function vanilla_load_widgets() { global $tpl_set; $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH . $tpl_set . 'widgets'); foreach ($files as $file) { include CFCT_PATH . $tpl_set . 'widgets/' . $file; } }
/** * Get a list of files that match the comment template structure for a given type * * @param string $type The type of template to search for * @param array $files A list of files to search through * @return array List of files that match the comment template structure for a given type * **/ function cfct_comment_templates($type, $files = false) { if (!$files) { $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH . 'comment'); } $matches = array(); switch ($type) { case 'user': $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, 'user-'); break; case 'role': $matches = cfct_filter_files($files, 'role-'); break; } return apply_filters('cfct_comment_templates', $matches); }
function vanilla_load_tpl_includes() { global $tpl_set; // list of directories containing pairs of PHP/HTML template files. Include the PHP files now for later use... $dirs = array("shortcodes"); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { // load template item from either parent or child theme $files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH . $tpl_set . $dir); foreach ($files as $file) { include_once vanilla_get_template($dir . '/' . $file); } } }
function cfcp_header_display_featured_post($slot, $post_id) { if (empty($post_id)) { $file = 'empty'; } else { $file = 'default'; if ($post_format = get_post_format($post_id)) { // find files $format_files = cfct_files(CFCT_PATH . 'header/featured'); // check for format file, or fall to default if (count($format_files) && in_array('format-' . $post_format . '.php', $format_files)) { $file = 'format-' . $post_format; } } } cfct_template_file('header/featured', $file, compact('slot', 'post_id')); }