public function grade_login() { if (!check_verify(I('code', ''))) { $this->error('验证码错误'); } $username = I('username'); $user = M('user')->where(array('username' => $username))->find(); $pwd = I('password', '', 'md5'); if (!$user | $user['password'] != $pwd) { $this->error('用户名或密码错误'); } if ($user['lock']) { $this->error('用户被锁定,请联系管理员解锁'); } $data = array('id' => $user['id'], 'logintime' => time(), 'loginip' => get_client_ip()); M('user')->save($data); session(C('USER_AUTH_KEY'), $user['id']); session('username', $user['username']); session('lastlogintime', date('Y-m-d H:i', $user['logintime'])); session('lastloginip', $user['loginip']); if ($user['username'] == C('RBAC_SUPERADMIN')) { session(C('ADMIN_AUTH_KEY'), true); } import('Org.Util.Rbac'); Rbac::saveAccessList(); // dump($_SESSION);die; $this->redirect('Grade/Grade/grade_index'); }
public function send() { if (IS_POST) { $post_data = I('post.'); if (!check_verify($post_data['verify'])) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } $post_data['send_from_id'] = $this->UserInfo['username']; $data = $this->Model->create($post_data); if ($data) { $result = $this->Model->add($data); if ($result) { $this->success("操作成功!", U('outbox')); } else { $error = $this->Model->getError(); $this->error($error ? $error : "操作失败!"); } } else { $error = $this->Model->getError(); $this->error($error ? $error : "操作失败!"); } } else { $this->display(); } }
public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_POST) { $verify = I("post.verify", "", "trim"); if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } $username = I("post.username", "", "trim"); $password = md5(I("post.password", "", "trim")); if (empty($username) || empty($password)) { $this->error("用户名或者密码不能为空,请重新输入!", U(C('AUTH_USER_GATEWAY'))); } $map = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'status' => 1); $userinfo = M('User')->where($map)->find(); if ($userinfo) { $AGA_Data = M('AuthGroupAccess')->where(array('uid' => $userinfo['id']))->find(); $AG_Data = M('AuthGroup')->where(array('id' => $AGA_Data['group_id']))->find(); $userinfo['group_title'] = $AG_Data['title']; session(C('AUTH_KEY'), $userinfo['id']); session('UserInfo', $userinfo); session('ModelKey.User', 1); //action_log('Admin_Login', 'User', $userinfo ['id']); $this->success("登录成功!", U(C('AUTH_USER_INDEX'))); } else { $this->error("用户名密码错误或者此用户已被禁用!", U(C('AUTH_USER_GATEWAY'))); } } else { $ModelKey = session('ModelKey.User'); if (is_login() && $ModelKey == 1) { $this->redirect('Index/index'); } else { $this->display(); } } }
public function login() { //判断是否已经登录 $sessionuser['username'] = session('username'); if (!empty($sessionuser['username'])) { $this->redirect('Index/index'); } if ($_POST) { //登陆方法 $user = D("admin"); if (!check_verify($_POST['verify'])) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } if (!$user->create($_POST)) { // 如果创建失败 表示验证没有通过 输出错误提示信息 $this->error($user->getError()); //getError() \ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 返回模型的错误信息 } else { $map['username'] = $_POST['username']; $map['password'] = hash('sha256', $_POST['password']); $result = $user->where($map)->select(); if ($result) { session('username', $map['username']); $this->success('登陆成功', U('Index/index')); } else { $this->error("用户名密码错误!"); } } } else { $this->display(); //登陆界面 } }
/** * 入口函数。此函数会被自动调用 * */ public function run() { //检查验证码 if (!(APP_DEBUG && C('Not_VerifyCode'))) { check_verify(I('post.verifycode')) or drop(EC_4741); } //尝试创建数据对象 //users表 $usersMo = new UsersModel(); $usersMo->field('qq,password'); $usersMo->create(I('post.'), Model::MODEL_INSERT) or drop($usersMo->getError()); //invite_code表 $icMo = new InviteCodeModel(); $icMo->field('uid,invite_code'); $icMo->create(array('invite_code' => I('post.invite_code'), 'uid' => $usersMo->getUid()), Model::MODEL_INSERT) or drop($icMo->getError()); //数据检查 if (I('post.password') != I('post.re_password')) { drop(EC_4742); } $this->checkInviteCode_0(I('post.invite_code')) or drop(EC_4751); $this->checkInviteCode_1(I('post.invite_code')) or drop(EC_4752); //注册信息 $usersMo->add() or drop(EC_4761); $icMo->save() or drop(EC_4762); //生成登陆信息 log_in($usersMo->getUid()); //返回成功信息 echo drop('1200,' . $usersMo->getUid(), true); }
