Beispiel #1
 function display()
     global $PAGE, $COURSE;
     $editing = $PAGE->user_is_editing();
     $pageblocks = page_blocks_setup();
     /// Make sure we can see this page
     if (!($this->page->display & DISP_PUBLISH) and !(has_capability('format/page:editpages', $this->context) and $editing)) {
         error(get_string('thispageisnotpublished', 'format_page'));
     /// Finally, we can print the page
     if ($editing) {
         page_print_add_mods_form($this->page, $COURSE);
         $class = 'format-page editing';
     } else {
         $class = 'format-page';
     echo '<table id="layout-table" class="' . $class . '" cellspacing="0" summary="' . get_string('layouttable') . '">';
     /// Check if the page is locked, if so, print lock message, otherwise print three columns
     if (page_is_locked($this->page)) {
         echo '<tr><td colspan="3">';
         echo '</tr></td>';
     } else {
         echo '<tr>';
         if (blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT)) {
             page_print_position($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT, $this->page->prefleftwidth);
         page_print_position($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_CENTER, '100%');
         if (blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT)) {
             page_print_position($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT, $this->page->prefrightwidth);
         echo '</tr>';
     /// Silently attempts to call a function from the block_recent_history block
     @block_method_result('recent_history', 'block_recent_history_record', $this->page);
     /// Display navigation buttons
     if ($this->page->showbuttons) {
         $nav = page_get_next_previous_pages($this->page->id, $this->page->courseid);
         $buttons = '';
         if ($nav->prev and $this->page->showbuttons & BUTTON_PREV) {
             $title = get_string('previous', 'format_page', page_get_name($nav->prev));
             $buttons .= '<span class="prevpage"><a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $nav->prev->id) . "\" title=\"{$title}\">{$title}</a></span>";
         if ($nav->next and $this->page->showbuttons & BUTTON_NEXT) {
             $title = get_string('next', 'format_page', page_get_name($nav->next));
             $buttons .= '<span class="nextpage"><a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $nav->next->id) . "\" title=\"{$title}\">{$title}</a></span>";
         // Make sure we have something to print
         if (!empty($buttons)) {
             echo "\n<tr><td></td><td>{$buttons}</td><td></td></tr>\n";
     echo '</table>';
Beispiel #2
  * Returns array of relevant context capability records.
  * @return array
 public function get_capabilities()
     global $DB;
     $sort = 'ORDER BY contextlevel,component,name';
     // To group them sensibly for display
     $params = array();
     $bi = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $this->_instanceid));
     $extra = '';
     $extracaps = block_method_result($bi->blockname, 'get_extra_capabilities');
     if ($extracaps) {
         list($extra, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($extracaps, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'cap');
         $extra = "OR name {$extra}";
     $sql = "SELECT *\n                  FROM {capabilities}\n                 WHERE (contextlevel = " . CONTEXT_BLOCK . "\n                       AND component = :component)\n                       {$extra}";
     $params['component'] = 'block_' . $bi->blockname;
     return $DB->get_records_sql($sql . ' ' . $sort, $params);
Beispiel #3
    public function process_block($data) {
        global $DB, $CFG;

        $data = (object)$data; // Handy
        $oldcontextid = $data->contextid;
        $oldid        = $data->id;
        $positions = isset($data->block_positions['block_position']) ? $data->block_positions['block_position'] : array();

        // Look for the parent contextid
        if (!$data->parentcontextid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $data->parentcontextid)) {
            throw new restore_step_exception('restore_block_missing_parent_ctx', $data->parentcontextid);

        // TODO: it would be nice to use standard plugin supports instead of this instance_allow_multiple()
        // If there is already one block of that type in the parent context
        // and the block is not multiple, stop processing
        // Use blockslib loader / method executor
        if (!block_method_result($data->blockname, 'instance_allow_multiple')) {
            if ($DB->record_exists_sql("SELECT
                                          FROM {block_instances} bi
                                          JOIN {block} b ON = bi.blockname
                                         WHERE bi.parentcontextid = ?
