Beispiel #1
function do_login()
    global $DB, $ip, $username, $userdata;
    switch (AUTH_METHOD) {
        // Generic authentication code for IPADDRESS and PHP_SESSIONS;
        // some specializations are handled by if-statements.
        case 'IPADDRESS':
        case 'PHP_SESSIONS':
            $user = trim($_POST['login']);
            $pass = trim($_POST['passwd']);
            $title = 'Authenticate user';
            $menu = false;
            if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
                show_failed_login("Please supply a username and password.");
            do_login_native($user, $pass);
            if (AUTH_METHOD == 'IPADDRESS') {
                $cnt = $DB->q('RETURNAFFECTED UPDATE user SET ip_address = %s
			               WHERE username = %s', $ip, $username);
                if ($cnt != 1) {
                    error("cannot set IP for '{$username}'");
            if (AUTH_METHOD == 'PHP_SESSIONS') {
                $_SESSION['username'] = $username;
                auditlog('user', $userdata['userid'], 'logged in', $ip);
        case 'LDAP':
            $user = trim($_POST['login']);
            $pass = trim($_POST['passwd']);
            $title = 'Authenticate user';
            $menu = false;
            if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
                show_failed_login("Please supply a username and password.");
            $userdata = $DB->q('MAYBETUPLE SELECT * FROM user
		                    WHERE username = %s AND enabled = 1', $user);
            if (!$userdata || !ldap_check_credentials($userdata['username'], $pass)) {
                show_failed_login("Invalid username or password supplied. " . "Please try again or contact a staff member.");
            $username = $userdata['username'];
            $_SESSION['username'] = $username;
            auditlog('user', $userdata['userid'], 'logged in', $ip);
        case 'EXTERNAL':
            if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
                show_failed_login("No authentication data provided by Apache.");
            error("Unknown authentication method '" . AUTH_METHOD . "' requested, or login not supported.");
    // Authentication success. We could just return here, but we do a
    // redirect to clear the POST data from the browser.
    $DB->q('UPDATE user SET last_login = %s, last_ip_address = %s
	        WHERE username = %s', now(), $ip, $username);
    $script = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if (preg_match('/\\/public\\/login\\.php$/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
        // fill userdata
        if (checkrole('jury') || checkrole('balloon')) {
            header("Location: ../jury/");
        } else {
            if (checkrole('team')) {
                header("Location: ../team/");
    header("Location: ./");
Beispiel #2

 * Switch a user to the right site based on whether they can be
 * authenticated as team, jury, or nothing (public).
 * Part of the DOMjudge Programming Contest Jury System and licenced
 * under the GNU GPL. See README and COPYING for details.
require_once 'configure.php';
require_once LIBDIR . '/lib.error.php';
require_once LIBDIR . '/lib.misc.php';
require_once LIBDIR . '/use_db.php';
// Team login necessary for checking login credentials:
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/common.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/auth.php';
$target = 'public/';
if (logged_in()) {
    if (checkrole('jury')) {
        $target = 'jury/';
    } elseif (checkrole('team', false)) {
        $target = 'team/';
    } elseif (checkrole('balloon')) {
        $target = 'jury/balloons.php';
header('HTTP/1.1 302 Please see this page');
header('Location: ' . $target);
Beispiel #3
<a href="rejudgings.php" accesskey="r" id="menu_rejudgings"><span class="octicon octicon-sync"></span> rejudgings</a>
/* checkrole('jury') */
if (have_printing()) {
<a href="print.php" accesskey="p"><span class="octicon octicon-file-text"></span> print</a>
