function bbPress_ajax_favorite()
     $user_id = bbp_get_current_user_id();
     $id = intval($_POST['id']);
     if (!current_user_can('edit_user', $user_id)) {
     if (!($topic = bbp_get_topic($id))) {
     check_ajax_referer('toggle-favorite_' . $topic->ID);
     if (bbp_is_user_favorite($user_id, $topic->ID)) {
         if (bbp_remove_user_favorite($user_id, $topic->ID)) {
     } else {
         if (bbp_add_user_favorite($user_id, $topic->ID)) {
 * Split topic handler
 * Handles the front end split topic submission
 * @since bbPress (r2756)
 * @param string $action The requested action to compare this function to
 * @uses bbp_add_error() To add an error message
 * @uses bbp_get_reply() To get the reply
 * @uses bbp_get_topic() To get the topics
 * @uses bbp_verify_nonce_request() To verify the nonce and check the request
 * @uses current_user_can() To check if the current user can edit the topics
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_post_type() To get the topic post type
 * @uses is_wp_error() To check if the value retrieved is a {@link WP_Error}
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_pre_split_topic' with the from reply id, source
 *                    and destination topic ids
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_subscribers() To get the source topic subscribers
 * @uses bbp_add_user_subscription() To add the user subscription
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_favoriters() To get the source topic favoriters
 * @uses bbp_add_user_favorite() To add the user favorite
 * @uses wp_get_post_terms() To get the source topic tags
 * @uses wp_set_post_terms() To set the topic tags
 * @uses bbp_get_reply_post_type() To get the reply post type
 * @uses wpdb::prepare() To prepare our sql query
 * @uses wpdb::get_results() To execute the sql query and get results
 * @uses wp_update_post() To update the replies
 * @uses bbp_update_reply_topic_id() To update the reply topic id
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_forum_id() To get the topic forum id
 * @uses bbp_update_reply_forum_id() To update the reply forum id
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_split_topic_reply' with the reply id and
 *                    destination topic id
 * @uses bbp_update_topic_last_reply_id() To update the topic last reply id
 * @uses bbp_update_topic_last_active_time() To update the topic last active meta
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_post_split_topic' with the destination and
 *                    source topic ids and source topic's forum id
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_permalink() To get the topic permalink
 * @uses wp_safe_redirect() To redirect to the topic link
function bbp_split_topic_handler($action = '')
    // Bail if action is not 'bbp-split-topic'
    if ('bbp-split-topic' !== $action) {
    global $wpdb;
    // Prevent debug notices
    $from_reply_id = $destination_topic_id = 0;
    $destination_topic_title = '';
    $destination_topic = $from_reply = $source_topic = '';
    $split_option = false;
    /** Split Reply ***********************************************************/
    if (empty($_POST['bbp_reply_id'])) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_reply_id', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Reply ID to split the topic from not found!', 'bbpress'));
    } else {
        $from_reply_id = (int) $_POST['bbp_reply_id'];
    $from_reply = bbp_get_reply($from_reply_id);
    // Reply exists
    if (empty($from_reply)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_r_not_found', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The reply you want to split from was not found.', 'bbpress'));
    /** Topic to Split ********************************************************/
    // Get the topic being split
    $source_topic = bbp_get_topic($from_reply->post_parent);
    // No topic
    if (empty($source_topic)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_source_not_found', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The topic you want to split was not found.', 'bbpress'));
    // Nonce check failed
    if (!bbp_verify_nonce_request('bbp-split-topic_' . $source_topic->ID)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_nonce', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Are you sure you wanted to do that?', 'bbpress'));
    // Use cannot edit topic
    if (!current_user_can('edit_topic', $source_topic->ID)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_source_permission', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You do not have the permissions to edit the source topic.', 'bbpress'));
    // How to Split
    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_topic_split_option'])) {
        $split_option = (string) trim($_POST['bbp_topic_split_option']);
    // Invalid split option
    if (empty($split_option) || !in_array($split_option, array('existing', 'reply'))) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_option', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You need to choose a valid split option.', 'bbpress'));
        // Valid Split Option
    } else {
        // What kind of split
        switch ($split_option) {
            // Into an existing topic
            case 'existing':
                // Get destination topic id
                if (empty($_POST['bbp_destination_topic'])) {
                    bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_destination_id', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Destination topic ID not found!', 'bbpress'));
