srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $retval = 0; $a = 0; if ($a != $number) { do { $a++; $tmp = rand(0, 1 + ($roids + $retval)); if ($tmp < 20) { $retval++; } } while ($a < $number); } return $retval; } if ($waves > 0 && $crystal >= $waves * 500) { $found = calcres($waves); $cost = $waves * 500; $result = mysql_query("UPDATE " . $PA["table"] . " SET crystal=crystal-{$cost},ui_roids=ui_roids+{$found} WHERE id={$Userid} AND crystal>={$cost}", $db); Header("Location: waves.php?msggreen=You found {$found} asteroids"); die; } if ($waves > 0 && $crystal < $waves * 500) { Header("Location: waves.php?msgred=You dont have enough crystal!"); die; } if ($sector != "") { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $PA["table"] . " WHERE id='{$sector}'", $db); if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) { Header("Location: waves.php?msgred=No such planet!"); die; }
$arrJson[] = array('html', 'res_amount_' . $iResourceId, nummertje($iAmount)); } exit(json::encode($arrJson)); } else { if (isset($_POST['number_of_asteroid_scans'], $_POST['roid_scan_id'])) { $iTotalAsteroidScans = (int) db_select_one('d_all_units u, d_waves w, waves_on_planets p', 'IFNULL(SUM(amount),0)', ' = ' . (int) $_POST['roid_scan_id'] . ' AND = AND = p.wave_id AND p.planet_id = ' . PLANET_ID . ' AND u.T = \'roidscan\' AND u.r_d_required_id IN (SELECT r_d_id FROM planet_r_d WHERE planet_id = ' . PLANET_ID . ' AND eta = 0)'); $a = (int) min($_POST['number_of_asteroid_scans'], $iTotalAsteroidScans); if (0 >= $a) { exit(json::encode(array(array('msg', 'Invalid amount!')))); } $iTotalWaveAmps = (int) db_select_one('d_all_units u, d_waves w, waves_on_planets p', 'IFNULL(SUM(amount),0)', ' = AND = p.wave_id AND p.planet_id = ' . PLANET_ID . ' AND u.T = \'amp\' AND u.r_d_required_id IN (SELECT r_d_id FROM planet_r_d WHERE planet_id = ' . PLANET_ID . ' AND eta = 0)'); $iAsteroids = $g_arrUser['inactive_asteroids']; foreach ($g_arrResources as $r) { $iAsteroids += $r['asteroids']; } $iAsteroidsFound = calcres($a, $iAsteroids, $iTotalWaveAmps); if (db_update('waves_on_planets', 'amount = amount-' . $a, 'planet_id = ' . PLANET_ID . ' AND wave_id = ' . (int) $_POST['roid_scan_id'] . '') && 0 < db_affected_rows()) { db_update('planets', 'inactive_asteroids = inactive_asteroids+' . $iAsteroidsFound, 'id = ' . PLANET_ID); } $iScansLefs = db_select_one('waves_on_planets', 'amount', 'planet_id = ' . PLANET_ID . ' AND wave_id = ' . (int) $_POST['roid_scan_id'] . ''); exit(json::encode(array(array('html', 'unit_amount_' . (int) $_POST['roid_scan_id'], nummertje($iScansLefs)), array('msg', 'Your ' . nummertje($a) . ' scans found ' . nummertje($iAsteroidsFound) . ' Asteroids!')))); } else { if (isset($_GET['intel_scan_id'], $_GET['x'], $_GET['y'], $_GET['z'])) { $arrScan = db_fetch('SELECT *, AS scan_id FROM d_all_units u WHERE id = ' . (int) $_GET['intel_scan_id'] . ' AND u.T = \'scan\' AND u.r_d_required_id IN (SELECT r_d_id FROM planet_r_d WHERE planet_id = ' . PLANET_ID . ' AND eta = 0) AND 0 < (SELECT amount FROM waves_on_planets WHERE planet_id = ' . PLANET_ID . ' AND wave_id = scan_id)'); if (!$arrScan) { exit(json::encode(array(array('msg', 'Invalid scan!')))); } $arrScan = $arrScan[0]; $arrTarget = db_select('galaxies g, planets p', ' = p.galaxy_id AND p.z = ' . (int) $_GET['z'] . ' AND g.y = ' . (int) $_GET['y'] . ' AND g.x = ' . (int) $_GET['x']); if (!$arrTarget) { exit(json::encode(array(array('msg', 'Invalid coordinates!'))));