 * Set up the constants we need for avatar support.
function bp_core_set_avatar_constants()
    $bp = buddypress();
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH', 100);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT', 100);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH', 150);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT', 150);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH', 450);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_FILESIZE')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_FILESIZE', bp_attachments_get_max_upload_file_size('avatar'));
    if (!defined('BP_SHOW_AVATARS')) {
        define('BP_SHOW_AVATARS', bp_get_option('show_avatars'));
  * Initializes the class when called upon.
 public function init()
     /** Settings *****************************************************/
     $this->settings = bp_get_option('bp-rbe');
     /** Includes *****************************************************/
     /** Constants ****************************************************/
     /** Localization *************************************************/
     // we place this here instead of in hooks() because we want to
     // localize even before our requirements are fulfilled
     /** Requirements check *******************************************/
     // If requirements are not fulfilled, then throw an admin notice and stop now!
     if (!bp_rbe_is_required_completed($this->settings)) {
         add_action('admin_notices', array(&$this, 'admin_notice'));
     /** Post-requirements routine ************************************/
     // load inbound provider
     if (bp_rbe_is_inbound()) {
     // load the hooks!
 private function bootstrap()
     global $bp;
      * At this point in the stack, BuddyPress core has been loaded but
      * individual components (friends/activity/groups/etc...) have not.
      * The 'bp_core_loaded' action lets you execute code ahead of the
      * other components.
     /** Components ********************************************************/
     // Set the included and optional components.
     $bp->optional_components = apply_filters('bp_optional_components', array('activity', 'blogs', 'forums', 'friends', 'groups', 'messages', 'settings', 'xprofile'));
     // Set the required components
     $bp->required_components = apply_filters('bp_required_components', array('members'));
     // Get a list of activated components
     if ($active_components = bp_get_option('bp-active-components')) {
         $bp->active_components = apply_filters('bp_active_components', $active_components);
         $bp->deactivated_components = apply_filters('bp_deactivated_components', array_values(array_diff(array_values(array_merge($bp->optional_components, $bp->required_components)), array_keys($bp->active_components))));
         // Pre 1.5 Backwards compatibility
     } elseif ($deactivated_components = bp_get_option('bp-deactivated-components')) {
         // Trim off namespace and filename
         foreach ((array) $deactivated_components as $component => $value) {
             $trimmed[] = str_replace('.php', '', str_replace('bp-', '', $component));
         // Set globals
         $bp->deactivated_components = apply_filters('bp_deactivated_components', $trimmed);
         // Setup the active components
         $active_components = array_flip(array_diff(array_values(array_merge($bp->optional_components, $bp->required_components)), array_values($bp->deactivated_components)));
         // Loop through active components and set the values
         $bp->active_components = array_map('__return_true', $active_components);
         // Set the active component global
         $bp->active_components = apply_filters('bp_active_components', $bp->active_components);
         // Default to all components active
     } else {
         // Set globals
         $bp->deactivated_components = array();
         // Setup the active components
         $active_components = array_flip(array_values(array_merge($bp->optional_components, $bp->required_components)));
         // Loop through active components and set the values
         $bp->active_components = array_map('__return_true', $active_components);
         // Set the active component global
         $bp->active_components = apply_filters('bp_active_components', $bp->active_components);
     // Loop through optional components
     foreach ($bp->optional_components as $component) {
         if (bp_is_active($component) && file_exists(BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-' . $component . '/bp-' . $component . '-loader.php')) {
             include BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-' . $component . '/bp-' . $component . '-loader.php';
     // Loop through required components
     foreach ($bp->required_components as $component) {
         if (file_exists(BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-' . $component . '/bp-' . $component . '-loader.php')) {
             include BP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bp-' . $component . '/bp-' . $component . '-loader.php';
