function writebody() { global $db, $domain, $suserid, $sitename, $cachelife, $template, $gamesfolder, $thumbsfolder, $limitboxgames, $seo_on, $blogentriesshown, $enabledcode_on, $comments_on, $directorypath, $autoapprovecomments, $gamesonpage, $abovegames, $belowgames, $showwebsitelimit, $supportemail, $showblog, $blogentriesshown, $blogcharactersshown, $blogcommentpermissions, $blogcommentsshown, $blogfollowtags, $blogcharactersrss, $usrdata, $userid, $avatar_on, $gender_on, $aimg, $fimg, $mimg; if (!isset($suserid)) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>Please login first.</div>'; return; } function changeavatar() { global $domain, $db, $usrdata, $seo_on, $template, $directorypath; $userid = $usrdata['userid']; if (isset($_POST['avatar'])) { $avatar = clean($_POST['avatar']); if ($avatar == 0) { mysql_query("UPDATE fas_users SET avatar='{$avatar}', avatarfile='' WHERE userid='{$userid}'"); echo '<div class=\'msg\'>Profile updated</div>'; } else { function findexts($filename) { $filename = strtolower($filename); $exts = explode(".", $filename); $n = count($exts) - 1; $exts = $exts[$n]; return $exts; } if ($_FILES['uploaded']['size'] > 40000) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>File size too big.</div>'; return; } $ext = findexts($_FILES['uploaded']['name']); $os = array("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png"); if (!in_array($ext, $os)) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>File type not allowed or no file selected!</div>'; return; } else { } $ran = "avatar"; $ran3 = $usrdata['userid']; $ran4 = $ran . $userid . '.'; $avatarfile = $ran4 . $ext; //This assigns the subdirectory you want to save into... make sure it exists! $target = $directorypath . "avatars/"; //This combines the directory, the userid, and the extension $target = $target . $ran4 . $ext; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)) { echo '<div class=\'msg\'>The file has been uploaded.</div>'; mysql_query("UPDATE fas_users SET avatar='{$avatar}', avatarfile='{$avatarfile}' WHERE userid='{$userid}'"); } else { echo '<div class=\'error\'>Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.</div>'; } } } else { if ($seo_on == 1) { $curl1 = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/changeavatar/'; } else { $curl1 = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=changeavatar'; } echo '<table align=\'center\' width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan=\'4\' class=\'header\'>Edit Avatar</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\'content\'> <form enctype=\'multipart/form-data\' action=\'' . $curl1 . '\' method=\'POST\'> Use Avatar?: <select type=\'dropdown\' name=\'avatar\'> <option value=\'0\'>No</option> <option value=\'1\' >Yes</option> </select> <p> Please choose a file: <input name=\'uploaded\' type=\'file\' /><br /> <input type=\'submit\' value=\'Upload\' /> </form> </td> </tr> </table>'; } } function account() { global $domain, $db, $seo_on, $usrdata, $utemplate, $template, $avatar_on, $gender_on, $aimg, $fimg, $mimg; if ($seo_on == 1) { $url1 = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/favorites/'; $url2 = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/changepassword/'; $url3 = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/'; $url4 = '' . $domain . '/messages/'; $url5 = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/changeavatar/'; $url6 = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/changequestion/'; $url7 = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/changeemail/'; } else { $url1 = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=favorites'; $url2 = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=changepassword'; $url3 = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount'; $url4 = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=messages'; $url5 = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=changeavatar'; $url6 = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=changequestion'; $url7 = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=changeemail'; } if (isset($_POST['newsletter'])) { $userid = $usrdata['userid']; $newsletter = clean($_POST['newsletter']); $utemplate = clean($_POST['template']); $aim = clean($_POST['aim']); $icq = clean($_POST['icq']); $msn = clean($_POST['msn']); $yim = clean($_POST['yim']); $location = clean($_POST['location']); $job = clean($_POST['job']); $website = clean($_POST['website']); $link1 = clean($_POST['link1']); $link2 = clean($_POST['link2']); $link3 = clean($_POST['link3']); $link4 = clean($_POST['link4']); $link5 = clean($_POST['link5']); $link6 = clean($_POST['link6']); $link7 = clean($_POST['link7']); $link8 = clean($_POST['link8']); $sex = clean($_POST['sex']); $interests = clean($_POST['interests']); $bio = clean($_POST['bio']); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; mysql_query("UPDATE fas_users SET