                } else {
                    $destination_topic_id = (int) $_POST['bbp_destination_topic'];
                // Get the destination topic
                $destination_topic = bbp_get_topic($destination_topic_id);
                // No destination topic
                if (empty($destination_topic)) {
                    bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_destination_not_found', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The topic you want to split to was not found!', 'bbpress'));
                // User cannot edit the destination topic
                if (!current_user_can('edit_topic', $destination_topic->ID)) {
                    bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_destination_permission', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You do not have the permissions to edit the destination topic!', 'bbpress'));
                // Split at reply into a new topic
            // Split at reply into a new topic
            case 'reply':
                // User needs to be able to publish topics
                if (current_user_can('publish_topics')) {
                    // Use the new title that was passed
                    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_topic_split_destination_title'])) {
                        $destination_topic_title = esc_attr(strip_tags($_POST['bbp_topic_split_destination_title']));
                        // Use the source topic title
                    } else {
                        $destination_topic_title = $source_topic->post_title;
                    // Update the topic
                    $destination_topic_id = wp_update_post(array('ID' => $from_reply->ID, 'post_title' => $destination_topic_title, 'post_name' => false, 'post_type' => bbp_get_topic_post_type(), 'post_parent' => $source_topic->post_parent, 'menu_order' => 0, 'guid' => ''));
                    $destination_topic = bbp_get_topic($destination_topic_id);
                    // Make sure the new topic knows its a topic
                    // Shouldn't happen
                    if (false === $destination_topic_id || is_wp_error($destination_topic_id) || empty($destination_topic)) {
                        bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_destination_reply', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem converting the reply into the topic. Please try again.', 'bbpress'));
                    // User cannot publish posts
                } else {
                    bbp_add_error('bbp_split_topic_destination_permission', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You do not have the permissions to create new topics. The reply could not be converted into a topic.', 'bbpress'));
    // Bail if there are errors
    if (bbp_has_errors()) {
    /** No Errors - Do the Spit ***********************************************/
    // Update counts, etc...
    do_action('bbp_pre_split_topic', $from_reply->ID, $source_topic->ID, $destination_topic->ID);
    /** Date Check ************************************************************/
    // Check if the destination topic is older than the from reply
    if (strtotime($from_reply->post_date) < strtotime($destination_topic->post_date)) {
        // Set destination topic post_date to 1 second before from reply
        $destination_post_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($from_reply->post_date) - 1);
        // Update destination topic
        wp_update_post(array('ID' => $destination_topic_id, 'post_date' => $destination_post_date, 'post_date_gmt' => get_gmt_from_date($destination_post_date)));
    /** Subscriptions *********************************************************/
    // Copy the subscribers
    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_topic_subscribers']) && "1" === $_POST['bbp_topic_subscribers'] && bbp_is_subscriptions_active()) {
        // Get the subscribers
        $subscribers = bbp_get_topic_subscribers($source_topic->ID);
        if (!empty($subscribers)) {
            // Add subscribers to new topic
            foreach ((array) $subscribers as $subscriber) {
                bbp_add_user_subscription($subscriber, $destination_topic->ID);
    /** Favorites *************************************************************/
    // Copy the favoriters if told to
    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_topic_favoriters']) && "1" === $_POST['bbp_topic_favoriters']) {
        // Get the favoriters
        $favoriters = bbp_get_topic_favoriters($source_topic->ID);
        if (!empty($favoriters)) {
            // Add the favoriters to new topic
            foreach ((array) $favoriters as $favoriter) {
                bbp_add_user_favorite($favoriter, $destination_topic->ID);
    /** Tags ******************************************************************/
    // Copy the tags if told to
    if (!empty($_POST['bbp_topic_tags']) && "1" === $_POST['bbp_topic_tags']) {
        // Get the source topic tags
        $source_topic_tags = wp_get_post_terms($source_topic->ID, bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id(), array('fields' => 'names'));
        if (!empty($source_topic_tags)) {
            wp_set_post_terms($destination_topic->ID, $source_topic_tags, bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id(), true);
    /** Split Replies *********************************************************/
    // get_posts() is not used because it doesn't allow us to use '>='
    // comparision without a filter.
