Beispiel #1
function create_date_time_schedule_data($date, $location = DEFAULT_LOCATION_NAME)
    //echo "<p>create_date_time_schedule_data function: $date</p>";
    // create the date time schedule data for the specified year and month.
    global $location_db_name;
    list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date);
    // query for the date time data for the 1st of the month, limit only 1
    $result = wrap_db_query("SELECT * FROM " . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . " WHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $location_db_name[$location] . " >= 0 AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\tschedule_date_time = '" . $year . "-" . $month . "-01 " . MIN_BOOKING_HOUR . ":00:00'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 0,1");
    if (!defined(BOOKING_TIME_INTERVAL)) {
        define(BOOKING_TIME_INTERVAL, 30);
    // If there are no result(s) then we need to create the data for this month.
    if (!(wrap_db_num_rows($result) >= 1) || !$result) {
        // Define Valid Times (hh:mm format)
        $valid_times = get_times_in_range(sprintf("%02d", MIN_BOOKING_HOUR) . ':00', sprintf("%02d", MAX_BOOKING_HOUR) . ':00', BOOKING_TIME_INTERVAL, false);
        // Define Starting Weekday Value (0=Sunday, 1=Monday,...,6=Saturday)
        $dayoftheweekid = beginning_weekday_of_the_month($year, $month);
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
            // For Each Day in the Month.
            if (check_valid_date($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $i)) {
                //echo "Loop ID: $i<br />";
                if ($dayoftheweekid == 7) {
                    $dayoftheweekid = 0;
                //echo "Day of the Week ID: $dayoftheweekid <br />";
                foreach ($valid_times as $valid_time) {
                    $result = wrap_db_query("INSERT INTO " . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET schedule_date_time = '" . $year . "-" . $month . "-" . sprintf("%02d", $i) . " " . $valid_time . "', day_of_the_week_id = " . $dayoftheweekid);
            // end of if
        // end of for loop
        // Order the table if modified.
        $result = wrap_db_query("ALTER TABLE " . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . " ORDER BY schedule_date_time");
        // Optimize all of the main tables.
        $result = wrap_db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE);
        $result = wrap_db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . BOOKING_EVENT_TABLE);
        $result = wrap_db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . BOOKING_USER_TABLE);
    // end of if
    return true;
Beispiel #2
 } elseif ($unix_starting_date < $unix_todays_date) {
     $page_error_message = "Your starting date is in the past! Please enter a start date in the future.";
 } elseif (!check_valid_date($starting_date)) {
     $page_error_message = "Your starting date does not exist. There are only " . number_of_days_in_month($_POST['start_year'], $_POST['start_mon']) . " days in " . month_name($_POST['start_mon']) . " " . $_POST['start_year'] . ". Please check the calendar and try again.";
 } elseif (!$dates_within_limit) {
     if ($bookingTooSoonAhead) {
         $page_error_message = "Your starting time is outside of the minimum booking period of " . $bookeeMinimumAdvanceBookingLimit . " hours.<br><br>";
         $page_error_message .= "Please select a later booking slot and re-submit the form.";
     } else {
         //Basically: $bookingTooFarAhead == true
         $page_error_message = "Your ending date is outside of the booking limit of " . $bookeeAdvanceBookingLimit / 24 . " days.<br><br>";
         $page_error_message .= "The form has been updated to reflect the maximum end and recurrence dates (where applicable).<br>Please check these dates, select an appropriate start date and re-submit the form.";
 } elseif (!check_valid_date($ending_date)) {
     $page_error_message = "Your ending date does not exist. There are only " . number_of_days_in_month($_POST['end_year'], $_POST['end_mon']) . " days in " . month_name($_POST['end_mon']) . " " . $_POST['end_year'] . ". Please check the calendar and try again.";
 } elseif (!check_valid_date($recur_date) && $recur_interval != '') {
     $page_error_message = "Your recurring date does not exist. There are only " . number_of_days_in_month($_POST['recur_year'], $_POST['recur_mon']) . " days in " . month_name($_POST['recur_mon']) . " " . $_POST['recur_year'] . ". Please check the calendar and try again.";
 } elseif (implode("", explode("-", $ending_date)) . implode("", explode(":", $_POST['end_time'])) + 0 <= implode("", explode("-", $starting_date)) . implode("", explode(":", $_POST['start_time'])) + 0) {
     $page_error_message = "Your ending date and time must occur after your starting " . "date and time. Please check your dates and times and try again.";
 } elseif (implode("", explode("-", $recur_date)) + 0 <= implode("", explode("-", $ending_date)) + 0 && !($recur_interval == 'none' || $recur_interval == '')) {
     $page_error_message = "Your recurring until date must occur after your ending " . "date. Please check your dates and try again.";
 // end of if/elseif
 //if recurrence interval is set to none, overwrite the recur_date with
 //the start date to prevent entry of past recur dates into the db
 if ($recur_interval == 'none' || $recur_interval == '') {
     $recur_date = $starting_date;
 //echo "Recurrence Dates:<br />";
Beispiel #3
function get_day_view_event_data($date, $location = DEFAULT_LOCATION_NAME)
    // Get the event data for the selected day, month, year and location.