/** * 后台登录入口 * @author lck */ public function login() { if (IS_POST) { $_POST = I('post.'); $where['user'] = $_POST['user']; $res = M('Manager_shop')->where($where)->find(); if (!$res) { $this->error('用户名不存在!'); } elseif ($res['pass'] != md5($_POST['pass'])) { $this->error('密码不正确!'); } else { $res['data'] = $res; $res['status'] = 1; } if (!$res['status']) { $this->error($res['error']); } elseif (!check_verify($_POST['verify'])) { $this->error('验证码错误!'); } else { D('Manager')->sign_account_shop(array('id' => $res['data']['id'], 'user' => $res['data']['user'], 'shopid' => $res['data']['shopid'])); $arr['lastlogintime'] = time(); $arr['lastloginip'] = get_client_ip(); $arr['logintimes'] = $res['data']['logintimes'] + 1; M('Manager_shop')->where('id=' . $res['data']['id'])->save($arr); $this->redirect('Index/index'); } } else { $this->display(); } }
/** * 用户登录 */ public function login() { if (I('get.dosubmit')) { $admin_db = D('Admin'); $username = I('post.username', '', 'trim') ? I('post.username', '', 'trim') : $this->error('用户名不能为空', HTTP_REFERER); $password = I('post.password', '', 'trim') ? I('post.password', '', 'trim') : $this->error('密码不能为空', HTTP_REFERER); //验证码判断 $code = I('post.code', '', 'trim') ? I('post.code', '', 'trim') : $this->error('请输入验证码', HTTP_REFERER); if (!check_verify($code, 'admin')) { $this->error('验证码错误!', HTTP_REFERER); } if ($admin_db->login($username, $password, $info)) { session('userid', $info['userid']); session('roleid', $info['roleid']); $save_time = 3600 * 7 * 24; cookie('username', $username, $save_time); if (I('post.savepwd')) { cookie('password', $password, $save_time); } else { cookie('password', null); } $this->success('登录成功', U('Index/index')); } else { $this->error($admin_db->error, HTTP_REFERER); } } else { $this->display(); } }
public function login() { if (isset($_POST['userid']) && !empty($_POST['userid']) && isset($_POST['userpwd']) && !empty($_POST['userpwd']) && isset($_POST['logincode']) && !empty($_POST['logincode'])) { $code = $_POST['logincode']; $userid = $_POST['userid']; $userpwd = $_POST['userpwd']; if (!check_verify($code)) { echo 2; exit; } $rsa = M("admin")->where("admin_name='{$userid}'")->count(); if ($rsa == 0) { //账号不存在 echo 3; exit; } else { $rsb = M("admin")->where("admin_name='{$userid}' and admin_pwd='" . md5($userpwd) . "'")->count(); if ($rsb == 0) { //账号或密码错误 echo 4; } else { $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; echo 1; } } } else { echo '0'; } }
/** * 后台用户登录 * @author 麦当苗儿 <*****@*****.**> */ public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { /* 读取数据库中的配置 */ $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA'); if (!$config) { $config = D('Config')->lists(); S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config); } C($config); //添加配置 if (IS_POST) { /* 检测验证码 TODO: */ if (C('WEB_SITE_VERIFY') && !check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } /* 登录用户 */ $User = D('Common/User'); if ($User->login($username, $password, 'admin_login')) { //登录用户 //TODO:跳转到登录前页面 $this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index')); } else { $this->error($User->getError()); } } else { if (is_login()) { $this->redirect('Index/index'); } else { $this->display(); } } }
