Beispiel #1
echo anchor(Gdn_Format::date($Discussion->DateInserted, 'html'), $Discussion->Url, 'Permalink', array('rel' => 'nofollow'));
echo dateUpdated($Discussion, array('<span class="MItem">', '</span>'));
// Include source if one was set
if ($Source = val('Source', $Discussion)) {
    echo ' ' . wrap(sprintf(t('via %s'), t($Source . ' Source', $Source)), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem MItem-Source')) . ' ';
// Category
if (c('Vanilla.Categories.Use')) {
    echo ' <span class="MItem Category">';
    echo ' ' . t('in') . ' ';
    echo anchor(htmlspecialchars($this->data('Discussion.Category')), categoryUrl($this->data('Discussion.CategoryUrlCode')));
    echo '</span> ';
// Include IP Address if we have permission
if ($Session->checkPermission('Garden.PersonalInfo.View')) {
    echo wrap(ipAnchor($Discussion->InsertIPAddress), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem IPAddress'));
Beispiel #2
echo '</div>';
echo "<div class=\"Buttons\">\n";
$CancelText = t('Home');
$CancelClass = 'Back';
if (!$NewOrDraft || $Editing) {
    $CancelText = t('Cancel');
    $CancelClass = 'Cancel';
echo '<span class="' . $CancelClass . '">';
echo anchor($CancelText, '/');
if ($CategoryID = $this->data('Discussion.CategoryID')) {
    $Category = CategoryModel::categories($CategoryID);
    if ($Category) {
        echo ' <span class="Bullet">•</span> ' . anchor(htmlspecialchars($Category['Name']), categoryUrl($Category));
echo '</span>';
$ButtonOptions = array('class' => 'Button Primary CommentButton');
$ButtonOptions['tabindex'] = 1;
if (!$Editing && $Session->isValid()) {
    echo ' ' . anchor(t('Preview'), '#', 'Button PreviewButton') . "\n";
    echo ' ' . anchor(t('Edit'), '#', 'Button WriteButton Hidden') . "\n";
    if ($NewOrDraft) {
        echo ' ' . anchor(t('Save Draft'), '#', 'Button DraftButton') . "\n";
if ($Session->isValid()) {
    echo $this->Form->button($Editing ? 'Save Comment' : 'Post Comment', $ButtonOptions);
} else {
Beispiel #3
     echo "\n<ol>";
 } elseif ($OpenCount > $CountRight) {
     // Or are we closing open list and list items?
     while ($OpenCount > $CountRight) {
         echo "</li>\n</ol>\n";
     echo '</li>';
 } elseif ($Loop > 0) {
     // Or are we closing an open list item?
     echo "</li>";
 echo "\n" . '<li id="list_' . $Category->CategoryID . '">';
 // DEBUG: echo wrap($Category->Name.' [countright: '.$CountRight.' lastcount: '.$LastRight.' opencount: '.$OpenCount.']', 'div');
 $CategoryUrl = categoryUrl($Category);
 if ($Category->Photo) {
     $Photo = img(Gdn_Upload::url($Category->Photo), array('class' => 'CategoryPhoto'));
 } else {
     $Photo = '';
 echo wrap('<table' . ($OpenCount > 0 ? ' class="Indented"' : '') . '>
          ' . $Photo . '
          <strong>' . htmlspecialchars($Category->Name) . '</strong>
          ' . anchor(htmlspecialchars(rawurldecode($CategoryUrl)), $CategoryUrl) . '
          ' . Wrap($Category->Description, 'blockquote') . '
          ' . '
       <td class="Buttons">' . anchor(t('Edit'), 'vanilla/settings/editcategory/' . $Category->CategoryID, 'SmallButton') . anchor(t('Move'), "vanilla/settings/movecategory/{$Category->CategoryID}", 'js-modal SmallButton') . (val('CanDelete', $Category) ? anchor(t('Delete'), 'vanilla/settings/deletecategory/' . $Category->CategoryID, 'SmallButton') : '') . '</td>
Beispiel #4
function main()
    // اضافه کردن محصول به سبد با کتگوری و محصول
    if (isset($_GET['p']) && isset($_GET['c'])) {
        $productId = (int) $_GET['p'];
        $categoryId = (int) $_GET['c'];
        // بررسی وجود محصول
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `id` = {$productId};";
        $result = dbQuery($sql);
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) !== 1) {
            die('وجود ندارد');
        $product = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        if (!isset($_SESSION['cart'])) {