    $replies = (array) $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.post_date >= %s AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_parent = %d AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type = %s ORDER BY {$wpdb->posts}.post_date ASC", $from_reply->post_date, $source_topic->ID, bbp_get_reply_post_type()));
    // Make sure there are replies to loop through
    if (!empty($replies) && !is_wp_error($replies)) {
        // Calculate starting point for reply positions
        switch ($split_option) {
            // Get topic reply count for existing topic
            case 'existing':
                $reply_position = bbp_get_topic_reply_count($destination_topic->ID);
                // Account for new lead topic
            // Account for new lead topic
            case 'reply':
                $reply_position = 1;
        // Save reply ids
        $reply_ids = array();
        // Change the post_parent of each reply to the destination topic id
        foreach ($replies as $reply) {
            // Bump the reply position each iteration through the loop
            // Update the reply
            wp_update_post(array('ID' => $reply->ID, 'post_title' => sprintf(__('Reply To: %s', 'bbpress'), $destination_topic->post_title), 'post_name' => false, 'post_parent' => $destination_topic->ID, 'menu_order' => $reply_position, 'guid' => ''));
            // Gather reply ids
            $reply_ids[] = $reply->ID;
            // Adjust reply meta values
            bbp_update_reply_topic_id($reply->ID, $destination_topic->ID);
            bbp_update_reply_forum_id($reply->ID, bbp_get_topic_forum_id($destination_topic->ID));
            // Adjust reply to values
            $reply_to = bbp_get_reply_to($reply->ID);
            // Not a reply to a reply that moved over
            if (!in_array($reply_to, $reply_ids)) {
                bbp_update_reply_to($reply->ID, 0);
            // New topic from reply can't be a reply to
            if ($from_reply->ID === $destination_topic->ID && $from_reply->ID === $reply_to) {
                bbp_update_reply_to($reply->ID, 0);
            // Do additional actions per split reply
            do_action('bbp_split_topic_reply', $reply->ID, $destination_topic->ID);
        // Remove reply to from new topic
        if ($from_reply->ID === $destination_topic->ID) {
            delete_post_meta($from_reply->ID, '_bbp_reply_to');
        // Set the last reply ID and freshness
        $last_reply_id = $reply->ID;
        $freshness = $reply->post_date;
        // Set the last reply ID and freshness to the from_reply
    } else {
        $last_reply_id = $from_reply->ID;
        $freshness = $from_reply->post_date;
    // It is a new topic and we need to set some default metas to make
    // the topic display in bbp_has_topics() list
    if ('reply' === $split_option) {
        bbp_update_topic_last_reply_id($destination_topic->ID, $last_reply_id);
        bbp_update_topic_last_active_id($destination_topic->ID, $last_reply_id);
        bbp_update_topic_last_active_time($destination_topic->ID, $freshness);
    // Update source topic ID last active
    /** Successful Split ******************************************************/
    // Update counts, etc...
    do_action('bbp_post_split_topic', $from_reply->ID, $source_topic->ID, $destination_topic->ID);
    // Redirect back to the topic
    // For good measure
Beispiel #3
 * Handles the front end adding and removing of favorite topics
 * @uses bbp_get_user_id() To get the user id
 * @uses bbp_verify_nonce_request() To verify the nonce and check the request
 * @uses current_user_can() To check if the current user can edit the user
 * @uses bbPress:errors:add() To log the error messages
 * @uses bbp_is_user_favorite() To check if the topic is in user's favorites
 * @uses bbp_remove_user_favorite() To remove the user favorite
 * @uses bbp_add_user_favorite() To add the user favorite
 * @uses do_action() Calls 'bbp_favorites_handler' with success, user id, topic
 *                    id and action
 * @uses bbp_is_favorites() To check if it's the favorites page
 * @uses bbp_get_favorites_link() To get the favorites page link
 * @uses bbp_get_topic_permalink() To get the topic permalink
 * @uses wp_safe_redirect() To redirect to the url
function bbp_favorites_handler()
    if (!bbp_is_favorites_active()) {
        return false;
    // Bail if not a GET action
    if ('GET' !== strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) {
    // Bail if required GET actions aren't passed
    if (empty($_GET['topic_id']) || empty($_GET['action'])) {
    // Setup possible get actions
    $possible_actions = array('bbp_favorite_add', 'bbp_favorite_remove');
    // Bail if actions aren't meant for this function
    if (!in_array($_GET['action'], $possible_actions)) {
    // What action is taking place?