    global $location_db_name;
    // Sanitize for MySQL
    $date = wrap_db_escape_string($date);
    // Check Valid Date
    if (!check_valid_date($date)) {
        $date = '1970-01-01';
    list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date);
    $query = "SELECT * \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . ", " . BOOKING_EVENT_TABLE . " WHERE \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . "." . $location_db_name[$location] . " != 0 AND \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . "." . $location_db_name[$location] . " = " . BOOKING_EVENT_TABLE . ".event_id AND \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . ".schedule_date_time >= '" . $date . " 00:00:00' AND \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . ".schedule_date_time <= '" . $date . " 23:59:59' \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY " . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . ".schedule_date_time";
    //echo $query."<br /><br />";
    $result = wrap_db_query($query);
    $db_num_rows = wrap_db_num_rows($result);
    // Event Row Data Assoc. Array
    //    $event_row_data['display_time'] = 'db_row_id|row_span|start_time|end_time';
    $event_row_data = array();
    global $event_row_data;
    // Get the Display Times and Number of Rows
    $data_display_times = get_times_in_range(MIN_BOOKING_HOUR, MAX_BOOKING_HOUR, BOOKING_TIME_INTERVAL, true);
    $number_of_display_time_rows = count($data_display_times);
    // Create an Assoc. Date array for index lookup.
    $display_time_lookup = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_display_time_rows; $i++) {
        $display_time_lookup[$data_display_times[$i]] = $i;
    // $event_row_data array - build out the schedule time blocks
    foreach ($data_display_times as $display_time) {
        $event_row_data[$display_time] = '';
    if (!$result) {
        //echo "No Database Events / Results<br />";
        return false;
    // Go thru the database $result data and fill out the $event_row_data array.
    $previous_event_id = 0;
    $row_span = 0;
    $row = 0;
    $event = array();
    //echo "<h1>TESTING</h1>";
    for ($row = 0; $row <= $db_num_rows; $row++) {
        // define db variables
        $event = wrap_db_fetch_array($result);
        $db_event_id = $event['event_id'];
        //echo "ID: $db_event_id<br />";
        list($db_starting_date, $db_starting_time) = explode(" ", $event['schedule_date_time']);
        list($db_hr, $db_min, $db_sec) = explode(":", $db_starting_time);
        $db_starting_time = sprintf("%02d", $db_hr) . ':' . sprintf("%02d", $db_min);
        if ($previous_event_id != $db_event_id || $previous_event_id == 0) {
            // event_id has changed / or first event_id
            if ($previous_event_id != 0) {
                // if not first id, then define $event_row_data array
                // place the event data into $event_row_data: 'db_row_id|row_span|start_time|end_time'
                $event_row_data[$event_start_time] = $event_start_db_row_id . "|" . $row_span . "|" . $event_start_time . "|" . $data_display_times[$display_time_lookup[$event_start_time] + $row_span];
                // echo values for testing
                //echo "Define Event -> " . $event_row_data[$event_start_time] . "<br />";
                // initialize the row_span for the new event
                $row_span = 1;
            // Mark the event starting time and db row id to be used to data_seeking
            //echo "<strong>Mark Start:</strong> ".$db_starting_time.", ".$row.", ".$db_event_id."<br />";
            $event_start_time = $db_starting_time;
            // mark the starting time
            $event_start_db_row_id = $row;
            // mark the starting db row
            $row_span = 1;
        } else {
            // same event_id
            // Set the 'row_span' for the spanning cells of the event to zero ('row_span' = 0)
            $event_row_data[$db_starting_time] = 0;
            //echo "<strong>Same Event ID:</strong> ".$db_starting_time.", ".$row.", ".$db_event_id."<br />";
        $previous_event_id = $db_event_id;
    // end of while
    // Display/Check the $event_row_data for errors
    //echo "<br />";
    //foreach ($data_display_times as $display_time) {
    //		echo $display_time." Event Row Data: ".$event_row_data[$display_time]."<br />";
    // return the resulting data object
    return $result;