function tpl_function_qishi_news_show($params, &$smarty) { global $db, $_CFG; $arr = explode(',', $params['set']); foreach ($arr as $str) { $a = explode(':', $str); switch ($a[0]) { case "资讯ID": $aset['id'] = $a[1]; break; case "列表名": $aset['listname'] = $a[1]; break; } } $aset = array_map("get_smarty_request", $aset); $aset['id'] = $aset['id'] ? intval($aset['id']) : 0; $aset['listname'] = $aset['listname'] ? $aset['listname'] : "list"; unset($arr, $str, $a, $params); $sql = "select id,subsite_id,content,title,seo_keywords,seo_description,type_id,addtime from " . table('article') . " WHERE id=" . intval($aset['id']) . " AND is_display=1 LIMIT 1"; $val = $db->getone($sql); if (empty($val)) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $smarty->display("404.htm"); exit; } check_url($val['subsite_id'], $smarty, $_CFG['news_url']); $val['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['content'], ENT_QUOTES); if ($val['seo_keywords'] == "") { $val['keywords'] = $val['title']; } else { $val['keywords'] = $val['seo_keywords']; } if ($val['seo_description'] == "") { $val['description'] = cut_str(strip_tags($val['content']), 60, 0, ""); } else { $val['description'] = $val['seo_description']; } if (intval($_CFG['subsite_id']) > 0) { $other_wheresql = " AND subsite_id=" . intval($_CFG['subsite_id']) . " "; } $prev = $db->getone("select id,subsite_id,title from " . table('article') . " where id<" . $val['id'] . " and type_id=" . $val['type_id'] . $other_wheresql . " order by id desc limit 1"); if (!$prev) { $val['prev'] = 0; } else { $val['prev'] = 1; $val['prev_title'] = $prev['title']; $val['prev_url'] = url_rewrite("QS_newsshow", array('id' => $prev['id']), 1, $prev['subsite_id']); } $next = $db->getone("select id,subsite_id,title from " . table('article') . " where id>" . $val['id'] . " and type_id=" . $val['type_id'] . $other_wheresql . " limit 1"); if (!$next) { $val['next'] = "没有了"; } else { $val['next'] = 1; $val['next_title'] = $next['title']; $val['next_url'] = url_rewrite("QS_newsshow", array('id' => $next['id']), 1, $next['subsite_id']); } $smarty->assign($aset['listname'], $val); }
/** * Customize RSS feed icon * * @param $url * URL for RSS icon to link to * @param $title * Title for RSS icon * @return a string containing the RSS icon output. */ function txtconnect_theme_feed_icon($url, $title) { if ($image = theme('image', '/misc/feed.png', t('RSS Feed'), $title)) { $output = '<div id="top-feed-container"><a href="' . check_url($url) . '" class="feed-icon">' . $image . '</a> '; $output .= '<a href="' . check_url($url) . '" class="feed-icon">RSS Feed</a></div>'; return $output; } }
function build_url($url) { if (check_url($url)) { return $url; } else { return config::standard_protocol . $url; } }
function tpl_function_qishi_curriculum_show($params, &$smarty) { global $db, $timestamp, $_CFG; $arr = explode(',', $params['set']); foreach ($arr as $str) { $a = explode(':', $str); switch ($a[0]) { case "¿Î³ÌID": $aset['id'] = $a[1]; break; case "ÁбíÃû": $aset['listname'] = $a[1]; break; case "ÃèÊö³¤¶È": $aset['brieflylen'] = $a[1]; break; case "Ìî²¹×Ö·û": $aset['dot'] = $a[1]; break; } } $aset = array_map("get_smarty_request", $aset); $aset['id'] = $aset['id'] ? intval($aset['id']) : 0; $aset['brieflylen'] = isset($aset['brieflylen']) ? intval($aset['brieflylen']) : 0; $aset['listname'] = $aset['listname'] ? $aset['listname'] : "list"; $wheresql = " WHERE id={$aset['id']} "; $sql = "select id,subsite_id,uid,setmeal_deadline,add_mode,train_id,contents,refreshtime,teacher_id,teacher_cn,trainname,course_name,addtime,click,favour_expenses,train_expenses,classhour,category_cn,starttime,classtype_cn,district_cn,train_object,train_certificate from " . table('course') . $wheresql . " LIMIT 1"; $val = $db->getone($sql); if (empty($val)) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $smarty->display("404.htm"); exit; } else { check_url($val['subsite_id'], $smarty, $_CFG['train_url']); if ($val['setmeal_deadline'] < time() && $val['setmeal_deadline'] != "0" && $val['add_mode'] == "2") { $val['deadline'] = $val['setmeal_deadline']; } $val['course_url'] = url_rewrite('QS_courseshow', array('id' => $val['id']), 1, $val['subsite_id']); $profile = GetTainProfile($val['train_id']); $val['train'] = $profile; $val['expire'] = sub_day($val['deadline'], time()); $val['countapply'] = $db->get_total("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM " . table('personal_course_apply') . " WHERE course_id= '{$val['id']}'"); if ($aset['brieflylen'] > 0) { $val['briefly'] = cut_str(strip_tags($val['contents']), $aset['brieflylen'], 0, $aset['dot']); } else { $val['briefly'] = strip_tags($val['contents']); } $val['refreshtime_cn'] = daterange(time(), $val['refreshtime'], 'Y-m-d', "#FF3300"); $val['train_url'] = url_rewrite('QS_train_agencyshow', array('id' => $val['train_id'])); $val['teacher_url'] = url_rewrite('QS_train_lecturershow', array('id' => $val['teacher_id'])); if ($val['train']['logo']) { $val['train']['logo'] = $_CFG['site_dir'] . "data/train_logo/" . $val['train']['logo']; } else { $val['train']['logo'] = $_CFG['site_dir'] . "data/train_logo/no_logo.gif"; } } $smarty->assign($aset['listname'], $val); }
/** * Checks that harmful protocols are stripped. */ function testBadProtocolStripping() { // Ensure that check_url() strips out harmful protocols, and encodes for // HTML. // Ensure \Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols() can // be used to return a plain-text string stripped of harmful protocols. $url = 'javascript:'; $expected_plain = ''; $expected_html = ''; $this->assertIdentical(check_url($url), $expected_html, 'check_url() filters a URL and encodes it for HTML.'); $this->assertIdentical(UrlHelper::stripDangerousProtocols($url), $expected_plain, '\\Drupal\\Component\\Utility\\Url::stripDangerousProtocols() filters a URL and returns plain text.'); }
/** * Confirms that invalid URLs are filtered in link generating functions. */ function testLinkXSS() { // Test \Drupal::l(). $text = $this->randomMachineName(); $path = "<SCRIPT>alert('XSS')</SCRIPT>"; $link = \Drupal::l($text, Url::fromUserInput('/' . $path)); $sanitized_path = check_url(Url::fromUri('base:' . $path)->toString()); $this->assertTrue(strpos($link, $sanitized_path) !== FALSE, format_string('XSS attack @path was filtered by _l().', array('@path' => $path))); // Test \Drupal\Core\Url. $link = Url::fromUri('base:' . $path)->toString(); $sanitized_path = check_url(Url::fromUri('base:' . $path)->toString()); $this->assertTrue(strpos($link, $sanitized_path) !== FALSE, format_string('XSS attack @path was filtered by #theme', ['@path' => $path])); }
/** * Confirms that invalid URLs are filtered in link generating functions. */ function testLinkXSS() { // Test _l(). $text = $this->randomMachineName(); $path = "<SCRIPT>alert('XSS')</SCRIPT>"; $link = _l($text, $path); $sanitized_path = check_url(_url($path)); $this->assertTrue(strpos($link, $sanitized_path) !== FALSE, format_string('XSS attack @path was filtered by _l().', array('@path' => $path))); // Test _url(). $link = _url($path); $sanitized_path = check_url(_url($path)); $this->assertTrue(strpos($link, $sanitized_path) !== FALSE, format_string('XSS attack @path was filtered by #theme', ['@path' => $path])); }
function sci_aggregator_block_item($item, $feed = 0) { global $user; $output = ''; if ($user->uid && module_exists('post') && user_access('create post entries')) { if ($image = theme('image', 'misc/blog.png', t('post it'), t('post it'))) { $output .= '<div class="icon">' . l($image, 'node/add/post', array('attributes' => array('title' => t('Comment on this news item in your personal postings.'), 'class' => 'post-it'), 'query' => "iid={$item->iid}", 'html' => TRUE)) . '</div>'; } } // Display the external link to the item. $output .= '<a href="' . check_url($item->link) . '">' . check_plain($item->title) . "</a>\n"; return $output; }