     // Add Core to required components
     $bp->required_components[] = 'core';
Beispiel #4
  * @group invite_anyone_group_invite_access_test
  * Using this as a proxy for testing every possible combination
 public function test_group_access_test_friends()
     $settings = bp_get_option('invite_anyone');
     bp_update_option('invite_anyone', array('group_invites_can_admin' => 'friends', 'group_invites_can_group_admin' => 'friends', 'group_invites_can_group_mod' => 'friends', 'group_invites_can_group_member' => 'friends'));
     $g = $this->factory->group->create();
     $u1 = $this->factory->user->create(array('role' => 'administrator'));
     $this->add_user_to_group($u1, $g);
     $u2 = $this->factory->user->create();
     $this->add_user_to_group($u2, $g);
     $u3 = $this->factory->user->create();
     $this->add_user_to_group($u3, $g);
     $m3 = new BP_Groups_Member($u3, $g);
     $u4 = $this->factory->user->create();
     $this->add_user_to_group($u4, $g);
     $m4 = new BP_Groups_Member($u4, $g);
     $user = new WP_User($u1);
     $this->assertSame('friends', invite_anyone_group_invite_access_test($g, $u1));
     $this->assertSame('friends', invite_anyone_group_invite_access_test($g, $u2));
     $this->assertSame('friends', invite_anyone_group_invite_access_test($g, $u3));
     $this->assertSame('friends', invite_anyone_group_invite_access_test($g, $u4));
     bp_update_option('invite_anyone', $settings);
  * Include component files.
  * @since 1.5.0
  * @see BP_Component::includes() for a description of arguments.
  * @param array $includes See BP_Component::includes() for a description.
 public function includes($includes = array())
     // Files to include.
     $includes = array('cssjs', 'actions', 'screens', 'filters', 'adminbar', 'template', 'functions', 'cache');
     // Notifications support.
     if (bp_is_active('notifications')) {
         $includes[] = 'notifications';
     if (!buddypress()->do_autoload) {
         $includes[] = 'classes';
     // Load Akismet support if Akismet is configured.
     $akismet_key = bp_get_option('wordpress_api_key');
     /** This filter is documented in bp-activity/bp-activity-akismet.php */
     if (defined('AKISMET_VERSION') && class_exists('Akismet') && (!empty($akismet_key) || defined('WPCOM_API_KEY')) && apply_filters('bp_activity_use_akismet', bp_is_akismet_active())) {
         $includes[] = 'akismet';
     // Embeds - only applicable for WP 4.5+
     if (version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '4.5', '>=') && bp_is_active($this->id, 'embeds')) {
         $includes[] = 'embeds';
     if (is_admin()) {
         $includes[] = 'admin';
 * Register member types.
 * If the field type is set and has options. These options will dynamically build the member type
 * Use the name to set options into the xProfile Field Admin UI eg: Has CF
 * @since 1.0.0
function cfbgr_register_member_types()
    $saved_option = (int) bp_get_option('cfbgr_xfield_id', 0);
    if (empty($saved_option)) {
    $field = xprofile_get_field($saved_option);
    // This case means the option was not deleted when it oughts to be
    if (empty($field->type_obj) || !is_a($field->type_obj, 'CF_BG_Member_Type_Field_Type')) {
    // Object cache this field
    buddypress()->groups->restrictions->member_type_field = $field;
    $options = $field->get_children(true);
    if (!is_array($options)) {
    foreach ($options as $member_type) {
        if (empty($member_type->name)) {
        bp_register_member_type(sanitize_key($member_type->name), array('labels' => array('name' => $member_type->name)));
Beispiel #7
 private function bp_avatar_is_disable()
     if (!function_exists('bp-disable-avatar-uploads')) {
         return get_option('bp-disable-avatar-uploads');
     return bp_get_option('bp-disable-avatar-uploads');
 function __construct()
     global $bp;
     $this->client_id = bp_get_option('foursquare-client-id');
     $this->client_secret = bp_get_option('foursquare-client-secret');
     $this->redirect_uri = isset($bp->pages->{BP_CHECKINS_SLUG}->slug) ? site_url($bp->pages->{BP_CHECKINS_SLUG}->slug) : site_url(BP_CHECKINS_SLUG);
function cfbgr_migrate_xprofile_as_member_types()
    global $wpdb;
    $buddypress = buddypress();
    // Description of this tool, displayed to the user
    $statement = __('Migrating/Resetting xProfile data as member types: %s', 'buddypress-group-restrictions');
    // Default to failure text
    $result = __('No xProfile data needs to be migrated or reset.', 'buddypress-group-restrictions');
    // Default to unrepaired
    $repair = 0;
    $field = (int) bp_get_option('cfbgr_xfield_id', 0);
    if (empty($field)) {
        return array(0, sprintf($statement, $result));
    $member_types = bp_get_member_types();
    // Walk through all users on the site
    $user_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users}");
    foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
        $value = sanitize_key(xprofile_get_field_data($field, $user_id));
        // Do we have a matching member type ?
