
* Module Brainstorm V2
* Operator : merge
* @author Valery Fremaux
* @package Brainstorm 
* @date 20/12/2007
include_once $CFG->dirroot . "/mod/brainstorm/operators/{$page}/locallib.php";
include_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/brainstorm/operators/operator.class.php";
$current_operator = new BrainstormOperator($brainstorm->id, $page);
$responsesnum = brainstorm_count_responses($brainstorm->id, 0, $currentgroup, false);
if (!isset($current_operator->configdata->maxideasleft)) {
    $current_operator->configdata->maxideasleft = $responsesnum;
    notice(get_string('filterlimitundefined', 'brainstorm'));
$unassignedresponses = merge_get_unassigned($brainstorm->id, 0, $currentgroup, false, $current_operator->configdata);
$assignations = merge_get_assignations($brainstorm->id, null, $currentgroup, false, $current_operator->configdata);
/// get currently selected status for non data moving commands
$current_target = optional_param('to', null, PARAM_INT);
if (isset($nochecks)) {
    $checks = array();
if (!isset($checks)) {
    // might have been setup within the controller
    $checks = array_keys(merge_get_dataset_from_query('choose_'));
$strsource = get_string('sourcedata', 'brainstorm');
$strmerge = get_string('mergedata', 'brainstorm');
$strchoice = get_string('choicedata', 'brainstorm');

* Module Brainstorm V2
* @author Valery Fremaux
* @package Brainstorm 
* @date 20/12/2007
$allresponses = brainstorm_count_responses($brainstorm->id, 0, 0);
$responsesinyourgroup = brainstorm_count_responses($brainstorm->id, 0, $currentgroup);
$lang = current_language();
$alloperatordata = brainstorm_count_operatorinputs($brainstorm->id, 0, 0);
$operatordatainyourgroup = brainstorm_count_operatorinputs($brainstorm->id, 0, $currentgroup);
<div style="padding-left : 200px">
include "lang/{$lang}/organiseideas.html";
echo '<p>';
if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS || has_capability('mod/brainstorm:manage', $context)) {
    echo '<b>' . get_string('responsesinallgroups', 'brainstorm') . ':</b> ' . $allresponses . '<br/>';
if ($groupmode) {
    echo '<b>' . get_string('responsesinyourgroup', 'brainstorm') . ':</b> ' . $responsesinyourgroup . '<br/>';
} else {
    echo '<b>' . get_string('allresponses', 'brainstorm') . ':</b> ' . $responsesinyourgroup . '<br/>';
if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS || has_capability('mod/brainstorm:manage', $context)) {
    echo '<b>' . get_string('opdatainallgroups', 'brainstorm') . ':</b> ' . $alloperatordata . '<br/>';
if ($groupmode) {
    echo '<b>' . get_string('opdatainyourgroup', 'brainstorm') . ':</b> ' . $operatordatainyourgroup . '<br/>';