function icon($comment) { if (bb_get_option('avatars_show')) { echo '<div class="gravatar">'; $user = bb_get_user($comment->poster_id); if ($user->user_url) { echo '<a href="' . $user->user_url . '">'; } echo bb_get_avatar($user->user_email, 40); if ($user->user_url) { echo '</a>'; } echo '</div>'; } }
?> </a> » <a href="<?php user_profile_link($user_id); ?> "><?php echo get_user_display_name($user_id); ?> </a> » <?php _e('Profile'); ?> </div> <div class="vcard" role="main"> <?php if ($avatar = bb_get_avatar($user->ID)) { ?> <div id="useravatar"><?php echo $avatar; ?> </div> <?php unset($avatar); } ?> <h2 id="userlogin"><span class="fn"><?php echo get_user_display_name($user->ID); ?> </span> <small>(<span class="nickname"><?php echo get_user_name($user->ID); ?>
function bb_user_row($user, $role = '', $email = false) { $actions = "<a href='" . esc_attr(get_user_profile_link($user->ID)) . "'>" . __('View') . "</a>"; $title = ''; if (bb_current_user_can('edit_user', $user_id)) { $actions .= " | <a href='" . esc_attr(bb_get_user_admin_link($user->ID)) . "'>" . __('Edit') . "</a>"; $title = " title='" . esc_attr(sprintf(__('User ID: %d'), $user->ID)) . "'"; } $r = "\t<tr id='user-{$user->ID}'" . get_alt_class("user-{$role}") . ">\n"; $r .= "\t\t<td class=\"user\">" . bb_get_avatar($user->ID, 32) . "<span class=\"row-title\"><a href='" . get_user_profile_link($user->ID) . "'" . $title . ">" . get_user_name($user->ID) . "</a></span><div><span class=\"row-actions\">{$actions}</span> </div></td>\n"; $r .= "\t\t<td><a href='" . get_user_profile_link($user->ID) . "'>" . get_user_display_name($user->ID) . "</a></td>\n"; if ($email) { $email = bb_get_user_email($user->ID); $r .= "\t\t<td><a href='mailto:{$email}'>{$email}</a></td>\n"; } $registered_time = bb_gmtstrtotime($user->user_registered); if ($registered_time < time() - 86400) { $time = date('Y/m/d\\<\\b\\r \\/\\>H:i:s', bb_offset_time($registered_time)); } else { $time = sprintf(__('%s ago'), bb_since($registered_time)); } $r .= "\t\t<td>" . $time . "</td>\n"; if (!isset($user->capabilities) || !is_array($user->capabilities) || empty($user->capabilities)) { $role = array(__('Inactive (no role)')); } else { global $nxt_roles; $_roles = $nxt_roles->get_names(); $role = array(); foreach ($user->capabilities as $cap => $cap_set) { if (!$cap_set) { continue; } $role[] = $_roles[$cap]; } if (!count($role)) { $role[] = __('None'); } } $r .= "\t\t<td>" . join(', ', $role) . "</td>\n\t</tr>"; return $r; }
<tr> <td class="c" colspan="2"><a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?> "><?php bb_option('name'); ?> </a> » <?php _e('Profile'); ?> </th> </tr> <tr> <th class="userlogin" width="100px" align="center" valign="center"><?php echo bb_get_avatar($user->ID); ?> <br><?php echo get_user_name($user->ID); ?> </td> <td class="b" align="left"> <?php if ($updated) { ?> <td class="notice"> <p><?php _e('Profile updated'); ?>
function post_author_avatar_link($size = '48', $default = '', $post_id = 0) { if (!bb_get_option('avatars_show')) { return false; } $author_id = get_post_author_id($post_id); if ($link = get_user_link($author_id)) { echo '<a href="' . esc_attr($link) . '">' . bb_get_avatar($author_id, $size, $default) . '</a>'; } else { echo bb_get_avatar($author_id, $size, $default); } }
topic_close_link(array('id' => $topic->topic_id, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'close_text' => __('Close'), 'open_text' => _x('Open', 'action'))); ?> | <?php topic_delete_link(array('id' => $topic->topic_id, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'delete_text' => __('Delete'), 'undelete_text' => __('Undelete'))); ?> </span> </div> </td> <td class="author"> <a class="author-link" href="<?php user_profile_link($topic->topic_poster); ?> "> <?php echo bb_get_avatar($topic->topic_poster, '16'); ?> <?php topic_author(); ?> </a> </td> <td class="posts num"><?php topic_posts(); ?> </td> <td class="date num"> <?php if (get_topic_start_time('U') < time() - 86400) { topic_start_time('Y/m/d\\<\\b\\r \\/\\>H:i:s'); } else {
<h1><a href="<?php bb_uri(); ?> "><?php bb_option('name'); ?> </a></h1> </div> <div id="content"> <ul id="greeting"> <?php if (bb_is_user_logged_in()) { if ($user = bb_get_current_user_info()) { if ($avatar = bb_get_avatar($user->ID, '48')) { ?> <li id="avatar"><?php echo $avatar; ?> </li> <?php } ?> <li id="message"><?php printf(__("Hello, %s!"), $user->display_name); ?> </li> <li id="logout"><?php bb_logout_link(); ?>
} else { bb_delete_option($option); } } } $goback = add_query_arg('updated', 'true', wp_get_referer()); bb_safe_redirect($goback); exit; } if (!empty($_GET['updated'])) { bb_admin_notice(__('<strong>Settings saved.</strong>')); } $remote_options = array('enable_pingback' => array('title' => __('Enable Pingbacks'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array(1 => __('Allow link notifications from other sites.')))); $bb_get_option_avatars_show = create_function('$a', 'return 1;'); add_filter('bb_get_option_avatars_show', $bb_get_option_avatars_show); $avatar_options = array('avatars_show' => array('title' => __('Avatar display'), 'type' => 'radio', 'options' => array(0 => __('Don’t show avatars'), 1 => __('Show avatars'))), 'avatars_rating' => array('title' => __('Maximum rating'), 'type' => 'radio', 'options' => array('g' => __('G — Suitable for all audiences'), 'pg' => __('PG — Possibly offensive, usually for audiences 13 and above'), 'r' => __('R — Intended for adult audiences above 17'), 'x' => __('X — Even more mature than above'))), 'avatars_default' => array('title' => __('Default avatar'), 'type' => 'radio', 'options' => array('default' => bb_get_avatar('', 32, 'default') . ' ' . __('Mystery Man'), 'blank' => bb_get_avatar('', 32, 'blank') . ' ' . __('Blank'), 'logo' => bb_get_avatar('', 32, 'logo') . ' ' . __('Gravatar Logo'), 'identicon' => bb_get_avatar(rand(0, 999), 32, 'identicon') . ' ' . __('Identicon (Generated)'), 'wavatar' => bb_get_avatar(rand(0, 999), 32, 'wavatar') . ' ' . __('Wavatar (Generated)'), 'monsterid' => bb_get_avatar(rand(0, 999), 32, 'monsterid') . ' ' . __('MonsterID (Generated)')), 'note' => array(__('For users without a custom avatar of their own, you can either display a generic logo or a generated one based on their e-mail address.')))); remove_filter('bb_get_option_avatars_show', $bb_get_option_avatars_show); $bb_admin_body_class = ' bb-admin-settings'; bb_get_admin_header(); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2><?php _e('Discussion Settings'); ?> </h2> <?php do_action('bb_admin_notices'); ?>