        if (isset($member_types[$value])) {
            // Set member types if empty or different
            if ($value !== bp_get_member_type($user_id)) {
                bp_set_member_type($user_id, $value);
                $repair += 1;
    $result = sprintf(__('%d migrated or reset', 'buddypress-group-restrictions'), $repair);
    // All done!
    return array(0, sprintf($statement, $result));
Beispiel #10
function bp_core_set_avatar_constants()
    $bp = buddypress();
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH', 50);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT', 50);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH', 150);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT', 150);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH')) {
        define('BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH', 450);
    if (!defined('BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_FILESIZE')) {
        if (!isset($bp->site_options['fileupload_maxk'])) {
            define('BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_FILESIZE', 5120000);
            // 5mb
        } else {
            define('BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_FILESIZE', $bp->site_options['fileupload_maxk'] * 1024);
    if (!defined('BP_SHOW_AVATARS')) {
        define('BP_SHOW_AVATARS', bp_get_option('show_avatars'));
Beispiel #11
function bp_core_install_extended_profiles()
    global $nxtdb;
    $charset_collate = bp_core_set_charset();
    $bp_prefix = bp_core_get_table_prefix();
    // These values should only be updated if they are not already present
    if (!($base_group_name = bp_get_option('bp-xprofile-base-group-name'))) {
        bp_update_option('bp-xprofile-base-group-name', _x('Base', 'First XProfile group name', 'buddypress'));
    if (!($fullname_field_name = bp_get_option('bp-xprofile-fullname-field-name'))) {
        bp_update_option('bp-xprofile-fullname-field-name', _x('Name', 'XProfile fullname field name', 'buddypress'));
    $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_groups (\n\t\t\t    id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t    name varchar(150) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    description mediumtext NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    group_order bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t    can_delete tinyint(1) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    KEY can_delete (can_delete)\n\t\t\t   ) {$charset_collate};";
    $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_fields (\n\t\t\t    id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t    group_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    parent_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    type varchar(150) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    name varchar(150) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    description longtext NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    is_required tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t    is_default_option tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t    field_order bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t    option_order bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t    order_by varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t    can_delete tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n\t\t\t    KEY group_id (group_id),\n\t\t\t    KEY parent_id (parent_id),\n\t\t\t    KEY field_order (field_order),\n\t\t\t    KEY can_delete (can_delete),\n\t\t\t    KEY is_required (is_required)\n\t\t\t   ) {$charset_collate};";
    $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_data (\n\t\t\t    id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t    field_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    user_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    value longtext NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    last_updated datetime NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t    KEY field_id (field_id),\n\t\t\t    KEY user_id (user_id)\n\t\t\t   ) {$charset_collate};";
