/** * @param $config * * @return mixed */ public function install($config) { global $installDirPath; // create database if does not exists $this->createDatabaseIfNotExists($config['mysql']['server'], $config['mysql']['username'], $config['mysql']['password'], $config['mysql']['database']); global $installDirPath; // Build database require_once $installDirPath . 'civicrm.php'; civicrm_main($config); if (!$this->errors) { global $installType, $installURLPath; $registerSiteURL = "https://civicrm.org/register-site"; $commonOutputMessage = "<li>" . ts("Have you registered this site at CiviCRM.org? If not, please help strengthen the CiviCRM ecosystem by taking a few minutes to <a %1>fill out the site registration form</a>. The information collected will help us prioritize improvements, target our communications and build the community. If you have a technical role for this site, be sure to check Keep in Touch to receive technical updates (a low volume mailing list).", array(1 => "href='{$registerSiteURL}' target='_blank'")) . "</li>" . "<li>" . ts("We have integrated KCFinder with CKEditor and TinyMCE. This allows a user to upload images. All uploaded images are public.") . "</li>"; $output = NULL; if ($installType == 'drupal' && version_compare(VERSION, '7.0-rc1') >= 0) { // clean output @ob_clean(); $output .= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">'; $output .= '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">'; $output .= '<head>'; $output .= '<title>' . ts('CiviCRM Installed') . '</title>'; $output .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'; $output .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="template.css" />'; $output .= '</head>'; $output .= '<body>'; $output .= '<div style="padding: 1em;"><p class="good">' . ts('CiviCRM has been successfully installed') . '</p>'; $output .= '<ul>'; $drupalURL = civicrm_cms_base(); $drupalPermissionsURL = "{$drupalURL}index.php?q=admin/people/permissions"; $drupalURL .= "index.php?q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1"; $output .= "<li>" . ts("Drupal user permissions have been automatically set - giving anonymous and authenticated users access to public CiviCRM forms and features. We recommend that you <a %1>review these permissions</a> to ensure that they are appropriate for your requirements (<a %2>learn more...</a>)", array(1 => "target='_blank' href='{$drupalPermissionsURL}'", 2 => "target='_blank' href='http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Default+Permissions+and+Roles'")) . "</li>"; $output .= "<li>" . ts("Use the <a %1>Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site", array(1 => "target='_blank' href='{$drupalURL}'")) . "</li>"; $output .= $commonOutputMessage; // automatically enable CiviCRM module once it is installed successfully. // so we need to Bootstrap Drupal, so that we can call drupal hooks. global $cmsPath, $crmPath; // relative / abosolute paths are not working for drupal, hence using chdir() chdir($cmsPath); // Force the re-initialisation of the config singleton on the next call // since so far, we had used the Config object without loading the DB. $c = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(FALSE); $c->free(); include_once "./includes/bootstrap.inc"; include_once "./includes/unicode.inc"; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // prevent session information from being saved. drupal_save_session(FALSE); // Force the current user to anonymous. $original_user = $GLOBALS['user']; $GLOBALS['user'] = drupal_anonymous_user(); // explicitly setting error reporting, since we cannot handle drupal related notices error_reporting(1); // rebuild modules, so that civicrm is added system_rebuild_module_data(); // now enable civicrm module. module_enable(array('civicrm', 'civicrmtheme')); // clear block, page, theme, and hook caches drupal_flush_all_caches(); //add basic drupal permissions civicrm_install_set_drupal_perms(); // restore the user. $GLOBALS['user'] = $original_user; drupal_save_session(TRUE); //change the default language to one chosen if (isset($config['seedLanguage']) && $config['seedLanguage'] != 'en_US') { civicrm_api3('Setting', 'create', array('domain_id' => 'current_domain', 'lcMessages' => $config['seedLanguage'])); } $output .= '</ul>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</body>'; $output .= '</html>'; echo $output; } elseif ($installType == 'drupal' && version_compare(VERSION, '6.0') >= 0) { // clean output @ob_clean(); $output .= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">'; $output .= '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">'; $output .= '<head>'; $output .= '<title>' . ts('CiviCRM Installed') . '</title>'; $output .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'; $output .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="template.css" />'; $output .= '</head>'; $output .= '<body>'; $output .= '<div style="padding: 1em;"><p class="good">' . ts("CiviCRM has been successfully installed") . '</p>'; $output .= '<ul>'; $drupalURL = civicrm_cms_base(); $drupalPermissionsURL = "{$drupalURL}index.php?q=admin/user/permissions"; $drupalURL .= "index.php?q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1"; $output .= "<li>" . ts("Drupal user permissions have been automatically set - giving anonymous and authenticated users access to public CiviCRM forms and features. We recommend that you <a %1>review these permissions</a> to ensure that they are appropriate for your requirements (<a %2>learn more...</a>)", array(1 => "target='_blank' href='{$drupalPermissionsURL}'", 2 => "target='_blank' href='http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Default+Permissions+and+Roles'")) . "</li>"; $output .= "<li>" . ts("Use the <a %1>Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site", array(1 => "target='_blank' href='{$drupalURL}'")) . "</li>"; $output .= $commonOutputMessage; // explicitly setting error reporting, since we cannot handle drupal related notices error_reporting(1); // automatically enable CiviCRM module once it is installed successfully. // so we need to Bootstrap Drupal, so that we can call drupal hooks. global $cmsPath, $crmPath; // relative / abosolute paths are not working for drupal, hence using chdir() chdir($cmsPath); // Force the re-initialisation of the config singleton on the next call // since so far, we had used the Config object without loading the DB. $c = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(FALSE); $c->free(); include_once "./includes/bootstrap.inc"; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // rebuild modules, so that civicrm is added module_rebuild_cache(); // now enable civicrm module. module_enable(array('civicrm')); // clear block, page, theme, and hook caches drupal_flush_all_caches(); //add basic drupal permissions db_query('UPDATE {permission} SET perm = CONCAT( perm, \', access CiviMail subscribe/unsubscribe pages, access all custom data, access uploaded files, make online contributions, profile create, profile edit, profile view, register for events, view event info\') WHERE rid IN (1, 2)'); echo $output; } elseif ($installType == 'wordpress') { echo '<h1>' . ts('CiviCRM Installed') . '</h1>'; echo '<div style="padding: 1em;"><p style="background-color: #0C0; border: 1px #070 solid; color: white;">' . ts("CiviCRM has been successfully installed") . '</p>'; echo '<ul>'; $cmsURL = civicrm_cms_base(); $cmsURL .= "wp-admin/admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1"; $wpPermissionsURL = "wp-admin/admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/admin/access/wp-permissions&reset=1"; $output .= "<li>" . ts("WordPress user permissions have been automatically set - giving Anonymous and Subscribers access to public CiviCRM forms and features. We recommend that you <a %1>review these permissions</a> to ensure that they are appropriate for your requirements (<a %2>learn more...</a>)", array(1 => "target='_blank' href='{$wpPermissionsURL}'", 2 => "target='_blank' href='http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Default+Permissions+and+Roles'")) . "</li>"; $output .= "<li>" . ts("Use the <a %1>Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site", array(1 => "target='_blank' href='{$cmsURL}'")) . "</li>"; $output .= $commonOutputMessage; echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; $c = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(FALSE); $c->free(); $wpInstallRedirect = admin_url("?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm&reset=1"); echo "<script>\n window.location = '{$wpInstallRedirect}';\n </script>"; } } return $this->errors; }