/** * [loginAuth 后台用户登录] * @param [type] $username [用户名] * @param [type] $password [密码] * @param [type] $verify [验证码] * @return [type] [description] */ public function loginAuth($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_AJAX) { /* 检测验证码 TODO: */ if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } $User = D('Users'); $uid = $User->login($username, $password); if (0 < $uid) { //登录成功 $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '登录成功!', 'url' => U('Index/index'))); } else { //登录失败 switch ($uid) { case -1: $error = '用户不存在或被禁用!'; break; //系统级别禁用 //系统级别禁用 case -2: $error = '密码错误!'; break; case -3: $error = '用户组不存在或被禁用!'; break; default: $error = '未知错误!'; break; // 0-接口参数错误(调试阶段使用) } $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0, 'info' => $error)); } } }
public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { $error = ''; if (IS_POST && check_verify($verify)) { $Man = D('Manage'); $mid = $Man->login($username, $password); if ($mid > 0) { session('user_auth', $mid); session('user_auth_sign', data_auth_sign($mid)); $this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index')); } else { switch ($mid) { case -1: $error = '用户不存在或被禁用!'; break; case -2: $error = '密码错误!'; break; default: $error = '未知错误!'; break; } } } elseif (IS_POST) { $error = '验证码输入错误!'; } $this->assign("error", $error); $this->display(); }
public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null, $autologin = false) { if (IS_POST || $autologin) { /* 检测验证码 TODO: */ if (!check_verify($verify) && !$autologin) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } //自动判断用户名是哪个字段的 $map[get_account_type($username)] = $username; $map['password'] = ainiku_ucenter_md5($password); $map['status'] = 1; //$map['member_group_id']=1; $map['is_adminlogin'] = 1; $user = D('MemberView')->where($map)->find(); if (empty($user)) { //登录失败 cookie('__uid__', null); return $autologin ? false : $this->error('用户名或密码错误!'); } else { //登陆成功 /* 记录登录SESSION和COOKIES */ $auth = array('uid' => $user['member_id'], 'username' => $user['username'], 'last_login_time' => $user['update_time']); session('user_auth', $auth); session('uinfo', $user); session('user_auth_sign', data_auth_sign($auth)); //更新用户登录信息 $this->updateLogin($user['member_id']); //把用户密码加密保存到cookie中 if (!$autologin) { $u['u'] = ainiku_encrypt($username); $u['p'] = ainiku_encrypt($password); //如果有验证码的话就再次设置记录时间cookie $a = I('post.remember'); $b = 0; switch ($a) { case 1: $b = 24 * 3600; break; case 2: $b = 24 * 3600 * 7; break; case 3: $b = 24 * 3600 * 30; break; default: $b = -1; } cookie('__uid__', $u, $b); } return $autologin ? $user['member_id'] : $this->success('登录成功!', U($user['admin_index'], array('mainmenu' => 'true'))); } } else { if (is_login() || $this->autologin()) { $user = session('uinfo'); redirect(U($user['admin_index'], array('mainmenu' => 'true'))); } else { $this->display(); } } }
/** * 后台用户登录 */ public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_POST) { /* 检测验证码 TODO: */ if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } $db = M('user'); $map['username'] = $username; $map['status'] = 1; $user = $db->where($map)->find(); if (!$user) { $userExit = $db->where('username' . "='{$username}'")->find(); if ($userExit) { $this->error('帐号被禁用'); } else { $this->error('帐号不存在'); } } if ($user['password'] != md5($password)) { $this->error('密码错误'); } /* 记录登录SESSION和COOKIES */ $auth = array('uid' => $user['id'], 'username' => $user['username'], 'fullname' => $user['fullname'], 'rid' => $user['role_id']); session('user', $auth); $this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index')); } else { if (is_login()) { $this->redirect('Index/index'); } else { $this->display(); } } }
/** * 入口函数。此函数会被自动调用 * */ public function run() { //检查验证码 if (!(APP_DEBUG && C('Not_VerifyCode'))) { check_verify(I('post.verifycode')) or drop(EC_4841); } //校验登陆信息 test_token() or drop(EC_4842); //校验是否需要登记信息 get_state() == '100' or drop(EC_4843); //获取uid $_POST['uid'] = cookie('uid'); //尝试创建数据对象 //user_inf表 $uiMo = new UserInfModel(); $uiMo->create(I('post.'), Model::MODEL_INSERT) or drop($uiMo->getError()); //users表 $uMo = new UsersModel(); $uMo->field('uid,state'); $uMo->create(array('uid' => $_POST['uid'], 'state' => 200), Model::MODEL_UPDATE) or drop($uMo->getError()); //注册信息 $uiMo->add() or drop(EC_4861); $uMo->save() or drop(EC_4862); //End 注册信息 drop(true); }