/** * Confirms that invalid URLs are filtered in link generating functions. */ function testLinkXSS() { // Test l(). $text = $this->randomMachineName(); $path = "<SCRIPT>alert('XSS')</SCRIPT>"; $link = l($text, $path); $sanitized_path = check_url(url($path)); $this->assertTrue(strpos($link, $sanitized_path) !== FALSE, format_string('XSS attack @path was filtered by l().', array('@path' => $path))); // Test #type 'link'. $link_array = array('#type' => 'link', '#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#href' => $path); $type_link = drupal_render($link_array); $sanitized_path = check_url(url($path)); $this->assertTrue(strpos($type_link, $sanitized_path) !== FALSE, format_string('XSS attack @path was filtered by #theme', array('@path' => $path))); }
function admin_user_edit($id) { global $db; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if ($db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_user', 'COUNT(ID)', 'username = \'' . strsave(htmlspecialchars($_POST['username'])) . '\' AND ID != ' . $id) or $_POST['username'] == '') { $_POST['username'] = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_user', 'username', 'ID = ' . $id); table(ERROR, ACCOUNT_ALLREADY_EXIST); } if ($db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_user', 'COUNT(ID)', 'email = \'' . strsave($_POST['username']) . '\' AND ID != ' . $id) or !check_email($_POST['email'])) { $_POST['email'] = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_user', 'email', 'ID = ' . $id); if (!check_email($_POST['email'])) { table(ERROR, WRONG_EMAIL); } else { table(ERROR, EMAIL_ALLREADY_EXIST); } } $geburtstag = explode('.', $_POST['birthday']); $sql = sprintf('UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user SET username = \'%s\',email = \'%s\',country = \'%s\', sex = \'%s\',signatur = \'%s\',realname = \'%s\', geburtstag = \'%s\',homepage = \'%s\',icq = \'%s\', msn = \'%s\',yahoo = \'%s\',skype = \'%s\',xfire = \'%s\', clanname = \'%s\',clanirc = \'%s\',clanhomepage = \'%s\', clanhistory = \'%s\',cpu = \'%s\',mainboard = \'%s\', ram = \'%s\',gkarte = \'%s\',skarte = \'%s\', monitor = \'%s\',maus = \'%s\',tastatur = \'%s\', mauspad = \'%s\',internet = \'%s\',festplatte = \'%s\', headset = \'%s\',aboutme = \'%s\', wohnort = \'%s\', aim = \'%s\' WHERE ID = ' . $id, strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['username'])), strsave(@$_POST['email']), strsave(@$_POST['country']), @$_POST['sex'] == 'male' ? 'male' : 'female', strsave(comment_save(@$_POST['signatur'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['realname'])), (int) @$geburtstag[2] . '-' . (int) @$geburtstag[1] . '-' . (int) @$geburtstag[0], strsave(htmlspecialchars(check_url(@$_POST['homepage']))), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['icq'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['msn'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['yahoo'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['skype'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['xfire'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['clanname'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['clanirc'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(check_url(@$_POST['clanhomepage']))), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['clanhistory'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['cpu'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['mainboard'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['ram'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['gkarte'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['skarte'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['monitor'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['maus'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['tastatur'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['mauspad'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['internet'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['festplatte'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['headset'])), strsave(comment_save(@$_POST['aboutme'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['wohnort'])), strsave(htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['aim']))); if ($db->query($sql) and $db->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user_stats SET comments = ' . (int) $_POST['comments'] . ', money = ' . (double) $_POST['money'] . ' WHERE userID = ' . $id)) { header1('?section=admin&site=user'); } } else { $tpl = new smarty(); $row = $db->fetch_assoc('SELECT `username`, `email`, `country`, `sex`, `signatur`, `realname`, `wohnort`, `geburtstag`, `homepage`, `icq`, `msn`, `yahoo`, `skype`, `xfire`, `clanname`, `clanirc`, `clanhomepage`, `clanhistory`, `cpu`, `mainboard`, `ram`, `gkarte`, `skarte`, `monitor`, `maus`, `tastatur`, `mauspad`, `internet`, `festplatte`, `headset`, `aboutme`, `ondelete`, aim, money, comments FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user_stats ON (userID = ID) WHERE ID = ' . $id); $row['birthday'] = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($row['geburtstag'])); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $tpl->assign($key, $value); } ob_start(); $tpl->assign('countries', form_country($row['country'])); $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/user_edit.html'); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); main_content(ACCOUNT_EDIT, $content, '', 1); } }
function main($gj_config) { $data = explode('|', $_POST['content']); array_remove_empty($data); $url_num = count($data); $post_data = ''; foreach ($data as $info) { $tmp = explode('^', $info); if (empty($tmp[0])) { continue; } $post_data .= 'urlinfo=' . urlencode(base64_encode('url=' . urlencode($tmp[0]) . '&urlSeq=' . $tmp[1])) . '&'; } echo 'gj_plugin_function.gettype_callback_a(' . check_url($gj_config, $post_data, $url_num) . ')'; }
function admin_settings() { global $db, $countries; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { unset($_POST['submit']); $_POST['SITE_URL'] = strrpos($_POST['SITE_URL'], '/') !== strlen($_POST['SITE_URL']) - 1 ? check_url($_POST['SITE_URL'] . '/') : check_url($_POST['SITE_URL']); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_settings SET '; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $sql .= $key . ' = "' . strsave($value) . '", '; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 2); if ($db->query($sql)) { header('Location: ?section=admin&site=settings'); } } else { $dir = scan_dir('templates', true); $designs = ''; foreach ($dir as $value) { if (is_dir('templates/' . $value)) { $designs .= '<option ' . ($value == DESIGN ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="' . $value . '">' . $value . '</option>'; } } $tpl = new smarty(); $tpl->assign('designs', $designs); $tpl->assign('langs', get_languages()); $dir = scan_dir('module', true); $start = ''; foreach ($dir as $value) { if (is_dir('module/' . $value)) { $start .= '<option ' . ('modul|' . $value == STARTSEITE ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="modul|' . $value . '">' . $value . '</option>'; } } $start .= '<option value="">-----' . OWN_SITES . '----</option>'; $db->query('SELECT headline, cmsID FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_cms ORDER BY headline ASC'); while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) { $title = json_decode($row['headline'], true); isset($title[LANGUAGE]) ? $title = $title[LANGUAGE] : ($title = $title[DEFAULT_LANG]); $start .= '<option ' . ('cms|' . $row['cmsID'] == STARTSEITE ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="cms|' . $row['cmsID'] . '">' . $title . '</option>'; } $tpl->assign('startseite', $start); ob_start(); $tpl->display(DESIGN . '/tpl/admin/settings.html'); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); main_content(SETTINGS, $content, '', 1); } }
