Beispiel #1
 * update_user($params) 
 * Update a user using the parameters submitted. Don't worry only allowed params can be submitted.
 * @param (Obect) Accepts the PDO Object
 * @param (Array) params array submitted from form
 * @return (params)
function update_user($ObjectPDO, $params)
    require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/reou/includes/const.php";
    require_once D_ROOT . "/reou/helpers/users_helper.php";
    // If the users data is being updated.
    if (userSignedIn() && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && isset($_POST['_method'])) {
        if ($_POST['_method'] == "patch") {
            // ------ Quick Field Check -----
            // ---------- END ---------------
            $user = new User($ObjectPDO);
            // Die. If the user tried to edit another user. This wont work because a notmal user is able to edit
            // from session while admin edits from get.
            // if( $_GET['userId'] != $_POST['userId'] ) {
            // 	add_message("error", "An error occured when trying to update the user");
            // 	header( "Location:" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
            // 	die();
            // }
            // Make sure a user cannot edit another user unless they are an admin
            // Do something if there is no session of the session is no loger tehr
            // If the user isn't an admin and they are trying to modify another user then throw message;
            if (!userIsAdmin()) {
                if ($_SESSION['id'] != $_POST['userId']) {
                    add_message("error", "there was a problem updating the user");
                    header("Location:" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
                // Prevent non-admin  from changing their role ( needs refactoring )
                $_POST['role'] = "student";
                // Prevent non-admin user from deactivating theit accoutn
                $_POST['active'] = '1';
            // The user should not be able to update if the email already exists in the system
            // Admins Should not be able to change the email address
            if ($user->update_user($_POST)) {
                add_message("alert", "Profile has been Successfully Updated");
                header("Location:" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
            } else {
                add_message("error", "there was a problem updating the user");
        } else {
            die("crital update user error. Incorrect update method used");
    // UPLOADING IMAGES. You may need to use this later.
    // // If ther user is trying to upload an image
    // if (userSignedIn() && !empty($_FILES) ) {
    // 	echo "you're trying to upload an image";
    // 	require  D_ROOT . "/reou/assets/classes/bulletproof/src/bulletproof.php";
    // 	// There might be an error here since there is no user object
    // 	$image = new Bulletproof\Image($_FILES);
    // 	if($image["profilePicture"]) {
    // 		 $image->setLocation("/var/www/html/reou/assets/img/dbimg");
    // 		 $image->setSize(100, 4194304);
    // 		 $image->setDimension(900, 900);
    // 	    // $upload = $image->upload();
    // 		 echo "Image has been uploaded - PHASE 1";
    // 		// Get Current name of user profile image
    // 		$profilePictureName = $user->getProfilePictureName($params);
    // 		echo "profile picture name is";
    // 		var_dump($profilePictureName);
    // 		if  (empty($profilePictureName)) {
    // 			// If the picture profile name is empty
    // 		    if($upload) {
    // 		       echo "The file has been uploaded";
    // 		       echo $image->getName() . "." . $image->getMime();
    // 		    }
    // 		    else {
    // 		        echo $image["error"];
    // 		    }
    // 		}
    // 		else {
    // 			echo "the profile picture name is apperently this caused some ort of error";
    // 			var_dump($profilePictureName);
    // 			// unlink(D_ROOT . "/reou/images/dbimg/src/" . $profilePictureName['profile_picture']);
    // 			echo "file erased?";
    // 			echo "the file has been erased";
    // 		}
    // 	}
    // 	// Take this out? No
    // 	die("image has been uploaded END");
    // }
Beispiel #2
 * update_course($params) 
 * Update a course using the parameters submitted.
 * @param (Obect) Accepts the PDO Object
 * @param (Array) params array submitted from form
 * @return (params)
function update_course($ObjectPDO, $params)
    // If something breaks its probably because this isn't here
    // require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/reou/includes/const.php");
    // require_once(D_ROOT . "/reou/helpers/users_helper.php");
    // If the users data is being updated.
    if (userSignedIn() && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" && isset($_POST['_method'])) {
        if ($_POST['_method'] == "patch") {
            // ------ Quick Field Check -----
            // ---------- END ---------------
            $course = new Course($ObjectPDO);
            // Die. If the user tried to edit another user. This wont work because a notmal user is able to edit
            // from session while admin edits from get.
            // if( $_GET['userId'] != $_POST['userId'] ) {
            // 	add_message("error", "An error occured when trying to update the user");
            // 	header( "Location:" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
            // 	die();
            // }
            // The user cannot edit another user unless they are an admin
            // Regular users should not be able to nodify a course
            // Admins have the ability to modify a course
            if (!userIsAdmin()) {
                // Direct the user back to the home page
                header("Location:" . course_route("course_category"));
            if ($course->update_user($_POST)) {
                add_message("alert", "Profile has been Successfully Updated");
                // Take the user back to the course edit page.
                header("Location:" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
            } else {
                add_message("error", "An error occured while trying to update the course");
        } else {
            die("Error has occured. Incorrect update method was used.");