newsletter='{$newsletter}', template='{$utemplate}', aim='{$aim}', icq='{$icq}', msn='{$msn}', yim='{$yim}', location='{$location}',\njob='{$job}', website='{$website}', link1='{$link1}', link2='{$link2}', link3='{$link3}', link4='{$link4}', link5='{$link5}', link6='{$link6}', link7='{$link7}', link8='{$link8}', sex='{$sex}', interests='{$interests}', bio='{$bio}', ip='{$ip}' WHERE userid='{$userid}'"); echo '<div class=\'msg\'>Profile updated</div><p>'; } $userid = $usrdata['userid']; $ir = $db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM fas_users WHERE userid=\'%u\'', $userid)); $r2 = $db->fetch_row($ir); $username = $r2['username']; $plays = $r2['plays']; $newsletter = $r2['newsletter']; $utemplate = $r2['template']; $aim = $r2['aim']; $icq = $r2['icq']; $msn = $r2['msn']; $yim = $r2['yim']; $location = $r2['location']; $job = $r2['job']; $website = $r2['website']; $link1 = $r2['link1']; $link2 = $r2['link2']; $link3 = $r2['link3']; $link4 = $r2['link4']; $link5 = $r2['link5']; $link6 = $r2['link6']; $link7 = $r2['link7']; $link8 = $r2['link8']; $sex = $r2['sex']; $interests = $r2['interests']; $bio = $r2['bio']; $avatar = $r2['avatar']; $avatarfile = $r2['avatarfile']; if ($newsletter == "yes") { $nsel = "selected"; } else { $nsel = ""; } if ($sex == "m") { $msel = "selected"; } if ($sex == "f") { $fsel = "selected"; } $avatarfileurl = get_avatar($userid); echo '<table align=\'center\' width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan=\'4\' class=\'header\'>My Account</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\'content\' style=\'padding:3px;\'><img src=\'' . $domain . '/avatars/' . $avatarfileurl . '\' height=\'100\' width=\'100\' /></td> <td colspan=\'3\' class=\'content\' style=\'padding:3px;\'><a href=\'' . $url1 . '\'>My Favorites</a> - <a href=\'' . $url2 . '\'>Change Password</a> - <a href= \'' . $url6 . '\'>Change security question/answer</a> - <a href= \'' . $url7 . '\'>Change email</a> - <a href= \'' . $url4 . '\'>Messages</a> - <a href= \'' . $url5 . '\'>Change Avatar</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <form action="' . $url3 . '" method="POST"> <td class="content">Games Played:</td> <td class="content">' . $plays . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">Newsletter:</td> <td class="content"><select type="dropdown" name="newsletter"> <option value="no">No</option> <option value="yes" ' . $nsel . ' >Yes</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">Template:</td> <td class="content"><select type="dropdown" name="template"> <option value="default">default</option>'; $theme = "SELECT * FROM fas_themes WHERE `active`='1'"; $theme = sqlcache('themes', $cachelife, $theme); foreach ($theme as $row2) { if ($row2['name'] == $utemplate) { $usel = "selected"; } else { $usel = NULL; } echo "<option value=" . $row2['name'] . " " . $usel . " >" . $row2['name'] . "</option>"; } echo ' </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">Location:</td> <td class="content"><input name="location" type="text" size="50" value="' . $location . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">Website:<br><small>(Leave off the http://)</small></td> <td class="content"><input name="website" type="text" size="50" value="' . $website . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">Occupation:<br></td> <td class="content"><input name="job" type="text" size="50" value="' . $job . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">Sex:</td> <td class="content"><select type="dropdown" name="sex" > <option value="u">Undisclosed</option> <option value="m" ' . $msel . '>Male</option> <option value="f" ' . $fsel . '>Female</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">AIM:</td> <td class="content"><input name="aim" type="text" size="50" value="' . $aim . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">ICQ:</td> <td class="content"><input name="icq" type="text" size="50" value="' . $icq . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">MSN:</td> <td class="content"><input name="msn" type="text" size="50" value="' . $msn . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">Yahoo:</td> <td class="content"><input name="yim" type="text" size="50" value="' . $yim . '"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">Interests:<br><small>100 characters<br>HTML/scripts not allowed!</small></td> <td class="content"><textarea name="interests" rows="2" cols="50" >' . $interests . '</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">About Me:<br><small>250 characters<br>HTML/scripts not allowed!