    $action = $_GET['action'];
    $topic_id = intval($_GET['topic_id']);
    $user_id = bbp_get_user_id(0, true, true);
    // Check for empty topic
    if (empty($topic_id)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_favorite_topic_id', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: No topic was found! Which topic are you marking/unmarking as favorite?', 'bbpress'));
        // Check nonce
    } elseif (!bbp_verify_nonce_request('toggle-favorite_' . $topic_id)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_favorite_nonce', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Are you sure you wanted to do that?', 'bbpress'));
        // Check current user's ability to edit the user
    } elseif (!current_user_can('edit_user', $user_id)) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_favorite_permissions', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: You don\'t have the permission to edit favorites of that user!', 'bbpress'));
    // Bail if errors
    if (bbp_has_errors()) {
    /** No errors *************************************************************/
    $is_favorite = bbp_is_user_favorite($user_id, $topic_id);
    $success = false;
    if (true == $is_favorite && 'bbp_favorite_remove' == $action) {
        $success = bbp_remove_user_favorite($user_id, $topic_id);
    } elseif (false == $is_favorite && 'bbp_favorite_add' == $action) {
        $success = bbp_add_user_favorite($user_id, $topic_id);
    // Do additional favorites actions
    do_action('bbp_favorites_handler', $success, $user_id, $topic_id, $action);
    // Success!
    if (true == $success) {
        // Redirect back from whence we came
        if (bbp_is_favorites()) {
            $redirect = bbp_get_favorites_permalink($user_id);
        } elseif (bbp_is_single_user()) {
            $redirect = bbp_get_user_profile_url();
        } elseif (is_singular(bbp_get_topic_post_type())) {
            $redirect = bbp_get_topic_permalink($topic_id);
        } elseif (is_single() || is_page()) {
            $redirect = get_permalink();
        // For good measure
        // Fail! Handle errors
    } elseif (true == $is_favorite && 'bbp_favorite_remove' == $action) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_favorite_remove', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem removing that topic from favorites!', 'bbpress'));
    } elseif (false == $is_favorite && 'bbp_favorite_add' == $action) {
        bbp_add_error('bbp_favorite_add', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: There was a problem favoriting that topic!', 'bbpress'));
  * AJAX handler to add or remove a topic from a user's favorites
  * @since bbPress (r3732)
  * @uses bbp_is_favorites_active() To check if favorites are active
  * @uses bbp_is_user_logged_in() To check if user is logged in
  * @uses bbp_get_current_user_id() To get the current user id
  * @uses current_user_can() To check if the current user can edit the user
  * @uses bbp_get_topic() To get the topic
  * @uses wp_verify_nonce() To verify the nonce & check the referer
  * @uses bbp_is_user_favorite() To check if the topic is user's favorite
  * @uses bbp_remove_user_favorite() To remove the topic from user's favorites
  * @uses bbp_add_user_favorite() To add the topic from user's favorites
  * @uses bbp_ajax_response() To return JSON
 public function ajax_favorite()
     // Bail if favorites are not active
     if (!bbp_is_favorites_active()) {
         bbp_ajax_response(false, __('Favorites are no longer active.', 'bbpress'), 300);
     // Bail if user is not logged in
     if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
         bbp_ajax_response(false, __('Please login to make this topic a favorite.', 'bbpress'), 301);
     // Get user and topic data
     $user_id = bbp_get_current_user_id();
     $id = !empty($_POST['id']) ? intval($_POST['id']) : 0;
     // Bail if user cannot add favorites for this user
     if (!current_user_can('edit_user', $user_id)) {
         bbp_ajax_response(false, __('You do not have permission to do this.', 'bbpress'), 302);
     // Get the topic
     $topic = bbp_get_topic($id);
     // Bail if topic cannot be found
     if (empty($topic)) {
         bbp_ajax_response(false, __('The topic could not be found.', 'bbpress'), 303);
     // Bail if user did not take this action
     if (!isset($_POST['nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce'], 'toggle-favorite_' . $topic->ID)) {
         bbp_ajax_response(false, __('Are you sure you meant to do that?', 'bbpress'), 304);
