function children($key, $data, $parent) { if (!isset($data[$key])) { return $parent; } foreach ($data[$key] as $k => $v) { $parent['children'][$k] = children($k, $data, $v); } return $parent; }
function children($children, $level) { global $albums; $level++; foreach ($children as $key => $value) { $albums[] = array('id' => $children[$key]['id'], 'title' => $children[$key]['title'], 'level' => $level); if (count($children[$key]['child_albums']) > 0) { children($children[$key]['child_albums'], $level); } } }
public function child($index) { $arr = children()->as_array(); return $arr[$index]; }
<?php //define ("YOUTUBE_URL",""); define("YOUTUBE_URL", ""); define("NUM_VIDEOS", 5); //read the xml data into an object $xml = simplexml_load_file(YOUTUBE_URL); $num_videos_found = count($xml->entry); if ($num_videos_found > 0) { echo "<table><tr>"; for ($i = 0; $i < min($num_videos_found, NUM_VIDEOS); $i++) { //get the title $entry = $xml->entry[$i]; $media = $entry . children(""); $title = $medis->group->title; //get the duration in minutes and seconds, and then format it $yt = $media->children(); $attr = $yt->duration->attributes(); $length_min = floor($attr["seconds"] / 60); $length_sec = $attr["seconds"] % 60; $length_formatted = $length_min . ($length_min != 1 ? ' minutes,' : ' minute,') . $length_sec . ($length_sec != 1 ? ' seconds' : ' second'); //get the video url $sttr = $media->group->player->attributes(); $video_url = $attr["url"]; //get the thumbnail image url $attr = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $thumbnail_url = $attr["url"]; //display the results for this entry echo '<td style = "vertical-align:bottom,text-align:center" width = "' . 100 / NUM_VIDEOS . '%"><a href = "' . $video_url . '">' . $title . '<br /><span style = "font-size:smaller">' . $length_formatted . '</span><br /><img src="' . $thumbnail_url . '"/></a></td>'; } echo "</tr></table>";