if (checkrole('jury')) {
<a href="scoreboard.php" accesskey="b"><span class="octicon octicon-list-ordered"></span> scoreboard</a>
if (checkrole('team')) {
    echo "<a target=\"_top\" href=\"../team/\" accesskey=\"t\"><span class=\"octicon octicon-arrow-right\"></span> team</a>\n";

<div id="menutopright">
$notify_flag = isset($_COOKIE["domjudge_notify"]) && (bool) $_COOKIE["domjudge_notify"];
$refresh_flag = !isset($_COOKIE["domjudge_refresh"]) || (bool) $_COOKIE["domjudge_refresh"];
echo "<div id=\"toggles\">\n";
if (isset($refresh)) {
    $text = $refresh_flag ? 'Disable' : 'Enable';
    echo '<input id="refresh-toggle" type="button" value="' . $text . ' refresh" />';
Beispiel #4
<nav><div id="menutop">
<a href="index.php" accesskey="h"><span class="octicon octicon-home"></span> home</a>
<a href="problems.php" accesskey="p"><span class="octicon octicon-book"></span> problems</a>
// fill userdata
if (checkrole('team')) {
    echo "<a target=\"_top\" href=\"../team/\" accesskey=\"t\"><span class=\"octicon octicon-arrow-right\"></span> team</a>\n";
if (checkrole('jury') || checkrole('balloon')) {
    echo "<a target=\"_top\" href=\"../jury/\" accesskey=\"j\"><span class=\"octicon octicon-arrow-right\"></span> jury</a>\n";
if (!logged_in()) {
    echo "<a href=\"login.php\" accesskey=\"l\"><span class=\"octicon octicon-sign-in\"></span> login</a>\n";
Beispiel #5
  * Call an API function
 public function callFunction($name, $arguments)
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT') {
         list($name, $primary_key) = explode('/', $name);
         $arguments['__primary_key'] = $primary_key;
     } else {
         if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
             $postmax = phpini_to_bytes(trim(ini_get('post_max_size')));
             if ($postmax != -1 && $postmax < $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) {
                 $this->createError("Size of post data too large (" . $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] . "), increase post_max_size (" . $postmax . ") in your PHP config.");
     $name = $name . '#' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
     if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->apiFunctions)) {
         $this->createError("Function '" . $name . "' does not exist.", BAD_REQUEST);
     $func = $this->apiFunctions[$name];
     // Permissions
     // no roles = anyone may access; admin may also access all
     if (!empty($func['roles']) && !checkrole('admin')) {
         $hasrole = false;
         foreach ($func['roles'] as $role) {
             if (checkrole($role)) {
                 $hasrole = TRUE;
         if (!$hasrole) {
             $this->createError("Permission denied " . "' for function '" . $name . "'.", FORBIDDEN);
     // Arguments
     $args = array();
     foreach ($arguments as $key => $value) {
         if (!array_key_exists($key, $func['optArgs']) && $key != '__primary_key') {
             $this->createError("Invalid argument '" . $key . "' for function '" . $name . "'.", BAD_REQUEST);
         $args[$key] = $value;
     // Special case for public:
     if (array_key_exists('public', $func['optArgs'])) {
         if (checkrole('jury') && !isset($args['public'])) {
             // Default for jury is non-public
             $args['public'] = 0;
         } elseif (!checkrole('jury')) {
             // Only allowed for non-jury is public
             $args['public'] = 1;
     $this->createResponse(call_user_func($func['callback'], $args));
Beispiel #6
$REQUIRED_ROLES = array('jury', 'balloon');
require 'init.php';
$title = 'Jury interface';
require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php';
echo "<h1>DOMjudge Jury interface</h1>\n\n";
if (is_readable('../images/DOMjudgelogo.png')) {
    echo "<p><a href=\"\">" . "<img src=\"../images/DOMjudgelogo.png\" id=\"djlogo\" " . "alt=\"DOMjudge logo\" title=\"The DOMjudge logo: free as in beer!\" /></a></p>\n\n";