     // Take action
     $status = bbp_is_user_favorite($user_id, $topic->ID) ? bbp_remove_user_favorite($user_id, $topic->ID) : bbp_add_user_favorite($user_id, $topic->ID);
     // Bail if action failed
     if (empty($status)) {
         bbp_ajax_response(false, __('The request was unsuccessful. Please try again.', 'bbpress'), 305);
     // Put subscription attributes in convenient array
     $attrs = array('topic_id' => $topic->ID, 'user_id' => $user_id);
     // Action succeeded
     bbp_ajax_response(true, bbp_get_user_favorites_link($attrs, $user_id, false), 200);
  * Convert Table
  * @param string to type
  * @param int Start row
 public function convert_table($to_type, $start)
     // Are we usig a sync table, or postmeta?
     if ($this->wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $this->sync_table_name . "'") == $this->sync_table_name) {
         $this->sync_table = true;
     } else {
         $this->sync_table = false;
     // Set some defaults
     $has_insert = false;
     $from_tablename = '';
     $field_list = $from_tables = $tablefield_array = array();
     // Toggle Table Name based on $to_type (destination)
     switch ($to_type) {
         case 'user':
             $tablename = $this->wpdb->users;
         case 'tags':
             $tablename = '';
         case 'forum_subscriptions':
             $tablename = $this->wpdb->usermeta;
         case 'topic_subscriptions':
             $tablename = $this->wpdb->usermeta;
         case 'favorites':
             $tablename = $this->wpdb->usermeta;
             $tablename = $this->wpdb->posts;
     // Get the fields from the destination table
     if (!empty($tablename)) {
         $tablefield_array = $this->get_fields($tablename);
     /** Step 1 ************************************************************/
     // Loop through the field maps, and look for to_type matches
     foreach ($this->field_map as $item) {
         // Yay a match, and we have a from table, too
         if ($item['to_type'] == $to_type && !empty($item['from_tablename'])) {
             // $from_tablename was set from a previous loop iteration
             if (!empty($from_tablename)) {
                 // Doing some joining
                 if (!in_array($item['from_tablename'], $from_tables) && in_array($item['join_tablename'], $from_tables)) {
                     $from_tablename .= ' ' . $item['join_type'] . ' JOIN ' . $this->opdb->prefix . $item['from_tablename'] . ' AS ' . $item['from_tablename'] . ' ' . $item['join_expression'];
                 // $from_tablename needs to be set
             } else {
                 $from_tablename = $item['from_tablename'] . ' AS ' . $item['from_tablename'];
             // Specific FROM expression data used
             if (!empty($item['from_expression'])) {
                 // No 'WHERE' in expression
                 if (stripos($from_tablename, "WHERE") === false) {
                     $from_tablename .= ' ' . $item['from_expression'];
                     // 'WHERE' in expression, so replace with 'AND'
                 } else {
                     $from_tablename .= ' ' . str_replace("WHERE", "AND", $item['from_expression']);
             // Add tablename and fieldname to arrays, formatted for querying
             $from_tables[] = $item['from_tablename'];
             $field_list[] = 'convert(' . $item['from_tablename'] . '.' . $item['from_fieldname'] . ' USING "' . $this->charset . '") AS ' . $item['from_fieldname'];
     /** Step 2 ************************************************************/
     // We have a $from_tablename, so we want to get some data to convert
     if (!empty($from_tablename)) {
         // Get some data from the old forums
         $field_list = array_unique($field_list);
         $forum_query = 'SELECT ' . implode(',', $field_list) . ' FROM ' . $this->opdb->prefix . $from_tablename . ' LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $this->max_rows;
         $forum_array = $this->opdb->get_results($forum_query, ARRAY_A);
         // Set this query as the last one ran
         update_option('_bbp_converter_query', $forum_query);
         // Query returned some results
         if (!empty($forum_array)) {
             // Loop through results
             foreach ((array) $forum_array as $forum) {
                 // Reset some defaults
                 $insert_post = $insert_postmeta = $insert_data = array();
                 // Loop through field map, again...