    $sql[] = "CREATE TABLE {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_meta (\n\t\t\t\tid bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t\tobject_id bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tobject_type varchar(150) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tmeta_key varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tmeta_value longtext DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tKEY object_id (object_id),\n\t\t\t\tKEY meta_key (meta_key)\n\t\t   \t   ) {$charset_collate};";
    // Insert the default group and fields
    $insert_sql = array();
    if (!$nxtdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_groups WHERE id = 1")) {
        $insert_sql[] = "INSERT INTO {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_groups ( name, description, can_delete ) VALUES ( " . $nxtdb->prepare('%s', stripslashes(bp_get_option('bp-xprofile-base-group-name'))) . ", '', 0 );";
    if (!$nxtdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_fields WHERE id = 1")) {
        $insert_sql[] = "INSERT INTO {$bp_prefix}bp_xprofile_fields ( group_id, parent_id, type, name, description, is_required, can_delete ) VALUES ( 1, 0, 'textbox', " . $nxtdb->prepare('%s', stripslashes(bp_get_option('bp-xprofile-fullname-field-name'))) . ", '', 1, 0 );";
Beispiel #12
function invite_anyone_options()
    global $iaoptions;
    // We set our own options cache because of some stupid limitations in the way that page
    // loads work
    if (!empty($iaoptions)) {
        $options = $iaoptions;
    } else {
        if (function_exists('bp_update_option')) {
            $options = bp_get_option('invite_anyone');
        } else {
            $options = get_option('invite_anyone');
    if (!$options) {
        $options = array();
    $defaults_array = array('max_invites' => 5, 'allow_email_invitations' => 'all', 'message_is_customizable' => 'yes', 'subject_is_customizable' => 'no', 'can_send_group_invites_email' => 'yes', 'bypass_registration_lock' => 'yes', 'email_visibility_toggle' => 'nolimit', 'email_since_toggle' => 'no', 'days_since' => 0, 'email_role_toggle' => 'no', 'minimum_role' => 'subscriber', 'email_blacklist_toggle' => 'no', 'email_blacklist' => '', 'group_invites_can_admin' => 'anyone', 'group_invites_can_group_admin' => 'anyone', 'group_invites_can_group_mod' => 'anyone', 'group_invites_can_group_member' => 'anyone', 'cloudsponge_enabled' => 'off', 'email_limit_invites_toggle' => 'no', 'limit_invites_per_user' => 10);
    foreach ($defaults_array as $key => $value) {
        if (!isset($options[$key])) {
            $options[$key] = $value;
    $iaoptions = $options;
    return apply_filters('invite_anyone_options', $options);
 * Compare the BuddyPress version to the DB version to determine if updating
 * @since BuddyPress (1.6)
 * @uses get_option()
 * @uses bp_get_db_version() To get BuddyPress's database version
 * @return bool True if update, False if not
function bp_is_update()
    // Current DB version of this site (per site in a multisite network)
    $current_db = bp_get_option('_bp_db_version');
    $current_live = bp_get_db_version();
    // Compare versions (cast as int and bool to be safe)
    $is_update = (bool) ((int) $current_db < (int) $current_live);
    // Return the product of version comparison
    return $is_update;
Beispiel #14
 * @todo make independent of BP
 * @since 1.1.0
 * @return array
function bpchat_get_all_options()
    $default = array('notification_volume' => 20, 'notification_enabled' => true, 'notification_sound_enabled' => true, 'allow_prefernce_change' => true, 'default_chat_preference' => 'all', 'is_disabled' => false);
    if (function_exists('bp_get_option')) {
        $options = bp_get_option('bpchat-settings', $default);
    } else {
        $options = get_option('bpchat-settings', $default);
    return apply_filters('bpchat_settings', $options);
  * Setup settings
 function setup_settings()
     // Save a query if we can help it
     if (!bp_is_user()) {
     // Pull up the existing values
     $settings = bp_get_option('bp_smp_settings');
     $defaults = array('display' => array('inline'), 'label' => __('Follow me online: ', 'bp-smp'));
     $this->settings = wp_parse_args($settings, $defaults);
 public function setUp()
     if (is_multisite()) {
         $this->signup_allowed = get_site_option('registration');
         update_site_option('registration', 'all');
     } else {
         bp_update_option('users_can_register', 1);
Beispiel #17
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
      * WP's test suite wipes out BP's directory page mappings with `_delete_all_posts()`.