public function chuanciquery() { if (IS_POST) { //注册用户 /* 检测验证码 */ if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } /* 检测密码 */ if ($password != $repassword) { $this->error('密码和重复密码不一致!'); } /* 调用注册接口注册用户 */ $User = new UserApi(); $uid = $User->register($username, $password, $email); if (0 < $uid) { //注册成功 //TODO: 发送验证邮件 $this->success('注册成功!', U('login')); } else { //注册失败,显示错误信息 $this->error($this->showRegError($uid)); } } else { //显示注册表单 $this->display(); } }
/** * @author alexgordon * @param 传入用户名 $user_name * @param 传入密码 $user_pwd * @return 数组 */ public function login($data) { $info = array(); if (!$data[admins_name]) { $info = array('status' => 0, 'info' => '用户名不能为空!'); return $info; } if (!$data[admins_password]) { $info = array('status' => 0, 'info' => '密码不能为空!'); return $info; } if (!$data[verify]) { $info = array('status' => 0, 'info' => '验证码不能为空!'); return $info; } if (!check_verify($data[verify])) { $info = array('status' => 0, 'info' => '验证码错误!'); return $info; } $user_info = $this->where("admins_name='{$data[admins_name]}' AND admins_password='******'")->find(); // dump($this->getLastSql()); if ($user_info) { $info = array('status' => 1, 'info' => '登陆成功!'); D('Logging')->addlogging('1'); session("admins_name", $user_info['admins_name']); session("admins_id", $user_info['admins_id']); return $info; } else { $info = array('status' => 0, 'info' => '登陆失败!'); return $info; } }
public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null, $autologin = false) { if (IS_POST || $autologin) { /* 检测验证码 TODO: */ if (!check_verify($verify) && !$autologin) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } $uid = D('Member')->login($username, $password); if (0 < $uid) { //UC登录成功//把用户密码加密保存到cookie中 if (!$autologin) { $u['u'] = ainiku_encrypt($username); $u['p'] = ainiku_encrypt($password); //如果有验证码的话就再次设置记录时间cookie $a = I('post.remember'); $b = 0; switch ($a) { case 1: $b = 24 * 3600; break; case 2: $b = 24 * 3600 * 7; break; case 3: $b = 24 * 3600 * 30; break; default: $b = -1; } cookie('__uid__', $u, $b); } return $autologin ? $uid : $this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index')); } else { //登录失败 //清空cookie cookie('__uid__', null); switch ($uid) { case -1: $error = '用户不存在或被禁用!'; break; //系统级别禁用 //系统级别禁用 case -2: $error = '密码错误!'; break; default: $error = L('_UNKNOWN_ERROR_'); break; // 0-接口参数错误(调试阶段使用) } return $autologin ? false : $this->error($error); } } else { if (is_login()) { redirect(U('Index/index')); } else { $this->display(); } } }
/** * 后台用户登陆 */ public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_POST) { if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('3验证码输入错误!'); } $db = M('admin'); $data['username'] = $username; $admin = $db->where($data)->find(); if (!$admin) { $this->error('1帐号不存在或被禁用'); } if ($admin['password'] != md5($password)) { $this->error('2密码不正确'); } $data = array('uid' => $admin['uid'], 'login' => array('exp', '`login` + 1'), 'login_time' => date('y-m-d-H-i-s'), 'login_ip' => get_client_ip()); $db->save($data); $auth = array('uid' => $data['uid'], 'login_time' => $data['login_time'], 'role' => $admin['role'], 'email' => $admin['email'], 'username' => $username); session('admin', $auth); session('_uid', $data['uid']); session('username', $username); // echo dump(session('admin')); $this->success('登陆成功', U('Index/index', '', '')); } else { if (a_is_login()) { $this->redirect("Index/index"); } else { layout(false); $this->display(); } } }
