?> </div> <![endif]--> <?php do_action('get_header'); // Use Bootstrap's navbar if enabled in config.php if (current_theme_supports('bootstrap-top-navbar')) { get_template_part('templates-custom/header-top-navbar-logo-below'); } else { get_template_part('templates/header'); } if ($showSlider) { if (function_exists('ciGetSliderHTML')) { $sliderCat = ciGetNormalizedMeta('top_img_slider_cat_string', ''); echo ciGetSliderHTML($sliderCat, 10, true, CI_SIZE_LG); } else { echo "<pre>You requested a slider be displayed here, but it looks like the slider plugin (\"Slides Custom Post Type\") is either not installed or not active!</pre>"; } } $pushPageDownAmt = intval(ciGetNormalizedMeta('push_page_down', 0)); $pushFooterDownAmt = intval(ciGetNormalizedMeta('push_footer_down', 0)); if ($pushPageDownAmt + $pushFooterDownAmt > 0) { ?> <style> .wrap.container { margin-top: <?php echo $pushPageDownAmt; ?> px; margin-bottom: <?php
/** * Wrapper for the getSliderHTML() function, to be used by the Wordpress Shortcode API * @param $atts array containing optional 'category' and 'align' field. * @return string The HTML that will display a slider on page */ function ciSliderHTMLShortcode($atts) { $category = ""; // Defined for the sake of the IDE's error-checking $align = ''; extract(shortcode_atts(array('category' => '', 'align' => ''), $atts), EXTR_OVERWRITE); $size = CI_SIZE_MD; if (get_option('full_width_container') || get_option('mlf_demo_site')) { $size = CI_SIZE_LG; } return ciGetSliderHTML($category, 10, true, $size, $align); }