                                           AND bi.blockname = ?", array($data->parentcontextid, $data->blockname))) {
                return false;

        // If there is already one block of that type in the parent context
        // with the same showincontexts, pagetypepattern, subpagepattern, defaultregion and configdata
        // stop processing
        $params = array(
            'blockname' => $data->blockname, 'parentcontextid' => $data->parentcontextid,
            'showinsubcontexts' => $data->showinsubcontexts, 'pagetypepattern' => $data->pagetypepattern,
            'subpagepattern' => $data->subpagepattern, 'defaultregion' => $data->defaultregion);
        if ($birecs = $DB->get_records('block_instances', $params)) {
            foreach($birecs as $birec) {
                if ($birec->configdata == $data->configdata) {
                    return false;

        // Set task old contextid, blockid and blockname once we know them

        // Let's look for anything within configdata neededing processing
        // (nulls and uses of legacy file.php)
        if ($attrstotransform = $this->task->get_configdata_encoded_attributes()) {
            $configdata = (array)unserialize(base64_decode($data->configdata));
            foreach ($configdata as $attribute => $value) {
                if (in_array($attribute, $attrstotransform)) {
                    $configdata[$attribute] = $this->contentprocessor->process_cdata($value);
            $data->configdata = base64_encode(serialize((object)$configdata));

        // Create the block instance
        $newitemid = $DB->insert_record('block_instances', $data);
        // Save the mapping (with restorefiles support)
        $this->set_mapping('block_instance', $oldid, $newitemid, true);
        // Create the block context
        $newcontextid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_BLOCK, $newitemid)->id;
        // Save the block contexts mapping and sent it to task
        $this->set_mapping('context', $oldcontextid, $newcontextid);

        // Restore block fileareas if declared
        $component = 'block_' . $this->task->get_blockname();
        foreach ($this->task->get_fileareas() as $filearea) { // Simple match by contextid. No itemname needed
            $this->add_related_files($component, $filearea, null);

        // Process block positions, creating them or accumulating for final step
        foreach($positions as $position) {
            $position = (object)$position;
            $position->blockinstanceid = $newitemid; // The instance is always the restored one
            // If position is for one already mapped (known) contextid
            // process it now, creating the position
            if ($newpositionctxid = $this->get_mappingid('context', $position->contextid)) {
                $position->contextid = $newpositionctxid;
                // Create the block position
                $DB->insert_record('block_positions', $position);

            // The position belongs to an unknown context, send it to backup_ids
            // to process them as part of the final steps of restore. We send the
            // whole $position object there, hence use the low level method.
            } else {
                restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'block_position', $position->id, 0, null, $position);
function blocks_execute_action($page, &$pageblocks, $blockaction, $instanceorid, $pinned = false, $redirect = true)
    global $CFG;
    if (is_int($instanceorid)) {
        $blockid = $instanceorid;
    } else {
        if (is_object($instanceorid)) {
            $instance = $instanceorid;
    switch ($blockaction) {
        case 'config':
            global $USER;
            $block = blocks_get_record($instance->blockid);
            // Hacky hacky tricky stuff to get the original human readable block title,
            // even if the block has configured its title to be something else.
            // Create the object WITHOUT instance data.
            $blockobject = block_instance($block->name);
            if ($blockobject === false) {
            // First of all check to see if the block wants to be edited
            if (!$blockobject->user_can_edit()) {
            // Now get the title and AFTER that load up the instance
            $blocktitle = $blockobject->get_title();
            optional_param('submitted', 0, PARAM_INT);
            // Define the data we're going to silently include in the instance config form here,
            // so we can strip them from the submitted data BEFORE serializing it.