public function loginsubmit() { $username = I('post.username'); $password = I('post.password'); $user_group = I('post.user_group'); $verify = I('post.verify'); if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } $res = \Org\Util\Rbac::authenticate(array('username' => $username, 'group' => $user_group)); if (false == $res) { $this->error('帐号不存在或密码错误!'); } else { $signpassword = sign_password($password); if ($res['password'] != $signpassword) { $this->error('用户名或密码错误!'); } } $member = M('Member')->where(array('id' => $res['id']))->find(); //更新活动时间 M('Member')->where(array('id' => $res['id']))->save(array('timeupdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'lastip' => get_client_ip())); session('member', $member); cookie('login', true); if ($res['username'] == C('SPECIAL_USER')) { session(C('ADMIN_AUTH_KEY'), true); } session(C('USER_AUTH_KEY'), $res['id']); // 缓存访问权限 \Org\Util\Rbac::saveAccessList(); $this->success('登陆成功!'); }
/** * 后台用户登录 * @author 麦当苗儿 <*****@*****.**> */ public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_POST) { /* 检测验证码 TODO: */ if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } /* 调用UC登录接口登录 */ $User = new UserApi(); $uid = $User->login($username, $password); if (0 < $uid) { //UC登录成功 /* 登录用户 */ $Member = D('Member'); if ($Member->login($uid)) { //登录用户 //TODO:跳转到登录前页面 if ($uid == 2) { $this->success('登录成功!', U('User/index')); } else { $this->success('登录成功!', U('Home/Index/index')); } } else { $this->error($Member->getError()); } } else { //登录失败 switch ($uid) { case -1: $error = '用户不存在或被禁用!'; break; //系统级别禁用 //系统级别禁用 case -2: $error = '密码错误!'; break; default: $error = '未知错误!'; break; // 0-接口参数错误(调试阶段使用) } $this->error($error); } } else { if (is_login()) { $this->redirect('Index/index'); } else { /* 读取数据库中的配置 */ $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA'); if (!$config) { $config = D('Config')->lists(); S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config); } C($config); //添加配置 $this->display(); } } }
/** * 判断验证码是否正确 */ protected function checkCode($verify) { if (!check_verify($verify)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
/** * 后台用户登录 * @author 麦当苗儿 <*****@*****.**> */ public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_POST) { /* 检测验证码 TODO: */ if (APP_DEBUG == false) { if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error(L('_VERIFICATION_CODE_INPUT_ERROR_')); } } /* 调用UC登录接口登录 */ $User = new UserApi(); $uid = $User->login($username, $password); if (0 < $uid) { //UC登录成功 /* 登录用户 */ $Member = M('Member'); if ($Member->login($uid)) { //登录用户 //TODO:跳转到登录前页面 $this->success(L('_LOGIN_SUCCESS_'), U('Index/index')); } else { $this->error($Member->getError()); } } else { //登录失败 switch ($uid) { case -1: $error = L('_USERS_DO_NOT_EXIST_OR_ARE_DISABLED_'); break; //系统级别禁用 //系统级别禁用 case -2: $error = L('_PASSWORD_ERROR_'); break; default: $error = L('_UNKNOWN_ERROR_'); break; // 0-接口参数错误(调试阶段使用) } $this->error($error); } } else { if (is_login()) { $this->redirect('Index/index'); } else { /* 读取数据库中的配置 */ $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA'); if (!$config) { $config = M('Config')->lists(); S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config); } C($config); //添加配置 $this->display(); } } }
public function check_verify() { $verify = I('verify'); if (check_verify($verify)) { echo 1; } else { echo 0; } }
