require_once CLASS_DIR . "timers.class.php"; $maintimer = new timer(); $maintimer->timer(); // $download_dir should always end with '/' if (substr($options["download_dir"], -1) != '/') { $options["download_dir"] .= '/'; } define('DOWNLOAD_DIR', substr($options["download_dir"], 0, 6) == "ftp://" ? '' : $options["download_dir"]); define('TEMPLATE_DIR', 'tpl/' . $options['template_used'] . '/'); define('IMAGE_DIR', TEMPLATE_DIR . 'skin/' . $options["csstype"] . '/'); // Language initialisation require_once CLASS_DIR . "lang.class.php"; $L = new RxLang(); $charSet = $L->settings["charset"]; // Check DOWNLOAD_DIR and FILES_LST $czFlst = checkExistence(); // Strict check firbidden file in DOWNLOAD_DIR checkStrict(); define('THIS_SCRIPT', basename($PHP_SELF)); // check for forbidden page (audl, auul, lynx, mtn) $keyfn = str_replace("." . get_extension(THIS_SCRIPT), "", THIS_SCRIPT); if (isset($options['forbid'][$keyfn]) && $options['forbid'][$keyfn]) { get_tpl("404", ucwords(do_strtolower($keyfn)) . " " . $L->say["disabled"]); exit; } // Load server spec $server = getServerPlatf(); // Load visitor class, user ip defined in here require_once CLASS_DIR . 'visitors.class.php'; $visitors = new Visitor(); switch (THIS_SCRIPT) {
include "../databaseInfo.php"; if (empty($_POST["submit"]) && empty($_POST["g-recaptcha-response"]) && empty($_POST["username"])) { displayForm(""); } if (!empty($_POST["submit"]) && (empty($_POST["g-recaptcha-response"]) || empty($_POST["username"]))) { displayForm("incomplete"); } elseif (!empty($_POST["submit"]) && !empty($_POST["g-recaptcha-response"]) && !empty($_POST["username"])) { if (isValid($_POST["g-recaptcha-response"])) { if (checkExistence(trim($_POST["username"])) == admin) { if (automatedPasswordReset(trim($_POST["username"]), "admin")) { displayForm("success"); } else { displayForm("tech_diff"); } } elseif (checkExistence(trim($_POST["username"])) == member) { if (automatedPasswordReset(trim($_POST["username"]), "member")) { displayForm("success"); } else { displayForm("tech_diff"); } } else { displayForm("nonexistant"); } } else { displayForm("verfication_prob"); } } function isValid($captcha) { $secret = "6LfnWRgTAAAAAOjb5kqADRu_BPY-Ez7KLZwlF7mH";
} try { $latest_data = scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("select kitaID from swdata order by kitaID desc limit 1"); } catch (Exception $e) { $latest_data = 0; } $next_id = max($latest_data->data[0][0], 10056); for ($i = $next_id; $i <= 25000; $i++) { $html = null; $url = '' . $i; while (is_null($html)) { try { $html = scraperwiki::scrape($url); $exists = checkExistence($html); while (strcmp($exists, "error") == 0) { print "error -> sleep 5 seconds"; sleep(5); $html = scraperwiki::scrape($url); $exists = checkExistence($html); } } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e); sleep(5); $html = null; } } if (strlen($exists) > 0) { var_dump($url); parseDetails($exists, $i, $html); } }