function get_sonmenu($son_key) { global $menu; echo '<div class="left_nav">'; //计算选中菜单 /*$is_set=0; for($i=0;$i<count($menu['son_key']);$i++){ $sonmenu=$menu[$i]['sonmenu']; for($j=0;$j<count($sonmenu);$j++){ $show = check_url($sonmenu[$j]['url']); if($show){ $is_set=1; $menu[$i]['selected'] = $show; $menu[$i]['sonmenu'][$j]['selected']=$show; } } } if($is_set==0){ $menu[1]['selected'] = 1; //$menu[0]['sonmenu'][0]['selected']=1; }*/ //显示菜单 echo '<ul>'; foreach ($menu[$son_key]['sonmenu'] as $k => $a) { $select = check_url($a['url']); $selected = $select ? 'selected' : ''; //验证权限 //if(!check_admin_level($a['level']) && !check_group_level($a['level'])) continue; echo '<li>'; if ($k == 0) { echo '<a href="" class="menu_1selected" style="background: url(' . $menu[$son_key]['bgimg'] . ') no-repeat">' . $menu[$son_key]['title'] . '</a>'; } echo '<a href="' . $a['url'] . '" class="menu_2' . $selected . '">' . $a['title'] . '</a>'; //获取子导航的第一个地址。给父导航显示连接地址 /*foreach($a['sonmenu'] as $son){ //验证权限 //if(!check_admin_level($son['level']) && !check_group_level($son['level'])) continue; if(check_admin_level($son['level']) || check_group_level($son['level'])) { echo('<a href="'.SITE_PATH.ADMIN_PATH.'/'.$son['url'].'" class="menu_1'.$selected.'" style="background:url('.SITE_PATH.ADMIN_PATH.'/'.$template."/".$a['bgimg'].') 12px 4px no-repeat;">'.$a['title'].'</a>'); break; } }*/ echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; }
function check_copyright($html) { $html_lower = strtolower($html); $html_work = $html; $i = 0; while ($i < 1) { $anchor_url = ""; $html_work = extract_first_anchor_url($html, $anchor_url, True); if ($html_work === False) { continue; } if (check_url($html, $anchor_url) == False) { return $anchor_url; } $i++; } return False; }
function theme221_l($text, $path, $options = array()) { // Merge in defaults. $options += array('attributes' => array(), 'html' => TRUE); // Append active class. if ($path == $_GET['q'] || $path == '<front>' && drupal_is_front_page()) { if (isset($options['attributes']['class'])) { $options['attributes']['class'] .= ' active'; } else { $options['attributes']['class'] = 'active'; } } // Remove all HTML and PHP tags from a tooltip. For best performance, we act only // if a quick strpos() pre-check gave a suspicion (because strip_tags() is expensive). if (isset($options['attributes']['title']) && strpos($options['attributes']['title'], '<') !== FALSE) { $options['attributes']['title'] = strip_tags($options['attributes']['title']); } return '<a href="' . check_url(url($path, $options)) . '"' . drupal_attributes($options['attributes']) . '>' . ($options['html'] ? $text : check_plain($text)) . '</a>'; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items) { $elements = parent::viewElements($items); $path_to_icon = drupal_get_path('module', 'social_profile_field') . '/icons/'; $show_icons = $this->getSetting('icons_show'); foreach ($elements as $delta => $element) { if ($show_icons) { $icon_path = $path_to_icon . 'default.png'; $domain_icon = $path_to_icon . parse_url(check_url(trim($items[$delta]->value)), PHP_URL_HOST) . '.png'; if (file_exists($domain_icon)) { $icon_path = $domain_icon; } $elements[$delta]['#title'] = ['#theme' => 'image', '#uri' => $icon_path, '#attributes' => ['class' => ['social-profile-icon']]]; $elements[$delta]['#attached'] = ['library' => ['social_profile_field/social_profile_field.css']]; } $elements[$delta]['#attributes'] = ['class' => ['social-link']]; } return $elements; }
function admin_links_edit($id) { ob_end_clean(); global $db; if (!isset($_SESSION['rights']['admin']['links']['edit']) and !isset($_SESSION['rights']['superadmin'])) { echo NO_ADMIN_RIGHTS; } else { if ($_POST['name'] == '' or $_POST['url'] == '') { echo NOT_NEED_ALL_INPUTS; } else { $db->setMode(0); ajax_convert_array($_POST); $sql = sprintf('UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_links SET `name` = \'%s\', `url` = \'%s\', `bannerurl` = \'%s\', `beschreibung` = \'%s\', `hits` = %d WHERE linkID = %d', strsave($_POST['name']), strsave(check_url($_POST['url'])), strsave(check_url($_POST['bannerurl'])), strsave($_POST['beschreibung']), (int) $_POST['hits'], $id); if ($db->query($sql)) { echo 'ok'; } } } die; }