            $_SESSION['cart'] = array();
        if (!isset($_SESSION['cart'][$productId])) {
            $count = 1;
        } else {
            $count = $_SESSION['cart'][$productId] + 1;
        if ($count > (int) $product['product_stock']) {
            // @TODo نمایش پیغام خطا
            $_SESSION['cart'][$productId] = $count;
            addMessage('تعداد درخواستی شما بیش از موجودی فروشگاه می باشد، از قسمت ارتباط با ما درخواست خود را ثبت نمایید.', FAILURE);
        } else {
            $_SESSION['cart'][$productId] = $count;
            addMessage('محصول به درستی به سبد اضافه شد.', SUCSESS);
        $url = categoryUrl($categoryId);
        return array('redirect' => $url);
    } elseif (isset($_GET['p'])) {
        // اگر از صفحه محصول آمده باشد
        //@ToDo المان کنترل تعداد اضافه به سبد کار نمیکند
        $productId = $_GET['p'];
        // بررسی وجود محصول
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `id` = {$productId};";
        $result = dbQuery($sql);
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) !== 1) {
            die('وجود ندارد');
        $product = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        if (!isset($_SESSION['cart'])) {
            $_SESSION['cart'] = array();
        // بررسی موجود بودن در انبار
        //@ToDo بازبینی شود
        if ((int) $product['product_stock'] !== 0) {
            // موجودی کافی در انبار هست  به سبد خرید اضافه گردد
            if (!isset($_SESSION['cart'][$productId])) {
                $count = 1;
            } else {
                $count = $_SESSION['cart'][$productId] + 1;
            if ($count > (int) $product['product_stock']) {
                // @TODo نمایش پیغام خطا
                $_SESSION['cart'][$productId] = $count;
                addMessage('تعداد درخواستی شما بیش از موجودی فروشگاه می باشد، از قسمت ارتباط با ما درخواست خود را ثبت نمایید.', FAILURE);
            } else {
                $_SESSION['cart'][$productId] = $count;
                // @ToDo ایجاد پیغام درست
                $_SESSION['cart'][$productId] = $count;
                addMessage('محصول به درستی به سبد اضافه شد.', SUCSESS);
        } else {
            addMessage('تعداد درخواستی شما بیش از موجودی فروشگاه می باشد، از قسمت ارتباط با ما درخواست خود را ثبت نمایید.', FAILURE);
        $url = productUrl($productId);
        return array('redirect' => $url);
  * @param $Filename
  * @param $Get
  * @return bool|string
 public function filenameRedirect($Filename, $Get)
     trace(['Filename' => $Filename, 'Get' => $Get], 'Testing');
     $Filename = strtolower($Filename);
     if (!isset(self::$Files[$Filename])) {
         return false;
     $Row = self::$Files[$Filename];
     if (is_callable($Row)) {
         // Use a callback to determine the translation.
         $Row = call_user_func_array($Row, [&$Get]);
     trace($Get, 'New Get');
     // Translate all of the get parameters into new parameters.
     $Vars = array();
     foreach ($Get as $Key => $Value) {
         if (!isset($Row[$Key])) {
         $Opts = (array) $Row[$Key];
         if (isset($Opts['Filter'])) {
             // Call the filter function to change the value.
             $R = call_user_func($Opts['Filter'], $Value, $Opts[0]);
             if (is_array($R)) {
                 if (isset($R[0])) {
                     // The filter can change the column name too.
                     $Opts[0] = $R[0];
                     $Value = $R[1];
                 } else {
                     // The filter can return return other variables too.
                     $Vars = array_merge($Vars, $R);
                     $Value = null;
             } else {
                 $Value = $R;
         if ($Value !== null) {
             $Vars[$Opts[0]] = $Value;
     trace($Vars, 'Translated Arguments');
     // Now let's see what kind of record we have.
     // We'll check the various primary keys in order of importance.