$fd = fopen($fileName, "r"); while ($string = fgets($fd)) { $string = ereg_replace("\n#[^\n]*\n", "\n", $string); $string = ereg_replace("\n\\-\\-[^\n]*\n", "\n", $string); $string = trim($string); if (!empty($string)) { $res =& $db->query($string); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { die("Cannot execute {$string}: " . $res->getMessage()); } } } } } function civicrm_config($frontend = FALSE, $siteKey) { global $adminPath, $compileDir; $jConfig = new JConfig(); $liveSite = substr_replace(JURI::root(), '', -1, 1); $params = array('cms' => 'Joomla', 'crmRoot' => $adminPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'civicrm', 'templateCompileDir' => $compileDir, 'baseURL' => $liveSite . '/administrator/', 'dbUser' => $jConfig->user, 'dbPass' => $jConfig->password, 'dbHost' => $jConfig->host, 'dbName' => $jConfig->db, 'CMSdbUser' => $jConfig->user, 'CMSdbPass' => $jConfig->password, 'CMSdbHost' => $jConfig->host, 'CMSdbName' => $jConfig->db, 'siteKey' => $siteKey); if ($frontend) { $params['baseURL'] = $liveSite . '/'; } $str = JFile::read($adminPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'civicrm' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'CRM' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'common' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'civicrm.settings.php.tpl'); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $str = str_replace('%%' . $key . '%%', $value, $str); } return trim($str); } civicrm_main();
function install($config) { global $installDirPath; // create database if does not exists $this->createDatabaseIfNotExists($config['mysql']['server'], $config['mysql']['username'], $config['mysql']['password'], $config['mysql']['database']); global $installDirPath; // Build database require_once $installDirPath . 'civicrm.php'; civicrm_main($config); if (!$this->errors) { global $installType, $installURLPath; $output = NULL; if ($installType == 'drupal' && version_compare(VERSION, '7.0-rc1') >= 0) { // clean output @ob_clean(); $output .= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">'; $output .= '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">'; $output .= '<head>'; $output .= '<title>CiviCRM Installed</title>'; $output .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="template.css" />'; $output .= '</head>'; $output .= '<body>'; $output .= '<div style="padding: 1em;"><p class="good">CiviCRM has been successfully installed</p>'; $output .= '<ul>'; $docLinkConfig = CRM_Utils_System::docURL2('Configuring a New Site', FALSE, 'here', NULL, NULL, "wiki"); if (!function_exists('ts')) { $docLinkConfig = "<a href=\"{$docLinkConfig}\">here</a>"; } $drupalURL = civicrm_cms_base(); $drupalPermissionsURL = "{$drupalURL}index.php?q=admin/people/permissions"; $drupalURL .= "index.php?q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1"; $registerSiteURL = "http://civicrm.org/civicrm/profile/create?reset=1&gid=15"; $output .= "<li>Drupal user permissions have been automatically set - giving anonymous and authenticated users access to public CiviCRM forms and features. We recommend that you <a target='_blank' href={$drupalPermissionsURL}>review these permissions</a> to ensure that they are appropriate for your requirements (<a target='_blank' href='http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Default+Permissions+and+Roles'>learn more...</a>)</li>\n <li>Use the <a target='_blank' href=\"{$drupalURL}\">Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site</li>\n <li> Have you registered this site at CiviCRM.org? If not, please help strengthen the CiviCRM ecosystem by taking a few minutes to <a href='{$registerSiteURL}' target='_blank'>fill out the site registration form</a>. The information collected will help us prioritize improvements, target our communications and build the community. If you have a technical role for this site, be sure to check Keep in Touch to receive technical updates (a low volume mailing list).</li>\n <li>We have integrated KCFinder with CKEditor and TinyMCE, which enables user to upload images. Note that all the images uploaded using KCFinder will be public.</li>"; // automatically enable CiviCRM module once it is installed successfully. // so we need to Bootstrap Drupal, so that we can call drupal hooks. global $cmsPath, $crmPath; // relative / abosolute paths are not working for drupal, hence using chdir() chdir($cmsPath); include_once "./includes/bootstrap.inc"; include_once "./includes/unicode.inc"; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // prevent session information from being saved. drupal_save_session(FALSE); // Force the current user to anonymous. $original_user = $GLOBALS['user']; $GLOBALS['user'] = drupal_anonymous_user(); // explicitly setting error reporting, since we cannot handle drupal related notices error_reporting(1); // rebuild modules, so that civicrm is added system_rebuild_module_data(); // now enable civicrm module. module_enable(array('civicrm', 'civicrmtheme')); // clear block and page cache, to make sure civicrm link is present in navigation block cache_clear_all(); //add basic drupal permissions civicrm_install_set_drupal_perms(); // restore the user. $GLOBALS['user'] = $original_user; drupal_save_session(TRUE); $output .