/** * @file * template.php for the vote_up_down.module */ function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars) { switch ($hook) { case 'node': $vars['storylink_url'] = check_url($vars['node']->vote_storylink_url); if (arg(1) != 'add' && arg(2) != 'edit') { $style = variable_get('vote_up_down_widget_style_node', 0) == 1 ? '_alt' : ''; $vars['vote_up_down_widget'] = theme("vote_up_down_widget$style", $vars['node']->nid, 'node'); $vars['vote_up_down_points'] = theme("vote_up_down_points$style", $vars['node']->nid, 'node'); } $vars['vote_storylink_via'] = theme('vote_storylink_via', $vars['node']->vote_storylink_url); if (arg(1) == 'top') { static $count; $count = is_array($count) ? $count : array(); $count[$hook] = is_int($count[$hook]) ? $count[$hook] : 1; $vars['seqid'] = $count[$hook]++; } break; } return $vars; }
function tpl_function_qishi_notice_show($params, &$smarty) { global $db, $_CFG; $arr = explode(',', $params['set']); foreach ($arr as $str) { $a = explode(':', $str); switch ($a[0]) { case "公告ID": $aset['id'] = $a[1]; break; case "列表名": $aset['listname'] = $a[1]; break; } } $aset = array_map("get_smarty_request", $aset); $aset['id'] = $aset['id'] ? intval($aset['id']) : 0; $aset['listname'] = $aset['listname'] ? $aset['listname'] : "list"; unset($arr, $str, $a, $params); $sql = "select id,subsite_id,title,content,seo_keywords,seo_description,type_id,addtime from " . table('notice') . " WHERE id=" . intval($aset['id']) . " AND is_display=1 LIMIT 1"; $val = $db->getone($sql); if (empty($val)) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); $smarty->display("404.htm"); exit; } check_url($val['subsite_id'], $smarty, $_CFG['notice_url']); if ($val['seo_keywords'] == "") { $val['keywords'] = $val['title']; } else { $val['keywords'] = $val['seo_keywords']; } if ($val['seo_description'] == "") { $val['description'] = cut_str(strip_tags($val['content']), 60, 0, ""); } else { $val['description'] = $val['seo_description']; } $val['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['content'], ENT_QUOTES); $smarty->assign($aset['listname'], $val); }
function iwebkit_textfield($element) { $size = empty($element['#size']) ? '' : ' size="' . $element['#size'] . '"'; $maxlength = empty($element['#maxlength']) ? '' : ' maxlength="' . $element['#maxlength'] . '"'; $class = array('form-text'); $extra = ''; $output = ''; if ($element['#autocomplete_path'] && menu_valid_path(array('link_path' => $element['#autocomplete_path']))) { drupal_add_js('misc/autocomplete.js'); $class[] = 'form-autocomplete'; $extra = '<input class="autocomplete" type="hidden" id="' . $element['#id'] . '-autocomplete" value="' . check_url(url($element['#autocomplete_path'], array('absolute' => TRUE))) . '" disabled="disabled" />'; } _form_set_class($element, $class); if (isset($element['#field_prefix'])) { $output .= '<span class="field-prefix">' . $element['#field_prefix'] . '</span> '; } $output .= '<ul class="pageitem"><li class="form"><input placeholder="' . $element['#title'] . '" type="text"' . $maxlength . ' name="' . $element['#name'] . '" id="' . $element['#id'] . '"' . $size . ' value="' . check_plain($element['#value']) . '"' . drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']) . ' /></li></ul>'; if (isset($element['#field_suffix'])) { $output .= ' <span class="field-suffix">' . $element['#field_suffix'] . '</span>'; } return theme('form_element', $element, $output) . $extra; }
function alternator_feed_icon($url) { if ($image = theme('image', drupal_get_path('theme', 'dynamo') . '/images/feed.png', t('RSS feed'), t('RSS feed'))) { // Transform view expose query string in to drupal style arguments -- ?library=1 <-> /1 if ($pos = strpos($url, '?')) { $base = substr($url, 0, $pos); $parm = ''; foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'q') { $parm .= '/' . strtolower($value); } } // Extra fix for event arrangementer?library=x, as it wants taks. id/lib. id if (isset($_GET['library'])) { if (arg(1) == '') { $parm = '/all' . $parm; } } $url = $base . $parm; } return '<a href="' . check_url($url) . '" class="feed-icon">' . $image . '<span>' . t('RSS') . '</span></a>'; } }