     $Result = false;
     if (isset($Vars['CommentID'])) {
         trace("Looking up comment {$Vars['CommentID']}.");
         $CommentModel = new CommentModel();
         // If a legacy slug is provided (assigned during a merge), attempt to lookup the comment using it
         if (isset($Get['legacy']) && Gdn::Structure()->Table('Comment')->ColumnExists('ForeignID')) {
             $Comment = $CommentModel->GetWhere(['ForeignID' => $Get['legacy'] . '-' . $Vars['CommentID']])->FirstRow();
         } else {
             $Comment = $CommentModel->GetID($Vars['CommentID']);
         if ($Comment) {
             $Result = CommentUrl($Comment, '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['DiscussionID'])) {
         trace("Looking up discussion {$Vars['DiscussionID']}.");
         $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
         $DiscussionID = $Vars['DiscussionID'];
         $Discussion = false;
         if (is_numeric($DiscussionID)) {
             // If a legacy slug is provided (assigned during a merge), attempt to lookup the discussion using it
             if (isset($Get['legacy']) && Gdn::Structure()->Table('Discussion')->ColumnExists('ForeignID')) {
                 $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetWhere(['ForeignID' => $Get['legacy'] . '-' . $DiscussionID])->FirstRow();
             } else {
                 $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetID($Vars['DiscussionID']);
         } else {
             // This is a slug style discussion ID. Let's see if there is a UrlCode column in the discussion table.
             if ($DiscussionModel->Schema->FieldExists('Discussion', 'UrlCode')) {
                 $Discussion = $DiscussionModel->GetWhere(['UrlCode' => $DiscussionID])->FirstRow();
         if ($Discussion) {
             $Result = DiscussionUrl($Discussion, self::pageNumber($Vars, 'Vanilla.Comments.PerPage'), '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['UserID'])) {
         trace("Looking up user {$Vars['UserID']}.");
         $User = Gdn::UserModel()->GetID($Vars['UserID']);
         if ($User) {
             $Result = Url(UserUrl($User), '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['TagID'])) {
         $Tag = TagModel::instance()->GetID($Vars['TagID']);
         if ($Tag) {
             $Result = TagUrl($Tag, self::pageNumber($Vars, 'Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage'), '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['CategoryID'])) {
         trace("Looking up category {$Vars['CategoryID']}.");
         // If a legacy slug is provided (assigned during a merge), attempt to lookup the category ID based on it
         if (isset($Get['legacy']) && Gdn::Structure()->Table('Category')->ColumnExists('ForeignID')) {
             $CategoryModel = new CategoryModel();
             $Category = $CategoryModel->GetWhere(['ForeignID' => $Get['legacy'] . '-' . $Vars['CategoryID']])->FirstRow();
         } else {
             $Category = CategoryModel::Categories($Vars['CategoryID']);
         if ($Category) {
             $Result = categoryUrl($Category, self::pageNumber($Vars, 'Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage'), '//');
     } elseif (isset($Vars['CategoryCode'])) {
         trace("Looking up category {$Vars['CategoryCode']}.");
         $category = CategoryModel::instance()->getByCode($Vars['CategoryCode']);
         if ($category) {
             $pageNumber = self::pageNumber($Vars, 'Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage');
             if ($pageNumber > 1) {
                 $pageParam = '?Page=' . $pageNumber;
             } else {
                 $pageParam = null;
             $Result = categoryUrl($category, '', '//') . $pageParam;
     return $Result;
  * Show all discussions in a particular category.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param string $CategoryIdentifier Unique category slug or ID.
  * @param int $Offset Number of discussions to skip.
 public function index($CategoryIdentifier = '', $Page = '0')
     // Figure out which category layout to choose (Defined on "Homepage" settings page).
     $Layout = c('Vanilla.Categories.Layout');
     if ($CategoryIdentifier == '') {
         switch ($Layout) {
             case 'mixed':
                 $this->View = 'discussions';
             case 'table':
                 $this->View = 'all';
                 $this->all('', CategoryModel::getRootDisplayAs());
     } else {
         $Category = CategoryModel::categories($CategoryIdentifier);
         if (empty($Category)) {
             throw notFoundException();
         $Category = (object) $Category;
         // Load the breadcrumbs.
         $this->setData('Breadcrumbs', CategoryModel::getAncestors(val('CategoryID', $Category)));
         $this->setData('Category', $Category, true);
         $this->title(htmlspecialchars(val('Name', $Category, '')));
         $this->description(val('Description', $Category), true);
         switch ($Category->DisplayAs) {
             case 'Flat':
             case 'Heading':
             case 'Categories':
                 $stopHeadings = val('Depth', $Category) > CategoryModel::instance()->getNavDepth();
                 if ($this->SyndicationMethod != SYNDICATION_NONE) {
                     // RSS can't show a category list so just tell it to expand all categories.
                     saveToConfig('Vanilla.ExpandCategories', true, false);
                 } else {
                     // This category is an overview style category and displays as a category list.
                     switch ($Layout) {
                         case 'mixed':
                             $this->View = 'discussions';
                         case 'table':
                             $this->table($CategoryIdentifier, $Category->DisplayAs);
                             $this->View = 'all';
                             $this->All($CategoryIdentifier, $Category->DisplayAs);
         // Figure out which discussions layout to choose (Defined on "Homepage" settings page).