            $hiddendata = array('sesskey' => $USER->sesskey, 'instanceid' => $instance->id, 'blockaction' => 'config');
            // To this data, add anything the page itself needs to display
            $hiddendata = array_merge($hiddendata, $page->url_get_parameters());
            if ($data = data_submitted()) {
                $remove = array_keys($hiddendata);
                foreach ($remove as $item) {
                if (!$blockobject->instance_config_save($data, $pinned)) {
                    error('Error saving block configuration');
                // And nothing more, continue with displaying the page
            } else {
                // We need to show the config screen, so we highjack the display logic and then die
                $strheading = get_string('blockconfiga', 'moodle', $blocktitle);
                $page->print_header(get_string('pageheaderconfigablock', 'moodle'), array($strheading => ''));
                echo '<div class="block-config" id="' . $block->name . '">';
                /// Make CSS easier
                echo '<form method="post" name="block-config" action="' . $page->url_get_path() . '">';
                echo '<p>';
                foreach ($hiddendata as $name => $val) {
                    echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $val . '" />';
                echo '</p>';
                echo '</form>';
                echo '</div>';
                $CFG->pagepath = 'blocks/' . $block->name;
                // Do not go on with the other page-related stuff
        case 'toggle':
            if (empty($instance)) {
                error('Invalid block instance for ' . $blockaction);
            $instance->visible = $instance->visible ? 0 : 1;
            if (!empty($pinned)) {
                update_record('block_pinned', $instance);
            } else {
                update_record('block_instance', $instance);
        case 'delete':
            if (empty($instance)) {
                error('Invalid block instance for ' . $blockaction);
            blocks_delete_instance($instance, $pinned);
        case 'moveup':
            if (empty($instance)) {
                error('Invalid block instance for ' . $blockaction);
            if ($instance->weight == 0) {
                // The block is the first one, so a move "up" probably means it changes position
                // Where is the instance going to be moved?
                $newpos = $page->blocks_move_position($instance, BLOCK_MOVE_UP);
                $newweight = empty($pageblocks[$newpos]) ? 0 : max(array_keys($pageblocks[$newpos])) + 1;
                blocks_execute_repositioning($instance, $newpos, $newweight, $pinned);
            } else {
                // The block is just moving upwards in the same position.
                // This configuration will make sure that even if somehow the weights
                // become not continuous, block move operations will eventually bring
                // the situation back to normal without printing any warnings.
                if (!empty($pageblocks[$instance->position][$instance->weight - 1])) {
                    //define instance's position in the array
                    foreach ($pageblocks[$instance->position] as $instancekeysindex => $index) {
                        if ($pageblocks[$instance->position][$instancekeysindex]->id == $instance->id) {
                            $instanceindex = $instancekeysindex;
                    $other = $pageblocks[$instance->position][$instanceindex - 1];
                if (!empty($other)) {
                    if (!empty($pinned)) {
                        update_record('block_pinned', $other);
                    } else {
                        update_record('block_instance', $other);
                if (!empty($pinned)) {
                    update_record('block_pinned', $instance);
                } else {
                    update_record('block_instance', $instance);
        case 'movedown':
            if (empty($instance)) {
                error('Invalid block instance for ' . $blockaction);
            if ($instance->weight == max(array_keys($pageblocks[$instance->position]))) {
                // The block is the last one, so a move "down" probably means it changes position
                // Where is the instance going to be moved?
                $newpos = $page->blocks_move_position($instance, BLOCK_MOVE_DOWN);
                $newweight = empty($pageblocks[$newpos]) ? 0 : max(array_keys($pageblocks[$newpos])) + 1;
                blocks_execute_repositioning($instance, $newpos, $newweight, $pinned);
            } else {
                // The block is just moving downwards in the same position.
                // This configuration will make sure that even if somehow the weights
                // become not continuous, block move operations will eventually bring
                // the situation back to normal without printing any warnings.
                if (!empty($pageblocks[$instance->position][$instance->weight + 1])) {
                    //define instance's position in the array
                    foreach ($pageblocks[$instance->position] as $instancekeysindex => $index) {
                        if ($pageblocks[$instance->position][$instancekeysindex]->id == $instance->id) {
                            $instanceindex = $instancekeysindex;
                    $other = $pageblocks[$instance->position][$instanceindex + 1];
                if (!empty($other)) {
                    if (!empty($pinned)) {
                        update_record('block_pinned', $other);
                    } else {
                        update_record('block_instance', $other);
                if (!empty($pinned)) {
                    update_record('block_pinned', $instance);
                } else {
                    update_record('block_instance', $instance);
        case 'moveleft':
            if (empty($instance)) {
                error('Invalid block instance for ' . $blockaction);
            // Where is the instance going to be moved?
            $newpos = $page->blocks_move_position($instance, BLOCK_MOVE_LEFT);
            $newweight = 0;
            if (!empty($pinned) && !empty($pageblocks[$newpos])) {
                $newweight = $pageblocks[$newpos][max(array_keys($pageblocks[$newpos]))]->weight + 1;
            } else {
                if (!empty($pageblocks[$newpos]) && !array_key_exists('pinned', $pageblocks[$newpos][max(array_keys($pageblocks[$newpos]))])) {
                    $newweight = $pageblocks[$newpos][max(array_keys($pageblocks[$newpos]))]->weight + 1;
            blocks_execute_repositioning($instance, $newpos, $newweight, $pinned);
        case 'moveright':
            if (empty($instance)) {
                error('Invalid block instance for ' . $blockaction);
            // Where is the instance going to be moved?
            $newpos = $page->blocks_move_position($instance, BLOCK_MOVE_RIGHT);
            $newweight = 0;
            if (!empty($pinned) && !empty($pageblocks[$newpos])) {
                $newweight = $pageblocks[$newpos][max(array_keys($pageblocks[$newpos]))]->weight + 1;
            } else {
                if (!empty($pageblocks[$newpos]) && !array_key_exists('pinned', $pageblocks[$newpos][max(array_keys($pageblocks[$newpos]))])) {
                    $newweight = $pageblocks[$newpos][max(array_keys($pageblocks[$newpos]))]->weight + 1;
            blocks_execute_repositioning($instance, $newpos, $newweight, $pinned);
        case 'add':
            // Add a new instance of this block, if allowed
            $block = blocks_get_record($blockid);
            if (empty($block) || !$block->visible) {
                // Only allow adding if the block exists and is enabled
            if (!$block->multiple && blocks_find_block($blockid, $pageblocks) !== false) {
                // If no multiples are allowed and we already have one, return now
            if (!block_method_result($block->name, 'user_can_addto', $page)) {
                // If the block doesn't want to be added...
            $newpos = $page->blocks_default_position();
            if (!empty($pinned)) {
                $sql = 'SELECT 1, max(weight) + 1 AS nextfree FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'block_pinned WHERE ' . ' pagetype = \'' . $page->get_type() . '\' AND position = \'' . $newpos . '\'';
            } else {
                $sql = 'SELECT 1, max(weight) + 1 AS nextfree FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'block_instance WHERE pageid = ' . $page->get_id() . ' AND pagetype = \'' . $page->get_type() . '\' AND position = \'' . $newpos . '\'';
            $weight = get_record_sql($sql);
            $newinstance = new stdClass();
            $newinstance->blockid = $blockid;
            if (empty($pinned)) {
                $newinstance->pageid = $page->get_id();
            $newinstance->pagetype = $page->get_type();
            $newinstance->position = $newpos;
            $newinstance->weight = empty($weight->nextfree) ? 0 : $weight->nextfree;
            $newinstance->visible = 1;
            $newinstance->configdata = '';
            if (!empty($pinned)) {
                $newinstance->id = insert_record('block_pinned', $newinstance);
            } else {
                $newinstance->id = insert_record('block_instance', $newinstance);
            // If the new instance was created, allow it to do additional setup
            if ($newinstance && ($obj = block_instance($block->name, $newinstance))) {
                // Return value ignored
    if ($redirect) {
        // In order to prevent accidental duplicate actions, redirect to a page with a clean url
 * Copyright (C) 2009  Moodlerooms Inc.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2009 Moodlerooms Inc. (
 * @license     GNU Public License
 * @author Mark Nielsen
 * Serves pages for the Google Data Block
 * @author Mark Nielsen
 * @version $Id$
 * @package block_gdata
require_once '../../config.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir . '/blocklib.php';
$PAGE->set_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/gdata/index.php');
block_method_result('gdata', 'view');
 * Extracts the relevant capabilities given a contextid.
 * All case based, example an instance of forum context.