= '</ul>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= '</body>'; $output .= '</html>'; echo $output; } elseif ($installType == 'drupal' && version_compare(VERSION, '6.0') >= 0) { // clean output @ob_clean(); $output .= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">'; $output .= '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">'; $output .= '<head>'; $output .= '<title>CiviCRM Installed</title>'; $output .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="template.css" />'; $output .= '</head>'; $output .= '<body>'; $output .= '<div style="padding: 1em;"><p class="good">CiviCRM has been successfully installed</p>'; $output .= '<ul>'; $docLinkConfig = CRM_Utils_System::docURL2('Configuring a New Site', FALSE, 'here', NULL, NULL, "wiki"); if (!function_exists('ts')) { $docLinkConfig = "<a href=\"{$docLinkConfig}\">here</a>"; } $drupalURL = civicrm_cms_base(); $drupalPermissionsURL = "{$drupalURL}index.php?q=admin/user/permissions"; $drupalURL .= "index.php?q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1"; $registerSiteURL = "http://civicrm.org/civicrm/profile/create?reset=1&gid=15"; $output .= "<li>Drupal user permissions have been automatically set - giving anonymous and authenticated users access to public CiviCRM forms and features. We recommend that you <a target='_blank' href={$drupalPermissionsURL}>review these permissions</a> to ensure that they are appropriate for your requirements (<a target='_blank' href='http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Default+Permissions+and+Roles'>learn more...</a>)</li>\n <li>Use the <a target='_blank' href=\"{$drupalURL}\">Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site</li>\n <li> Have you registered this site at CiviCRM.org? If not, please help strengthen the CiviCRM ecosystem by taking a few minutes to <a href='{$registerSiteURL}' target='_blank'>fill out the site registration form</a>. The information collected will help us prioritize improvements, target our communications and build the community. If you have a technical role for this site, be sure to check Keep in Touch to receive technical updates (a low volume mailing list).</li>\n <li>We have integrated KCFinder with CKEditor and TinyMCE, which enables user to upload images. Note that all the images uploaded using KCFinder will be public.</li>"; // explicitly setting error reporting, since we cannot handle drupal related notices error_reporting(1); // automatically enable CiviCRM module once it is installed successfully. // so we need to Bootstrap Drupal, so that we can call drupal hooks. global $cmsPath, $crmPath; // relative / abosolute paths are not working for drupal, hence using chdir() chdir($cmsPath); include_once "./includes/bootstrap.inc"; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // rebuild modules, so that civicrm is added module_rebuild_cache(); // now enable civicrm module. module_enable(array('civicrm')); // clear block and page cache, to make sure civicrm link is present in navigation block cache_clear_all(); //add basic drupal permissions db_query('UPDATE {permission} SET perm = CONCAT( perm, \', access CiviMail subscribe/unsubscribe pages, access all custom data, access uploaded files, make online contributions, profile create, profile edit, profile view, register for events, view event info\') WHERE rid IN (1, 2)'); echo $output; } elseif ($installType == 'wordpress') { echo '<h1>CiviCRM Installed</h1>'; echo '<div style="padding: 1em;"><p style="background-color: #0C0; border: 1px #070 solid; color: white;">CiviCRM has been successfully installed</p>'; echo '<ul>'; $docLinkConfig = CRM_Utils_System::docURL2('Configuring a New Site', FALSE, 'here', NULL, NULL, "wiki"); if (!function_exists('ts')) { $docLinkConfig = "<a href=\"{$docLinkConfig}\">here</a>"; } $cmsURL = civicrm_cms_base(); $cmsURL .