Beispiel #1
function calendar_events_similar($tagids = array(), $count = 5, $start = 0, $catid = false, $mode = false, $template = 'similar')
    global $set, $db, $apx, $user;
    $count = (int) $count;
    $start = (int) $start;
    $catid = (int) $catid;
    if (in_array($type, array('public', 'private'))) {
        $type = '';
    if (!is_array($tagids)) {
        $tagids = getTagIds(strval($tagids));
    $ids = calendar_search_tags($tagids);
    $ids[] = -1;
    $tagfilter = " AND IN (" . implode(', ', $ids) . ") ";
    $catfilter = '';
    $modefilter = '';
    if ($catid) {
        $cattree = calendar_tree($catid);
        if (count($cattree)) {
            $catfilter = " AND a.catid IN (" . implode(',', $cattree) . ") ";
    if ($mode === 'private') {
        $modefilter = " AND a.private='1' AND a.userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' ";
    } elseif ($mode === 'public') {
        $modefilter = " AND a.private='0' ";
    } else {
        $modefilter = " AND ( a.private='0' OR ( a.private='1' AND a.userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' ) ) ";
    $todaystamp = date('Ymd', time() - TIMEDIFF);
    $data = $db->fetch("SELECT a.*,b.username,,b.pub_hidemail FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_events AS a LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS b USING(userid) WHERE!=0 AND endday>='" . $todaystamp . "' " . $tagfilter . " " . section_filter(true, 'a.secid') . " " . $catfilter . $modefilter . " ORDER BY startday ASC,starttime ASC, title ASC LIMIT " . $start . ',' . $count);
    calendar_print($data, 'functions/' . $template);
Beispiel #2
function misc_eventsfeed()
    global $set, $db, $apx;
    header('Content-type: application/rss+xml');
    //Baum holen, wenn nur eine bestimmte Kategorie gezeigt werden soll
    $cattree = calendar_tree($_REQUEST['catid']);
    if ($catid) {
        $cattree = calendar_tree($catid);
        if (count($cattree)) {
            $catfilter = " AND a.catid IN (" . implode(',', $cattree) . ") ";
    $todaystamp = date('Ymd', time() - TIMEDIFF);
    $data = $db->fetch("SELECT a.*,b.username,,b.pub_hidemail FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_events AS a LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS b USING(userid) WHERE!=0 AND a.private='0' AND '" . $todaystamp . "'<=endday " . section_filter(true, 'a.secid') . " " . $catfilter . $modefilter . " ORDER BY startday ASC, starttime ASC, title ASC LIMIT 20");
    $catids = get_ids($data, 'catid');
    $catdata = array();
    if (count($catids)) {
        $catdata = $db->fetch_index("SELECT * FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_cat WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $catids) . ")", 'id');
    if (count($data)) {
        foreach ($data as $res) {
            $event = array();
            $catinfo = $catdata[$res['catid']];
            //Link zum Termin
            $link = mklink('events.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'events,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html');
            //Start berechnen
            $startday = $starttime = $endday = $endtime = 0;
            $startday = calendar_stamp2time($res['startday']);
            if ($res['starttime'] != -1) {
                $time_comp = calendar_explode_stamp($res['startday']);
                $tmpstamp = sprintf('%04d', $res['starttime']);
                $time_comp['hour'] = substr($tmpstamp, 0, 2);
                $time_comp['minute'] = substr($tmpstamp, 2, 2);
                $starttime = mktime($time_comp['hour'], $time_comp['minute'], 0, $time_comp['month'], $time_comp['day'], $time_comp['year']) + TIMEDIFF;
            //Ende berechnen (falls nötig)
            if ($res['endday'] != $res['startday'] || $res['endtime'] != -1) {
                $endday = calendar_stamp2time($res['endday']);
                if ($res['endtime'] != -1) {
                    $time_comp = calendar_explode_stamp($res['endday']);
                    $tmpstamp = sprintf('%04d', $res['endtime']);
                    $time_comp['hour'] = substr($tmpstamp, 0, 2);
                    $time_comp['minute'] = substr($tmpstamp, 2, 2);
                    $endtime = mktime($time_comp['hour'], $time_comp['minute'], 0, $time_comp['month'], $time_comp['day'], $time_comp['year']) + TIMEDIFF;
            $event['ID'] = $res['id'];
            $event['TITLE'] = rss_replace($res['title']);
            $event['TEXT'] = rss_replace($res['text']);
            $event['LINK'] = HTTP_HOST . $link;
            $event['LOCATION'] = $res['location'];
            $event['LOCATION_LINK'] = $res['location_link'];
            $event['STARTDAY'] = $startday;
            $event['STARTTIME'] = $starttime;
            $event['ENDDAY'] = $endday;
            $event['ENDTIME'] = $endtime;
            $event['ADDTIME'] = $res['addtime'];
            $event['TIME'] = date('r', $res['addtime']);
            $event['CATID'] = $res['catid'];
            $event['CATTITLE'] = $catinfo['title'];
            $event['CATICON'] = $catinfo['icon'];
            $tabledata[] = $event;
    $apx->tmpl->assign('WEBSITENAME', $set['main']['websitename']);
    $apx->tmpl->assign('EVENT', $tabledata);
    $apx->tmpl->parse('rss', 'calendar');