 * Will fetch all forum related capabilities, while course contexts
 * Will fetch all capabilities
 * @param object context
 * @return array();
 *  capabilities
 * `name` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
 * `captype` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 * `contextlevel` int(10) NOT NULL,
 * `component` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
function fetch_context_capabilities($context)
    global $DB, $CFG;
    $sort = 'ORDER BY contextlevel,component,name';
    // To group them sensibly for display
    $params = array();
    switch ($context->contextlevel) {
        case CONTEXT_SYSTEM:
            // all
            $SQL = "SELECT *\n                      FROM {capabilities}";
        case CONTEXT_USER:
            $extracaps = array('moodle/grade:viewall');
            list($extra, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($extracaps, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'cap0');
            $SQL = "SELECT *\n                      FROM {capabilities}\n                     WHERE contextlevel = " . CONTEXT_USER . "\n                           OR name {$extra}";
            // course category context and bellow
            $SQL = "SELECT *\n                      FROM {capabilities}\n                     WHERE contextlevel IN (" . CONTEXT_COURSECAT . "," . CONTEXT_COURSE . "," . CONTEXT_MODULE . "," . CONTEXT_BLOCK . ")";
        case CONTEXT_COURSE:
            // course context and bellow
            $SQL = "SELECT *\n                      FROM {capabilities}\n                     WHERE contextlevel IN (" . CONTEXT_COURSE . "," . CONTEXT_MODULE . "," . CONTEXT_BLOCK . ")";
        case CONTEXT_MODULE:
            // mod caps
            $cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $context->instanceid));
            $module = $DB->get_record('modules', array('id' => $cm->module));
            $modfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$module->name}/lib.php";
            if (file_exists($modfile)) {
                include_once $modfile;
                $modfunction = $module->name . '_get_extra_capabilities';
                if (function_exists($modfunction)) {
                    $extracaps = $modfunction();
            if (empty($extracaps)) {
                $extracaps = array();
            // All modules allow viewhiddenactivities. This is so you can hide
            // the module then override to allow specific roles to see it.
            // The actual check is in course page so not module-specific
            $extracaps[] = "moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities";
            list($extra, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($extracaps, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'cap0');
            $extra = "OR name {$extra}";
            $SQL = "SELECT *\n                      FROM {capabilities}\n                     WHERE (contextlevel = " . CONTEXT_MODULE . "\n                           AND component = :component)\n                           {$extra}";
            $params['component'] = "mod/{$module->name}";
        case CONTEXT_BLOCK:
            // block caps
            $bi = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $context->instanceid));
            $extra = '';
            $extracaps = block_method_result($bi->blockname, 'get_extra_capabilities');
            if ($extracaps) {
                list($extra, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($extracaps, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'cap0');
                $extra = "OR name {$extra}";
            $SQL = "SELECT *\n                      FROM {capabilities}\n                     WHERE (contextlevel = " . CONTEXT_BLOCK . "\n                           AND component = :component)\n                           {$extra}";
            $params['component'] = 'block/' . $bi->blockname;
            return false;
    if (!($records = $DB->get_records_sql($SQL . ' ' . $sort, $params))) {
        $records = array();
    return $records;
  * The list of block types that may be added to this page.
  * @return array block name => record from block table.
 public function get_addable_blocks()
     if (!is_null($this->addableblocks)) {
         return $this->addableblocks;
     // Lazy load.
     $this->addableblocks = array();
     $allblocks = blocks_get_record();
     if (empty($allblocks)) {
         return $this->addableblocks;
     $pageformat = $this->page->pagetype;
     foreach ($allblocks as $block) {
         if ($block->visible && (block_method_result($block->name, 'instance_allow_multiple') || !$this->is_block_present($block->name)) && blocks_name_allowed_in_format($block->name, $pageformat) && block_method_result($block->name, 'user_can_addto', $this->page)) {
             $this->addableblocks[$block->name] = $block;
     return $this->addableblocks;
Beispiel #8
 * Same functionality as blocks_execute_url_action()
 * Handle all block actions ourselves.
 * @param boolean $redirect (Optional) Redirect after action
 * @return void
function page_blocks_execute_url_action($redirect = true)
    global $CFG, $COURSE, $PAGE;
    $pageitemid = optional_param('pageitemid', 0, PARAM_INT);
    $blockaction = optional_param('blockaction', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
    // Reasons to stop right meow
    if (empty($blockaction) || !$PAGE->user_allowed_editing() || !confirm_sesskey()) {
    // Make sure if we have a valid pageitem.