public function views($_id) { $res = $this->Content->get($_id); if ($res["state"] == 1 && $res["hidden"] == 0) { $this->Content->pageview($_id); $res["com"] = $this->Startup_member->get_by_user($res["user_id"]); $this->assigns["res"] = $res; $cat_list = $this->Content_category->list_('', '', 'hidden = 0'); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($cat_list); $i++) { $cat_list[$i]["cnt"] = $this->Content->cnt("c.state = 1 and c.hidden = 0 and category_id = " . $cat_list[$i]["id"]); } $this->assigns["cat_list"] = $cat_list; $this->assigns["curr_cont"] = $this->Content->list_(1, 5, 'c.state = 1 and c.hidden = 0'); $this->assigns["hot_cont"] = $this->Content->list_(1, 5, 'c.en = 0 and c.state = 1 and c.hidden = 0', 'v_cnt DESC'); $og["type"] = 'article'; $og["url"] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $og["title"] = $res["subject"] . " on D.CAMP"; $og["description"] = strip_tags($res["contents"]); if (strlen(strip_tags($res["contents"])) > 150) { $og["description"] = mb_substr(strip_tags($res["contents"]), 0, 150, 'UTF-8') . '...'; } if ($res["cpic"]) { $og["image"] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $res["cpic"]; } if (!$res["cpic"]) { $og["image"] = check_url($res["img"], ''); } $this->assigns_layout["og"] = $og; $this->assigns["acnt"] = $this->Content->cnt("c.state = 1 and c.hidden = 0"); if (!strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], "")) { $this->assigns_layout["cards"] = bottom_main(); } } else { header("Location: /error_404"); } }
<div class="main-heading"> <!--<?php if (!$user->uid) { ?> <strong class="note">Unlock up-to-the-minute financial news. <a href="/user/register">Sign up today.</a></strong><?php } ?> --> <h2><?php if (arg(0) == "sector") { echo ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", check_url(arg(1)))); if (arg(2) && arg(2) != "index") { echo ": <br/>" . ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", check_plain(arg(2)))); } } else { echo "Financial Market News"; } ?> </h2> </div> <?php print $block->content;
height: 400px; } </style> </head> <body <?php print drupal_attributes($attr); ?> > <?php print $skipnav; ?> <div id='logo' class='clear-block'> <div class='logo'> <a href="<?php echo check_url($front_page); ?> "><img title="Open Government Platform (OGPL)" src="<?php print $logo; ?> " alt="logo" /></a> </div> <div class="header-anounced-text">The National Data Portal Beta</div> <div class="searchPan"></div> </div> <div id="menu"> <?php print $header_top; ?> </div> <div class="clear-block"></div>
/** * Search result preprocessing */ function fusion_core_preprocess_search_result(&$vars) { static $search_zebra = 'even'; $search_zebra = $search_zebra == 'even' ? 'odd' : 'even'; $vars['search_zebra'] = $search_zebra; $result = $vars['result']; $vars['url'] = check_url($result['link']); $vars['title'] = check_plain($result['title']); // Check for snippet existence. User search does not include snippets. $vars['snippet'] = ''; if (isset($result['snippet']) && theme_get_setting('search_snippet')) { $vars['snippet'] = $result['snippet']; } $info = array(); if (!empty($result['type']) && theme_get_setting('search_info_type')) { $info['type'] = check_plain($result['type']); } if (!empty($result['user']) && theme_get_setting('search_info_user')) { $info['user'] = $result['user']; } if (!empty($result['date']) && theme_get_setting('search_info_date')) { $info['date'] = format_date($result['date'], 'small'); } if (isset($result['extra']) && is_array($result['extra'])) { // $info = array_merge($info, $result['extra']); Drupal bug? [extra] array not keyed with 'comment' & 'upload' if (!empty($result['extra'][0]) && theme_get_setting('search_info_comment')) { $info['comment'] = $result['extra'][0]; } if (!empty($result['extra'][1]) && theme_get_setting('search_info_upload')) { $info['upload'] = $result['extra'][1]; } } // Provide separated and grouped meta information. $vars['info_split'] = $info; $vars['info'] = implode(' - ', $info); // Provide alternate search result template. $vars['template_files'][] = 'search-result-' . $vars['type']; }