<li><a href="balloons.php">Balloon Status</a></li>
if (checkrole('jury')) {
<li><a href="clarifications.php">Clarifications</a></li>
<li><a href="contests.php">Contests</a></li>
<li><a href="executables.php">Executables</a></li>
<li><a href="judgehosts.php">Judgehosts</a></li>
<li><a href="judgehost_restrictions.php">Judgehost Restrictions</a></li>
<li><a href="languages.php">Languages</a></li>
<li><a href="problems.php">Problems</a></li>
<li><a href="scoreboard.php">Scoreboard</a></li>
<li><a href="statistics.php">Statistics</a></li>
<li><a href="submissions.php">Submissions</a></li>
<li><a href="users.php">Users</a></li>
<li><a href="teams.php">Teams</a></li>
<li><a href="team_categories.php">Team Categories</a></li>
<li><a href="team_affiliations.php">Team Affiliations</a></li>
Beispiel #7
 * Submissions information
function submissions($args)
    global $DB, $cdatas, $api;
    $query = 'SELECT submitid, teamid, probid, langid, submittime, valid
	          FROM submission WHERE TRUE';
    $hasCid = array_key_exists('cid', $args);
    $query .= $hasCid ? ' AND cid = %i' : ' AND TRUE %_';
    $cid = $hasCid ? $args['cid'] : 0;
    $hasLanguage = array_key_exists('language', $args);
    $query .= $hasLanguage ? ' AND langid = %s' : ' AND TRUE %_';
    $language = $hasLanguage ? $args['language'] : 0;
    $hasFromid = array_key_exists('fromid', $args);
    $query .= $hasFromid ? ' AND submitid >= %i' : ' AND TRUE %_';
    $fromId = $hasFromid ? $args['fromid'] : 0;
    $hasSubmitid = array_key_exists('id', $args);
    $query .= $hasSubmitid ? ' AND submitid = %i' : ' AND TRUE %_';
    $submitid = $hasSubmitid ? $args['id'] : 0;
    if ($cid == 0 && !checkrole('jury')) {
        $api->createError("argument 'cid' is mandatory for non-jury users");
    if ($cid != 0 && infreeze($cdatas[$cid], now()) && !checkrole('jury')) {
        $query .= ' AND submittime <= %i';
        $freezetime = $cdatas[$cid]['freezetime'];
    } else {
        $query .= ' AND TRUE %_';
        $freezetime = 0;
    $query .= ' ORDER BY submitid';
    $hasLimit = array_key_exists('limit', $args);
    $query .= $hasLimit ? ' LIMIT %i' : ' %_';
    $limit = $hasLimit ? $args['limit'] : -1;
    // TODO: validate limit
    $q = $DB->q($query, $cid, $language, $fromId, $submitid, $freezetime, $limit);
    $res = array();
    while ($row = $q->next()) {
        $res[] = array('id' => safe_int($row['submitid']), 'team' => safe_int($row['teamid']), 'problem' => safe_int($row['probid']), 'language' => $row['langid'], 'time' => safe_float($row['submittime']));
    return $res;
Beispiel #8
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/common.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/print.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/clarification.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/scoreboard.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/printing.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/auth.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/forms.php';
// The functions do_login and show_loginpage, if called, do not return.
if (@$_POST['cmd'] == 'login') {
if (!logged_in()) {
if (!checkrole('team')) {
    error("You do not have permission to perform that action (Missing role: 'team')");
if (empty($teamdata)) {
    error("You do not have a team associated with your account.  Please contact a staff member.");
if ($teamdata['enabled'] != 1) {
    error("Team is not enabled.");
$cdatas = getCurContests(TRUE, $teamdata['teamid']);
$cids = array_keys($cdatas);
// If the cookie has a existing contest, use it
if (isset($_COOKIE['domjudge_cid']) && isset($cdatas[$_COOKIE['domjudge_cid']])) {
    $cid = $_COOKIE['domjudge_cid'];
    $cdata = $cdatas[$cid];
} elseif (count($cids) >= 1) {
Beispiel #9
 * POST a new submission
function submissions_POST($args)
    global $userdata, $DB, $api;
    checkargs($args, array('shortname', 'langid'));
    checkargs($userdata, array('teamid'));
    $contests = getCurContests(TRUE, $userdata['teamid'], false, 'shortname');