</small></td> <td class="content"><textarea name="bio" rows="4" cols="50" >' . $bio . '</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content">My Cool Sites:<br><small>For your MySpace profile, FaceBook, Twitter, Etc. <br>(Leave off the http://)</small></td> <td class="content"> <input name="link1" type="text" size="50" value="' . $link1 . '"><br> <input name="link2" type="text" size="50" value="' . $link2 . '"><br> <input name="link3" type="text" size="50" value="' . $link3 . '"><br> <input name="link4" type="text" size="50" value="' . $link4 . '"><br> <input name="link5" type="text" size="50" value="' . $link5 . '"><br> <input name="link6" type="text" size="50" value="' . $link6 . '"><br> <input name="link7" type="text" size="50" value="' . $link7 . '"><br> <input name="link8" type="text" size="50" value="' . $link8 . '"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="content" colspan="4"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Changes"> </td> </tr> </table>'; } function deletefavorite() { global $domain, $db, $usrdata, $template; $in1 = $db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM fas_games WHERE ID=\'%u\'', $_GET['deleteID'])); $in = $db->fetch_row($in1); $gamename = preg_replace('#\\W#', '', $in['name']); echo '<div class=\'msg\'>Are you sure you want to remove the game ' . $gamename . ' from your favorites?<br> <a href=\'' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=favorites&deletename=' . $gamename . '&deleteID=' . $_GET['deleteID'] . '\'>Yes</a> <a href=\'' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=favorites\'>No</a></div>'; } function favorites() { global $domain, $db, $usrdata, $thumbsfolder, $gamesfolder, $seo_on, $template; if (isset($_GET['deleteID']) && !empty($_GET['deleteID'])) { mysql_query('DELETE FROM fas_user_favorites WHERE userid=\'' . $usrdata['userid'] . '\' AND gameid=\'' . $_GET['deleteID'] . '\''); echo '<div class=\'msg\'>Deleted ' . $_GET['deletename'] . ' from your favorites.</div>'; } $ro = $db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM fas_user_favorites WHERE userid=\'' . $usrdata['userid'] . '\'')); echo '<table align=\'center\' width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan=\'4\' class=\'header\'>My Favorites</td> </tr>'; while ($r = $db->fetch_row($ro)) { $in1 = $db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM fas_games WHERE ID=\'%u\'', $r['gameid'])); $in = $db->fetch_row($in1); $gamename = preg_replace('#\\W#', '', $in['name']); if ($seo_on == 1) { $playlink = '' . $domain . '/play/' . $in['ID'] . '-' . $gamename . '.html'; } else { $playlink = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=play&ID=' . $in['ID'] . ''; } echo ' <tr> <td valign=\'top\' colspan=\'2\' class=\'header\'><a href=\'' . $playlink . '\'><b>' . $in['name'] . '</b></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=\'55\' height=\'55\' valign=\'top\' class=\'content\'> <a href=\'' . $playlink . '\'> '; if ($in['type'] == 1) { echo ' <img src=\'' . $domain . '/' . $thumbsfolder . '/' . $in['thumb'] . '\' width=\'55\' height=\'55\' border=\'0\' alt=\'' . $gamename . '\'>'; } else { echo ' <img src=\'' . $in['thumburl'] . '\' width=\'55\' height=\'55\' border=\'0\' alt=\'' . $gamename . '\'>'; } echo ' </a> </td> <td valign=\'top\' class=\'content\'>' . browsedesclimit($in['description']) . ''; mysql_query('DELETE FROM fas_user_favorites WHERE ID=' . $in['ID'] . ''); echo '<div style="float: right; padding-right: 20px;"><a href=\'' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=deletefavorite&deleteID=' . $in['ID'] . '\'><img src=\'' . $domain . '/templates/' . $template . '/images/delete.png\' border=\'0\' alt="delete" /></a></div> </td> </tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo ' '; } function changeemail() { global $domain, $db, $usrdata, $seo_on, $supportemail, $sitename, $template; $userid = $usrdata['userid']; $ir = $db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM fas_users WHERE userid=\'%u\'', $userid)); $r2 = $db->fetch_row($ir); $current_email = $r2['email']; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $email = clean($_POST['email']); if (!$email) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>All feilds are required!</div>'; return; } if ($email == $current_email) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>This is your current email. Change your email to something different</div>'; return; } $ru = $db->query('SELECT email FROM fas_users WHERE email=\'' . $email . '\''); if ($db->num_rows($ru) == 1) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>Email is already in use.</div>'; return; } $user_name = $usrdata[username]; $activation_number = rand(); $subject = 'Email change'; $message = 'Dear ' . $user_name . ',<br>We have recived a request to change your email on <a href="' . $domain . '">' . $sitename . '</a>. Please click <a href="' . $domain . '/index.php?action=activateemail&newemail=' . $email . '&oldemail=' . $current_email . '&id=' . $activation_number . '">here</a> to activate your new email.<br>Thanks,<br>' . $sitename . ' administration'; $headers = 'From: ' . $supportemail . '' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=\\"iso-8859-1\\"' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers); mysql_query("UPDATE fas_users SET `new_email`='{$email}', `new_email_key`='{$activation_number}' WHERE userid='{$usrdata['userid']}'"); echo '<div class=\'msg\'>An email has been sent for you to comfirm its correct.