                 foreach ($this->field_map as $row) {
                     // Types match and to_fieldname is present. This means
                     // we have some work to do here.
                     if ($row['to_type'] == $to_type && isset($row['to_fieldname'])) {
                         // This row has a destination that matches one of the
                         // columns in this table.
                         if (in_array($row['to_fieldname'], $tablefield_array)) {
                             // Allows us to set default fields.
                             if (isset($row['default'])) {
                                 $insert_post[$row['to_fieldname']] = $row['default'];
                                 // Translates a field from the old forum.
                             } elseif (isset($row['callback_method'])) {
                                 if ('callback_userid' == $row['callback_method'] && empty($_POST['_bbp_converter_convert_users'])) {
                                     $insert_post[$row['to_fieldname']] = $forum[$row['from_fieldname']];
                                 } else {
                                     $insert_post[$row['to_fieldname']] = call_user_func_array(array($this, $row['callback_method']), array($forum[$row['from_fieldname']], $forum));
                                 // Maps the field from the old forum.
                             } else {
                                 $insert_post[$row['to_fieldname']] = $forum[$row['from_fieldname']];
                             // Destination field is not empty, so we might need
                             // to do some extra work or set a default.
                         } elseif (!empty($row['to_fieldname'])) {
                             // Allows us to set default fields.
                             if (isset($row['default'])) {
                                 $insert_postmeta[$row['to_fieldname']] = $row['default'];
                                 // Translates a field from the old forum.
                             } elseif (isset($row['callback_method'])) {
                                 if ($row['callback_method'] == 'callback_userid' && 0 == $_POST['_bbp_converter_convert_users']) {
                                     $insert_postmeta[$row['to_fieldname']] = $forum[$row['from_fieldname']];
                                 } else {
                                     $insert_postmeta[$row['to_fieldname']] = call_user_func_array(array($this, $row['callback_method']), array($forum[$row['from_fieldname']], $forum));
                                 // Maps the field from the old forum.
                             } else {
                                 $insert_postmeta[$row['to_fieldname']] = $forum[$row['from_fieldname']];
                 /** Step 3 ************************************************/
                 // Something to insert into the destination field
                 if (count($insert_post) > 0 || $to_type == 'tags' && count($insert_postmeta) > 0) {
                     switch ($to_type) {
                         /** New user **************************************/
                         case 'user':
                             if (username_exists($insert_post['user_login'])) {
                                 $insert_post['user_login'] = '******' . $insert_post['user_login'];
                             if (email_exists($insert_post['user_email'])) {
                                 $insert_post['user_email'] = 'imported_' . $insert_post['user_email'];
                             $post_id = wp_insert_user($insert_post);
                             if (is_numeric($post_id)) {
                                 foreach ($insert_postmeta as $key => $value) {
                                     add_user_meta($post_id, $key, $value, true);
                                     if ('_id' == substr($key, -3) && true === $this->sync_table) {
                                         $this->wpdb->insert($this->sync_table_name, array('value_type' => 'user', 'value_id' => $post_id, 'meta_key' => $key, 'meta_value' => $value));
                             /** New Topic-Tag *********************************/
                         /** New Topic-Tag *********************************/
                         case 'tags':
                             $post_id = wp_set_object_terms($insert_postmeta['objectid'], $insert_postmeta['name'], 'topic-tag', true);
                             $term = get_term_by('name', $insert_postmeta['name'], 'topic-tag');
                             if (false !== $term) {
                                 wp_update_term($term->term_id, 'topic-tag', array('description' => $insert_postmeta['description'], 'slug' => $insert_postmeta['slug']));
                             /** Forum Subscriptions *********************************/
                         /** Forum Subscriptions *********************************/
                         case 'forum_subscriptions':
                             $user_id = $insert_post['user_id'];
                             if (is_numeric($user_id)) {
                                 foreach ($insert_postmeta as $key => $value) {
                                     // Only extract values from the key _bbp_forum_subscriptions
                                     if ('_bbp_forum_subscriptions' == $key) {