    if ($pageitemid and !($pageitem = get_record('format_page_items', 'id', $pageitemid))) {
    switch ($blockaction) {
        case 'config':
            if (empty($pageitem->blockinstance) and !empty($pageitem->cmid)) {
                // Its a module - go to module update
                redirect("{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/mod.php?update={$pageitem->cmid}&amp;sesskey=" . sesskey());
            } else {
                if (!empty($pageitem->blockinstance)) {
                    // Its a block instance - allow core routine to handle
                    redirect($PAGE->url_build('instanceid', $pageitem->blockinstance, 'blockaction', 'config', 'sesskey', sesskey()));
                } else {
                    error('Invalid page item to configure');
        case 'toggle':
            $update = new stdClass();
            $update->id = $pageitem->id;
            if (empty($pageitem->visible)) {
                $update->visible = 1;
            } else {
                $update->visible = 0;
            update_record('format_page_items', $update);
        case 'delete':
        case 'moveup':
            page_block_move($pageitem, $pageitem->position, $pageitem->sortorder - 1);
        case 'movedown':
            page_block_move($pageitem, $pageitem->position, $pageitem->sortorder + 1);
        case 'moveright':
            $destposition = $PAGE->blocks_move_position($pageitem, BLOCK_MOVE_RIGHT);
            $destweight = page_get_next_weight($pageitem->pageid, $destposition);
            page_block_move($pageitem, $destposition, $destweight);
        case 'moveleft':
            $destposition = $PAGE->blocks_move_position($pageitem, BLOCK_MOVE_LEFT);
            $destweight = page_get_next_weight($pageitem->pageid, $destposition);
            page_block_move($pageitem, $destposition, $destweight);
        case 'addmod':
            // Right now, modules are added differently
            $instance = required_param('instance', PARAM_INT);
            $record = new stdClass();
            $record->pageid = $PAGE->formatpage->id;
            $record->cmid = $instance;
            $record->blockinstance = 0;
            $record->position = $PAGE->blocks_default_position();
            $record->sortorder = page_get_next_weight($record->pageid, $record->position);
            insert_record('format_page_items', $record);
        case 'add':
            // Add a block instance and a pageitem
            $blockid = required_param('blockid', PARAM_INT);
            $block = blocks_get_record($blockid);
            if (empty($block) or !$block->visible) {
            if (!block_method_result($block->name, 'user_can_addto', $PAGE)) {
            // Add a block instance if one does not already exist or if the block allows multiple block instances
            $exists = record_exists('block_instance', 'pageid', $PAGE->get_id(), 'pagetype', $PAGE->get_type(), 'blockid', $blockid);
            if ($block->multiple || !$exists) {
                // Get the next weight value NOTE: hard code left position
                $weight = get_record_sql('SELECT 1, MAX(weight) + 1 ' . sql_as() . ' nextfree
                                            FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'block_instance
                                           WHERE pageid = ' . $PAGE->get_id() . '
                                             AND pagetype = \'' . $PAGE->get_type() . '\'
                                             AND position = \'' . BLOCK_POS_LEFT . '\'');
                if (empty($weight->nextfree)) {
                    $weight->nextfree = 0;
                $newinstance = new stdClass();
                $newinstance->blockid = $blockid;
                $newinstance->pageid = $PAGE->get_id();
                $newinstance->pagetype = $PAGE->get_type();
                $newinstance->position = BLOCK_POS_LEFT;
                // Make sure we keep them all in same column
                $newinstance->weight = $weight->nextfree;
                $newinstance->visible = 1;
                $newinstance->configdata = '';
                $instanceid = $newinstance->id = insert_record('block_instance', $newinstance);
                if ($newinstance and $obj = block_instance($block->name, $newinstance)) {
                    // Return value ignored
            } else {
                if ($exists) {
                    // Get the existing blockinstance as the block only allows one instance.