      * We must reestablish them before our tests can be successfully run.
     bp_core_add_page_mappings(bp_get_option('bp-active-components'), 'delete');
     // Fake WP mail globals, to avoid errors
     add_filter('wp_mail', array('BP_UnitTestCase', 'setUp_wp_mail'));
     add_filter('wp_mail_from', array('BP_UnitTestCase', 'tearDown_wp_mail'));
  * Setup our items when a user is in the WP backend.
 public function admin_init()
     // grab our settings when we're in the admin area only
     $this->settings = bp_get_option($this->name);
     // handles niceties like nonces and form submission
     register_setting($this->name, $this->name, array($this, 'validate'));
     // add extra action links for our plugin
     add_filter('plugin_action_links', array($this, 'add_plugin_action_links'), 10, 2);
     // include github updater only if CBOX isn't installed
     // or if CBOX is installed and expert mode is on
     if (!function_exists('cbox') || function_exists('cbox') && defined('CBOX_OVERRIDE_PLUGINS') && constant('CBOX_OVERRIDE_PLUGINS') === true) {
  * Include component files.
  * @since BuddyPress (1.5)
  * @see BP_Component::includes() for a description of arguments.
  * @param array $includes See BP_Component::includes() for a description.
 public function includes($includes = array())
     // Files to include
     $includes = array('actions', 'screens', 'filters', 'classes', 'template', 'functions', 'notifications', 'cache');
     // Load Akismet support if Akismet is configured
     $akismet_key = bp_get_option('wordpress_api_key');
     if (defined('AKISMET_VERSION') && (!empty($akismet_key) || defined('WPCOM_API_KEY')) && apply_filters('bp_activity_use_akismet', bp_is_akismet_active())) {
         $includes[] = 'akismet';
     if (is_admin()) {
         $includes[] = 'admin';
Beispiel #20
        function inject_css()
            $group_cover_html_tag = apply_filters('bpcp_group_tag', 'div#item-header');
            /* Default cover check */
            $default_cover = bp_get_option('bpcp-group-default');
            if ($this->group_id > 0 && $default_cover) {
                <style type="text/css">
                    body.buddypress.bp-default-cover <?php 
                echo $group_cover_html_tag;
                        background-image: url("<?php 
                echo $default_cover;
                        background-repeat: no-repeat;
                        background-size: cover;
                        background-position: center center;

            $image_url = $this->get_cover();
            if (empty($image_url)) {
            $position = $this->get_cover_position();
            <style type="text/css">
                body.buddypress.is-user-profile <?php 
            echo $group_cover_html_tag;
                    background-image: url("<?php 
            echo $image_url;
                    background-repeat: no-repeat;
                    background-size: cover;
                    background-position: <?php 
            echo $position;
 * Check for flooding.
 * Check to make sure that a user is not making too many posts in a short amount
 * of time.
 * @since 1.6.0
 * @uses current_user_can() To check if the current user can throttle.
 * @uses bp_get_option() To get the throttle time.
 * @uses get_transient() To get the last posted transient of the ip.
 * @uses get_user_meta() To get the last posted meta of the user.
 * @param int $user_id User id to check for flood.
 * @return bool True if there is no flooding, false if there is.
function bp_core_check_for_flood($user_id = 0)
    // Option disabled. No flood checks.
    if (!($throttle_time = bp_get_option('_bp_throttle_time'))) {
        return true;
    // Bail if no user ID passed.