         $Layout = c('Vanilla.Discussions.Layout');
         switch ($Layout) {
             case 'table':
                 if ($this->SyndicationMethod == SYNDICATION_NONE) {
                     $this->View = 'table';
                 // $this->View = 'index';
         $this->setData('CategoryTree', $this->getCategoryTree($CategoryIdentifier, val('DisplayAs', $Category)));
         // Add a backwards-compatibility shim for the old categories.
         $this->categoriesCompatibilityCallback = function () use($CategoryIdentifier) {
             $categories = CategoryModel::getSubtree($CategoryIdentifier, false);
             return $categories;
         // Setup head
         if ($this->Head) {
             $this->Head->addRss(categoryUrl($Category) . '/feed.rss', $this->Head->title());
         // Set CategoryID
         $CategoryID = val('CategoryID', $Category);
         $this->setData('CategoryID', $CategoryID, true);
         // Add modules
         // Get a DiscussionModel
         $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
         $this->setData('Sort', $DiscussionModel->getSort());
         $this->setData('Filters', $DiscussionModel->getFilters());
         $CategoryIDs = array($CategoryID);
         if (c('Vanilla.ExpandCategories')) {
             $CategoryIDs = array_merge($CategoryIDs, array_column($this->data('Categories'), 'CategoryID'));
         $Wheres = array('d.CategoryID' => $CategoryIDs);
         $this->setData('_ShowCategoryLink', count($CategoryIDs) > 1);
         // Check permission
         $this->permission('Vanilla.Discussions.View', true, 'Category', val('PermissionCategoryID', $Category));
         // Set discussion meta data.
         $this->EventArguments['PerPage'] = c('Vanilla.Discussions.PerPage', 30);
         list($Offset, $Limit) = offsetLimit($Page, $this->EventArguments['PerPage']);
         if (!is_numeric($Offset) || $Offset < 0) {
             $Offset = 0;
         $Page = PageNumber($Offset, $Limit);
         // Allow page manipulation
         $this->EventArguments['Page'] =& $Page;
         $this->EventArguments['Offset'] =& $Offset;
         $this->EventArguments['Limit'] =& $Limit;
         // We want to limit the number of pages on large databases because requesting a super-high page can kill the db.
         $MaxPages = c('Vanilla.Categories.MaxPages');
         if ($MaxPages && $Page > $MaxPages) {
             throw notFoundException();
         $CountDiscussions = $DiscussionModel->getCount($Wheres);
         if ($MaxPages && $MaxPages * $Limit < $CountDiscussions) {
             $CountDiscussions = $MaxPages * $Limit;
         $this->setData('CountDiscussions', $CountDiscussions);
         $this->setData('_Limit', $Limit);
         // We don't wan't child categories in announcements.
         $Wheres['d.CategoryID'] = $CategoryID;
         $AnnounceData = $DiscussionModel->getAnnouncements($Wheres, $Offset, $Limit);
         $this->AnnounceData = $this->setData('Announcements', $AnnounceData);
         $Wheres['d.CategoryID'] = $CategoryIDs;
         // RSS should include announcements.
         if ($this->SyndicationMethod !== SYNDICATION_NONE) {
             $Wheres['Announce'] = 'all';
         $this->DiscussionData = $this->setData('Discussions', $DiscussionModel->getWhereRecent($Wheres, $Limit, $Offset));
         // Build a pager
         $PagerFactory = new Gdn_PagerFactory();
         $url = CategoryUrl($CategoryIdentifier);
         $this->EventArguments['PagerType'] = 'Pager';
         if (!$this->data('_PagerUrl')) {
             $this->setData('_PagerUrl', $url . '/{Page}');
         $queryString = DiscussionModel::getSortFilterQueryString($DiscussionModel->getSort(), $DiscussionModel->getFilters());
         $this->setData('_PagerUrl', $this->data('_PagerUrl') . $queryString);
         $this->Pager = $PagerFactory->GetPager($this->EventArguments['PagerType'], $this);
         $this->Pager->ClientID = 'Pager';
         $this->Pager->configure($Offset, $Limit, $CountDiscussions, $this->data('_PagerUrl'));
         $this->Pager->Record = $Category;
         $this->setData('_Page', $Page);
         $this->setData('_Limit', $Limit);
         // Set the canonical Url.
