array());
     $custom_fields = array_filter(array_merge($custom_fields, array_keys($icon_fields)));
     $fieldOptionValues = array();
     // Extract custom field values to avoid loading all options for each fields
     // It's a trade-off between that and doing a foreach on all listings
     foreach ($listings as $key => $row) {
         $listings[$key]['Criteria']['state'] = $row['Criteria.state'];
         $listings[$key]['ListingType']['config'] = json_decode($row['ListingType.config'], true);
         unset($listings[$key]['Criteria.state'], $listings[$key]['ListingType.config']);
         foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
             $optionValue = Sanitize::getVar($row, 'Field.' . $field);
             if ($optionValue != '' && $optionValue != '**') {
                 $fieldOptionValues = array_merge($fieldOptionValues, array_filter(explode('*', $optionValue)));
     $fields = $this->Field->getFields($custom_fields, 'listing', $fieldOptionValues);
     $json_data = $this->Geomaps->makeJsonObject($listings, $fields, $this->params['module']);
     $this->set('json_data', $json_data);
     if ($cache) {
         S2Cache::write($json_filename, $json_data);
     return $this->render('modules', 'geomaps');
 function index()
     /*        if($this->_user->id === 0) 
                 $this->cacheAction = Configure::read('Cache.expires');        
     // Required for ajax pagination to remember module settings
     $ids = $conditions = $joins = $order = $having = array();
     $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'module_id', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_id'));
     if (!isset($this->params['module'])) {
         $this->params['module'] = array();
     // For direct calls to the controller
     # Find the correct set of params to use
     if ($this->ajaxRequest && Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'listing_id')) {
         $this->params['module'] = array_merge($this->params['module'], $this->__processListingTypeWidgets($conditions));
     } elseif ($this->ajaxRequest && empty($this->params['module']) && $module_id) {
         $query = "SELECT params FROM #__modules WHERE id = " . $module_id;
         $this->params['module'] = stringToArray($this->_db->loadResult());
     if ($this->abort) {
         return $this->ajaxResponse('', false);
     # Read module parameters
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'section');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'category');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing');
     $created_by = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'owner');
     $criteria_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
     $limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'module_limit', 5);
     $total = min(50, Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'module_total', 10));
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'extension');
     $extension = $extension != '' ? $extension : 'com_content';
     $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing_order');
     if (in_array($sort, array('random', 'featuredrandom'))) {
         srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
         $this->params['rand'] = rand();
     # Prevent sql injection
     $token = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'token');
     $tokenMatch = 0 === strcmp($token, cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($this->params, array('module', 'module_id', 'form', 'data'), false));
     isset($this->params['module']) and $this->viewSuffix = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'tmpl_suffix');
     if (isset($this->Listing)) {
         $this->Listing->_user = $this->_user;
         // This parameter determines the module mode
         $custom_order = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_order');
         $custom_where = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_where');
         if ($extension != 'com_content' && in_array($sort, array('topratededitor', 'featuredrandom', 'rhits'))) {
             echo "You have selected the {$sort} mode which is not supported for components other than com_content. Please read the tooltips in the module parameters for more info on allowed settings.";
         # Category auto detect
         if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && $extension == 'com_content') {
             $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
         # Set conditionals based on configuration parameters
         if ($extension == 'com_content') {
             // Perform tag replacement for listing_id to allow for related listing queries
             if (Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'view') == 'article' && $custom_where != '') {
                 $curr_listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
                 $custom_where = str_replace('{listing_id}', $curr_listing_id, $custom_where);
             // Only works for core articles
             $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array('Listing.state = 1', '( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_up) <= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_down) >= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )'));
             if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
                 //                    $conditions[] = 'Section.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
                 $conditions[] = 'Category.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
                 $conditions[] = 'Listing.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
             } else {
                 $conditions[] = 'Category.access IN (' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
                 $conditions[] = 'Listing.access IN (' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
             // Remove unnecessary fields from model query
             $this->Listing->modelUnbind(array('Listing.fulltext AS `Listing.description`', 'Listing.metakey AS `Listing.metakey`', 'Listing.metadesc AS `Listing.metadesc`', ' AS ``'));
             if (!empty($cat_id)) {
                 $conditions[] = $this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 ? 'Listing.catid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')' : ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
             } else {
             empty($cat_id) and !empty($section_id) and $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($section_id) . ')';
             empty($cat_id) and !empty($dir_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($dir_id) . ')';
             empty($cat_id) and !empty($criteria_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($criteria_id) . ')';
         } else {
             if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && method_exists($this->Listing, 'catUrlParam')) {
                 if ($cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->passedArgs, $this->Listing->catUrlParam())) {
                     $conditions[] = ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
             } elseif ($cat_id) {
                 $conditions[] = ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
         $listing_id and $conditions[] = "Listing.{$this->Listing->realKey} IN (" . cleanIntegerCommaList($listing_id) . ")";
         switch ($sort) {
             case 'random':
                 $order[] = 'RAND(' . $this->params['rand'] . ')';
             case 'featured':
                 $conditions[] = 'Field.featured = 1';
             case 'featuredrandom':
                 $conditions[] = 'Field.featured = 1';
                 $order[] = 'RAND(' . $this->params['rand'] . ')';
             case 'topratededitor':
                 //                    $conditions[] = 'Totals.editor_rating > 0';
                 $sort = 'editor_rating';
                 // Editor rating sorting options dealt with in the Listing->processSorting method
         # Custom WHERE
         $tokenMatch and $custom_where and $conditions[] = $custom_where;
         # Filtering options
         $having = array();
         // Listings submitted in the past x days
         $entry_period = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'filter_listing_period');
         if ($entry_period > 0 && $this->Listing->dateKey) {
             $conditions[] = "Listing.{$this->Listing->dateKey} >= DATE_SUB('" . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . "', INTERVAL {$entry_period} DAY)";
         // Listings with reviews submitted in past x days