    if (empty($user_id)) {
        return false;
    $last_posted = get_user_meta($user_id, '_bp_last_posted', true);
    if (isset($last_posted) && time() < $last_posted + $throttle_time && !current_user_can('throttle')) {
        return false;
    return true;
 * Adds the Group Admin top-level menu to group pages
 * @package BuddyPress
 * @since 1.5
 * @todo Add dynamic menu items for group extensions
function bp_groups_group_admin_menu()
    global $nxt_admin_bar, $bp;
    // Only show if viewing a group
    if (!bp_is_group()) {
        return false;
    // Only show this menu to group admins and super admins
    if (!is_super_admin() && !bp_group_is_admin()) {
        return false;
    if ('3.2' == bp_get_major_nxt_version()) {
        // Group avatar
        $avatar = bp_core_fetch_avatar(array('object' => 'group', 'type' => 'thumb', 'avatar_dir' => 'group-avatars', 'item_id' => $bp->groups->current_group->id, 'width' => 16, 'height' => 16));
        // Unique ID for the 'My Account' menu
        $bp->group_admin_menu_id = !empty($avatar) ? 'group-admin-with-avatar' : 'group-admin';
        // Add the top-level Group Admin button
        $nxt_admin_bar->add_menu(array('id' => $bp->group_admin_menu_id, 'title' => $avatar . bp_get_current_group_name(), 'href' => bp_get_group_permalink($bp->groups->current_group)));
    } elseif ('3.3' == bp_get_major_nxt_version()) {
        // Unique ID for the 'My Account' menu
        $bp->group_admin_menu_id = 'group-admin';
        // Add the top-level Group Admin button
        $nxt_admin_bar->add_menu(array('id' => $bp->group_admin_menu_id, 'title' => __('Edit Group', 'buddypress'), 'href' => bp_get_group_permalink($bp->groups->current_group)));
    // Group Admin > Edit details
    $nxt_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $bp->group_admin_menu_id, 'id' => 'edit-details', 'title' => __('Edit Details', 'buddypress'), 'href' => bp_get_groups_action_link('admin/edit-details')));
    // Group Admin > Group settings
    $nxt_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $bp->group_admin_menu_id, 'id' => 'group-settings', 'title' => __('Edit Settings', 'buddypress'), 'href' => bp_get_groups_action_link('admin/group-settings')));
    // Group Admin > Group avatar
    if (!(int) bp_get_option('bp-disable-avatar-uploads')) {
        $nxt_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $bp->group_admin_menu_id, 'id' => 'group-avatar', 'title' => __('Edit Avatar', 'buddypress'), 'href' => bp_get_groups_action_link('admin/group-avatar')));
    // Group Admin > Manage invitations
    if (bp_is_active('friends')) {
        $nxt_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $bp->group_admin_menu_id, 'id' => 'manage-invitations', 'title' => __('Manage Invitations', 'buddypress'), 'href' => bp_get_groups_action_link('send-invites')));
    // Group Admin > Manage members
    $nxt_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $bp->group_admin_menu_id, 'id' => 'manage-members', 'title' => __('Manage Members', 'buddypress'), 'href' => bp_get_groups_action_link('admin/manage-members')));
    // Group Admin > Membership Requests
    if (bp_get_group_status($bp->groups->current_group) == 'private') {
        $nxt_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $bp->group_admin_menu_id, 'id' => 'membership-requests', 'title' => __('Membership Requests', 'buddypress'), 'href' => bp_get_groups_action_link('admin/membership-requests')));
    // Delete Group
    $nxt_admin_bar->add_menu(array('parent' => $bp->group_admin_menu_id, 'id' => 'delete-group', 'title' => __('Delete Group', 'buddypress'), 'href' => bp_get_groups_action_link('admin/delete-group')));
Beispiel #23
function bp_checkins_init()
    global $bp;
    /* we don't take any risk at all !!! */
    if (!bp_is_active('activity')) {
    require BP_CHECKINS_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/bp-checkins-shared.php';
    if (!(int) bp_get_option('bp-checkins-disable-activity-checkins') || '' == bp_get_option('bp-checkins-disable-activity-checkins')) {
        require BP_CHECKINS_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/bp-checkins-activity.php';
    if ((int) bp_get_option('bp-checkins-activate-component')) {
        require BP_CHECKINS_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/bp-checkins-component.php';
    if (is_admin()) {
        require BP_CHECKINS_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/bp-checkins-admin.php';
 * Get an individual setting from RBE's settings array.
 * @since 1.0-RC3
 * @param string $setting The setting parameter.
 * @param array $args {
 *     Misc settings.
 *     @type bool $refetch Whether to refetch RBE's settings. Handy when you
 *           need to ensure the settings are updated. Defaults to false.