    $contest_shortname = null;
    if (isset($args['contest'])) {
        if (isset($contests[$args['contest']])) {
            $contest_shortname = $args['contest'];
        } else {
            $api->createError("Cannot find active contest '{$args['contest']}', or you are not part of it.");
    } else {
        if (count($contests) == 1) {
            $contest_shortname = key($contests);
        } else {
            $api->createError("No contest specified while multiple active contests found.");
    $cid = $contests[$contest_shortname]['cid'];
    $probid = $DB->q('MAYBEVALUE SELECT probid FROM problem
	                  INNER JOIN contestproblem USING (probid)
	                  WHERE shortname = %s AND cid = %i AND allow_submit = 1', $args['shortname'], $cid);
    if (empty($probid)) {
        error("Problem " . $args['shortname'] . " not found or or not submittable");
    // rebuild array of filenames, paths to get rid of empty upload fields
    $FILEPATHS = $FILENAMES = array();
    foreach ($_FILES['code']['tmp_name'] as $fileid => $tmpname) {
        if (!empty($tmpname)) {
            $FILEPATHS[] = $_FILES['code']['tmp_name'][$fileid];
            $FILENAMES[] = $_FILES['code']['name'][$fileid];
    $sid = submit_solution($userdata['teamid'], $probid, $cid, $args['langid'], $FILEPATHS, $FILENAMES);
    if (checkrole('jury')) {
        $results = getExpectedResults(file_get_contents($FILEPATHS[0]));
        if (!empty($results)) {
            $DB->q('UPDATE submission SET expected_results=%s
			        WHERE submitid=%i', json_encode($results), $sid);
    auditlog('submission', $sid, 'added', 'via api', null, $cid);
    return safe_int($sid);
Beispiel #10

 * Include required files.
 * Part of the DOMjudge Programming Contest Jury System and licenced
 * under the GNU GPL. See README and COPYING for details.
require_once '../configure.php';
/* For plugins to have jury access rights to the DB, they should
 * successfully authenticate as user 'jury'.
require_once LIBDIR . '/init.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/common.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/print.php';
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/auth.php';
if (!logged_in() && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
    do_login_native($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']);
    $userdata['roles'] = get_user_roles($userdata['userid']);
if (!checkrole('full_event_reader')) {
    error("User role full_event_reader required.");
define('IS_JURY', true);
define('IS_PUBLIC', false);
$cdatas = getCurContests(TRUE);
$cids = array_keys($cdatas);
Beispiel #11
	                    ORDER BY shortname', $cid);
    echo "function getProbDescription(probid)\n{\n";
    echo "\tswitch(probid) {\n";
    foreach ($probdata as $probinfo) {
        echo "\t\tcase '" . specialchars($probinfo['shortname']) . "': return '" . specialchars($probinfo['name']) . "';\n";
    echo "\t\tdefault: return '';\n\t}\n}\n\n";
echo "initReload(" . $refreshtime . ");\n";
echo "// -->\n</script>\n";
// Put overview of team submissions (like scoreboard)
putTeamRow($cdata, array($teamid));
echo "<div id=\"submitlist\">\n";
echo "<h3 class=\"teamoverview\">Submissions</h3>\n\n";
if ($fdata['cstarted'] || checkrole('jury')) {
    echo <<<HTML
<script type="text/javascript">
\$(function() {
\tvar matches = location.hash.match(/submitted=(\\d+)/);
\tif (matches) {
\t\tvar \$p = \$('<p class="submissiondone" />').html('submission done <a href="#">x</a>');
\t\t\$('#submitlist > .teamoverview').after(\$p);
\t\t\$('table.submissions tr[data-submission-id=' + matches[1] + ']').addClass('highlight');

\t\t\$('.submissiondone a').on('click', function() {
\t\t\t\$('table.submissions tr.highlight').removeClass('highlight');
\t\t\treloadLocation = 'index.php';
Beispiel #12
 * Check whether the logged in user has DOMjudge administrator level,
 * as defined in passwords.php. If not, error and stop further execution.