         $review_period = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'filter_review_period');
         if ($review_period > 0) {
             $conditions[] = "Review.created >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL {$review_period} DAY)";
             $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_comments AS Review ON Listing.' . $this->Listing->realKey . ' =';
         // Listings with review count higher than
         $filter_review_count = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'filter_review_count');
         $filter_review_count > 0 and $conditions[] = "Totals.user_rating_count >= " . $filter_review_count;
         // Listings with avg rating higher than
         $filter_avg_rating = Sanitize::getFloat($this->params['module'], 'filter_avg_rating');
         $filter_avg_rating > 0 and $conditions[] = 'Totals.user_rating  >= ' . $filter_avg_rating;
         $this->Listing->group = array();
         // Exlude listings without ratings from the results
         $join_direction = in_array($sort, array('rating', 'rrating', 'topratededitor', 'reviews')) ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT';
         $this->Listing->joins['Total'] = "{$join_direction} JOIN #__jreviews_listing_totals AS Totals ON Totals.listing_id = Listing.{$this->Listing->realKey} AND Totals.extension = " . $this->quote($extension);
         # Modify query for correct ordering. Change FIELDS, ORDER BY and HAVING BY directly in Listing Model variables
         if ($tokenMatch and $custom_order) {
             $this->Listing->order[] = $custom_order;
         } elseif (empty($order) && $extension == 'com_content') {
             $this->Listing->processSorting('module', $sort);
             // Modifies Listing model order var directly
         } elseif (empty($order) && ($order = $this->__processSorting($sort))) {
             $order = array($order);
         $fields = array('Totals.user_rating AS `Review.user_rating`', 'Totals.user_rating_count AS `Review.user_rating_count`', 'Totals.user_comment_count AS `Review.review_count`', 'Totals.editor_rating AS `Review.editor_rating`', 'Totals.editor_rating_count AS `Review.editor_rating_count`', 'Totals.editor_comment_count AS `Review.editor_review_count`');
         $queryData = array('fields' => !isset($this->Listing->fields['editor_rating']) ? $fields : array(), 'joins' => $joins, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'limit' => $total, 'having' => $having);
         isset($order) and !empty($order) and $queryData['order'] = $order;
         // Trigger addFields for $listing results. Checked in Everywhere model
         $this->Listing->addFields = true;
         $listings = $this->Listing->findAll($queryData);
         $count = count($listings);
     } else {
         $listings = array();
         $count = 0;
     # Send variables to view template
     $this->set(array('autodetect_ids' => $ids, 'subclass' => 'listing', 'listings' => $listings, 'total' => $count, 'limit' => $limit));
     $page = $this->ajaxRequest && empty($listings) ? '' : $this->render('modules', 'listings');
     /*        if($this->_user->id === 0 && $this->ajaxRequest) 
                 $path = $this->here;
                 $this->here == '/' and $path = 'home';
                 $cache_fname = Inflector::slug($path) . '.php';
                 $now = time();
                 $cacheTime = is_numeric($this->cacheAction) ? $now + $this->cacheAction : strtotime($this->cacheAction, $now);
                 $fileHeader = '<!--cachetime:' . $cacheTime . '-->'; 
                 cache('views' . DS . $cache_fname, $fileHeader . $this->ajaxResponse($page,false), $this->cacheAction);
     return $this->ajaxRequest ? $this->ajaxResponse($page, false) : $page;
Beispiel #7
  * Generate Section-Category tree array
  * Used in advanced search module
 function categoryTree($gid, $settings)
     # Check for cached version
     $cache_prefix = 'category_model_categorytree';
     $cache_key = func_get_args();
     if ($cache = S2cacheRead($cache_prefix, $cache_key)) {
         return $cache;
     # Get module parameters
     $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($settings, 'module_id');
     $criteria_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'criteria_id'));
     $dir_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'dir_id'));
     $section_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'section_id'));
     $category_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'cat_id'));
     $cat_order_alpha = Sanitize::getInt($settings['module'], 'cat_order_alpha', 1);
     $section_title = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'section_title', 1);
     $section_bg = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'section_bg', '#CCCCCC');
     $category_bg = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'category_bg', '#FFFFFF');
     $section_color = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'section_color', '#000000');
     $category_color = Sanitize::getString($settings['module'], 'category_color', '#000000');
     $option_length = Sanitize::getInt($settings['module'], 'option_length', '');
     $cat_auto = Sanitize::getInt($settings['module'], 'cat_auto');
     # Selected categories and sections
     $selOption = explode('_', Sanitize::getString($settings, 'cat'));
     $cat_auto and is_numeric($category_id) and $selOption = array($category_id);
     $selSection = Sanitize::getString($settings, 'section');
     $cat_auto and is_numeric($section_id) and $selSection = $section_id;
     $order = array();
     $conditions = array();
     $order[] = $cat_order_alpha ? "Section.title ASC" : "Section.ordering ASC";
     $order[] = $cat_order_alpha ? "Category.title ASC" : "Category.ordering ASC";
     if (!$section_id && $dir_id) {
         $conditions[] = "JreviewCategory.dirid IN ({$dir_id})";
     if (!$section_id && $criteria_id) {
         $conditions[] = "JreviewCategory.criteriaid IN ({$criteria_id})";
     if ($section_id) {
         $conditions[] = "Category.section IN ({$section_id})";
     } elseif ($category_id) {
         $conditions[] = "Category.section IN (SELECT section FROM #__categories WHERE id IN ({$category_id}))";
     $conditions[] = "Category.published = 1";
     $conditions[] = "Category.access <= '" . $gid . "'";
     $conditions[] = "JreviewCategory.option = 'com_content'";
     if ($cat_auto && $section_id == '' && $category_id == '' && $criteria_id == '' && $dir_id == '') {
         $query = "SELECT DISTINCT Category.section AS sectionid," . ($option_length > 0 ? "\n CONCAT(SUBSTR(Section.title,1," . $option_length . "),'...') AS section" : "\n Section.title AS section") . "\n FROM #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewCategory" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON =" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS Section ON Category.section =" . "\n WHERE " . implode(" AND \n", $conditions) . "\n ORDER BY " . implode(",", $order);
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT AS catid, Category.section AS sectionid," . ($option_length > 0 ? "\n CONCAT(SUBSTR(Category.title,1," . $option_length . "),'...') AS category," : "\n Category.title AS category,") . ($option_length > 0 ? "\n CONCAT(SUBSTR(Section.title,1," . $option_length . "),'...') AS section" : "\n Section.title AS section") . "\n FROM #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewCategory" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON =" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__sections AS Section ON Category.section =" . "\n WHERE " . implode(" AND \n", $conditions) . "\n ORDER BY " . implode(",", $order);
     $options = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
     $selSection > 0 and array_push($selOption, 's' . $selSection);
     // Start building section/category select list
     $categoryList = array();
     $categoryList[] = '<select name="data[categories]" id="jr_advSearchCategories' . $module_id . '">';
     $categoryList[] = '<option value="">' . __t("Select Category", true) . '</option>';
     isset($options[0]) and $prevSection = $options[0]->sectionid;
     if ($options) {
         foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
             $selected = '';
             if ($option->sectionid == $prevSection && $key > 0 || !$section_title) {
                 // Add categories
                 if (in_array($option->catid, $selOption)) {
                     $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                 isset($option->catid) and $categoryList[] = '<option value="' . $option->catid . '" style="color:' . $category_color . ';background-color:' . $category_bg . '" ' . $selected . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . stripslashes($option->category) . '</option>';
             } else {
                 // Add section
                 in_array('s' . $option->sectionid, $selOption) and $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                 $categoryList[] = '<option value="s' . $option->sectionid . '" style="font-weight:bold;color:' . $section_color . ';background-color:' . $section_bg . ';" ' . $selected . '>' . stripslashes($option->section) . '</option>';
                 $selected = '';
                 if (isset($option->catid)) {
                     in_array($option->catid, $selOption) and $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                     $categoryList[] = '<option value="' . $option->catid . '" style="color:' . $category_color . ';background-color:' . $category_bg . '" ' . $selected . '>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . stripslashes($option->category) . '</option>';
             $prevSection = $option->sectionid;
     $categoryList[] = '</select>';
     $categorySelect = implode("\n", $categoryList);
     # Send to cache
     S2cacheWrite($cache_prefix, $cache_key, $categorySelect);
     return $categorySelect;
Beispiel #8
  * Used in modules
  * @param mixed $param
  * @return string
 function makeModParamsUsable($param)
     if (empty($param)) {
         return null;
     $urlSeparator = "_";
     return cleanIntegerCommaList(str_replace($urlSeparator, ",", urldecode($param)));
 function index()
     /*        if($this->_user->id === 0) 
                 $this->cacheAction = Configure::read('Cache.expires');        
             }   */
     $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
     // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model
     if (!isset($this->params['module'])) {
         $this->params['module'] = array();
     // For direct calls to the controller
     $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'module_id', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_id'));
     if (empty($this->params)) {
         $query = "SELECT params FROM #__modules WHERE id = " . $module_id;
         $this->params['module'] = stringToArray($this->_db->loadResult());
     $ids = $conditions = $joins = $order = array();
     # Read module parameters
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'extension');
     $reviews_type = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'reviews_type');
     $custom_where = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_where');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'category');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing');
     $limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'module_limit', 5);
     $total = min(50, Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'module_total', 10));
     if ($extension == 'com_content') {
         $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
         $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'section');
         $criteria_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
     } else {
         $dir_id = null;
         $section_id = null;
         $criteria_id = null;
     # Prevent sql injection
     $token = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'token');
     $tokenMatch = 0 === strcmp($token, cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($this->params, array('module', 'module_id', 'form', 'data'), false));
     isset($this->params['module']) and $this->viewSuffix = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'tmpl_suffix');
     // This parameter determines the module mode
     $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'reviews_order');
     if (in_array($sort, array('random'))) {
         srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
         $this->params['rand'] = rand();
     # Category auto detect
     if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     $extension != '' and $conditions[] = "Review.mode = " . $this->quote($extension);
     # Set conditionals based on configuration parameters
     if ($extension == 'com_content') {
         $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array('Listing.state = 1', '( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_up) <= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_down) >= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )'));
         if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
             //                $conditions[] = 'Section.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
             $conditions[] = 'Category.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
             $conditions[] = 'Listing.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
         } else {
             $conditions[] = 'Category.access IN (' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
             $conditions[] = 'Listing.access IN ( ' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
         if (!empty($cat_id)) {
             if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
                 $conditions[] = 'Listing.catid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
             } else {
                 $this->Review->joins['ParentCategory'] = "LEFT JOIN #__categories AS ParentCategory ON Category.lft BETWEEN ParentCategory.lft AND ParentCategory.rgt";
                 $conditions[] = ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
         empty($cat_id) and !empty($section_id) and $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($section_id) . ')';
         empty($cat_id) and !empty($dir_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($dir_id) . ')';
         empty($cat_id) and !empty($criteria_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($criteria_id) . ')';
     } else {
         if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && isset($this->Listing) && method_exists($this->Listing, 'catUrlParam')) {
             if ($cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->passedArgs, $this->Listing->catUrlParam())) {
                 $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $cat_id . ')';
         } elseif ($cat_id) {
             $conditions[] = ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
     $listing_id and $conditions[] = " IN ( " . cleanIntegerCommaList($listing_id) . ")";
     $conditions[] = 'Review.published > 0';
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'latest':
             $order[] = $this->Review->processSorting('rdate');
         case 'helpful':
             $order[] = $this->Review->processSorting('helpful');
         case 'random':
             $order[] = 'RAND(' . $this->params['rand'] . ')';
             $order[] = $this->Review->processSorting('rdate');
     switch ($reviews_type) {
         case 'all':
         case 'user':
             $conditions[] = ' = 0';
         case 'editor':
             $conditions[] = ' = 1';
     # Custom WHERE
     $tokenMatch and $custom_where and $conditions[] = $custom_where;
     $queryData = array('joins' => $joins, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => $order, 'limit' => $total);
     # Don't run it here because it's run in the Everywhere Observer Component
     $this->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
     // Excludes listing owner info in Everywhere component
     $this->Review->controller = 'module_reviews';
     $reviews = $this->Review->findAll($queryData);
     $count = count($reviews);
     # Send variables to view template
     $this->set(array('autodetect_ids' => $ids, 'reviews' => $reviews, 'total' => $count, 'limit' => $limit));
     $page = $this->ajaxRequest && empty($reviews) ? '' : $this->render('modules', 'reviews');
     /*        if($this->_user->id === 0 && $this->ajaxRequest) 
                 $path = $this->here;
                 $this->here == '/' and $path = 'home';
                 $cache_fname = Inflector::slug($path) . '.php';
                 $now = time();
                 $cacheTime = is_numeric($this->cacheAction) ? $now + $this->cacheAction : strtotime($this->cacheAction, $now);
                 $fileHeader = '<!--cachetime:' . $cacheTime . '-->'; 
                 cache('views' . DS . $cache_fname, $fileHeader . $this->ajaxResponse($page,false), $this->cacheAction);
     return $this->ajaxRequest ? $this->ajaxResponse($page, false) : $page;
 function index()
     $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
     // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model
     if (!isset($this->params['module'])) {
         $this->params['module'] = array();
     // For direct calls to the controller
     // Required for ajax pagination to remember module settings
     $Session = RegisterClass::getInstance('MvcSession');
     $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'module_id', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_id'));
     if ($this->ajaxRequest) {
         $this->params = $Session->get('module_params' . $module_id, null, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP'));
     } else {
         srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
         $this->params['rand'] = rand();
         $Session->set('module_rand' . $module_id, $this->params['rand'], S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP'));
         $Session->set('module_params' . $module_id, $this->params, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP'));
     # Prevent sql injection
     $token = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'token');
     $tokenMatch = 0 === strcmp($token, cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($this->params, array('module', 'module_id', 'form', 'data'), false));
     $this->viewSuffix = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'tmpl_suffix');
     $conditions = array();
     $joins = array();
     $order = array();
     # Read module parameters
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'extension');
     $reviews_type = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'reviews_type');
     $custom_where = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_where');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'category');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing');
     if ($extension == 'com_content') {
         $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
         $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'section');
         $criteria_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
     } else {
         $dir_id = null;
         $section_id = null;
         $criteria_id = null;
     // This parameter determines the module mode
     $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'reviews_order');
     # Category auto detect
     if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     $extension != '' and $conditions[] = "Review.mode = " . $this->quote($extension);
     # Set conditionals based on configuration parameters
     if ($extension == 'com_content') {
         $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array('Listing.state = 1', '( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_up) <= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_down) >= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', 'Listing.access <= ' . $this->_user->gid));
         $cat_id != '' and $conditions[] = 'Listing.catid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
         $cat_id == '' and $section_id != '' and $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($section_id) . ')';
         $cat_id == '' and $dir_id != '' and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($dir_id) . ')';
         $cat_id == '' and $criteria_id != '' and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($criteria_id) . ')';
     } else {
         if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && isset($this->Listing) && method_exists($this->Listing, 'catUrlParam')) {
             if ($cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->passedArgs, $this->Listing->catUrlParam())) {
                 $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $cat_id . ')';
         } elseif ($cat_id) {
             $conditions[] = ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
     $listing_id and $conditions[] = " IN ( " . cleanIntegerCommaList($listing_id) . ")";
     $conditions[] = 'Review.published > 0';
     switch ($sort) {
         case 'latest':
             $order[] = $this->Review->processSorting('rdate');
         case 'helpful':
             $order[] = $this->Review->processSorting('helpful');
         case 'random':
             $order[] = 'RAND(' . $this->params['rand'] . ')';
             $order[] = $this->Review->processSorting('rdate');
     switch ($reviews_type) {
         case 'all':
         case 'user':
             $conditions[] = ' = 0';
         case 'editor':
             $conditions[] = ' = 1';
     # Custom WHERE
     $tokenMatch and $custom_where and $conditions[] = $custom_where;
     $queryData = array('joins' => $joins, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => $order, 'limit' => $this->module_limit, 'offset' => $this->module_offset);
     # Don't run it here because it's run in the Everywhere Observer Component
     $this->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
     // Excludes listing owner info in Everywhere component
     $this->Review->controller = 'module_reviews';
     $reviews = $this->Review->findAll($queryData);
     if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'ajax_nav', 1)) {
         $count = $this->Review->findCount($queryData, 'DISTINCT');
     } else {
         $count = $this->module_limit;
     # Send variables to view template
     $this->set(array('Access' => $this->Access, 'User' => $this->_user, 'reviews' => $reviews, 'total' => $count));
     $page = $this->render('modules', 'reviews');
     if ($this->ajaxRequest) {
         return $this->ajaxResponse($page, false);
     } else {
         return $page;
 function listings()
     if (Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'action') == 'xml') {
         $access = $this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 ? $this->Access->getAccessId() : $this->Access->getAccessLevels();
         $feed_filename = PATH_ROOT . 'cache' . DS . 'jreviewsfeed_' . md5($access . $this->here) . '.xml';
         $this->Feeds->useCached($feed_filename, 'listings');
     $this->name = 'categories';
     // Required for assets helper
     if ($this->_user->id === 0 && ($this->action != 'search' || $this->action == 'search' && Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'tag') != '')) {
         $this->cacheAction = Configure::read('Cache.expires');
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $action = Sanitize::paranoid($this->action);
     $dir_id = str_replace(array('_', ' '), array(',', ''), Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'dir'));
     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'section');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'cat');
     $criteria_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'criteria');
     $user_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'user', $this->_user->id);
     $index = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'index');
     $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'order');
     if ($sort == '' && in_array($this->action, array('category', 'section', 'alphaindex', 'search', 'custom'))) {
         $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'list_order_field');
     $sort == '' and $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'list_order_default');
     $menu_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'menu', Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'Itemid'));
     // Avoid running the listing query if in section page and listings disabled
     $query_listings = $this->action != 'section' || $this->action == 'section' && $this->Config->list_show_sectionlist;
     $total_special = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'total_special');
     if (!in_array($this->action, array('section', 'category')) && $total_special > 0) {
         $total_special <= $this->limit and $this->limit = $total_special;
     $listings = array();
     $parent_categories = array();
     $count = 0;
     $conditions = array();
     $joins = array();
     if ($action == 'category') {
         // Find directory and section id
         if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 && ($category = $this->Category->findRow(array('conditions' => array(' = ' . $cat_id))))) {
             $dir_id = $this->params['dir'] = $category['Category']['dir_id'];
             $section_id = $this->params['section'] = $category['Category']['section_id'];
         } elseif ($parent_categories = $this->Category->findParents($cat_id)) {
             $category = end($parent_categories);
             // This is the current category
             if (!$category['Category']['published'] || !$this->Access->isAuthorized($category['Category']['access'])) {
                 echo $this->render('elements', 'login');
             $dir_id = $this->params['dir'] = $category['Directory']['dir_id'];
             $categories = $this->Category->findTree(array('cat_id' => $cat_id));
         # Override global configuration
         isset($category['ListingType']) and $this->Config->override($category['ListingType']['config']);
         $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'order', Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'list_order_field'));
         $sort == '' and $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'list_order_default');
     # Remove unnecessary fields from model query
     $this->Listing->modelUnbind('Listing.fulltext AS `Listing.description`');
     # Get section and category database information
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 && in_array($action, array('section', 'category'))) {
         $fields = array();
         # Get all categories for page
         if ($this->Config->dir_cat_num_entries || $this->Config->dir_category_hide_empty) {
             $fields = array(' 
                           FROM #__content AS Listing
                           INNER JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON = Listing.catid AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = "com_content"
                                 Listing.sectionid = ' . $section_id . '
                                 AND Listing.catid =         
                                 AND Listing.state = 1 
                                 AND Listing.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId() . '
                                 AND ( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_up <= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" ) 
                                 AND ( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_down >= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" )
                         ) AS `Category.listing_count`                    
         $categories = $this->Category->findAll(array('fields' => $fields, 'conditions' => array('Category.section = ' . (int) $section_id, 'Category.published = 1'), 'order' => $this->Config->dir_category_order ? 'Category.title ASC' : 'Category.ordering ASC'));
         $category_tmp = current($categories);
         $dir_id = $category_tmp['Category']['dir_id'];
         $section = $this->Section->findRow(array('fields' => array((int) $dir_id . ' AS `Section.dir_id`'), 'conditions' => array(' = ' . (int) $section_id)));
         # Fake the parent_categories array based on section and category
         isset($section) and $parent_categories[]['Category'] = $section['Section'];
         isset($category) and $parent_categories[]['Category'] = $category['Category'];
     # Set the theme layout and suffix
     $this->Theming->setSuffix(array('categories' => $parent_categories));
     $this->Theming->setLayout(array('categories' => $parent_categories));
     if (isset($section) && !empty($section) && (!$this->Access->isAuthorized($section['Section']['access']) || !$section['Section']['published']) || $this->action == 'category' && isset($category) && !empty($category) && (!$this->Access->isAuthorized($category['Category']['access']) || !$category['Category']['published'])) {
         echo $this->render('elements', 'login');
     # Get listings
     # Modify and perform database query based on lisPage type
     if ($action == 'section' && $this->Config->list_show_sectionlist || $action != 'section') {
         // Build where statement
         switch ($action) {
             case 'alphaindex':
                 //                    $index = isset($index{0}) ? $index{0} : '';
                 $conditions[] = $index == '0' ? 'Listing.title REGEXP "^[0-9]"' : 'Listing.title LIKE ' . $this->quote($index . '%');
         $section_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($section_id);
         $cat_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id);
         $dir_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($dir_id);
         $criteria_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($criteria_id);
         if (!empty($cat_id)) {
             if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 || $this->cmsVersion != CMS_JOOMLA15 && !$this->Config->list_show_child_listings) {
                 if ($this->cmsVersion != CMS_JOOMLA15) {
                     $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $cat_id . ')';
                 $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $cat_id . ')';
                 // Exclude listings from child categories
             } else {
                 $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $cat_id . ')';
         } else {
         empty($cat_id) and !empty($section_id) and $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . $section_id . ')';
         empty($cat_id) and !empty($dir_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . $dir_id . ')';
         empty($cat_id) and !empty($criteria_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid IN (' . $criteria_id . ')';
         if ($this->action == 'mylistings' && $user_id == $this->_user->id || $this->Access->isPublisher()) {
             $conditions[] = 'Listing.state >= 0';
         } else {
             $conditions[] = 'Listing.state = 1';
             $conditions[] = '( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_up <= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" )';
             $conditions[] = '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_down >= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" )';
         # Shows only links users can access
         if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
             //                $conditions[] = 'Section.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
             $conditions[] = 'Category.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
             $conditions[] = 'Listing.access <= ' . $this->Access->getAccessId();
         } else {
             $conditions[] = 'Category.access IN ( ' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
             $conditions[] = 'Listing.access IN ( ' . $this->Access->getAccessLevels() . ')';
         $queryData = array('joins' => $joins, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'limit' => $this->limit, 'offset' => $this->offset);
         # Modify query for correct ordering. Change FIELDS, ORDER BY and HAVING BY directly in Listing Model variables
         if ($this->action != 'custom' || $this->action == 'custom' && empty($this->Listing->order)) {
             $this->Listing->processSorting($action, $sort);
         // This is used in Listings model to know whether this is a list page to remove the plugin tags
         $this->Listing->controller = 'categories';
         // Check if review scope checked in advancd search
         $scope = explode('_', Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'scope'));
         if ($this->action == 'search' && in_array('reviews', $scope)) {
             $queryData['joins'][] = "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_comments AS Review ON = AND Review.published = 1 AND Review.mode = 'com_content'";
             $queryData['group'][] = "";
             // Group By required due to one to many relationship between listings => reviews table
         $query_listings and $listings = $this->Listing->findAll($queryData);
         # If only one result then redirect to it
         if ($this->Config->search_one_result && count($listings) == 1 && $this->action == 'search' && $this->page == 1) {
             $listing = array_shift($listings);
             $url = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($listing['Listing']['url'], array('sef' => true));
         # Get the listing count
         if (in_array($action, array('section', 'category'))) {
             $this->Listing->joins = array("INNER JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON Listing.catid = AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = 'com_content'", 'Category' => "LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON =", 'ParentCategory' => "LEFT JOIN #__categories AS ParentCategory ON Category.lft BETWEEN ParentCategory.lft AND ParentCategory.rgt", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_listing_totals AS Totals ON Totals.listing_id = AND Totals.extension = 'com_content'", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_content AS Field ON Field.contentid =", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_directories AS Directory ON JreviewsCategory.dirid =");