 * }
 * @return string|bool
function bp_rbe_get_setting($setting = '', $args = array())
    if (empty($setting) || !is_string($setting)) {
        return false;
    $r = wp_parse_args($args, array('refetch' => false));
    global $bp_rbe;
    // refetches RBE options
    if (true === $r['refetch']) {
        // flush cache if necessary
        if (!wp_using_ext_object_cache()) {
        // refetch option
        $bp_rbe->settings = bp_get_option('bp-rbe');
    return isset($bp_rbe->settings[$setting]) ? $bp_rbe->settings[$setting] : false;
  * Include component files.
  * @since 1.5.0
  * @see BP_Component::includes() for a description of arguments.
  * @param array $includes See BP_Component::includes() for a description.
 public function includes($includes = array())
     // Files to include.
     $includes = array('cssjs', 'actions', 'screens', 'filters', 'template', 'functions', 'notifications', 'cache');
     if (!buddypress()->do_autoload) {
         $includes[] = 'classes';
     // Load Akismet support if Akismet is configured.
     $akismet_key = bp_get_option('wordpress_api_key');
     /** This filter is documented in bp-activity/bp-activity-actions.php */
     if (defined('AKISMET_VERSION') && class_exists('Akismet') && (!empty($akismet_key) || defined('WPCOM_API_KEY')) && apply_filters('bp_activity_use_akismet', bp_is_akismet_active())) {
         $includes[] = 'akismet';
     if (is_admin()) {
         $includes[] = 'admin';
function etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_init()
    if (!bp_is_active('activity')) {
    if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/languages/' . get_locale() . '.mo')) {
        load_textdomain('bp-activity-hashtags', dirname(__FILE__) . '/languages/' . get_locale() . '.mo');
    $data = bp_get_option('etivite_bp_activity_stream_hashtags');
    if (empty($data['slug'])) {
        $data['slug'] = 'hashtag';
    //if you want to change up the /activity/tag/myhashtag
    if (!defined('BP_ACTIVITY_HASHTAGS_SLUG')) {
        define('BP_ACTIVITY_HASHTAGS_SLUG', $data['slug']);
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/bp-activity-hashtags.php';
    //same set used for atme mentions
    add_filter('bp_activity_comment_content', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter');
    add_filter('bp_activity_new_update_content', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter');
    add_filter('group_forum_topic_text_before_save', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter');
    add_filter('group_forum_post_text_before_save', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter');
    add_filter('groups_activity_new_update_content', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter');
    //what about blog posts in the activity stream
    if (!empty($data['blogactivity']['enabled'])) {
        add_filter('bp_blogs_activity_new_post_content', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter');
        add_filter('bp_blogs_activity_new_comment_content', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter');
    //what about general blog posts/comments?
    if (!empty($data['blogposts']['enabled'])) {
        add_filter('get_comment_text', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter', 9999);
        add_filter('the_content', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter', 9999);
    //support edit activity stream plugin
    add_filter('bp_edit_activity_action_edit_content', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter');
    //ignore this - if we wanted to filter after - this would be it
    //but then we can't search by the #hashtag via search_terms (since the trick is the ending </a>)
    //as the search_term uses LIKE %%term%% so we would match #child #children
    //add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content_body', 'etivite_bp_activity_hashtags_filter' );
    // Add the component's administration tab under the "BuddyPress" menu for site administrators
    if (is_admin()) {
        add_action('init', create_function('', "\n\t\t\trequire ( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/admin/bp-activity-hashtags-admin.php' );\n\t\t"));
 public function setUp()
      * WP's test suite wipes out BP's directory page mappings with `_delete_all_posts()`.
      * We must reestablish them before our tests can be successfully run.
     bp_core_add_page_mappings(bp_get_option('bp-active-components'), 'delete');
     $this->factory = new BP_UnitTest_Factory();
     // Fixes warnings in multisite functions
     $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = '';
     global $wpdb;
     // Clean up after autocommits.
     add_action('bp_blogs_recorded_existing_blogs', array($this, 'set_autocommit_flag'));
     // Make sure Activity actions are reset before each test
     // Make sure all Post types activities globals are reset before each test
 * Handle the Toolbar/BuddyBar business.