function requireAdmin()
    if (!checkrole('admin')) {
        error("This function is only accessible to administrators.");
Beispiel #13
if (!logged_in()) {
if (checkrole('admin')) {
    define('IS_ADMIN', true);
} else {
    define('IS_ADMIN', false);
if (!isset($REQUIRED_ROLES)) {
    $REQUIRED_ROLES = array('jury');
$allowed = false;
foreach ($REQUIRED_ROLES as $role) {
    if (checkrole($role)) {
        $allowed = true;
if (!$allowed) {
    error("You do not have permission to perform that action (Missing role(s): " . implode($REQUIRED_ROLES, ',') . ")");
require_once LIBWWWDIR . '/common.jury.php';
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($_POST) && empty($_FILES) && isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) && $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 0) {
    error("POST data exceeded php.ini's 'post_max_size' directive.");
$cdatas = getCurContests(TRUE, null, TRUE);
$cids = array_keys($cdatas);
// List of executable script types, used in various places:
$executable_types = array('compare' => 'compare', 'compile' => 'compile', 'run' => 'run');
// If the cookie has a existing contest, use it
Beispiel #14

 * Edit source code and resubmit to the database.
 * Part of the DOMjudge Programming Contest Jury System and licenced
 * under the GNU GPL. See README and COPYING for details.
require 'init.php';
if (empty($teamid) || !checkrole('team')) {
    error("You cannot re-submit code without being a team.");
// submit code
if (isset($_POST['origsubmitid'])) {
    $sources = $DB->q('TABLE SELECT *
	                   FROM submission_file
	                   LEFT JOIN submission USING(submitid)
	                   WHERE submitid = %i ORDER BY rank', $_POST['origsubmitid']);
    $files = array();
    $filenames = array();
    foreach ($sources as $sourcedata) {
        if (!($tmpfname = tempnam(TMPDIR, "edit_source-"))) {
            error("Could not create temporary file.");
        file_put_contents($tmpfname, $_POST['source' . $sourcedata['rank']]);
        $files[] = $tmpfname;
        $filenames[] = $sourcedata['filename'];
    $cid = $DB->q('VALUE SELECT cid FROM submission
	               WHERE submitid = %i', $_POST['origsubmitid']);
    $newid = submit_solution($teamid, $_POST['probid'], $cid, $_POST['langid'], $files, $filenames, $_POST['origsubmitid']);
Beispiel #15
 * This function takes a (set of) temporary file(s) of a submission,
 * validates it and puts it into the database. Additionally it
 * moves it to a backup storage.
function submit_solution($team, $prob, $contest, $lang, $files, $filenames, $origsubmitid = NULL)
    global $DB;
    if (empty($team)) {
        error("No value for Team.");
    if (empty($prob)) {
        error("No value for Problem.");
    if (empty($contest)) {
        error("No value for Contest.");
    if (empty($lang)) {
        error("No value for Language.");
    if (!is_array($files) || count($files) == 0) {
        error("No files specified.");
    if (count($files) > dbconfig_get('sourcefiles_limit', 100)) {
        error("Tried to submit more than the allowed number of source files.");
    if (!is_array($filenames) || count($filenames) != count($files)) {
        error("Nonmatching (number of) filenames specified.");
    if (count($filenames) != count(array_unique($filenames))) {
        error("Duplicate filenames detected.");
    $sourcesize = dbconfig_get('sourcesize_limit');
    // If no contest has started yet, refuse submissions.
    $now = now();
    $contestdata = $DB->q('MAYBETUPLE SELECT starttime,endtime FROM contest WHERE cid = %i', $contest);
    if (!isset($contestdata)) {
        error("Contest c{$contest} not found.");
    if (!checkrole('jury') && difftime($contestdata['starttime'], $now) > 0) {
        error("The contest is closed, no submissions accepted. [c{$contest}]");
    // Check 2: valid parameters?