         } elseif ($action != 'favorites') {
             $this->Listing->joins = array("INNER JOIN #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON Listing.catid = AND JreviewsCategory.`option` = 'com_content'", 'Category' => "LEFT JOIN #__categories AS Category ON =", 'ParentCategory' => "LEFT JOIN #__categories AS ParentCategory ON Category.lft BETWEEN ParentCategory.lft AND ParentCategory.rgt", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_listing_totals AS Totals ON Totals.listing_id = AND Totals.extension = 'com_content'", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_content AS Field ON Field.contentid =", "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_directories AS Directory ON JreviewsCategory.dirid =");
             if ($this->action == 'search' && in_array('reviews', $scope)) {
                 $queryData['joins'][] = "LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_comments AS Review ON = AND Review.published = 1 AND Review.mode = 'com_content'";
         if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 || empty($cat_id)) {
             // Exclude listings from child categories
         // Need to add user table join for author searches
         if (isset($this->params['author'])) {
             $queryData['joins'][] = "LEFT JOIN #__users AS User ON = Listing.created_by";
         if ($query_listings && !isset($this->Listing->count)) {
             $count = $this->Listing->findCount($queryData, $this->action == 'search' && in_array('reviews', $scope) ? 'DISTINCT' : '*');
         } else {
             $count = $this->Listing->count;
         if ($total_special > 0 && $total_special < $count) {
             $count = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'total_special');
     # Get directory info for breadcrumb if dir id is a url parameter
     $directory = array();
     if (is_numeric($dir_id)) {
         $directory = $this->Directory->findRow(array('fields' => array(' AS `Directory.dir_id`', 'Directory.title AS `Directory.slug`', 'Directory.desc AS `Directory.title`'), 'conditions' => array(' = ' . $dir_id)));
      * Process page title and description
     $name_choice = $this->Config->name_choice == 'alias' ? 'username' : 'name';
     $page['show_title'] = 1;
     $page['show_description'] = 1;
     switch ($action) {
         case 'section':
             $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
             $page = $section['Section'];
             $page['title'] = trim(Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title')) != '' ? Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title') : $section['Section']['title'];
             $page['show_title'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'dirtitle', 1);
             $page['show_description'] = 1;
         case 'category':
             $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
             $page = $category['Category'];
             $page['title'] = trim(Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title')) != '' ? Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title') : $category['Category']['title'];
             $page['show_title'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'dirtitle', 1);
             $page['show_description'] = 1;
             Sanitize::getString($category['Category'], 'metadesc') == '' and $page['metadesc'] = Sanitize::htmlClean($category['Category']['description']);
             # Check if this is a listing submit category or disable listing submissions
             if (Sanitize::getInt($category['Category'], 'criteria_id') == 0) {
                 $this->Config->list_show_addnew = 0;
         case 'custom':
             $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
             $page['top_description'] = Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'custom_description');
             $page['top_description'] = str_replace('\\n', '', $page['top_description']);
             $page['show_description'] = $page['top_description'] != '';
             $page['show_title'] = Sanitize::getInt($menuParams, 'dirtitle');
             $page['title'] = Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title');
             if (!$page['title']) {
                 $page['title'] = $this->Menu->getMenuName($menu_id);
         case 'alphaindex':
             $title = isset($directory['Directory']) ? Sanitize::getString($directory['Directory'], 'title', '') : '';
             $page['title'] = $title != '' ? $title . ' - ' . ($index == '0' ? '0-9' : $index) : ($index == '0' ? '0-9' : $index);
         case 'mylistings':
             if ($user_id > 0) {
                 $user_name = $this->User->findOne(array('fields' => array('User.' . $name_choice . ' AS ``'), 'conditions' => array(' = ' . $user_id)));
             } elseif ($this->_user->id > 0) {
                 $user_name = $this->_user->{$name_choice};
             $page['title'] = sprintf(__t("Listings by %s", true), $user_name);
         case 'favorites':
             // Not running from CB Plugin so we change the page title
             if (!isset($this->Config->in_cb)) {
                 if ($user_id > 0) {
                     $user_name = $this->User->findOne(array('fields' => array('User.' . $name_choice . ' AS ``'), 'conditions' => array(' = ' . $user_id)));
                 } elseif ($this->_user->id > 0) {
                     $user_name = $this->_user->{$name_choice};
                 $page['title'] = sprintf(__t("Favorites by %s", true), $user_name);
         case 'list':
         case 'search':
         case 'featured':
         case 'latest':
         case 'mostreviews':
         case 'popular':
         case 'toprated':
         case 'topratededitor':
             $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
             $page['show_title'] = Sanitize::getInt($menuParams, 'dirtitle');
             $page['title'] = Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title');
             if (!$page['title'] && isset($this->Menu->menues[$menu_id])) {
                 $page['title'] = $this->Menu->menues[$menu_id]->name;
             $page['title'] = $this->Menu->getMenuName($menu_id);
     // If empty unset the keys so they don't overwrite the ones set via menu
     if (trim(strip_tags(Sanitize::getString($page, 'description'))) == '') {
     if (trim(strip_tags(Sanitize::getString($page, 'keywords'))) == '') {
      * Generate SEO titles for re-ordered pages (most reviews, top user rated, etc.)
     # Category ids to be used for ordering list
     $cat_ids = array();
     if (in_array($action, array('search', 'category'))) {
         $cat_ids = $cat_id;
     } elseif (!empty($categories)) {
         $cat_ids = implode(',', array_keys($categories));
     $field_order_array = $this->Field->getOrderList($cat_ids, 'listing', $this->action, array('section', 'category', 'search', 'alphaindex'));
     isset($page['title']) and $page['title_seo'] = $page['title'];
     if (($this->action != 'search' || Sanitize::getVar($this->params, 'tag')) && isset($this->params['order']) && $sort != '') {
         App::import('helper', 'jreviews', 'jreviews');
         $ordering_options = JreviewsHelper::orderingOptions();
         $tmp_order = str_replace('rjr', 'jr', $sort);
         if (isset($ordering_options[$sort])) {
             $page['title_seo'] .= ' ' . sprintf(__t("ordered by %s", true), mb_strtolower($ordering_options[$sort], 'UTF-8'));
         } elseif (isset($field_order_array[$tmp_order])) {
             if ($sort[0] == 'r') {
                 $page['title_seo'] .= ' ' . sprintf(__t("ordered by %s desc", true), mb_strtolower($field_order_array[$tmp_order]['text'], 'UTF-8'));
             } else {
                 $page['title_seo'] .= ' ' . sprintf(__t("ordered by %s", true), mb_strtolower($field_order_array[$sort]['text'], 'UTF-8'));
     $this->params['order'] = $sort;
     // This is the param read in the views so we need to update it
      * Set view (theme) vars 
     $this->set(array('Config' => $this->Config, 'Access' => $this->Access, 'User' => $this->_user, 'subclass' => 'listing', 'page' => $page, 'directory' => $directory, 'section' => isset($section) ? $section : array(), 'category' => isset($category) ? $category : array(), 'categories' => isset($categories) ? $categories : array(), 'parent_categories' => $parent_categories, 'listings' => $listings, 'pagination' => array('total' => $count)));
     $query_listings and $this->set('order_list', $field_order_array);
      * RSS Feed: caches and displays feed when xml action param is present
     if (Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'action') == 'xml') {
         $this->Feeds->saveFeed($feed_filename, 'listings');
     echo $this->render('listings', 'listings_' . $this->tmpl_list);
Beispiel #12
 function getAccessId()
     return cleanIntegerCommaList($this->_user->aid);
 function index()
     // Required for ajax pagination to remember module settings
     $Session = RegisterClass::getInstance('MvcSession');
     $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'module_id', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_id'));
     if (!isset($this->params['module'])) {
         $this->params['module'] = array();
     // For direct calls to the controller
     if ($this->ajaxRequest) {
         $this->params = $Session->get('module_params' . $module_id, null, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP'));
     } else {
         srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
         $this->params['rand'] = rand();
         $Session->set('module_rand' . $module_id, $this->params['rand'], S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP'));
         $Session->set('module_params' . $module_id, $this->params, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP'));
     # Prevent sql injection
     $token = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'token');
     $tokenMatch = 0 === strcmp($token, cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($this->params, array('module', 'module_id', 'form', 'data'), false));
     $this->viewSuffix = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'tmpl_suffix');
     $conditions = array();
     $joins = array();
     $order = array();
     $having = array();
     # Read module parameters
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'section');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'category');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing');
     $criteria_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
     $limit = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'module_limit', 5);
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'extension');
     $extension = $extension != '' ? $extension : 'com_content';
     if (isset($this->Listing)) {
         $this->Listing->_user = $this->_user;
         // This parameter determines the module mode
         $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'listing_order');
         $custom_order = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_order');
         $custom_where = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_where');
         if ($extension != 'com_content' && in_array($sort, array('topratededitor', 'featuredrandom', 'rhits'))) {
             echo "You have selected the {$sort} mode which is not supported for components other than com_content. Please read the tooltips in the module parameters for more info on allowed settings.";
         # Category auto detect
         if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && $extension == 'com_content') {
             $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
         # Set conditionals based on configuration parameters
         if ($extension == 'com_content') {
             // Only works for core articles
             $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array('Listing.state = 1', '( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_up) <= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR DATE(Listing.publish_down) >= DATE("' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '") )', 'Listing.access <= ' . $this->_user->gid));
             // Remove unnecessary fields from model query
             $this->Listing->modelUnbind(array('Listing.fulltext AS `Listing.description`', 'Listing.metakey AS `Listing.metakey`', 'Listing.metadesc AS `Listing.metadesc`', ' AS ``'));
             $cat_id != '' and $conditions[] = 'Listing.catid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
             $cat_id == '' and $section_id != '' and $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($section_id) . ')';
             $cat_id == '' and $dir_id != '' and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($dir_id) . ')';
             $cat_id == '' and $criteria_id != '' and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($criteria_id) . ')';
         } else {
             if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'cat_auto') && method_exists($this->Listing, 'catUrlParam')) {
                 if ($cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->passedArgs, $this->Listing->catUrlParam())) {
                     $conditions[] = ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
             } elseif ($cat_id) {
                 $conditions[] = ' IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id) . ')';
         $listing_id and $conditions[] = "Listing.{$this->Listing->realKey} IN (" . cleanIntegerCommaList($listing_id) . ")";
         switch ($sort) {
             case 'random':
                 $order[] = 'RAND(' . $this->params['rand'] . ')';
             case 'featuredrandom':
                 $conditions[] = 'featured > 0';
                 $order[] = 'RAND(' . $this->params['rand'] . ')';
             case 'topratededitor':
                 $conditions[] = 'Totals.editor_rating > 0';
                 // Editor rating sorting options dealt with in the Listing->processSorting method
         # Custom WHERE
         $tokenMatch and $custom_where and $conditions[] = $custom_where;
         # Filtering options
         $having = array();
         // Listings submitted in the past x days
         $entry_period = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'filter_listing_period');
         if ($entry_period > 0 && $this->Listing->dateKey) {
             $conditions[] = "Listing.{$this->Listing->dateKey} >= DATE_SUB('" . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . "', INTERVAL {$entry_period} DAY)";
         // Listings with reviews submitted in past x days
         $review_period = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'filter_review_period');
         if ($review_period > 0) {
             $conditions[] = "Review.created >= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL {$review_period} DAY)";
             $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN #__jreviews_comments AS Review ON Listing.' . $this->Listing->realKey . ' =';
         // Listings with review count higher than
         $filter_review_count = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'filter_review_count');
         $filter_review_count > 0 and $conditions[] = "Totals.user_rating_count >= " . $filter_review_count;
         // Listings with avg rating higher than
         $filter_avg_rating = Sanitize::getFloat($this->params['module'], 'filter_avg_rating');
         $filter_avg_rating > 0 and $conditions[] = 'Totals.user_rating  >= ' . $filter_avg_rating;
         $this->Listing->group = array();
         // Exlude listings without ratings from the results
         $join_direction = in_array($sort, array('rating', 'rrating', 'topratededitor', 'reviews')) ? 'INNER' : 'LEFT';
         $this->Listing->joins['Total'] = "{$join_direction} JOIN #__jreviews_listing_totals AS Totals ON Totals.listing_id = Listing.{$this->Listing->realKey} AND Totals.extension = " . $this->quote($extension);
         # Modify query for correct ordering. Change FIELDS, ORDER BY and HAVING BY directly in Listing Model variables
         if ($tokenMatch and $custom_order) {
             $this->Listing->order[] = $custom_order;
         } elseif (empty($order) && $extension == 'com_content') {
             $this->Listing->processSorting($sort, '');
         } elseif (empty($order) && ($order = $this->_processSorting($sort))) {
             $order = array($order);
         $queryData = array('fields' => array('Totals.user_rating AS `Review.user_rating`', 'Totals.user_rating_count AS `Review.user_rating_count`', 'Totals.user_comment_count AS `Review.review_count`', 'Totals.editor_rating AS `Review.editor_rating`', 'Totals.editor_rating_count AS `Review.editor_rating_count`', 'Totals.editor_comment_count AS `Review.editor_review_count`'), 'joins' => $joins, 'conditions' => $conditions, 'limit' => $this->module_limit, 'offset' => $this->module_offset, 'having' => $having);
         isset($order) and !empty($order) and $queryData['order'] = $order;
         // Trigger addFields for $listing results. Checked in Everywhere model
         $this->Listing->addFields = true;
         $listings = $this->Listing->findAll($queryData);
         if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'ajax_nav', 1)) {