?> <?php if ($is_front) { ?> <h1 class="site-name"><a href="<?php print check_url($front_page); ?> "><?php print $site_name; ?> </a></h1> <?php } else { ?> <h2 class="site-name"><a href="<?php print check_url($front_page); ?> "><?php print $site_name; ?> </a></h2> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($site_slogan) { ?>
/** * Return code that emits an feed icon. * * @param $url * The url of the feed. */ function art_feed_icon($url) { return '<a href="' . check_url($url) . '" class="art-rss-tag-icon" title="' . t('Syndicate content') . '"></a>'; }
/** * Renders a video or audio element. */ function vozmob_white_label_media_element($file, $href) { // @fixme: due to firefox bugginess, sometimes WAV files are not decoded and page render stalls? // $elements = drupal_map_assoc(array('audio', 'video')); $elements = drupal_map_assoc(array('video')); list($element) = explode('/', $file->filemime); if (isset($elements[$element])) { return '<' . $element . ' controls="controls" src="' . check_url($href) . '" />'; } }
if ($system['code'] == 1) { check_code($_POST['code'], $_SESSION['code']); } if (!!($rows = fetch_array("SELECT bbs_uniqid FROM bbs_users WHERE bbs_username='******'username']}' LIMIt 1"))) { //为了防止cookie伪造,要比对一下唯一标识符uniqid uniqid_check($rows['bbs_uniqid'], $_COOKIE['uniqid']); //引入验证文件 include ROOT_PATH . 'includes/check.func.php'; //创建空数组,用来存放提交的合法数据 $clean = array(); $clean['password'] = check_modify_password($_POST['password'], 6); $clean['sex'] = check_sex($_POST['sex']); $clean['photo'] = check_photo($_POST['photo']); $clean['email'] = check_email($_POST['email'], 6, 40); $clean['qq'] = check_qq($_POST['qq']); $clean['url'] = check_url($_POST['url'], 40); $clean['switch'] = $_POST['switch']; $clean['signature'] = check_signature($_POST['signature'], 200); //修改资料 if (empty($clean['password'])) { query("UPDATE bbs_users SET \n bbs_sex='{$clean['sex']}',\n bbs_photo='{$clean['photo']}',\n bbs_email='{$clean['email']}',\n bbs_qq='{$clean['qq']}',\n bbs_url='{$clean['url']}',\n bbs_switch='{$clean['switch']}',\n bbs_signature='{$clean['signature']}'\n WHERE\n bbs_username='******'username']}'\n "); } else { query("UPDATE bbs_users SET \n bbs_password='******'password']}',\n bbs_sex='{$clean['sex']}',\n bbs_photo='{$clean['photo']}',\n bbs_email='{$clean['email']}',\n bbs_qq='{$clean['qq']}',\n bbs_url='{$clean['url']}',\n bbs_switch='{$clean['switch']}',\n bbs_signature='{$clean['signature']}'\n WHERE\n bbs_username='******'username']}'\n "); } //可以生成新的唯一标识符,这样更安全 } //判断是否修改成功 //当什么都是不修改时,影响条数为0 if (affected_rows() >= 0) { //关闭数据库 close();
$_SESSION['sysmsg'] = array(); } if (!x($_SESSION, 'sysmsg_info')) { $_SESSION['sysmsg_info'] = array(); } /* * check_config() is responsible for running update scripts. These automatically * update the DB schema whenever we push a new one out. It also checks to see if * any plugins have been added or removed and reacts accordingly. */ if ($install) { $a->module = 'install'; } elseif ($maintenance) { $a->module = 'maintenance'; } else { check_url($a); check_db(); check_plugins($a); } nav_set_selected('nothing'); $arr = array('app_menu' => $a->apps); call_hooks('app_menu', $arr); $a->apps = $arr['app_menu']; /** * * We have already parsed the server path into $a->argc and $a->argv * * $a->argv[0] is our module name. We will load the file mod/{$a->argv[0]}.php * and use it for handling our URL request. * The module file contains a few functions that we call in various circumstances * and in the following order: