Beispiel #1
    exit('Access Denied');
$minhot = $_G['setting']['feedhotmin'] < 1 ? 3 : $_G['setting']['feedhotmin'];
$page = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : intval($_GET['page']);
if ($page < 1) {
    $page = 1;
$id = empty($_GET['id']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['id']);
$_G['gp_order'] = in_array($_G['gp_order'], array('dateline', 'hot')) ? $_G['gp_order'] : 'dateline';
if (empty($_GET['view'])) {
    $_GET['view'] = 'we';
$perpage = 20;
$perpage = mob_perpage($perpage);
$start = ($page - 1) * $perpage;
ckstart($start, $perpage);
$list = array();
$userlist = array();
$count = $pricount = 0;
$gets = array('mod' => 'space', 'uid' => $space['uid'], 'do' => 'poll', 'view' => $_GET['view'], 'order' => $_G['gp_order'], 'fuid' => $_GET['fuid'], 'filter' => $_G['gp_filter'], 'searchkey' => $_GET['searchkey']);
$theurl = 'home.php?' . url_implode($gets);
$multi = '';
$wheresql = '1';
$f_index = '';
$ordersql = 't.dateline DESC';
$need_count = true;
if ($_GET['view'] == 'all') {
    if ($_G['gp_order'] == 'hot') {
        $wheresql .= " AND t.replies>='{$minhot}'";
        $orderactives = array('hot' => ' class="a"');
    } else {
Beispiel #2

if (!defined('IN_UCHOME')) {
    exit('Access Denied');
$start = empty($_GET['start']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['start']);
$theurl = "gift.php?do=view";
//Check the starting number
ckstart($start, $_VPERPAGE);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tname("gift") . "\r\n        WHERE touid = {$_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']}\r\n        ORDER BY dateline DESC\r\n        LIMIT {$start},{$_VPERPAGE}";
$query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query($sql);
if ($_SGLOBAL['db']->num_rows($query) > 0) {
    while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) {
        $list[] = $value;
    $count = count($list);
    $multi = smulti($start, $_VPERPAGE, $count, $theurl);
} else {
include_once template('gift/view/view');