             unset($queryData['joins']['Section'], $queryData['joins']['Category'], $queryData['joins']['Directory'], $queryData['joins']['Criteria'], $queryData['joins']['User'], $queryData['order']);
             $count = $this->Listing->findCount($queryData, 'DISTINCT Listing.' . $this->Listing->realKey);
         } else {
             $count = $this->module_limit;
     } else {
         $listings = array();
         $count = 0;
     # Send variables to view template
     $this->set(array('Access' => $this->Access, 'User' => $this->_user, 'subclass' => 'listing', 'listings' => $listings, 'total' => $count));
     $page = $this->render('modules', 'listings');
     if ($this->ajaxRequest) {
         return $this->ajaxResponse($page, false);
     } else {
         return $page;
Beispiel #14
  * Returns array of cat id/title value pairs given a listing type used for creating a tree list
  * Used in search and listing controllers
 function getCategoryList($options = array())
     $Access = Configure::read('JreviewsSystem.Access');
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         $query = "\n                    SELECT \n               as value, CONCAT(Section.title,' - ', Category.title) AS text\n                    FROM \n                        #__categories AS Category\n                    INNER JOIN \n                        #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewsCategory ON = AND JreviewsCategory.option = 'com_content'\n                    LEFT JOIN \n                        #__sections AS Section on Category.section =" . (isset($options['type_id']) ? " WHERE \n                            Category.published = 1\n                            AND Category.access <= " . $Access->getAccessId() . "                        \n                            AND JreviewsCategory.criteriaid = " . $options['type_id'] : '') . " \n                    \n                    ORDER BY \n                        Section.title, Category.title\n                ";
         return $this->_db->loadObjectList('value');
     $options = array_merge(array('indent' => true, 'disabled' => true), $options);
     $fields = array(' AS value', 'Category.level AS level', 'Category.parent_id AS parent_id', 'JreviewCategory.criteriaid');
     Sanitize::getBool($options, 'disabled') and $fields[] = 'IF(JreviewCategory.criteriaid = 0,1,0) AS disabled';
     $fields[] = Sanitize::getBool($options, 'indent') ? "CONCAT(REPEAT('- ', Category.level - 1), Category.title) AS text" : "Category.title AS text";
     # Category conditions
     $cat_condition = array();
     isset($options['cat_id']) and !empty($options['cat_id']) and $cat_condition[] = " IN ({$options['cat_id']})";
     isset($options['parent_id']) and !empty($options['parent_id']) and $cat_condition[] = "Category.parent_id IN ({$options['parent_id']})";
     $query = "\n            SELECT \n                " . implode(',', $fields) . "\n            FROM \n                #__categories AS Category\n            LEFT JOIN                                                            \n                #__categories AS ParentCategory ON Category.lft <= ParentCategory.lft AND Category.rgt >= ParentCategory.rgt\n            INNER JOIN \n                #__jreviews_categories AS JreviewCategory ON = AND JreviewCategory.`option` = 'com_content'\n            WHERE \n                Category.extension = 'com_content'  \n                AND Category.published = 1\n                AND ParentCategory.access IN ( {$Access->getAccessLevels()} ) \n                " . (isset($options['level']) && !empty($options['level']) ? " AND Category.level = {$options['level']} " : '') . (!empty($cat_condition) ? " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $cat_condition) . ')' : '') . (isset($options['type_id']) && !empty($options['type_id']) ? " AND JreviewCategory.criteriaid IN (" . (is_array($options['type_id']) ? implode(',', $options['type_id']) : $options['type_id']) . ")" : '') . (isset($options['dir_id']) && !empty($options['dir_id']) ? " AND JreviewCategory.dirid IN (" . cleanIntegerCommaList($options['dir_id']) . ")" : '') . (isset($options['conditions']) ? " AND (" . implode(" AND ", $options['conditions']) . ")" : '') . "\n            GROUP BY \n      \n            ORDER \n                BY Category.lft        \n        ";
     $rows = $this->_db->loadObjectList('value');
     if (isset($options['jstree']) && $options['jstree']) {
         $nodes = array();
         $first = current($rows);
         CategoryModel::makeParentChildRelations($rows, $nodes);
         return json_encode($nodes);
     return $rows;
 function latest()
     if ($this->_user->id === 0) {
         $this->cacheAction = Configure::read('Cache.expires');
     $page = array();
     $menu_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'Itemid');
     $this->params['default_order'] = 'rdate';
     $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'order', $this->params['default_order']);
     // Set layout
     $this->layout = 'reviews';
     $this->autoRender = false;
     // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model
     $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
     $conditions = array('Review.published = 1');
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params['data'], 'extension');
     $extension and $conditions[] = "Review.mode = " . $this->quote($extension);
     $cat_ids = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($this->params['data'], 'catid'));
     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['data'], 'sectionid');
     if (!empty($cat_ids)) {
         if ($extension == 'com_content') {
             if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
                 $conditions[] = 'Listing.catid IN (' . $cat_ids . ')';
             } else {
                 $this->Review->joins['ParentCategory'] = "LEFT JOIN #__categories AS ParentCategory ON Category.lft BETWEEN ParentCategory.lft AND ParentCategory.rgt";
                 $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $cat_ids . ')';
         } elseif ($extension != '') {
             $conditions[] = ' IN (' . $cat_ids . ')';
     if ($extension == 'com_content') {
         $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['data'], 'dirid');
         $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['data'], 'sectionid');
         $criteria_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['data'], 'criteriaid');
         empty($cat_id) and !empty($section_id) and $conditions[] = 'Listing.sectionid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($section_id) . ')';
         empty($cat_id) and !empty($dir_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($dir_id) . ')';
         empty($cat_id) and !empty($criteria_id) and $conditions[] = 'JreviewsCategory.criteriaid IN (' . cleanIntegerCommaList($criteria_id) . ')';
     $queryData = array('conditions' => $conditions, 'fields' => array('Review.mode AS `Review.extension`'), 'offset' => $this->offset, 'limit' => $this->limit, 'order' => $this->Review->processSorting($sort));
     if ($sort == 'rating' || $sort == 'rrating') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Rating.ratings_sum > 0';
     switch (Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'type')) {
         case 'user':
             $queryData['conditions'][] = ' = 0';
             $title = __t("Latest user reviews", true);
         case 'editor':
             $queryData['conditions'][] = ' = 1';
             $title = __t("Latest editor reviews", true);
             $title = __t("Latest reviews", true);
     # Don't run it here because it's run in the Everywhere Observer Component
     $this->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
     $reviews = $this->Review->findAll($queryData);
     if (empty($reviews)) {
         return __t("No reviews were found.", true);
     $count = $this->Review->findCount($queryData);
     $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
     $page['show_title'] = Sanitize::getInt($menuParams, 'dirtitle');
     $page['title'] = $page['title_seo'] = trim(Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title')) != '' ? Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title') : $this->Menu->getMenuName($menu_id);
     if (!$page['show_title']) {
         $page['title'] = $title;
     $this->action = 'latest';
     $this->set(array('Access' => $this->Access, 'User' => $this->_user, 'reviews' => $reviews, 'pagination' => array('total' => $count, 'offset' => ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit), 'page' => $page));
     return $this->render('reviews', 'reviews');