</div>'; } if ($seo_on == 1) { $surl = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/changeemail/'; } else { $surl = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=changeemail'; } echo '<form action=\'' . $surl . '\' method=\'POST\'> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td class=\'header\' colspan=\'2\'>Change email</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\'content\'>Email:</td> <td class=\'content\'><input type=\'text\' name=\'email\' size=\'35\' value=\'' . $current_email . '\'></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan=\'2\' class=\'content\'><input type=\'submit\' name=\'submit\' value=\'Submit\'></th> </tr> </table> </form>'; } function changequestion() { global $domain, $db, $usrdata, $seo_on, $template; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $pass = clean($_POST['pass']); $salt = $usrdata['salt']; $pass = checkpass($pass, $salt); $answer = clean($_POST['answer']); $answer = checkPass($answer, $salt); $question = clean($_POST['question']); if (!$question || !$answer || !$pass) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>All feilds were not filled out!</div>'; return; } if ($pass != $usrdata['password']) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>Current Password is incorrect.</div>'; } else { mysql_query("UPDATE fas_users SET `pass_question`='{$question}', `pass_answer`='{$answer}' WHERE userid='{$usrdata['userid']}'"); echo '<div class=\'msg\'>Question & answer updated.</div>'; } } if ($seo_on == 1) { $surl = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/changequestion/'; } else { $surl = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=changequestion'; } $userid = $usrdata['userid']; $ir = $db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM fas_users WHERE userid=\'%u\'', $userid)); $r2 = $db->fetch_row($ir); $questionf = $r2['pass_question']; echo '<form action=\'' . $surl . '\' method=\'POST\'> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td class=\'header\' colspan=\'2\'>Change password question/answer</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\'content\'>Question:</td> <td class=\'content\'><input type=\'text\' name=\'question\' size=\'35\' value=\'' . $questionf . '\'></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\'content\'>Answer:</td> <td class=\'content\'><input type=\'text\' name=\'answer\' size=\'35\' value=\'\'></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\'content\'>Current Password:</td> <td class=\'content\'><input type=\'password\' name=\'pass\' size=\'35\'></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan=\'2\' class=\'content\'><input type=\'submit\' name=\'submit\' value=\'Submit\'></th> </tr> </table> </form>'; } function changepassword() { global $domain, $db, $usrdata, $seo_on, $template; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $salt = $usrdata['salt']; $oldpass = clean($_POST['oldpass']); $newpass = clean($_POST['newpass']); $oldpass = checkpass($oldpass, $salt); $newpass = setpass($newpass, $salt); if (!$oldpass || !$newpass) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>All feilds were not filled out!</div>'; return; } if ($oldpass != $usrdata['password']) { echo '<div class=\'error\'>Old Password is incorrect.</div>'; } else { $db->query(sprintf('UPDATE fas_users SET password=\'%s\' WHERE userid=\'%u\'', $newpass, $usrdata['userid'])); echo '<div class=\'msg\'>Password Updated</div>'; } } if ($seo_on == 1) { $surl = '' . $domain . '/myaccount/changepassword/'; } else { $surl = '' . $domain . '/index.php?action=myaccount&cmd=changepassword'; } echo '<form action=\'' . $surl . '\' method=\'POST\'> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td class=\'header\' colspan=\'2\'>Change Password</td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\'content\'>Old Password:</td> <td class=\'content\'><input type=\'password\' name=\'oldpass\' size=\'35\'></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\'content\'>New Password:</td> <td class=\'content\'><input type=\'password\' name=\'newpass\' size=\'35\'></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan=\'2\' class=\'content\'><input type=\'submit\' name=\'submit\' value=\'Submit\'></th> </tr> </table> </form>'; } if (!isset($_GET['cmd'])) { $_GET['cmd'] = NULL; } switch ($_GET['cmd']) { default: account(); break; case 'favorites': favorites(); break; case 'deletefavorite': deletefavorite(); break; case 'changepassword': changepassword(); break; case 'changequestion': changequestion(); break; case 'changeemail': changeemail(); break; case 'changeavatar': changeavatar(); break; } }
</table> </form>'; } if (!isset($_GET['cmd'])) { $_GET['cmd'] = NULL; } switch ($_GET['cmd']) { default: account(); break; case 'favorites': favorites(); break; case 'deletefavorite': deletefavorite(); break; case 'changepassword': changepassword(); break; case 'changequestion': changequestion(); break; case 'changeemail': changeemail(); break; case 'changeavatar': changeavatar(); break; } echo '</div></div>'; }