function bnc_do_redirect()
     global $post;
     // check for wptouch prowl direct messages
     $nonce = '';
     if (isset($_POST['_nonce'])) {
         $nonce = $_POST['_nonce'];
     if (isset($_POST['wptouch-prowl-message']) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'wptouch-prowl')) {
         $name = $_POST['prowl-msg-name'];
         $email = $_POST['prowl-msg-email'];
         $msg = $_POST['prowl-msg-message'];
         $title = __("Direct Message", "wptouch");
         $prowl_message = 'From: ' . $this->wptouch_cleanup_growl($name) . "\nE-Mail: " . $this->wptouch_cleanup_growl($email) . "\nMessage: " . $this->wptouch_cleanup_growl($msg);
         "\nIP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . $this->wptouch_send_prowl_message($title, $prowl_message);
     if ($this->applemobile && $this->desired_view == 'mobile') {
         $version = (double) get_bloginfo('version');
         $is_front = 0;
         $is_front = is_front_page() && bnc_get_selected_home_page() > 0;
         if ($is_front) {
             $url = get_permalink(bnc_get_selected_home_page());
             header('Location: ' . $url);
 function bnc_do_redirect()
     global $post;
     if ($this->applemobile && $this->desired_view == 'mobile') {
         $version = (double) get_bloginfo('version');
         $is_front = 0;
         $is_front = is_front_page() && bnc_get_selected_home_page() > 0;
         if ($is_front) {
             $url = get_permalink(bnc_get_selected_home_page());
             header('Location: ' . $url);
				<br /><br />

				<p><label for="home-page"><strong><?php 
_e("WPtouch Home Page", "wptouch");
$pages = bnc_get_pages_for_icons();
if (count($pages)) {
    wp_dropdown_pages('show_option_none=WordPress Settings&name=home-page&selected=' . bnc_get_selected_home_page());
} else {
					<strong class="no-pages"><?php 
    _e("You have no pages yet. Create some first!", "wptouch");

				<br /><br /><br />

				<ul class="wptouch-make-li-italic">
	<div class="wptouch-item-content-box1">
		<div class="header-item-desc">
_e("If you'd like a different home page for your WPtouch mobile site", "wptouch");
<br /><?php 
_e("(your posts page for example) select it from the list below.", "wptouch");
<br /><br />
		<div class="wptouch-select-row">
			<div class="wptouch-select-left">
				<label for="home-page"><?php 
_e("Override Home Page", "wptouch");
			<div class="wptouch-select-right">
wp_dropdown_pages('show_option_none=Default&name=home-page&selected=' . bnc_get_selected_home_page());
		<div class="clear"></div>