                    $instanceid = get_field('block_instance', 'id', 'pageid', $PAGE->get_id(), 'pagetype', $PAGE->get_type(), 'blockid', $blockid);
            if (!empty($instanceid)) {
                // Create a new page item that links to the instance
                $record = new stdClass();
                $record->pageid = $PAGE->formatpage->id;
                $record->cmid = 0;
                $record->blockinstance = $instanceid;
                $record->position = $PAGE->blocks_default_position();
                $record->sortorder = page_get_next_weight($record->pageid, $record->position);
                insert_record('format_page_items', $record);
    if ($redirect) {
        // In order to prevent accidental duplicate actions, redirect to a page with a clean url
Beispiel #9
 * Gets the tab menu from the course_menu block
 * @return mixed
function page_theme_get_tab_menu()
    global $CFG, $COURSE;
    static $tabmenus;
    if (!isset($tabmenus)) {
        $tabmenus = array();
        if ($pagemenus = get_records_sql("SELECT, c.instance, c.visible,\n                                            FROM {$CFG->prefix}pagemenu p,\n                                                 {$CFG->prefix}course_modules c,\n                                                 {$CFG->prefix}modules m\n                                           WHERE c.instance =\n                                             AND = c.module\n                                             AND = 'pagemenu'\n                                             AND p.course = {$COURSE->id}\n                                             AND p.useastab = 1\n                                        ORDER BY p.taborder,")) {
            require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/pagemenu/locallib.php';
            if ($menuinfos = pagemenu_build_menus($pagemenus, true, true, $COURSE->id)) {
                $count = 0;
                foreach ($menuinfos as $cmid => $menuinfo) {
                    if (isset($menuinfo->menuitems[0])) {
                        $tablink = $menuinfo->menuitems[0]->url;
                    } else {
                        $tablink = '#';
                    $tabmenu = new stdClass();
                    $tabmenu->active = $menuinfo->active;
                    $tabmenu->id = 'menutree' . $count;
                    $tabmenu->name = format_string($pagemenus[$cmid]->name);
                    $tabmenu->tablink = $tablink;
                    $tabmenu->menuhtml = $menuinfo->html;
                    $tabmenus[] = $tabmenu;
        } else {
            // Legacy
            require_once $CFG->libdir . '/blocklib.php';
            require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/course/format/page/lib.php';
            if ($tabmenu = block_method_result('course_menu', 'get_tab_menu', 'menutree')) {
                $tabmenu->id = 'menutree0';
                $tabmenu->tablink = '#';
                $tabmenu->menuhtml = "<div class=\"bd\">\n{$tabmenu->menuhtml}</div>\n";
                $tabmenus[] = $tabmenu;
    return $tabmenus;
Beispiel #10
        notify('You do not have permission for RAFL View on this learning path.  Please switch back to Standard View.');
        echo '</td>';
        echo '<td id="right-column"></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
} else {
    // standard mode
    /// Layout the whole page as three columns.
    echo '<tr>';
    page_print_position($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT, null);
    page_print_position($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_CENTER, null);
    page_print_position($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT, null);
    echo '</tr>';
/// Silently attempts to call a function from the block_recent_history block
@block_method_result('recent_history', 'block_recent_history_record', $page);
/// Display navigation buttons
if ($page->showbuttons && !$USER->raflmode) {
    $nav = page_get_next_previous_pages($page->id, $page->courseid);
    $buttons = '';
    if ($nav->prev and $page->showbuttons & BUTTON_PREV) {
        $buttons .= '<span class="prevpage"><a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $nav->prev->id) . '">' . get_string('previous', 'format_page', page_get_name($nav->prev)) . '</a></span>';
    if ($completion_link) {
        $buttons .= '<span class="completion">' . $completion_link . '</span>';
    if ($overview_link) {
        $buttons .= '<span class="overview">' . $overview_link . '</span>';
    if ($nav->next and $page->showbuttons & BUTTON_NEXT) {
        $buttons .= '<span class="nextpage"><a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $nav->next->id) . '">' . get_string('next', 'format_page', page_get_name($nav->next)) . '</a></span>';
 * @license     GNU Public License
 * @author Mark Nielsen
 * Cron file - cannot run this block's
 * cron on the main cron because it conflicts
 * with /search/Zend
 * @author Mark Nielsen
 * @version $Id$
 * @package blocks_gdata
$nomoodlecookie = true;
// cookie not needed
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php';
// global moodle config file.
require_once $CFG->libdir . '/blocklib.php';
$starttime = microtime();
$timenow = time();
if ($block = $DB->get_record_select("block", "cron > 0 AND ((? - lastcron) > cron) AND visible = 1 AND name = 'gdata'", array($timenow))) {
    if (block_method_result('gdata', 'cron_alt')) {
        if (!$DB->set_field('block', 'lastcron', $timenow, array('id' => $block->id))) {
            mtrace('Error: could not update timestamp for ' . $block->name);
} else {
    mtrace('Not time to run gdata block cron');
$difftime = microtime_diff($starttime, microtime());
mtrace("Execution took " . $difftime . " seconds");