                                         // Get the new forum ID
                                         $forum_id = $this->callback_forumid($value);
                                         // Add the topic ID to the users subscribed forums
                                         bbp_add_user_forum_subscription($user_id, $forum_id);
                             /** Subscriptions *********************************/
                         /** Subscriptions *********************************/
                         case 'topic_subscriptions':
                             $user_id = $insert_post['user_id'];
                             if (is_numeric($user_id)) {
                                 foreach ($insert_postmeta as $key => $value) {
                                     // Only extract values from the key _bbp_subscriptions
                                     if ('_bbp_subscriptions' == $key) {
                                         // Get the new topic ID
                                         $topic_id = $this->callback_topicid($value);
                                         // Add the topic ID to the users subscribed topics
                                         bbp_add_user_topic_subscription($user_id, $topic_id);
                             /** Favorites *********************************/
                         /** Favorites *********************************/
                         case 'favorites':
                             $user_id = $insert_post['user_id'];
                             if (is_numeric($user_id)) {
                                 // Loop through the array
                                 foreach ($insert_postmeta as $key => $value) {
                                     // Only extract values from the key _bbp_favorites
                                     if ('_bbp_favorites' == $key) {
                                         // Our array may contain comma delimited favorites so lets explode these
                                         $insert_postmeta = explode(",", $insert_postmeta['_bbp_favorites']);
                                         // Loop through our updated exploded array
                                         foreach ($insert_postmeta as $key => $value) {
                                             // Get the new topic ID
                                             $topic_id = $this->callback_topicid($value);
                                             // Add the topic ID to the users favorites
                                             bbp_add_user_favorite($user_id, $topic_id);
                             /** Forum, Topic, Reply ***************************/
                         /** Forum, Topic, Reply ***************************/
                             $post_id = wp_insert_post($insert_post);
                             if (is_numeric($post_id)) {
                                 foreach ($insert_postmeta as $key => $value) {
                                     add_post_meta($post_id, $key, $value, true);
                                      * If we are using the sync_table add
                                      * the meta '_id' keys to the table
                                      * Forums:  _bbp_old_forum_id         // The old forum ID
                                      *          _bbp_old_forum_parent_id  // The old forum parent ID
                                      * Topics:  _bbp_forum_id             // The new forum ID
                                      *          _bbp_old_topic_id         // The old topic ID
                                      *          _bbp_old_closed_status_id // The old topic open/closed status
                                      *          _bbp_old_sticky_status_id // The old topic sticky status
                                      * Replies: _bbp_forum_id             // The new forum ID
                                      *          _bbp_topic_id             // The new topic ID
                                      *          _bbp_old_reply_id         // The old reply ID
                                      *          _bbp_old_reply_to_id      // The old reply to ID
                                     if ('_id' == substr($key, -3) && true === $this->sync_table) {
                                         $this->wpdb->insert($this->sync_table_name, array('value_type' => 'post', 'value_id' => $post_id, 'meta_key' => $key, 'meta_value' => $value));
                                      * Replies need to save their old reply_to ID for
                                      * hierarchical replies association. Later we update
                                      * the _bbp_reply_to value with the new bbPress
                                      * value using convert_reply_to_parents()
                                     if ('reply' == $to_type && '_bbp_old_reply_to_id' == $key) {
                                         add_post_meta($post_id, '_bbp_reply_to', $value);
                     $has_insert = true;
     return !$has_insert;
Beispiel #6
  * @covers ::bbp_add_user_favorite
 public function test_bbp_add_user_favorite()
     $u = $this->factory->user->create();
     $t = $this->factory->topic->create_many(3);
     // Add topic favorites.
     update_user_option($u, '_bbp_favorites', $t[0]);
     // Add user favorite.