/** * 后台用户登录 */ public function login($account = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_POST) { if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } $where['mobile'] = $account; $userModel = D('User'); $user = $userModel->field('uid,uname,password,salt,status')->where($where)->find() or $this->error('此账号不存在!'); $userModel->password($password, $user['salt']) == $user['password'] or $this->error('登录密码错误!'); $user['status'] > 0 or $this->error('此账号已被禁用!'); $userModel->login_success($user['uid'], $user['uname']); $uid = $user['uid']; $_POST['password'] = '******'; action_log('系统', '登录'); if (is_administrator($uid)) { $this->success('登录成功!', '/'); exit; } // 检查是否有首页权限,若没有,则跳转到第一个有权限的页面去 $rule_ids = []; $rules = M()->table('zj_system_auth_group g')->join('zj_system_auth_group_access ga ON')->where('g.status=1 AND ga.uid=' . $uid)->getField('rules', true); if ($rules) { foreach ($rules as $rule) { if ($rule) { $rule_ids = array_merge($rule_ids, explode(',', $rule)); } } } $rule_ids or $this->error('此账号无管理员权限!'); $rules = M('system_auth_rule')->where(['id' => ['in', $rule_ids], 'status' => 1])->getField('name', true) or $this->error('此账号无有效权限!'); // 获取首页地址 if (in_array('Admin/Index/index', $rules)) { $next = '/'; } else { $next = U(substr($rules[0], 6)); foreach ($rules as $rule) { if (strpos($rule, 'index')) { $next = U(substr($rule, 6)); break; } } } // 输出地址 $this->success('登录成功!', $next); } else { if (is_login()) { $this->redirect('/'); } else { C('COLOR_STYLE', 'default_color'); $this->display('Public/login'); } } }
/** * 管理员忘记密码 */ public function forget($email = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_POST) { $result = array(); if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } else { $this->success('验证码输入正确!'); } } else { $this->display(); } }
public function login() { if (IS_POST) { $_POST = I('post.'); $res = D('Member')->check_account($_POST); if (!$res['status']) { if (IS_AJAX) { $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0, 'error' => $res['error'])); } else { $this->error($res['error']); } } else { if (!check_verify($_POST['verify'])) { if (IS_AJAX) { $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 0, 'error' => '验证码错误!')); } else { $this->error('验证码错误!'); } } D('Member')->sign_account(array('id' => $res['data']['id'], 'user' => $res['data']['user'])); //记录登录时间 D('Member')->save_item(array('id' => $res['data']['id'], 'last_login_time' => NOW_TIME)); //记录账号cookie if ($_POST['remember']) { cookie('user', $_POST['user']); } else { cookie('user', null); } if ($_POST['back_url']) { if (IS_AJAX) { $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 1, 'back_url' => think_decrypt($_POST['back_url']))); } else { $this->redirect(think_decrypt($_POST['back_url'])); } redirect(think_decrypt($_POST['back_url']), 1, '登录成功!'); } else { if (IS_AJAX) { $this->ajaxReturn(array('status' => 1, 'back_url' => U('Member/Index/index'))); } else { $this->success('登录成功!', 'Index/index'); } } } } else { //验证是否登录 if ($id = D('Member')->is_login()) { $this->redirect('Index/index'); } $this->display(); } }
public function register() { if (IS_POST) { $post = I('post.'); if (!check_verify($post['verify'])) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } if ($post['password'] != $post['password_confirm']) { $this->error('密码和重复密码不一致!'); } if (!ereg("^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-])+", $post['email'])) { $this->error('邮箱格式不正确'); } $UserLog = M('UserLogin'); $uid = $UserLog->field('id')->where('email="' . $post['email'] . '"')->find(); if ($uid) { $this->error('您输入的邮箱已被注册!'); } $post['reg_time'] = $post['last_login_time'] = time(); $post['reg_ip'] = $post['last_login_ip'] = iptolong(get_client_ip()); $post['password'] = md5($post['password']); $post['status'] = 1; $UserLog->create($post); $uid = $UserLog->add(); if ($uid) { cookie('cache_id', $uid); cookie('em', $post['email']); $emailurl = preg_replace("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+@(([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+/", "http://mail.\\", $post['email']); //邮箱验证码 $mail_verify = $uid . '_' . substr(md5($post['email']), 0, 5); $mail_verify_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . U('Login/email_verify', 'mail_verify=' . $mail_verify); $this->assign('email', $post['email']); $this->assign('emailurl', $emailurl); $this->assign('mail_verify_url', $mail_verify_url); $mail_con = $this->fetch('emailverifycon'); //发送邮件 load('@.function_mail'); $mail_res = sendmail($post['email'], '[途经网]邮箱验证', $mail_con); if ($mail_res) { $this->display(); } else { $this->error('邮件发送失败,请联系客服进行问题反馈', U('Login/login')); } } else { $this->error('操作失败,请稍后重试!'); } } else { $this->error('您访问的页面有误'); } }