= "wp-admin/admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1"; $registerSiteURL = "http://civicrm.org/civicrm/profile/create?reset=1&gid=15"; echo "<li>Use the <a target='_blank' href=\"{$cmsURL}\">Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site</li>\n <li> Have you registered this site at CiviCRM.org? If not, please help strengthen the CiviCRM ecosystem by taking a few minutes to <a href='{$registerSiteURL}' target='_blank'>fill out the site registration form</a>. The information collected will help us prioritize improvements, target our communications and build the community. If you have a technical role for this site, be sure to check Keep in Touch to receive technical updates (a low volume mailing list).</li>\n <li>We have integrated KCFinder with CKEditor and TinyMCE, which enables user to upload images. Note that all the images uploaded using KCFinder will be public.</li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; } } return $this->errors; }
function install($config) { echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="template.css" />'; echo '<div style="padding: 1em;"><h1>Installing CiviCRM...</h1> <p>I am now running through the installation steps (this should take a few minutes)<p/> <p>If you receive a fatal error, refresh this page to continue the installation</p>'; flush(); // Load the sapphire runtime echo '<br/>Building database schema and setup files...</div>'; flush(); // create database if does not exists $this->createDatabaseIfNotExists($config['mysql']['server'], $config['mysql']['username'], $config['mysql']['password'], $config['mysql']['database']); // Build database require_once 'civicrm.php'; civicrm_main($config); // clean output @ob_clean(); if (!$this->errors) { global $installType; echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">'; echo '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">'; echo '<head>'; echo '<title>CiviCRM Installed</title>'; echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="template.css" />'; echo '</head>'; echo '<body>'; echo '<div style="padding: 1em;"><p class="good">CiviCRM has been successfully installed</p>'; echo '<ul>'; $docLinkConfig = CRM_Utils_System::docURL2('Configuring a New Site', false, 'here'); if (!function_exists('ts')) { $docLinkConfig = "<a href=\"{$docLinkConfig}\">here</a>"; } if ($installType == 'drupal') { $drupalURL = civicrm_cms_base(); $drupalPermissionsURL = "{$drupalURL}index.php?q=admin/user/permissions"; $drupalURL .= "index.php?q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1"; echo "<li>Drupal user permissions have been automatically set - giving anonymous and authenticated users access to public CiviCRM forms and features. We recommend that you <a target='_blank' href={$drupalPermissionsURL}>review these permissions</a> to ensure that they are appropriate for your requirements (<a target='_blank' href='http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Default+Permissions+and+Roles'>learn more...</a>)</li>\n <li>Use the <a target='_blank' href=\"{$drupalURL}\">Configuration Checklist</a> to review and configure settings for your new site</li>"; // explicitly setting error reporting, since we cannot handle drupal related notices error_reporting(1); // automatically enable CiviCRM module once it is installed successfully. // so we need to Bootstrap Drupal, so that we can call drupal hooks. global $cmsPath, $crmPath; // relative / abosolute paths are not working for drupal, hence using chdir() chdir($cmsPath); include_once "./includes/bootstrap.inc"; drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); // rebuild modules, so that civicrm is added module_rebuild_cache(); // now enable civicrm module. module_enable(array('civicrm')); // clear block and page cache, to make sure civicrm link is present in navigation block cache_clear_all(); //add basic drupal permissions db_query('UPDATE {permission} SET perm = CONCAT( perm, \', access CiviMail subscribe/unsubscribe pages, access all custom data, access uploaded files, make online contributions, profile listings and forms, register for events, view event info, view event participants\') WHERE rid IN (1, 2)'); } elseif ($installType == 'standalone') { $standaloneURL = civicrm_cms_base() . 'standalone/index.php'; $checkListURL = $standaloneURL . "?q=civicrm/admin/configtask&reset=1"; echo "<li>Click <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{$standaloneURL}\">here</a> to go to your CiviCRM Standalone home page.</li>"; } echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</body>'; echo '</html>'; } return $this->errors; }