 * @since BuddyPress (1.2.0)
 * @global string $wp_version
 * @uses bp_get_option()
 * @uses is_user_logged_in()
 * @uses bp_use_wp_admin_bar()
 * @uses show_admin_bar()
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_logo' to 'bp_adminbar_logo'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_login_menu' to 'bp_adminbar_menus'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_account_menu' to 'bp_adminbar_menus'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_thisblog_menu' to 'bp_adminbar_menus'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_random_menu' to 'bp_adminbar_menus'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_core_admin_bar' to 'wp_footer'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_core_admin_bar' to 'admin_footer'.
function bp_core_load_admin_bar()
    // Show the Toolbar for logged out users
    if (!is_user_logged_in() && (int) bp_get_option('hide-loggedout-adminbar') != 1) {
    // Hide the WordPress Toolbar and show the BuddyBar
    if (!bp_use_wp_admin_bar()) {
        // Keep the WP Toolbar from loading
        // Actions used to build the BP Toolbar
        add_action('bp_adminbar_logo', 'bp_adminbar_logo');
        add_action('bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_login_menu', 2);
        add_action('bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_account_menu', 4);
        add_action('bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_thisblog_menu', 6);
        add_action('bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_random_menu', 100);
        // Actions used to append BP Toolbar to footer
        add_action('wp_footer', 'bp_core_admin_bar', 8);
        add_action('admin_footer', 'bp_core_admin_bar');
        function settings_field_auto_embed_callback()
            $include_location = bp_get_option('bppp-auto-embed', 'display-profile');
                <input name="bppp-auto-embed" type="radio" value="display-profile" <?php 
            checked($include_location, 'display-profile');
                <label for="bppp-auto-embed"><?php 
            _e('When displaying a profile', 'bppp');
                <input name="bppp-auto-embed" type="radio" value="edit-profile" <?php 
            checked($include_location, 'edit-profile');
                <label for="bppp-auto-embed"><?php 
            _e('When editing a profile', 'bppp');
                <input name="bppp-auto-embed" type="radio" value="0" <?php 
                <label for="bppp-auto-embed"><?php 
            _e('No auto embed', 'bppp');
            <p class="description">
            printf(__('Use function %s to display the profile progression block in your templates.', 'bppp'), '<code>bppp_progression_block()</code>');
 * Handle the Toolbar/BuddyBar business.
 * @since BuddyPress (1.2.0)
 * @global string $wp_version
 * @uses bp_get_option()
 * @uses is_user_logged_in()
 * @uses bp_use_wp_admin_bar()
 * @uses show_admin_bar()
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_logo' to 'bp_adminbar_logo'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_login_menu' to 'bp_adminbar_menus'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_account_menu' to 'bp_adminbar_menus'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_thisblog_menu' to 'bp_adminbar_menus'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_adminbar_random_menu' to 'bp_adminbar_menus'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_core_admin_bar' to 'wp_footer'.
 * @uses add_action() To hook 'bp_core_admin_bar' to 'admin_footer'.
function bp_core_load_admin_bar()
    // Show the Toolbar for logged out users
    if (!is_user_logged_in() && (int) bp_get_option('hide-loggedout-adminbar') != 1) {
    // Hide the WordPress Toolbar and show the BuddyBar
    if (!bp_use_wp_admin_bar()) {
        _doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __('The BuddyBar is no longer supported. Please migrate to the WordPress toolbar as soon as possible.', 'buddypress'), '2.1.0');
        // Keep the WP Toolbar from loading
        // Actions used to build the BP Toolbar
        add_action('bp_adminbar_logo', 'bp_adminbar_logo');
        add_action('bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_login_menu', 2);
        add_action('bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_account_menu', 4);
        add_action('bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_thisblog_menu', 6);
        add_action('bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_random_menu', 100);
        // Actions used to append BP Toolbar to footer
        add_action('wp_footer', 'bp_core_admin_bar', 8);
        add_action('admin_footer', 'bp_core_admin_bar');