Beispiel #1
 function bcadd($a, $b)
     return bi_to_str(bi_add($a, $b));
  * Add two arbitrary precision numbers
  * @param string $a The left operand, as a string.
  * @param string $b The right operand, as a string.
  * @access public
  * @return string The sum of the two operands, as a string
 public function add($a, $b)
     return bi_add($a, $b);
Beispiel #3
echo 'hex value of $str = [', $str, "]<br/>\n";
$b = bi_from_str($str, 16);
echo 'decimal value of $b = [', bi_to_str($b), "]<br/>\n";
echo 'binary value of $b = [', bi_to_str($b, 2), "]<br/>\n";
    string bi_base_convert(string $num, int $base_from, int $base_to)

    Converts string representation of $num from base $base_from to $base_to
$num = '-12345678900987654321';
echo 'Decimal number [', $num, '] equals to [', bi_base_convert($num, 10, 36), '] by base 36', "<br/>\n";
    basic functions
echo '<h3>basic functions</h3>' . "\n";
$c = bi_add($a, $b);
echo '$a + $b = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_sub($a, $b);
echo '$a - $b = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_mul($a, $b);
echo '$a * $b = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_div($a, $b);
echo '$a / $b = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_mod($a, $b);
echo '$a % $b = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_abs($a);
echo 'abs($a) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_neg($a);
echo 'neg($a) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";
$c = bi_inc($a);
echo 'inc($a) = [', bi_to_str($c), "]<br/>\n";

$two = bi_from_str('2');
$four = bi_add($two, $two);
// Use bi_to_str() to get strings from big_int resources
print bi_to_str($four);
// prints 4
// Computing large factorials very quickly
$factorial = bi_fact(20);