function c2c_auto_complete($module, $update_hidden, $options)
    $field_prefix = isset($options['field_prefix']) ? $options['field_prefix'] : '';
    $display_button = _option($options, 'display_button', true);
    // updated field name can be customized so that there is no interference
    // between different autocomplete forms by using field_prefix
    $field = $field_prefix . '_' . $module . '_name';
    $out = c2c_input_auto_complete($module, $update_hidden, $options);
    $out .= $display_button ? c2c_submit_tag(__('Link'), array('class' => 'samesize', 'onclick' => "\$('#{$field}').val('');", 'picto' => 'action_create')) : '';
    return $out;
echo label_for('edit_topo_name', __('topoName_desc'), array('class' => 'fieldname', 'id' => '_topo_name')) . ' ' . input_tag('edit_topo_name', $user_private_data->get('topo_name'), array('class' => 'medium_input'));
echo label_for('edit_nickname', __('nickName_desc'), array('class' => 'fieldname', 'id' => '_nick_name')) . ' ' . input_tag('edit_nickname', $user_private_data->get('username'), array('class' => 'medium_input'));
echo label_for('login_name', __('LoginName_desc'), array('class' => 'fieldname', 'id' => '_login_name')) . '<strong>' . $user_private_data->getLoginName() . '</strong>';
echo end_fieldset_tag();
echo fieldset_tag('Manage your profile page');
echo object_group_tag($user_private_data, 'is_profile_public', array('callback' => 'object_checkbox_tag'));
echo end_fieldset_tag();
    <ul class="action_buttons">
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('Save'), array('picto' => 'action_create'));
echo __('Show the route');
</p> <!-- wizard_route_descr -->
<p class="wizard_tip"><?php 
echo __('No route matching your search?') . ' ';
<a href="#" onclick="window.location.href='/routes/edit/link/' + $('#summit_id').val(); return false;"><?php 
echo __('Add your route');

<div id="last_ok" style="display: none;">
<hr />
echo __('Step 3: confirm to create outing');
echo form_tag('outings/edit', 'method=get');
echo input_hidden_tag('link', '0');
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('New outing'), array('onclick' => 'if ($("#wizard_type") == "summits") $("#link").val($("#routes").val());', 'title' => __('Add your outing'), 'picto' => 'action_create'));
</div> <!-- last_ok -->
</div> <!-- outing_wizard -->

            $elevation_options[$key] = $value . ' (' . str_replace('~', $replace, $elevation_ranges[$key]) . $meters . ')';
    echo filter_field('cda_elevation', select_tag('elevation', options_for_select($elevation_options)));
<br />
    if ($lang == 'fr') {
<input type="image" value="<?php 
        echo __('Search on c2c');
" name="commit" src="/static/images/cda/bouton.png">
    } else {
        echo c2c_submit_tag(__('Search on c2c'), array('picto' => 'action_filter', 'class' => 'main_button'));
<br />
    echo '<a href="/' . $type . '/filter" target="_blank">' . __('Advanced search') . '</a>';
<br /><br />
    $cda_config = sfConfig::get('app_portals_cda');
    echo link_to(__('cda More'), '@document_by_id?module=portals&id=' . $cda_config['id'], array('target' => '_blank'));
echo global_form_errors_tag();
//echo form_tag('@user_edit');
echo c2c_form_remote_tag('@signUp');
echo tips_tag('After subscription you will receive an email with a generated password, to confirm, login within %1% days', array('%1%' => sfConfig::get('app_pending_users_lifetime')));
echo group_tag('Username:'******'login_name', 'input_tag', $sf_params->get('login_name'), array('autofocus' => 'autofocus', 'class' => 'long_input'));
echo group_tag('Email:', 'email', 'input_tag', $sf_params->get('email'), array('class' => 'long_input', 'type' => 'email'));
echo content_tag('div', __('Did you mean %1%?', array('%1%' => '<a class="suggested-email"></a>')), array('class' => 'email-suggestion', 'style' => 'display:none'));
echo group_tag('Copy following string:', 'captcha', 'input_tag', null, array('class' => 'long_input'));
    <img src="<?php 
echo url_for('@sf_captcha');
" alt="captcha" title="<?php 
echo __('Copy following string:');
" />
    <p class="tips"><?php 
echo __('captcha test is case-insensitive');
  <p style="margin-top:20px"><?php 
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('Signup'));
echo login_link_to();
// load mailcheck, helps users correctly entering their email
echo javascript_queue("\$.ajax({ url: '" . minify_get_combined_files_url(array('/static/js/mailcheck.min.js', '/static/js/mailcheck.c2c.js')) . "',\ndataType: 'script', cache: true });");
  * Executes getautocomplete action.
  * returns a bit of html and JS to perform autocomplete
 public function executeGetautocomplete()
     // retrieve module name on which to perform autocomplete
     if ($this->hasRequestParameter('module_id')) {
         $module_id = $this->getRequestParameter('module_id');
         $modules = sfConfig::get('app_modules_list');
         $module_name = $modules[$module_id];
     } elseif ($this->hasRequestParameter('module_name')) {
         $module_name = $this->getRequestParameter('module_name');
     } else {
         return $this->renderText('');
     $field_prefix = $this->getRequestParameter('field_prefix', '');
     $extra_params = $this->getRequestParameter('extra_params');
     if ($module_name == 'users' && $this->getModuleName() == 'images' && !$this->getUser()->hasCredential('moderator')) {
         $user = $this->getUser();
         $out = input_hidden_tag('document_id', $user->getId(), array('id' => $field_prefix . '_document_id')) . input_hidden_tag('document_module', $module_name, array('id' => $field_prefix . '_document_module')) . $user->getUsername() . ' ' . c2c_submit_tag(__('Link'), array('class' => 'samesize', 'picto' => 'action_create'));
     } else {
         if ($module_name != 'routes') {
             $display_button = $this->getRequestParameter('button') != '0';
             $out = input_hidden_tag('document_id', '0', array('id' => $field_prefix . '_document_id')) . input_hidden_tag('document_module', $module_name, array('id' => $field_prefix . '_document_module')) . c2c_auto_complete($module_name, $field_prefix . '_document_id', array('field_prefix' => $field_prefix, 'display_button' => $display_button, 'extra_params' => $extra_params)) . ($display_button ? '</form>' : '');
         } else {
             $summit_id = $field_prefix . '_summit_id';
             $div_select = $field_prefix . '_routes_select';
             $updated_failure = sfConfig::get('app_ajax_feedback_div_name_failure');
             $id = $field_prefix . '_rsummits_name';
             $out = input_hidden_tag('document_module', $module_name, array('id' => $field_prefix . '_document_module')) . __('Summit : ') . input_tag('summits_name', '', array('size' => 45, 'id' => $id, 'data-suggest-no-exclude' => 1)) . '<div id="' . $field_prefix . '_associated_routes" name="associated_routes" style="display:none;">' . '<div id="' . $div_select . '" name="' . $div_select . '"></div>' . javascript_queue("var indicator = \$('#indicator');" . "\$('#{$id}').c2cAutocomplete({" . "url: '" . url_for("summits/autocomplete") . "'," . "minChars: " . sfConfig::get('app_autocomplete_min_chars') . (isset($extra_params) ? ", params: '{$extra_params}'" : '') . "}).on('itemselect', function(e, item) {" . ";" . "\$.get('" . url_for('summits/getroutes') . "'," . "'summit_id=' + + '&div_prefix={$field_prefix}_&div_name=document_id')" . ".always(function() { indicator.hide(); })" . ".fail(function(data) { C2C.showFailure(data.responseText); })" . ".done(function(data) {" . "\$('#{$div_select}').html(data).parent().show();" . "C2C.getWizardRouteRatings('{$field_prefix}_document_id');" . "});" . "});");
             if ($this->getRequestParameter('button') != '0') {
                 $out .= c2c_submit_tag(__('Link'), array('class' => 'samesize', 'picto' => 'action_create'));
             $out .= '</div>';
     return $this->renderText($out);
Beispiel #7