     bbp_add_user_favorite($u, $t[1]);
     $favorites = bbp_get_user_favorites_topic_ids($u);
     $this->assertEquals(array($t[0], $t[1]), $favorites);
     // Add user favorite.
     bbp_add_user_favorite($u, $t[2]);
     $favorites = bbp_get_user_favorites_topic_ids($u);
     $this->assertEquals(array($t[0], $t[1], $t[2]), $favorites);
  * Perform the export
  * @access public
  * @since 1.0
  * @uses bbp_Export::csv_rows_out()
  * @return void
 public function import()
     if (!$this->can_import()) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have permission to import data.', 'bbp-export-import'), __('Error', 'bbp-export-import'));
     $csv_array = $this->csv_to_array($_FILES['bbp_csv_file']['tmp_name'], ';');
     foreach ($csv_array as $key => $line) {
         $post_args = $line;
         $meta_args = array();
         // Setup author date
         if ($post_args['anonymous'] == '1') {
             $meta_args['anonymous_email'] = $line['post_author'];
         } else {
             $user = get_user_by('email', $post_args['post_author']);
             if (!$user) {
                 // The user doesn't exist, so create them
                 $user = wp_insert_user(array('user_email' => $post_args['post_author'], 'user_login' => $post_args['user_login']));
             $post_args['post_author'] = $user->ID;
         // Decode content
         $post_args['post_content'] = html_entity_decode($post_args['post_content']);
         $topic_type = bbp_get_topic_post_type();
         $reply_type = bbp_get_reply_post_type();
         // Remove the post args we don't want sent to wp_insert_post
         switch ($line['post_type']) {
             case $topic_type:
                 // Set the forum parent for topics
                 $post_args['post_parent'] = $this->forum_id;
                 $meta_args['voice_count'] = $line['voices'];
                 $meta_args['reply_count'] = $post_args['reply_count'];
                 $topic_id = bbp_insert_topic($post_args, $meta_args);
                 // Subscribe the original poster to the topic
                 bbp_add_user_subscription($post_args['post_author'], $topic_id);
                 // Add the topic to the user's favorites
                 if (bbp_is_user_favorite($post_args['post_author'], $topic_id)) {
                     bbp_add_user_favorite($post_args['post_author'], $topic_id);
                 // Set topic as resolved if GetShopped Support Forum is active
                 if ($post_args['resolved'] == '1') {
                     add_post_meta($topic_id, '_bbps_topic_status', '2');
             case $reply_type:
                 // Set the forum parent for replies. The topic ID is created above when the replie's topic is first created
                 $post_args['post_parent'] = $topic_id;
                 $reply_id = bbp_insert_reply($post_args, $meta_args);
                 // Subscribe reply author, if not already
                 if (!bbp_is_user_subscribed($post_args['post_author'], $topic_id)) {
                     bbp_add_user_subscription($post_args['post_author'], $topic_id);
                 // Mark as favorite
                 if (bbp_is_user_favorite($post_args['post_author'], $topic_id)) {
                     bbp_add_user_favorite($post_args['post_author'], $topic_id);
                 // Check if the next row is a topic, meaning we have reached the last reply and need to update the last active time
                 if ($csv_array[$key + 1]['post_type'] == bbp_get_topic_post_type()) {
                     bbp_update_forum_last_active_time($this->forum_id, $post_args['post_date']);
     // Recount forum topic / reply counts
     wp_redirect(admin_url('post.php?post=' . $this->forum_id . '&action=edit'));
  * @covers ::bbp_add_user_favorite
 public function test_bbp_add_user_favorite()
     $u = $this->factory->user->create();
     $t = $this->factory->topic->create_many(3);
     // Add topic favorites.
     add_post_meta($t[0], '_bbp_favorite', $u, false);
     // Add user favorite.
     bbp_add_user_favorite($u, $t[1]);
     $favorites = bbp_get_user_favorites_topic_ids($u);
     $this->assertEqualSets(array($t[0], $t[1]), $favorites);
     // Add user favorite.
     bbp_add_user_favorite($u, $t[2]);
     $favorites = bbp_get_user_favorites_topic_ids($u);
     $this->assertEqualSets(array($t[0], $t[1], $t[2]), $favorites);