         $this->canonicalUrl(categoryUrl($Category, pageNumber($Offset, $Limit)));
         // Change the controller name so that it knows to grab the discussion views
         $this->ControllerName = 'DiscussionsController';
         // Pick up the discussions class
         $this->CssClass = 'Discussions Category-' . val('UrlCode', $Category);
         // Deliver JSON data if necessary
         if ($this->_DeliveryType != DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
             $this->setJson('LessRow', $this->Pager->toString('less'));
             $this->setJson('MoreRow', $this->Pager->toString('more'));
             $this->View = 'discussions';
         // Render default view.
Beispiel #7
  * Constructs an options dropdown menu for a discussion.
  * @param object|array|null $discussion The discussion to get the dropdown options for.
  * @return DropdownModule A dropdown consisting of discussion options.
  * @throws Exception
 function getDiscussionOptionsDropdown($discussion = null)
     $dropdown = new DropdownModule();
     $sender = Gdn::controller();
     $session = Gdn::session();
     if ($discussion == null) {
         $discussion = $sender->data('Discussion');
     $categoryID = val('CategoryID', $discussion);
     if (!$categoryID && property_exists($sender, 'Discussion')) {
         trace('Getting category ID from controller Discussion property.');
         $categoryID = val('CategoryID', $sender->Discussion);
     $discussionID = $discussion->DiscussionID;
     $categoryUrl = urlencode(categoryUrl(CategoryModel::categories($categoryID)));
     $permissionCategoryID = val('PermissionCategoryID', $discussion, val('PermissionCategoryID', $discussion));
     // Permissions
     $canEdit = DiscussionModel::canEdit($discussion, $timeLeft);
     $canAnnounce = $session->checkPermission('Vanilla.Discussions.Announce', true, 'Category', $permissionCategoryID);
     $canSink = $session->checkPermission('Vanilla.Discussions.Sink', true, 'Category', $permissionCategoryID);
     $canClose = $session->checkPermission('Vanilla.Discussions.Close', true, 'Category', $permissionCategoryID);
     $canDelete = $session->checkPermission('Vanilla.Discussions.Delete', true, 'Category', $permissionCategoryID);
     $canMove = $canEdit && $session->checkPermission('Garden.Moderation.Manage');
     $canRefetch = $canEdit && valr('Attributes.ForeignUrl', $discussion);
     $canDismiss = c('Vanilla.Discussions.Dismiss', 1) && $discussion->Announce == '1' && $discussion->Dismissed != '1' && $session->isValid();
     if ($canEdit && $timeLeft) {
         $timeLeft = ' (' . Gdn_Format::seconds($timeLeft) . ')';
     $dropdown->addLinkIf($canDismiss, t('Dismiss'), "vanilla/discussion/dismissannouncement?discussionid={$discussionID}", 'dismiss', 'DismissAnnouncement Hijack')->addLinkIf($canEdit, t('Edit') . $timeLeft, '/post/editdiscussion/' . $discussionID, 'edit')->addLinkIf($canAnnounce, t('Announce'), '/discussion/announce?discussionid=' . $discussionID, 'announce', 'AnnounceDiscussion Popup')->addLinkIf($canSink, t($discussion->Sink ? 'Unsink' : 'Sink'), '/discussion/sink?discussionid=' . $discussionID . '&sink=' . (int) (!$discussion->Sink), 'sink', 'SinkDiscussion Hijack')->addLinkIf($canClose, t($discussion->Closed ? 'Reopen' : 'Close'), '/discussion/close?discussionid=' . $discussionID . '&close=' . (int) (!$discussion->Closed), 'close', 'CloseDiscussion Hijack')->addLinkIf($canRefetch, t('Refetch Page'), '/discussion/refetchpageinfo.json?discussionid=' . $discussionID, 'refetch', 'RefetchPage Hijack')->addLinkIf($canMove, t('Move'), '/moderation/confirmdiscussionmoves?discussionid=' . $discussionID, 'move', 'MoveDiscussion Popup')->addLinkIf($canDelete, t('Delete Discussion'), '/discussion/delete?discussionid=' . $discussionID . '&target=' . $categoryUrl, 'delete', 'DeleteDiscussion Popup');
     $options = [];
     $sender->EventArguments['DiscussionOptions'] =& $options;
     $sender->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $discussion;
     // Backwards compatability
     $dropdown = discussionOptionsToDropdown($options, $dropdown);
     // Allow plugins to edit the dropdown.
     $sender->EventArguments['DiscussionOptionsDropdown'] =& $dropdown;
     $sender->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $discussion;
     return $dropdown;