use_helper('Form', 'MyForm', 'Link');
<div id="fake_div">
$form_action = sfConfig::get('app_https_login', false) ? str_replace('http://', 'https://', url_for('@login', true)) : '@login';
echo form_tag($form_action, array('id' => 'loginForm'));
if (isset($redirect_param) && !empty($redirect_param)) {
    echo input_hidden_tag('redirect', $redirect_param);
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('Connect'));
echo forgot_link_to();
echo signup_link_to();
<div id="fake_div">
use_helper('Form', 'Validation', 'Ajax', 'Link', 'MyForm');
// handle non ajax error form
echo global_form_errors_tag();
// script => true ... ?
echo c2c_form_remote_tag('users/lostPassword');
<div id="reset_password">

echo tips_tag('To receive a new password, enter your username or your email');
echo group_tag('Username or Email', 'loginNameOrEmail', 'input_tag', $sf_params->get('loginNameOrEmail'), array('class' => 'long_input'));
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('retrieve'));
echo login_link_to();


use_helper('MyForm', 'Javascript', 'Ajax', 'Url');

$module = $sf_context->getModuleName();
$new = isset($new_document) ? $new_document : false;

<ul class="action_buttons">
$js = "\$('#indicator').show();\n  \$.post('" . url_for("{$module}/preview") . "', \$(this.form).serialize())\n    .always(function() { \$('#indicator').hide(); \$('.goto_preview').show(); })\n    .done(function(data) {\n      var preview = \$('#preview');\n      preview.html(data).addClass('highlight').show();\n      setTimeout(function() { preview.removeClass('highlight') }, 400);\n      \$('#form_buttons_up').show(); });\n  return false;";
echo c2c_button(__('Preview'), array('picto' => 'action_filter', 'class' => 'main_button'), tag('input', array('type' => 'button', 'name' => 'ajax_submit', 'value' => __('Preview'), 'class' => 'c2cui_btnr', 'onclick' => $js)));
echo c2c_submit_tag(__($new ? 'Create' : 'Update'), array('picto' => 'action_create'));

$cancel_route = $new ? "@default_index?module={$module}" : "@document_by_id?module={$module}&id=" . $document->get('id');
echo c2c_button(__('Cancel'), array('picto' => 'action_cancel'), button_to(__('Cancel'), $cancel_route, array('class' => 'c2cui_btnr')));
        echo input_tag('switch[]', null, array('type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => "{$image_id}", 'id' => 'switch_' . $image_id)) . link_to(__('Details'), $image_route, array('class' => 'toto'));
<div style="clear:both"><?php 
    echo input_hidden_tag('page', $page);
    echo $pager_navigation;
<ul class="action_buttons">
    echo c2c_submit_tag(__('Switch license'), array('picto' => 'action_edit'));
    echo button_tag(__('Select all'), array('onclick' => "\$('#editform .manageimages_info input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', true);", 'picto' => 'action_create', 'title' => __('Select all')));
    echo button_tag(__('Deselect all'), array('onclick' => "\$('#editform .manageimages_info input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);", 'picto' => 'action_rm', 'title' => __('Deselect all')));
echo end_content_tag();

<div id="ac_form" style="float: left; margin-left: 10px; height: 250px; width: 300px;"> <?php 
//FIXME find a way to avoid ugly blank
// this div will be updated after page loading, via ajax.

<script type="text/javascript">
echo url_for("/{$module}/getautocomplete?module_name={$module}&button=0");
  .always(function() { $('#indicator').hide(); })
  .done(function(data) { $('#ac_form').html(data); });
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('Merge'));