function join() { $voteId = I('vote_id'); $optionId = I('option_id'); $verify = I('verify'); $voteInfo = D('Addons://Vote/ShopVote')->getInfo($voteId); if ($this->_is_overtime($voteInfo)) { // $this->error ( "请在指定的时间内投票" ); $ajax_result['error'] = '投票活动时间已经过期'; $this->ajaxReturn($ajax_result); return false; } if ($this->_is_join($voteInfo, $optionId)) { // $this->error ( "您已经投过,请不要重复投" ); $ajax_result['error'] = '您已经投过票了'; $this->ajaxReturn($ajax_result); return false; } if ($voteInfo['is_verify'] && (empty($verify) || !check_verify($verify))) { $ajax_result['error'] = '请输入正确的验证码'; $this->ajaxReturn($ajax_result); return false; } // 如果没投过,就添加 $data["uid"] = $this->mid; $data["vote_id"] = $voteId; $data["token"] = get_token(); $data["ctime"] = time(); $data['option_id'] = $optionId; $addid = M('shop_vote_log')->add($data); $newlog = D('Addons://Vote/ShopVoteOption')->getUserVoteLog($voteId, $data["uid"], true); // 更新投票数 $map['id'] = $optionId; D('Addons://Vote/ShopVoteOption')->where($map)->setInc('opt_count'); D('Addons://Vote/ShopVoteOption')->getInfo($optionId, true); D('Addons://Vote/ShopVoteOption')->getOptions($voteId, true); if ($addid) { if ($voteInfo['select_type'] == 2) { $also = $voteInfo['multi_num'] - count($newlog); } if ($also <= 0) { $ajax_result['success'] = '投票成功'; } else { $ajax_result['success'] = '投票成功,你还可再投' . $also . ' 票!'; } } else { $ajax_result['error'] = '投票失败'; } $this->ajaxReturn($ajax_result); }
public function login() { D('Admin')->logout(); if (isLogin()) { $this->redirect('Index/welcome'); exit; } if (IS_POST) { $name = trim($_POST['user_name']); $pwd = trim($_POST['password']); $captcha = trim($_POST['captcha']); $token = trim($_POST['token']); if ($name == '' || $pwd == '') { $this->error('用户名或密码为空!', U('login')); exit; } if ($captcha == '' || !check_verify($captcha, 1)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!', U('login')); exit; } if ($token == '' || $token != session('admin_token')) { $this->error('非法请求!', U('login')); exit; } $lg_sn = D('Admin')->admin_login($name, $pwd); if ($lg_sn > 0) { session('admin_token', null); session('Module', MODULE_NAME); $this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index')); exit; } else { switch ($lg_sn) { case -1: $error = '用户名或密码错误!'; break; case -2: $error = '用户名或密码错误!'; break; default: $error = '未知错误!'; break; } $this->error($error, U('login')); } } else { session('admin_token', md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE))); $this->assign('token', session('admin_token')); $this->display(); } }
/** * 后台用户登录 * @author datahome改写 <*****@*****.**> */ public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_POST) { // 检测验证码 if (!check_verify($verify)) { //$this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } //调用 Member 模型的 login 方法,验证用户名、密码 $Member = D('Member'); $uid = $Member->login($username, $password); if (0 < $uid) { // 登录成功,$uid 为登录的 UID //跳转到登录前页面 $this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index')); } else { //登录失败 switch ($uid) { case -1: $error = '用户不存在或被禁用!'; break; //系统级别禁用 //系统级别禁用 case -2: $error = '密码错误!'; break; default: $error = '未知错误!'; break; // 0-接口参数错误(调试阶段使用) } $this->error($error); } } else { if (is_login()) { $this->redirect('Index/index'); } else { /* 读取数据库中的配置 */ $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA'); if (!$config) { $config = D('Config')->lists(); S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config); } C($config); //添加配置 $this->display(); } } }