    if (!($langid = $DB->q('MAYBEVALUE SELECT langid FROM language
	                        WHERE langid = %s AND allow_submit = 1', $lang))) {
        error("Language '{$lang}' not found in database or not submittable.");
    if (!($teamid = $DB->q('MAYBEVALUE SELECT teamid FROM team
	                        WHERE teamid = %i AND enabled = 1', $team))) {
        error("Team '{$team}' not found in database or not enabled.");
    $probdata = $DB->q('MAYBETUPLE SELECT probid, points FROM problem
	                    INNER JOIN contestproblem USING (probid)
	                    WHERE probid = %s AND cid = %i AND allow_submit = 1', $prob, $contest);
    if (empty($probdata)) {
        error("Problem p{$prob} not found in database or not submittable [c{$contest}].");
    } else {
        $points = $probdata['points'];
        $probid = $probdata['probid'];
    // Reindex arrays numerically to allow simultaneously iterating
    // over both $files and $filenames.
    $files = array_values($files);
    $filenames = array_values($filenames);
    $totalsize = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
        if (!is_readable($files[$i])) {
            error("File '" . $files[$i] . "' not found (or not readable).");
        if (!preg_match(FILENAME_REGEX, $filenames[$i])) {
            error("Illegal filename '" . $filenames[$i] . "'.");
        $totalsize += filesize($files[$i]);
    if ($totalsize > $sourcesize * 1024) {
        error("Submission file(s) are larger than {$sourcesize} kB.");
    logmsg(LOG_INFO, "input verified");
    // Insert submission into the database
    $id = $DB->q('RETURNID INSERT INTO submission
	              (cid, teamid, probid, langid, submittime, origsubmitid)
	              VALUES (%i, %i, %i, %s, %s, %i)', $contest, $teamid, $probid, $langid, $now, $origsubmitid);
    for ($rank = 0; $rank < count($files); $rank++) {
        $DB->q('INSERT INTO submission_file
		        (submitid, filename, rank, sourcecode) VALUES (%i, %s, %i, %s)', $id, $filenames[$rank], $rank, dj_get_file_contents($files[$rank], false));
    // Recalculate scoreboard cache for pending submissions
    calcScoreRow($contest, $teamid, $probid);
    // Log to event table
    $DB->q('INSERT INTO event (eventtime, cid, teamid, langid, probid, submitid, description)
	        VALUES(%s, %i, %i, %s, %i, %i, "problem submitted")', now(), $contest, $teamid, $langid, $probid, $id);
    alert('submit', "submission {$id}: team {$teamid}, language {$langid}, problem {$probid}");
    if (is_writable(SUBMITDIR)) {
        // Copy the submission to SUBMITDIR for safe-keeping
        for ($rank = 0; $rank < count($files); $rank++) {
            $fdata = array('cid' => $contest, 'submitid' => $id, 'teamid' => $teamid, 'probid' => $probid, 'langid' => $langid, 'rank' => $rank, 'filename' => $filenames[$rank]);
            $tofile = SUBMITDIR . '/' . getSourceFilename($fdata);
            if (!@copy($files[$rank], $tofile)) {
                warning("Could not copy '" . $files[$rank] . "' to '" . $tofile . "'");
    } else {
        logmsg(LOG_DEBUG, "SUBMITDIR not writable, skipping");
    if (difftime($contestdata['endtime'], $now) <= 0) {
        logmsg(LOG_INFO, "The contest is closed, submission stored but not processed. [c{$contest}]");
    return $id;
Beispiel #16
 * under the GNU GPL. See README and COPYING for details.
require 'init.php';
$title = 'Submit';
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    header('Location: ./');
if (is_null($cid)) {
    require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php';
    echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No active contest</p>\n";
    require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
$now = now();
if (!checkrole('jury') && difftime($cdata['starttime'], $now) > 0) {
    require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php';
    echo "<p class=\"nodata\">Contest has not yet started.</p>\n";
    require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
/** helper to output an error message. */
function err($string)
    // Annoying PHP: we need to import global variables here...
    global $title;
    require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php';
    echo "<h2>Submit - error</h2>\n\n";
    echo '<div id="uploadstatus">';
    logmsg(LOG_WARNING, $string);
    echo '</div>';