echo __('Notice: associations will also be merged');
</div> <!-- merge_wizard -->
function portal_search_box_tag($params, $current_module)
    $sf_context = sfContext::getInstance();
    if (is_array($params) && count($params)) {
        $main_filter = $params['main'];
    } else {
        $main_filter = $params;
        $params = array();
    $url_params = array();
    $criteria = unpackUrlParameters($main_filter, $url_params);
    $names = array_keys($criteria);
    $list = array();
    foreach (sfConfig::get('app_modules_list') as $module) {
        switch ($module) {
            case 'documents':
                if ($module != $current_module && !in_array($module, $names)) {
                    $key = $module;
                    if (isset($params[$module])) {
                        $key .= '/' . $params[$module];
                    $list[$key] = __($module);
    $selected = 'routes';
    $options = options_with_classes_for_select($list, $selected, array(), 'picto picto_');
    $select_js = 'this.setAttribute("class", "picto picto_" + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value.split(\'/\')[0]);';
    $html = '<input type="hidden" value="' . $main_filter . '" name="params" />';
    $html .= select_tag('wtype', $options, array('onchange' => $select_js, 'class' => 'picto picto_' . $selected, 'placeholder' => __('Search')));
    $html .= input_tag('q', $sf_context->getRequest()->getParameter('q'), array('class' => 'searchbox'));
    $html .= c2c_submit_tag(__('Search'), 'action_filter');
    return $html;
Beispiel #13
     $result_types = sfConfig::get('app_list_result_types');
     if ($module == 'outings') {
     } elseif (in_array($module, array('routes', 'sites', 'users'))) {
     $result_type_options = options_for_select(array_map('__', $result_types), 3);
     $result_type_select = select_tag('result_type', $result_type_options);
     $result_type_select_2 = select_tag('result_type_2', $result_type_options);
     $linked_docs = sfConfig::get('app_list_linked_docs');
     $linked_doc_options = options_for_select(array_map('__', $linked_docs), 1);
     $linked_doc_select = select_tag('linked_docs', $linked_doc_options);
     $linked_doc_select_2 = select_tag('linked_docs_2', $linked_doc_options);
     $result_types_filter = '<div class="list_form">' . __('Show') . ' ' . $result_type_select . ' &nbsp; ' . $linked_doc_select . ' ' . c2c_submit_tag(__('Send'), array('picto' => 'action_list', 'name' => 'commit', 'class' => 'samesize')) . '</div>';
     $result_types_filter_2 = '<div class="list_form">' . __('Show') . ' ' . $result_type_select_2 . ' &nbsp; ' . $linked_doc_select_2 . ' ' . c2c_submit_tag(__('Send'), array('picto' => 'action_list', 'name' => 'commit_2', 'class' => 'samesize')) . '</div>';
     $params = packUrlParameters('', array('orderby', 'orderby2', 'orderby3', 'order', 'order2', 'order3', 'page'));
     echo '<form id="filterform" action="/' . $module . '/listredirect" method="post"><div>
     <input type="hidden" value="' . $params . '" name="params" />';
     foreach ($orderby_params as $key => $orderby_params) {
         echo '<input type="hidden" value="' . $orderby_list[$key] . '" name="' . $orderby_params . '" />' . '<input type="hidden" value="' . $order_list[$key] . '" name="' . $order_params[$key] . '" />';
     echo '</div>';
     echo $pager_navigation;
     echo $result_types_filter;
     echo pager_nb_results($pager);
 } else {
     echo $pager_navigation;
     echo pager_nb_results($pager);
 if (!$mobile_version) {
  var rating = cotometre_rating(slope, height, skiability);
  $("#cotometre_result").html(\'<div id="cotometre_result">' . __('proposed grade') . '<br /><span class="cotometre_result">\' + rating + " </span></div>");
<div id="fake_div">
<p class="tips">
echo __('cotometre tips');
<div id="toolform" class="cotometre_form">
echo label_tag('skiability', __('skiabilite'), false, array('class' => 'fieldname')), '<br />', radiobutton_tag('skiability', '0', true), ' ', label_for('skiability_0', __('skiabilite0')), '<br />', radiobutton_tag('skiability', '0.1', false), ' ', label_for('skiability_0.1', __('skiabilite01')), '<br />', radiobutton_tag('skiability', '0.2', false), ' ', label_for('skiability_0.2', __('skiabilite02'));
echo label_tag('slope', __('pentemoyenne'), false, array('class' => 'fieldname')), input_tag('coto_slope', '', array('class' => 'short_input'));
echo label_tag('height', __('denivele'), false, array('class' => 'fieldname')), input_tag('coto_height', '', array('class' => 'short_input'));
echo c2c_submit_tag(__('compute technical grade'), array('onclick' => 'cotometre_technical_grade(); return false;'));
<div id="cotometre_result"><span class="cotometre_result"> </span></div>